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XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq 2017-2018 08. GKwU KYvi Dci F  (10ˆi  10ˆj  10kˆ )N ej cÖ※qvM Ki※j

mgq : 1 N›Uv 30 wgwbU cŔY©gvb: 120 KYvwUi miY nq r  (2ˆi  2ˆj  2kˆ )m | ej KZ…©K m¤•vw`Z
c`v_©weÁvb (Physics) KvR KZ n※e? (A particle is moved through a

01. hw` A=BnCm Ges A, B I C Gi gv⁆v h_vµ※g, LT, L2T–1 distance r  (2ˆi  2ˆj  2kˆ )m when a force
Ges LT2 nq Z※e n I m Gi gvb n※e (Suppose A = BnCm, 
F  (10ˆi  10ˆj  10kˆ )N is applied on it. What is
where A, B and C have dimensions LT, L2T–1 and
LT2, respectively; then the values of n and m will be) the work done by the force?)
A. 2/3, 1/3 B. 2, 3 A. 20 J B. 30 J C. 10 J D. 40 J
09. hw` GKwU mij ý`vj※Ki we¯@vi wظY Kiv nq, Zvn※j mij
C. 4/5, –1/5 D. 1/5, 3/5
ý`vjKwUi ch©vqKvj (If the amplitude of oscillation of
02. kw³i gv⁆v Kx n※e? (What is the dimension of energy?)
a simple pendulum is doubled, then the period of
A. MLT–2 B. ML2T–1
–2 oscillation will be)
C. M LT D. ML2T–2 A. wظY n※e (doubled)
  
03. ýf±i A, B I C Gi gvb h_vµ※g 12, 5 I 13 Ges B. A※a©K n※e (halved)
   
A  B  C | A I B ýf±iØ※qi ga¨eZx© ýKv※Yi gvb KZ? C. Pvi¸Y n※e (four times larger)
   D. AcwiewZ©Z _vK※e (unchanged)
(The magnitudes of vectors A, B and C are 12,
   10. GKwU cv_i※K GKwU DuPz RvqMv ý_※K wb※P ýd※j ý`Iqv n※jv|
5 and 13, respectively, and A  B  C . What is the wb※æi ýKvb ýjLwP⁆wU Gi MwZ※K cÖKvk K※i? (A stone is
 
value of the angle between A and B ?) dropped from a cliff. Which of the graphs
π π π π represents its motion?)

A. B. C. D.

2 3 4 6 A. B.
04. mg※e※M Pjgvb GKwU Mvwoi ýeªK Klvi ci MvwowU mgg›`※b
t (s)
_vK※Z ïiŖ Kij| wb※æi ýKvb ýjLwP⁆wU MvwowUi miY (s) Gi t (s)
mv※_ ýeM (v) Gi cwieZ©b wb※`©k K※i? (A car is travelling

