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Mati, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur
General Education
Life and Works of Rizal

1. Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina to ________________________.

I. unite the whole country II. fight violence and injustice III. revolt against the Spaniards
A. I and III B. II only C. I and II D. II and III
2. Four days after the founding of the La Liga Filipina, Rizal was arrested and imprisoned at fort Santiago without due
process of law. Who was then the Governor-General of the country who ordered the arrest and banishment of Rizal in
a. Ramon Blanco b. Eulogio Despujol c. Camilo Polavieja d. Emilio Terrero
3. Friends and fellow nationalist defended Noli Me Tangere. A brilliant defense came from Rev. Vicente Garcia who
claimed that Rizal did not attack the church and Spain.
a. Rizal’ Noli Me Tangere was simply a fiction, no harm to anyone
b. Rizal focused on the ignorance of Filipinos
c. Rizal would want to enlighten or open the minds of his fellowmen
d. Rizal attacked the bad Spanish officials and priests.
4. According to Rizal himself he took the term Noli Me Tangere, which means “Touch Me Not” from the bible. From
what Gospel was NOli Me Tangere taken?
a. St Luke (24:12) b. St Luke (24:44) c. St John (20:17) d. St John (20:15)
5. The character in the novel Noli was described by Rizal as a laundry woman before her marriage to the officer of the
Guardia Civil. She was known as the “Muse of the Guardia Civil.” She pretended to have forgotten Tagalog already but
her use of Spanish was awful. Who was the woman?
a. Dona Consolacion b. Dona Victorina de los Reyes de Espadana c. Sisa d. Paulita Gomez
6. Sometime in 1807, Rizal’s close friend Ferdinand Blumentritt asked him to define the term for he could not find the
word in European Spanish or Spanish American sources. Rizal replied that in Filipino, the word meant: “a dangerous
patriot who someday will be hanged.” What was the word requested Rizal to define.
a. Filibuster b. Revolutionist c. Militarist d. Patriot
7. In his poem, “The intimate alliance between religion and good education, Rizal showed the importance of religion in
education. Which of these is a valid main topic for the poem?
a. education without God is not true education b. religion without education is a not a true religion
c. education without God is allowable d. religion without education is allowable
8. The winning of “La Juventud Filipina” in literary contest was controversial and exceptional. Why?
a. there were better entries but Rizal’s charming abilities won the judges
b. Rizal should not be contestant because the contest was exclusively for the elite.
c. It was a Spaniard poem written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by the Spaniards
d. It was the first poem advocating the youth to stand for the truth and for their country.
9. Rizal met a kind Protestant German pastor in Germany who befriended him. He stayed at his vicarage and learned
German language. This is where he finished his first novel. Where was “Noli Village” located in honor of the novel Noli
Me Tangere?
a. Wilhelmfeld b. Berlin c. Heidelberg d. Leipzig
10. What famous literary work did Rizal voice out the conviction that women would think for themselves, should be
educated, and should be more active in public office?
a. to the virgin mary b. letter to the young women of Malolos c. my first inspiration d. to the flowers
of Heidelberg
11. Rizal had a best friend whom he would always confide with through letters. His best friend is a principal of a
secondary school in Leitmeritz, Austria. Who is he?
a. Ferdinand Blumentritt b. Maximo Viola c. Pedro PAterno d. Jose M. Cecilio
12. On time that Rizal returned in the Philippines his novel Noli Me Tangere had already caused disputes especially
among the friars. Who is the Augustinian friar who published an eight series handout to attack Noli Me Tangere?
a. Padre Jose Rodriguez b. Padre Antonio Obach c. Padre Jose Bech d. Padre Federico Faura
13. El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and like the first book it was written in Spanish. To whom did he
dedicate this second novel?