at a constant velocity. Its brakes are then applied,
causing uniform deceleration. Which graph C. D.
shows the variation of the velocity v with the t (s) t (s)
distances s of the car?) 11. GKwU Uvbv Zv※i Uv※bi cwigvY 4 ¸Y e‾w× Ki※j K¤•vsK KZ
v v v v ¸Y e‾w× cv※e? (If the tension of a stretched string is
increased 4 times, how many times will the
A. B. C. D. frequency increase?)
s s s s A. 16 B. 4 C.3 D. 2
05. e‾⁃vKvi c※_ 72 km/h mg`ªŖwZ※Z Pjgvb ýKvb Mvoxi 12. iŖ×Zvcxq cÖ w µqvq ýKvb ýfŠZ ivwk w¯ř i _v※K? (Which
physical quantity remains constant in an
ýK›`ªgyLx Z¡iY 1 m/s2 n※j e‾⁃vKvi c※_i e¨vmva© KZ?
adiabatic process?)
(A car, moving in a circular path with a A. ZvcgvÎv (temperature) B. Pvc (pressure)
constant speed of 72 km/h, experiences a C. G›Uªwc (entropy) D. Af¨š@ixY kw³ (internal energy)
centripetal acceleration of 1 m/s2. What is the 13. c‾w_ex c‾※ô (ge = 9.8 m/s2) GKwU ý`vjK Nwo mwVK mgq
radius of the circular path?) ý`q| NwowU P›`ªc‾※ô (gm=1.6 m/s2) ýbIqv n※j c‾w_ex c‾※ôi
A. 150 m B. 300 m 1h mgq P›`ªc‾※ô n※e (Suppose you have a pendulum
C. 400 m D. 200 m clock that keeps correct time on the earth (ge =
06. ¯^vfvweK ZvcgvÎvq P-UvBc Aa©cwievnxi Avavb cwievnx ýKvbwU 9.8 m/s2). You take it to the moon (gm = 1.6 m/s2).
(ýKvb¸※jv)? (What is (are) the charge carrier (s) in a For every hour (h) of interval (on the earth), the
P-type semiconductor at room temperature?) moon clock will record)
A. ïaygvÎ ýnvj (holes only) 9.8 1.6 9.8 1.6
B. ïaygvÎ B※jKUªb (electrons only) A. h B. h C. h D. h
1.6 9.8 1.6 9.8
C. abvÍK Avqb (positive ions) 14. wZbwU myi kjvKv ýbIqv n※jv hv※`i K¤•vsK h_vµ※g 105
D. ýnvj Ges B※jKUªb (both holes and electrons)
Hz, 315 Hz Ges 525 Hz| kjvKv wZbwU w`※q evqy※Z kã
07. GKwU Zv※ii Bqs Gi ¸YvsK 41011 N/m2| ZviwUi ˆ`N©¨
m‾wó Ki※j m‾ó k※ãi Zi½ ˆ`※N©¨i AbycvZ Kx n※e? (Three
7.5% evov※Z Kx cwigvY cxob cÖ※qvRb n※e? (Young
tuning forks are taken whose frequencies are
modulus of a string is 41011 N/m2. How much
105 Hz, 315 Hz and 525 Hz, respectively. If these
stress has to be applied to increase 7.5% of its
length?) forks produce sound waves in air, what will be
A. 7.510 N/m 2 10
B. 310 N/m 2 the ratio of their respective wavelengths?)
C. 5.3310 N/m10 2 10
D. 410 N/m 2 A. 1 : 3 : 5 B. 3 : 5 : 15
C. 15 : 5 : 3 D. 5 : 3 : 1
UCC 18
15. mvg¨ve¯řvq _vKv GKwU e¯Ř we※ùvwiZ n※q M1 I M2 f※ii `ywU electric motor, if the potential difference across
e¯Ř※Z fvM n※jv| fi `ywU G※K Ac※ii ý_※K h_vµ※g v1 I v2 the battery becomes 7.0 V, what is the current
ýe※M `y※i mi※Z jvMj| v1/v2 AbycvZwU n※e (A body, supplied to the motore?)
initially at rest, is exploded into two masses M1 A. 50 A B. 70 A
and M2. These masses move apart with speeds v1 C. 120 A D. 190A
and v2, respectively. The ratio v1/v2 is equal to) 23. `ywU mgvb Pv※R©i ga¨eZx© `ŔiZ¡ A※a©K Kiv n※j Ges PvR© `ywUi
M1 M2 M1 M2 gvb Kwg※q A※a©K Kiv n※j e※ji gvb (When the distanse.
A. B. C. D.
M2 M1 M2 M1 between two equal charges is reduced to half and
the magnitudes of the charges are also decreased
16. wP※⁆ cÖ`wk©Z eZ©bx※Z cÖevngv⁆v l2 KZ n※e?
to half, the force between them)
(What will be the 20 l
l2 l1 A. A※a©K n※e (reduces to half)
current l2 in the 9V 12 10
l2 l1 B. wظY n※e (becomes double)
circuit shown in
the figure?)
l C. AcwiewZ©Z _vK※e (remains unchanged)
A. 0.16 A B. 0.26 A D. Pvi¸Y n※e (becomes four times)
C. 0.36 A D. 0.46 A 24. ýKvbwU ZworPz¤^Kxq Zi½ bq? (Which of one of the
17. `ywU my※ijx KuvUvi K¤•v¼ 220 Hz I 210 Hz| hw` my※ijx KuvUv following is not an electromagnetic wave?)
`ywU GK※⁆ kã ˆZwi K※i Z※e cÖwZ ým※K※Û Drcbœ exU msL¨v n※e A. Radio wave B. Microwave
(There are two tuning forks of frequencies 220 Hz C. X-ray D. Ultrasound
and 210 Hz. If the forks are sounded together, the 25. GKB ýe※M Pjgvb GKwU B※jKUªb Ges GKwU ýcÖvUb※K GKwU
number of beast produced per second is) Awfbœ ýPŠ¤^※¶※⁆i w`※Ki mv※_ 90 ýKv※Y ýcÖiY Kiv n※jv|
A. 220 B. 210 C. 430 D. 10 Zv※`i Dci cÖhy³ cÖviw¤ÿK ýPŠ¤^Kxq ej n※e (An electron
18. ※Kvb& Zvcgv⁆v ýmw›U※MÖW ý¯‹j I dv※ibnvBU ý¯‹※j mgvb? and a proton travelling with the same velocity are
(Which temperature is same in both the injected into a region of uniform magnetic field
Centigrade and the Fahrenheit scales?) at 90 to the magnetic field direction. The initial
A. – 40 B. 40 C. 0 D. 100 magnetic forces on them are)
19. 100C ZvcgcvÎvi 373 kg cvwb※K 100C Zvcgv⁆vi ev※®• A. mgvb Ges GKB w`※K (equal in magnitude and direction)
cwiYZ Kiv n※j GbUªwci cwieZ©b n※e [cvwbi ev®•xfe※bi B. mgvb Ges wecixZ w`※K (equal in magnitude and
myßZvc= 2.26106 J/kg] (The change of entropy for opposite in direction)
373 kg water of 100C to convert into vapour of C. mgvb Ges cvi¯•wiK j¤^fv※e (equal in magnitude and
100C is) [Latent heat of vaporization of water = perpendicular to each other)
2.26106 J/kg] D. wfbœ Ges wecixZ w`※K (differing in magnitude and in
A. 2.26106 J/K B. 842.98 106 J/K opposite direction)
C. 165.04  106 J/K D. 847.01106 J/K 26. GKwU Av`k© UªvÝdigv※ii gyL¨ I ýMŠYKzÛwji cv※Ki msL¨v
20. GKwU KuvP ú¨v※ei msKU ýKvY 60 n※j KuvP Dcv`v※bi h_vµ※g 1000 Ges 100| gyL¨ KzÛjx※Z 1.0 A gv※bi Zwor
cÖwZmiv¼ n※e (It the critical angle for a glass slab is cÖevwnZ n※j ýMŠY KzÛjx※Z KZ Zwor cÖevn cvIqv hv※e?
60, then the refractive index of the material of (Number of turns in the primary and secondary
the glass slab will be) coils of an ideal transformer are 1000 and 100,
respectively. If an AC current of 1.0 A flows
1 3 2
A. B. 2 C. D. through the primary coil. what current will flow
2 2 3 through the secondary coil?)
21. F ýdvKvm `ŔiZ¡ wewkó `ywU D⁃j ýjÝ※K ci¯•※ii ms¯•※k© A. 1A B. 10 A
ivL※j Zv※`i wgwjZ ýdvKvm `ŔiZ¡ KZ n※e? (What will be C. 12 A D. 100 A
the resultant focal length of two convex lenses in 27. Av※jvK el© wK※mi GKK? (Light year is the unit of)
contact if F is the focal length of each lens?) A. `ªŖwZi (speed) B. `Ŕi※Z¡i (distance)
A. 4F B. 2F C. F/2 D. F C. mg※qi (time) D. K¤•v※¼i (frequency)
22. 12 V ZwoŗPvjK kw³ Ges 0.1 Af¨š@ixY ýiv※ai GKwU 28. cv※kŢ©i wP⁆wU ýKvb jwRK ýMB※Ui mgZzj¨ eZ©bx? (The
e¨vUvwi※K GKwU ˆe`y¨wZK ýgvU※ii m※½ mshy³ Ki※j e¨vUvwii circuit in the adjacent figure is equivalent to
cÖvš@Ø※qi wefe cv_©K¨ `uvovq 7.0 V| ýgvU※i mieivnK…Z which logic gate?) A
A. OR gate B. NOR gate B
Kv※i※›Ui gvb KZ? (A battery of emf 12 V and evj¦
C. NOT gate D. AND gate 
UCC internal resistance of 0.1 is connected to an 19
29. GKwU avZzi Kvh©v※c¶K 6.63 eV| avZzwUi ý¶※⁆ d※UvB※jKUªb 09. wb※Pi wewµqvi Drcv`/Drcv`mgŔn Kx? (What is (are) the
wbtmi※Yi mŔPbv K¤•v¼ KZ? [ cţvs※Ki aªŖeK = 6.6310–34 J.S] product(s) of the following reaction?)
(The work function of a metal is 6.63 eV. What is the (Mvp NaOH `ªeY)
HCHO  Products(s)
threshold frequency for photoemission from the (conc.NaO Hsolution)
metal?) [Planck's constant = 6.6310–34 J.S] A. CH3OH + CH4 B. CH4
A. 16  1014 Hz B. 16  10–14 Hz C. CH3OH + HCOOH D. HCOOH
C. 1.6  10 Hz D. 1.6  1019 Hz 10. [Co(NH3)4(H2O)2]Cl3 RwUj ýhŠMwU※Z Ae¯řvš@i avZzwUi
30. 14 min ýk※l ýZRw®Œq Polonium Gi 1/16 Ask Aewkó mwbœ※ek msL¨vwU KZ? (What is the co-ordination
_v※K| ýgŠjwUi Aa©vqy KZ? (At the end of 14 min, 1/16 number of the transition metal in the complex
of a sample of radioactive Polonium remains. The compound [Co(NH3)4(H2O)2]Cl3?)
half-life of Polonium is) A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 2
7 8 7 14 11. wb※Pi ýKvb Rjxq `ªeYwUi pH me※P※q ýewk? (Which one of
A. min B. min C. min D. min the following aqueous solution has the highest pH?)
8 7 2 3 A. 0.1 M NH3 B. 0.1 M NaOH
Answer Keys: 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A C. 0.1 M NH4Cl D. 0.1 M CH3COONa