a. to his beloved parents b. to the suffering Filipino people
c. to the executed Filipino priests GOMBURZA d. to his love, Leonor Rivera
14. Where is the setting of the first chapter of El Filibusterismo?
a. at the University of Santo Tomas b. at the old, circular ship called tabo
c. at the house of the lead character Simoun d. at the old house of Kapitan Tiyago
15. In El Filibusterismo, who was the character who’s like Rizal’s father who owned a land which was confiscated by the
Spanish friars?
a. Kapitan Tiyago b. Tiburcio de Espadana c. Kabesang Tales d. Placido Penitente
16. When the Spaniards found out Simoun’s plan against government, they went after him. Simoun fled carrying with
him, his wealth to the house of a Filipino priest near the sea. Who was this priest?
a. Padre Florentino b. Padre Irene c. Padre Camona d. Padre MIllon
17. Rizal based the characters in NOli Me Tangere and El Felibusterismo on the people in his life. To whom did he
patterned the character of Paulita Gomez, Isagan’s true love, Who later married Juanito Pelaez?
a. to his mother, teodora Alonzo b. to his eldest sister, Saturnina c. to his love, Leonor Rivera d. To
the Japanese girl, O Sei San
18. Who was the former teacher and friend of Rizal in Ateneo to who the following statements were made relative to the
writings of his Noli. “I wished to hit the friars, for they utilize religion not only as a shield, but also as a weapon, a
proterction, castle, fortress, an armor, etc?
a. Fr. Salvi b. Fr. Salvador Font c. Fr. Pablo Pastells d. Fr. Federico Faura
19. What was the title of Rizal’s poem from which the following lines were taken? “Whoever knows not how to love his
native tongue is worst than any beast or evil smelling fish. To make our language richer ought to be our wish the same as
any mother loves to feel the young.
a. huling paalam b. sa mga kabataang Pilipino/to the youth/A la Juventud
c. sa aking mga kabata/our mother tongue d.. sa mga kababaihan ng Malolos/To the women of Malolos
20. IN the Novel Noli Me Tangere, he was described by Rizal as the nephew of Dona Victorina and a grandson of a
relative of Padre Damaso, a private secretary of all ministers and later to became the Fiance to Maria Clara. Who was he?
a. Alfonso Linares de Espadana b. Placido Penitente c. Chino Quiroga d. Don Felipe
21. Knowing Ferdinand Blumentritt’s great interest on the cultural aspect of the Philippines, Rizal gave him a book
entitled Aritmetika written by Rufino Baltazar Hernandez in 1868. In what language was this book written?
a. Latin b. Spanish c. English d. Tagalog
22. Who was the Portuguese friend of Rizal whom he wrote on the following lines March 5, 1895? “Some have proposed
to me to escape, but I refuse to do so that I have nothing to reproach myself for I do not want to be called runaway……
a. Dr. Laurencio Marquez b. Johann Hendrich Caspar Kern c. Dr. Adolf B. Meyer d. Manuel Becerra
23. This was setting of the novel Noli Me Tangere.
a. Sto. Domingo b. San Diego c. Sto. Cristo d. Sta. Barbara
24. On June 11, 1901, the second Philippine Commission approved act no. 137, which organized “the political military
district of morong into the “province of Rizal.” This was done due to which of the following reasons?
a. creating a province that will lead the people of mOrong to be united after the freedom from Spain
b. Creating a province that will lead to the proclamation of Jose Rizal to be the National Hero
c. Creating a province to provide equal rights to people living near Morong and Manila
d. Creating a province to be named after Jose Rizal in honor of his martyrdom
25. Born in Sta. Cruz, Manila on August 2, 1799; he was the parish priest of BAcoor, Cavite at the time he was involved
in the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
a. Andres Urdanete b. Jacinto Zamora c. Vicente Garcia d. Mariano Ponce
26. Govenor General Emilio Terreto had ordered the commission coming from the University of Santo Tomas to review
the content of NOli Me Tangere as suggested by Archbishop Pedro Payo. What was the suggestion of this commission
regarding the Novel?
a. strictly advised the friars to analyze the content of the novel for further discussion on the Sunday mass
b. create another commission review the contents of the novel.
c. Called a conference with the governor general and let the author explain the contents of the novel
d. strictly prohibit the production, circulation and as well as reading of the novel.