9.D 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.D 12. ZvcDrcv`x wewµqvq ZvcgvÎv evov※j ýKvbwU mZ¨ bq?
18.A 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.B (When temperature of an exothermic reaction is
27.B 28.A 29.A 30.C increased, which one is not true?)
A. wewµqvnvi K※g (rate decreases)
imvqb (Chemistry) B. mvg¨ve¯řv ev※g hvq (equilibrium shifts to the left)
01. 2NO(g)+Cl2(g) ⇌2NOCl(g), wewµqvi Rb¨ 25C ZvcgvÎvq C. wewµqvnvi ev※o (rate increases)
Kp Gi gvb 1.9103 atm–1; GKB ZvcgvÎvq Kc Gi msL¨v gvb D. mwµqY kw³ aªeK _v※K (activation energy remains constant)
13. wb※Pi ýKvbwU jyBm GwmW? (Which one of the following
KZ? (For the reaction 2NO(g)+Cl2(g)⇌2NOCl(g), the
is Lewis acid?)
value of Kp is 1.9103 atm–1 at 25C; what is the A. HNO3 B. H2SO4 C. AlCl3 D. NH3
numerical value of Kc at the same temperature?) 14. ýKvbwU B※j※±ªvdvBj? (Which one is the electrophile?)
A. 4.6104 B. 5.9103 C. 10.2103 D. 3.210–3 A. PH3 B. H2O C. BF3 D. NH3
02. C6H5 – CHO + CH3NH2  q + H2O wewµqvq q Gi AvYweK 15. MwjZ NaCl Gi ga¨ w`※q 1F Zwor Pvjbv Ki※j K¨v※_v※W
ms※KZ ýKvbwU? (What is the molecular formula of q in the RgvK…Z Na Gi cwigvY n※ŗQ (The amount of Na
reaction C6H5 – CHO + CH3NH2 q + H2O?) deposited on the cathode when 1F of electricity is
H H passed through molten NaCl is)
A. 2.3 g B. 23.0 g C. 46.0 g D. 11.5 g
A. C6H5 – C =N –CH3 B. C6H5 – C=N –C6H5
C. C6H5 – CH3 – COOH D. C6H5 – COOH 16. MnO 4 Avqb※K ethandioate ion w`※q weRvwiZ Ki※j Mn Gi
03. M¨vmxq Ae¯řvq GK ýgvj cigvYy※Z GK ýgvj B※j±ªb ýhvM RviY gvb n※jv (When permanganate ion is reduced by
ethandioate ion the oxidation state of Mn becomes)
Ki※j ýh kw³i cwieZ©b nq Zv n※jv- (In gaseous state, A. 7+ B. 4+ C. 2+ D. 3+
one mole of electron is added to one mole of atm; 17. wb※Pi ýKvb Dw³ ev Dw³mgŔn mwVK? (Which of the
the change in enthalpy is called) following statement(s)6+is (are) correct?)
A. B※j±ª※b※MwUwfwU (electronegativity) i. Pvgov wkí ý_※K Cr eR©¨ wbM©Z nq (effluent of
B. 2q B※j±ª※bi Avmw³ (2nd electron affinity) tannery industry contains Cr6+)
ii. BDwiqv mvi wkí ý_※K Hg2+ wbM©Z nq (effluent of urea
C. 1g B※j±ª※bi Avmw³ (1st electron affinity) industry contains Hg2+)
D. 1g AvqbxKiY kw³ (1st ionization energy) iii. e¨vUvwi ˆZwii KviLvbv ý_※K Pb2+ wbM©Z nq (effluent of
04. wb※æi ýKvb ýhŠMwU optical isomerism ý`Lvq? (Which of battery manufacturing industry contains Pb2+)
the following compounds shows optical isomerism?) A. i + ii B. ii + iii C. i + iii D. i + ii +iii
C. (CH3)2C = CHCl D. CH3CH2COOH Gi bvg n※ŗQ- (The IUPAC name of the compound CH3–
234 234
CH(CH3)CH2 – C(CH3)OH – CH2 – CH3 is)
05. ýKvb cÖwµqvq 90 Th ý_※K 91 Pa ˆZwi nq? (Which process A. 2, 4-Dimethylhexanol-4
B. 3, 5-Dimethylhexanol-3
produces 234 234
91 Pa from 90 Th ?) C. 1-Ethyl-1, 3-Dimethylhexanol-1
A. -emission B. -emission D. 1, 3-Dimethyl-1-ethylbutanlol-1
C. -emission D. neutron-emission 19. wb※Pi ýKvbwU mwVK bq? (Which one of the following is
06. ýKvbwU R¡vjvwb bq? (Which one of the following is not a fuel?) incorrect?)
A. The pH of a 10–2 M HCl solution is 2.
A. H2 B. O2 C. CH4 D. C B. The pH of a 0.01 M Na2CO3 solution is higher than 7.
07. cÖgvY Ae¯řvq 10.0L wg※_b M¨v※m AYŔi msL¨v KZ? (At STP, C. The pH of a 0.01 M NaOH is 12.
what is the number of molecules in 10.0 L methane?) D. The pH of a 10–9 M HCl solution is 9.
A. 2.6891023 B. 26.891023 mwVK D⁃i ýbB
20. wb※Pi ýKvbwU RviY-weRviY wewµqv bq? (Which one of
C. 0.26891023 D. 26.891025 the following is not a redox reaction?)
08. ýKvbwU wm※g›U-wK¬sKvi Gi Dcv`vb bq? (Which one is not A. 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl
a constituent of cement-clinker?) B. SnCl2 + FeCl3  SnCl4 + FeCl2
A. Calcium silicate B. Calcium aluminate C. Cu + HNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + NO+H2O
C. Magnesium oxide D. Sodium oxide D. NaCl+AgNO3 NaNO3+AgCl
UCC 20
21. CH3 – CH = CH2 ýhŠ※M Kve©b¸※jvi msKiY wKiƒc? MwYZ (Mathematics)
(How is the hybridization of carbon atoms in CH3
– CH = CH2 compound?) a 2 5
A. sp, sp 2 3 2 3 2
B. sp, sp C. sp , sp D. sp, sp , sp 3
01. A   2 b  3 GKwU eµ cÖwZmg g¨vwU‼ n※j a, b, c
mwVK D⁃i ýbB  
–1  5 3 c 
22. cÖkgb Gb_vjwc–57.0 kJ mol n※j Ba(OH)2 (aq)+2HCl (aq)
BaCl2(aq)+2H2O(l) wewµqvwUi Gb_vjwci cwieZ©b KZ? (If a 2 5 
Gi gvb¸※jv (If A   2 b  3 is a skew-
the enthalpy of neutralization is –57.0 kJ mol , what is
the enthalpy change of the reaction Ba(OH)2(aq)+  
2HCl(aq) BaCl2(aq)+ 2H2O(l)?) 
  5 3 c 
A. –28.5 kJ B. –57.0 kJ symmetric matrix then the values of a, b, c are)
C. +57.0 kJ D. –114 kJ A. –2, –5, 3 B. 0, 0, 0 C. 1, 1, 1 D. 2, 5, 3
23. wb※æi ýKvbwU RyBUvi Avqb ˆZix K※i? (Which one of the 1 1 1
following forms Zwitter ion?)
02. k Gi ýKvb gv※bi Rb¨ 1 k k 2 wbY©vqKwUi gvb kŔb¨
A. O2N CO2H B. H2N CO2H 2 4
1 k k
C. Cl CO2H D. H2N Cl n※e bv? (For which value of k, the value of the
24. B※j※±ªv※KwgK¨vj ýmj ýbv※Uk※bi ý¶※⁆ wb※Pi ýKvbwU mwVK? determinant is not zero?)
(Which one of the following notations is correct A. k = 1 B. k = –1 C. k = 3 D. k = 0
for an electrochemical cell?) 03. AmgZv |5 – 2x| ≥4 Gi mgvavb ýmU (The solution set of
A. Zn2+(aq) |Zn(s)| |Cu(s)|Cu2+(aq) the inequality |5 – 2x| ≥4 is)
B. Zn(s) |Zn2+(aq)| |Cu2+(aq)|Cu(s)
C. Zn2+(aq) |Zn(s)| |Cu2+(aq)Cu(s) A.  1 , 9  B.   , 1    9 ,  
2 2
   2   2 
D. Zn2+(aq) |Zn(s)| |Cu+1(aq)|Cu2+(aq)
wb※Pi ýKvb ýhŠMwU PZzlZjKxq AvK…wZi bq? (Which one of the C.  , 
 1 D.  1 9   27 
25.  2  2 , 2   2 , 
following compounds is not a tetrahedral shape?)     
A. CCl4 B. NH 4 C. CH4 D. SF4 04. hw` z1 =1 – i, z2 = 3 +i nq, Z※e z 2 Gi bwZ
26. wb※Pi ýKvb Av※jvKiwk¥i Zi½ ˆ`N©¨ me※P※q eo? (Which
one of the following radiations has the longest (If z1 = 1 – i, z2 = 3 +i then argument of z 2 is)
wavelength?) z1
A. Gamma ray B. Microwave 5π π π 5π
C. Visible ray D. X-ray A. B. C.  D. 
27. Co Ges Co2+ Gi Rb¨ wb※Pi ýKvb ýhvR¨Zv B※jKUªb web¨vmwU 12 6 4 12
mwVK? (Which one of the following valence electronic 05. ýKv※bv wØNvZ mgxKi※Yi GKwU gŔj 1 n※j mgxKiYwU n※e-
configurations is correct for Co and Co2+?) 1i
A. 4d7 5s2 and 4d7 5s B. 3d5 4s1 and 3d5 4s (If one root of a quadratic equation is 1 , then
7 2
C. 3d 3s and 3d 3s 7
D. 3d7 4s2 and 3d7 4s 1i
28. wb※Pi ýKvb web¨vmwU cDwji eR©b bxwZ I ûÛ bxwZ mg_©b K※i? the equation is)
A. x2 – x +1 = 0 B. 2x2 – 2x+1 = 0
(Which one of the following diagrams supports Pauli 2
C. x + x +1 = 0 D. 2x2 + 2x +1= 0
exclusion principle and Hund's rule?) 06. RAJSHAHI kãwUi A¶i¸wji GK※⁆ web¨vm msL¨v
A. ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿ ↿ ↿↿ B. ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿↿ ↿ ⇂ BARISAL kãwUi A¶i¸wji GK※⁆ web¨vm msL¨vi k ¸Y
C. ↿⇂⇂ ↿⇂⇂ ⇂⇂ ↿⇂↿ ↿⇂⇂ D. ⇂↿⇂ ⇂↿⇂ ⇂↿⇂⇂ ⇂↿ ↿ n※j k Gi gvb (If the permutation by taking all the
ýdwjs⇂ ⇂`ª e Y I U※jb weKviK Øviv wb※Pi ýKvb MÖŖc Gi g※a¨
⇂ ⇂ ⇂ ⇂ ⇂
29. ⇂⇂ ⇂ letters of RAJSHAHI is k times of the
cv_©K¨ Kiv hvq? (Which group of the following can permutation by taking all the letters of
be differentiated with Fehling's solution and BARISAL, then the value of k is)
Tollens reagent?) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
A. Alkane and Alkyne B. Methanol and Ethanol 16
 1
C. Alhehyde and Ketone D. 1 and 2 Alcohol 07.  x   Gi we¯@‾wZ※Z ga¨c`wU n※e (The middle term
30. 0.10 molL–1 `ªeY ý_※K wbw`©ó AvqZ※bi 0.01 molL–1 `ªeY  x
ˆZwi※Z wb※æi ýKvb ýmUwU me※P※q ýekx Dchy³? (Which set 16
 1
is the most suitable to prepare a fixed volume of in the expansion of  x   is)
0.01 molL–1 solution from 0.10 mol–1 solution?)  x
A. Pipette and beaker A. 12780 B. 12708 C. 12870 D. 12807
B. Pipette and volumetric flask 2 3