27. As an answer to Fr. Rodriguez, Marcelo H. del Pilar, under the pen name of Dolores Manapat, has written a pamphlet
similar to the physical make up that enabled to enter the churches and be read by church goers. What was the title of del
Pilar’s work which literally means “Be as slippery as an Eel.”
a. Caiigat cayo b. Caiingat Cayo c. Dasalan at Tocsohan d. La Espana Moderna
28. Which of the following statements is Rizal’s annotation on Los Sucesos del las Islas Filipinas?
I. Villabolos and not Legaspi was the one who named the island as Philippine
II. Manila was established on 1571 and not on 1572.
III. It was only the Spaniards who joined Magellan on his trip but also Portuguese, Malays, Negritos and other
IV. The Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands and not 7,100
a. I and II b. II and IV c. I, II and III d. All of the above
29. On Rizal’s exile in Dapitan, he was guarded by a Spanish Military commandant, Captain Ricardo Canicero. How did
this military commandant treat the exiled?
a. He would allow Rizal to talk to his visitors only upon his consent
b. He supported Rizal’s activities and reported it to the governor general to ask for funding
c. he gave Rizal the freedom to go anywhere requiring him only to report once a week to his office
d. he strictly guarded Rizal and would not allow him to do any activities that are suspicious in his eyes
30. Inspired by the work of his fellow reformist most especially by his book “La Sobernia Monacal en Filipinas”
(Monastic Supremacy in the Philippines) Rizal wrote the author a letter dated April 4, 1890 urging him to write more and
if possible, succeed him in the reform movement. Who was the author of the said book?
a. Mariano Ponce b. Marcelo H. Del PIlar c. Jose Ma. Panganiban d. Graciano Lopez JAena
31. If Apolinario Mabini was the “Brain of the Revolution,” who was this equally illustrious Filipino who was considered
the “Brain of the Katipunan”
a. Marcelo H. del Pilar b. Andres Bonifacio c. Emilio Jacinto d. Graciano Lopez JAena
32. Though Jose Rizal was the author of both NOli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, the two novels differ in many
aspect. What is the most important difference between the two?
a. they differ in character b. they differ on the ideas and aspirations implied to the reader
c. They differ on the place and date they were written by Rizal d. They differ on the setting and over all plot of
the story
33. In a secret assembly of the Katipuneros, he was the one selected to go to Dapitan and to get Rizal’s opinion on having
a revolution against the Spaniards.
a. Pedro Paterno b. Andres Bonifacio c. Marcelo H. Del Pilar d. Pio VAlenzuela
34. What was Dr. Jose Rizal’s educational philosophy?
a. to create in the youth an innate desire to alleviate his intelligence that will lead him to eternal life
b. to see improvements in the school and in the methods of teaching
c. to form the nucleus of an unfavorable opinion of imperialistic administration of his country and people d. to be
able to contain if not eliminate, social evils like inferiority complex, camaraderie, timidity and false pride.
35. What could be Dr. Jose Rizal’s guiding political philosophy for the country?
a. to censure the friars for abusing the advantage of their position philosophy for the country
b. to counsel the Filipinos not to resent a defeat attributed to them
c. to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory
d. for the country not to be taken advantage but rather be developed, civilized educated, and brained in the science
of self-government
36. What was depicted by the character of Tasio in the novel, “Noli Me Tangere?”
a. indictment against the defective education system during the Spanish regime
b. Plight of the elderly people
c. condemnation of the friars
d. fate of the intellectual during his time and what extent the Filipino was actually discouraged from growing
37. Who was this Filipino hero who wrote the following statements: “I am now surrounded by the enemy which shall
overpower me, and my brave men, I shall die happy with the thought that it is sweet to die defending my motherland.”