C. Measuring cylinder and volumetric flask 08. 1  1   1    1   ... Amxg ch©š@ Gi gvb (The value
D. Burette and beaker 3 3 3
2 3
Answer Keys: 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 1 1 1
10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.B 19. of 1         ... to infinity is)
3 3 3
mwVK D⁃i ýbB 20.D 21. mwVK D⁃i ýbB 22.D 23.B 24.B
25.D 26.B 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.C A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 1
3 2 3 2
UCC 21
 
09. a  4ˆi  3ˆj  2kˆ I b  2ˆi  3ˆj  4kˆ ýf±i `yBwU ýh lim 2x  3x  5 Gi gvb-
19. x
mvgš@wi※Ki mwbœwnZ evû Zvi ý¶⁆dj n※e (The area of the 3x 2  5x  6

a  4ˆi  3ˆj  2kˆ 2x  3x  5 is) 2
parallelogram having and (The value of lim
 x 2
3x  5x  6
b  2ˆi  3ˆj  4kˆ as the adjacent sides is)
A. 3 B.  5 C. 2 D.  2
A. 3 3 sq units B. 6 3 sq units 5 6 3 3
20. f(x)  x  1 n※j f 1 (2) Gi gvb (If f(x)  x  1
C. 6 6 sq units D. 3 6 sq units
 ˆ ˆ ˆ  ˆ ˆ ˆ then the value of f 1 (2) is)
10. ýf±i u  2i  j  3k I v  3i  2j  k Gi Aš@fz©³ ýKvY A. –1 B. 3 C. 1 D. 5