a. Antonio Luna b. Andres BOnifacio c. Gregorio del Pilar d. Apolinario Mabini
38. What was the reason of Rizal when he decided to write his two novels in Spanish?
a. he wants to show off his talent in Spanish
b. he wants to hide it to those who doesn’t know Spanish
c. he has the idea that it was the intellegentia that should lead and guide the people in the revolution’
d. he loves the language and were comfortable with it
39. What crime Rizal was tried by the Spanish Military Court?
a. graft and corruption b. rebellion and organized c. libel and assault d. falsification of documents
40. After the execution, Rizal corpse was buried with the greatest secrecy at the Paco Cemetery. Who was the one who
patiently search all the cemeteries in Manila to find his body in vain?
a. his brother, Paciano b. his mother, Teodora c. his sister, Narcissa d. his friend, Maximo Viola
41. When Rizal was in trial, who was the defense counsel assigned to him?
a. Luis Taviel de Andrade b. Nicolas de pena c. CAmilo de Polavieja d. Martin Constantino
42. Who gladly agreed to finance the printing cost of the book Noli Me Tangere when Rizal was having problems with the
a. Ferdinand Blumentritt b. Hans Meyer c. Antonio de Morga d. Maximo Viola
43. Rizal was able to finish his studies and performed excellently in all subjects in Ateneo. He was later coined as the
“pride of the Jesuits” but he pointed out that if it weren’t for this education, he wouldn’t have achieved those goals. Who
was this educator?
a. father Sanchez b. Maestro Aquino c. Don Saez d. Don de Jesus
44. Below are four statements about the Philippines during Rizal’s time. Which statement is false?
a. the system of government was called frailocracy
b. The Philippines was represented in the Spanish Cortes
c. The big plantations were owned by religious organizations
d. The justice system served the interests of the Spanish colonial government
45. Who ordered Jose Rizal to be shot in Bagumbayan on the morning of December 30, 1896?
a. governor general Ramon Blanco b. governor general Eologio Despujol
c. governor general Camilo Polavieja d. governor general Rafael de Izquierdo
46. Jose Rizal and other mestizos and pensionados in Madrid formed the propagandists. Movement to appeal reformers in
the Spanish administration in the Philippines through periodicals and pamphlets. Which of the following was not a
product of the propagandists movement?
a. Sol b. Fray Botod c. Kalayaan d. Dasalan at Tocsohan
47. Who lead the battle of Tirad Pass?
a. Andres Malong b. Diego Silang c. Franscisco Dagohoy d. Gregorio H. del Pilar
48. Who led the longest revolt in Philippine history?
a. Andres Malong b. Diego Silang c. Francisco Dagohoy d. Hernando Pule
49. In 1872 the martyrdom of GOMBURZA truly inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny and redeem his
oppressed people. The governor general who ordered the execution of GOMBURZA
a. governor general Rafael de Izquierdo b. governor general Fernando Primo de Rivera
c. governor general Ramon Blanco d. governor general Camilo de Polavieja
50.Who is the author of Rizal bill?
a. Sen. Jose P. Laurel b. Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
c. Sen. Claro M. Recto d. Sen. Mariano Cuenco
51. Spanish people enjoyed many kinds of freedom in mother Spain. What happened in
the Philippines?
a. Instability of Colonial Administration b. Racial discrimination
c. Human Rights denied to Filipinos d. Corrupt Government Officials
52. The first private tutor of Rizal.?
a. Maestro Celestino b. Leon Monroy
b. Maestro Lucas Padua d. Maestro Justiniano Cruz
53. A unique form of government in Hispanic Philippines which arose because of the Union of Church and State.
a. Monarchy b. Frailocracy
c. Democracy d. None of these
54. Known as polo, it was the compulsory labor enforced by the Spanish colonial authorities on adult Filipino males in the
construction of churches, schools, hospitals; building and repair of roads and bridges; the building of ships in the
shipyards; and other public works.