(The angle between vectors u  2ˆi  ˆj  3kˆ and 21. (4, 3) we›`y※Z 3x2 – 4y2 =12 Awae‾※⁃i ¯•k©※Ki Xv※ji gvb
 (The value of the slope of2 the tangent at the point
v  3ˆi  2ˆj  kˆ is) (4, 3) of the hyperbola 3x – 4y2 =12 is)
A. 60 B. 45 C. 30 D. 120 A. –1 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
11. P(2, 5), Q(5, 9) Ges 5(6, 8) we›`y⁆q PQRS i¤^※mi kxl©we›`y 22. x4 – 4x3 + 4x2 +5 Gi jwNô gvb (The minimum value
4 3
n※j R Gi ¯řvbv¼ (P(2, 5), Q(5, 9) and 5(6, 8) are of x4 – 4x3 + 4x2 +5 is)
three vertices of a rhombus PQRS, then the A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8
coordinates of R is) 6 3

7   13 
23. hw`  0  f(2x)dx Gi gvb
f(t)dt  8 nq, Z※e
A. (12, 9) B.  , 7  C.  4,  D. ( 9, 12) 6 3
2   2 (If  f(t)dt  8 , then the value of  f(2x)dx is)
0 0
12. gŔjwe›`yMvgx GKwU e‾⁃ abv⁅K x-A¶ n※Z 4 GKK Ges abvÍK A. 0 B. 6 C. 10 D. 4
y-A¶ n※Z 2 GKK ýQ`K KZ©b Ki※j, Gi mgxKiY n※e (The dx
 f(x)  c n※j, f(x) mgvb (If
equation of the circle which passes through the
x x 1
2 x x2  1
 f(x)  c ,

origin and cuts off intercepts 4 and 2 units from then f(x) equals) –1
A. sinx B. sin x C. cosx D. sec–1 x
the positive sides of x and y axes, respectively, is)