a. Manual labor b. Forced Labor c. Legal Labor d. None of these
55. He became as a second father to Jose Rizal. Studied at San José College in Manila. Just like his father, Paciano
became a farmer.
a. Manuel Hidalgo b. Francisco Mercado c. Francisco Rizal d. Paciano Mercado
56. The exact date of the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal.
a. December 30, 1869 b. December 30, 1896 c. December 30, 1892 d. December 30, 1895
57. It is a socio-civic organization organized by Dr. Jose Rizal.
a. Katipunan b. La Liga Filipina c. La Solidaridad d. Kalayaan
58. What is the name of the ship that was boarded by Rizal from Dapitan to Manila after his exile in Dapitan.
a. España b. Castilla c. Isla De Panay d. Isla de Luzon
59. This was said to be the last written piece of Rizal before he died.
a. To my Father b. To my Mother c. My Last Farewell d. None of these
60. Who was the Governor General when Rizal was executed?
a. Gov. Gen. Despujol b. Gov. Gen. Blanco c. Gov. Gen. Izquierdo d. Gov. Gen. Polavieja
61. The motto of La Liga Filipina?
a.“one like all”, “one equals all” and “one for all” b. One for All
c. All For One d. They don’t have a motto

62. What is the old name of Luneta Park?

a. Luneta b. Bagumbayan c. Luneta de Bagumbayan d. None of these
63. This is an essay of Rizal which is an able defense of the allege laziness of the Filipinos.
a. The Philippines a Century Hence b. To the young women of Malolos
b. Los Agricultures Filipinos d. The Indolence of the Filipinos
64. Where did Rizal got detained right after he arrived from Barcelona prior to his execution.
a. Fort Bonifa cio b. Fort Santiago c. Fort Pilar d. None of these
65. The Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas was originally written by _______.
a. Dr. Jose Rizal b. Dr. Antonio de Morga c. Dr. Adolph Virchow d. None of these
66. The novel Noli me Tangere was said to be the “work of the ______”.
a. Heart b. Head c. Both a and b d. None of these
67. The novel El Filibusterismo was said to be the “work of the ______.”
a. Heart b. Head c. Both and b d. None of these
68. He is a unique example of many splendored genius who became the greatest hero of the nation?
a. Jose Rizal b. Andres Bonifacio c. Both a and b d. None of these
69.What university did Rizal took his college degree?
a. University of the Philippines b. University of Santo Tomas
c. Ateneo Municipal d. None of these
70. Poem written by Rizal in Honor of Immaculate Conception.
a. Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma b. Our Mother Tongue
c. Himno Al Trabajo d. None of these
71. Publisher of the first Manila bilingual newspaper.
a. El Nuevo Día b. Basilio Teodoro Moran
c. Marcelo H. Del Pilar d. None of these
72. Who was Rizal’s travel companion in visiting Europe in 1887?
a. Dr. Maximo Viola b. Basilio Teodoro Moran
c. Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt d. Fr. Jose Bech
73. What was the painting in Museum of Art in Dresden that deeply impressed Rizal?
a.“A Painting on a pair of mother-of-pearl” b. “Spanish Coat of Arms”
c. “Prometheus Bound” d. “Christ Crucified”
74. What was the poem Rizal wrote for his friend Lipa before leaving Calamba in 1888?
a.To The Philippines b. Hymn to Labor
c. Farewell d. Memories of My town
75. Who is the Japanese girl whom Rizal fall in love?
a. O-Sei-San b.Leonor Valenzuela
c. Segunda Katigbak d. Josephine Bracken
76. What was the popular mode of transportation in Japan which Jose Rizal did not like?
a. Rickshaws b. Steamships
c. Ferryboats d. Road Transport
77. What was the bad impression of Rizal had when he visited the America?
a. system of government c. pulling the carts called rickshaws
b. lack of racial equality d. the justice system
78. A friend of Rizal who was a medical student at the University of Santo Tomas was arrested and jailed in Bilibid Prison
because copies of the Noli were found in his house.
a. Máximo Viola c. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista y Altamira
b. Dr. Marques d. Laureano Viado
79. A new society of Filipino patriots in Paris that replaced the Kidlat Club.
a. Indios Bravo c. Los Indios
b. Kidlat Club d. La Liga
80. El Filibusterismo finished in___________.
a. Biarritz, France c. Barcelona
b. Calamba, Laguna d. Madrid
81. Who did Rizal wrote letter about his pleasant life in Hongkong in January 31, 1892.
a. Doctor Lorenzo Marques c. Jose Ma. Basa
b. Ferdinand Blumentritt d. Marcelo H. del Pilar
82.How long did Rizal exiled in Dapitan?
a. 4 years c. 2 years
b. 3 years d. 6 years

83. Who was called the “Dapitan Girl?”

a. O-Sei-San b.Leonor Valenzuela
c. Segunda Katigbak d. Josephine Bracken
84. Only vice of Rizal is__________.
a. lottery b. Smoke
c. Liqour d. None of these
85. When did Rizal won the lottery?
a. September 21, 1892 b. September 21, 1893
c. Deceber 30, 1896 d. September 21, 1891
86. Title of the poem he wrote for his pupils to sing during his exile in Dapitan?
a. My Last Farewell b.My Retreat
c. Hymn to Talisay d. None of these
87. Who was the friar’s spy who secretly visited Rizal?
a. Pablo Mercado b.Juan Caballero y Ocio
c. Vicente García y Teodoro d. None of these
88. The court martial of Rizal started in the military building called_________.
a. Pablo Mercado b.Cuartel de España
c. Vicente García y Teodoro d. None of these
89. Who was the Spanish newspaper correspondent who visited Rizal on his last 24 hours?
a. Fr. Vicente Balaguer b.Santiago Mataix
c. Vicente García y Teodoro d. None of these
90. How old was Rizal when he died?
a. 35 years, 6months and 11 days b. 30 years, 7months and 11 days
c. 30 years, 6months and 11 days d. 31 years, 6months and 11 days
91. What is the first novel of Rizal?
a. Noli Me Tangere b. Sa aking Kababata
c. El Filibusterismo d. Farewell
92. What is the title of Rizal’s unfinished novel in Tagalog?
a. Makamisa b. Sa aking Kababata
c. El Filibusterismo d. Noli Me Tangere
93. Where and when did Rizal finish his Bachelor of Arts degree?
a. Ateneo Municipal de Manila,1888 b. University of Santo Tomas, 1877
c. Ateneo Municipal de Manila,1877 d. Central University of Madrid, 1884
94. When and where did Rizal start his formal schooling?
a. Calamba, Laguna 1986 b. In Biňan in 1868
c. In Biňan in 1869 d. None of these
95. What was Rizal first winning literary piece on the competition sponsored by the Artistic-Literary Lyceum?
a. To The Philippines b. Our Mother Tongue
c. Memories of My town d. A La Juventud Filipina.
96. Who was the oldest sister of Rizal?
a. Saturnina b. Concecion
c. Soledad d. Narcisa
97. Who is the judge advocate to institute the corresponding action against Rizal?
a. Judge Advocate Rafael Dominguez b. Judge Advocate Colonel Francisco Olive
c.Governor General Blanco d. Judge Advocate General, Don Nicolas de la Pena
98. When and where Jose Rizal was born?
a. June 19, 1861; Calamba Laguna Province b. June 19, 1862; Calamba Laguna Province
c. June 18, 1861; Calamba Laguna Province d. None of these
99. What is the first romantic book Jose Rizal read?
a. The Barber of Seville b.The Count of Monte-Cristo
c. The Marriage of Figaro d. None of these
100. Who adopted Josephine Bracken?
a. George Edward Taufer b.James Bracken
c. Father Obach d. None of these

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