 | x | dx
A. x2 +y2 – 4x –2y = 0 B. x2 + y2 + 4x + 2y = 0 25. | x | dx Gi gvb (The value of is)
-1 -1
2 2
C. x +y +2x + 4y = 0 D. x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y = 0 A. 2 2 B. –1 C. 1 D. 0
2 2
13. 25x +16y = 400 Gi Dr※Kw›`ªKZv n※e (The eccentricity of 26. y = x , x = 1, x = 3 Ges x-A¶ Øviv mxgve× ý¶※⁆i
25x2 + 16y2 = 400 is) ý¶⁆dj (The area bounded by y = x2, x = 1, x = 3
and x-axis is)
3 3 4 2 A. 26/3 sq units B. 80/3 sq units
A. B. C. D.
5 4 5 3 C. 8/3 sq units D. 35/3 sq units
14. y-A※¶i mgvš@ivj Ges 2x – 7y + 11 = 0 I x + 3y = 8 27. x + 2y  10, x + y  6, x  4, x, y≥ 0 kZ©vax※b z =2x+ 3y
ýiLvØ※qi ýQ`we›`y w`※q AwZµgKvix mij※iLvi mgxKiY Gi m※e©vŗP gvb (The maximum value of z =2x+ 3y
(The equation of a straight line parallel to y-axis subject to x + 2y  10, x + y  6, x  4, x, y≥0 is)
and passing through the point of intersection of A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 18
28. 2N Ges 5N gv※bi `yBwU ej GKB ýiLvq GKB w`※K wµqviZ|
the lines 2x – 7y + 11 = 0 and x + 3y = 8 is) Dnv※`i me©vwaK jwä n※e (Two forces of magnitudes
A. 13x – 23 = 0 B. 3x – 7 = 0 2N and 5N act on the same line in the same
C. 7x – 3 = 0 D. 23x –13 = 0 direction, then the maximum magnitude of the
π π resultant is)
15. A + B = n※j cos A – cso B Gi gvb (If A + B = ,
2 2

2 2 A. 7N B. 3N C. 29 N D. 5N
then the value of cos2 A – cops2 B is) 29. hw` u ýe※M Abyf‽wg※Ki mv※_  ýKv※Y cÖw¶ß e¯Ř T mg※q Zvi
A. sin (A – B) B. sin (B – A) MwZc※_i m※e©vŗP DŗPZv H G ýcuŠQvq, Z※e H2 n※e| (If the
C. cos (B – A) D. – cos (A – B) T
16. 0  x  90 n※j sin 3x = cos x mgxKi※Yi mgvavb n※e greatest height H is attained in time T by a body
(If 0  x  90 then the solution of the equation projected with a velocity of u at an angle  , then H2 is)
sin 3x = cos x is) T
g 1
A. 0, 45 B. 0, 22.5 C. 45, 45 D. 22.5, 45 A. 2 B. C. g D.
π g 2 g
17. sin–1 x + sin–1 y = n※j ýKvbwU mwVK? 30. 1 n※Z 99 ch©š@ msL¨v¸wj ý_※K ˆ`ePqb c×wZ※Z GKwU msL¨v
ýbqv n※j ýmwU eM© nIqvi m¤ÿvebv n※e (If a number is
(If sin–1 x + sin–1 y= π , then which one is corrects?) chosen randomly from 1 to 99 then the
2 probability that it would be a square number is)
A. x2 + y2 = 1 B. x2 – y2 = 1 1 2 1 2
C. x + y = 1 D. x – y = 1 A. B. C. D.
1 1 9 9 11 11
18. f(x)  Gi ýWv※gb (The domain of f(x)  is) Answer Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C
|x| |x| 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.D
A. [0, + ) B. [0, + ) 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.C
C. (– , + ) D. (, 0)U(0,+ ) 28.A 29.B 30.C
UCC 22
RxeweÁvb (Biology) 16. wb※æi ýKvbwU gvB※UvKwÛªqvi wد@i Avei※Yi ga¨Lv※b _v※K?
01. ýKvl c`©vq d¬zBW ýgvRvBK g※Wj ýK cÖ¯@ve K※ib? (Who (Which one of the following exists in between the
proposed the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane?) double layer membranes of mitochondria?)
A. ýcÖvwUb (Protein) B. wjwcW (Lipid)
A. W¨vwb※qwj Ges ýWfmb& (Danielli and Davson)
C. GbRvBg (Enzyme) D. ýKvGbRvBg (Coenzyme)
B. wjbvW© Ges wm½vi (Lenard and Singer) 17. ýKvb evK¨wU wm※jvg I wn※gvwmj Df※qi Rb¨ mwVK?
C. wm½vi Ges wbKjmb (Singer and Nicolson) (Which statement is correct for both coelom and
D. ýebmb (Benson) haemocoel?)
02. DNA Wej ýnwj‼-Gi `yÕwU ÷ª¨vÛ-Gi ga¨eZx© `ŔiZ¡- (The A. DfqB ý`ncÖvPxi I cwicvK bvjxi ga¨eZx© duvKv ¯řvb (Both are
distance between two strands of a DNA double spaces between body wall and digestive tract)
helix is-) B. DfqB mKj Dcv½ ch©š@ we¯@‾wZ (Both are extended up
A. 3.4 B. 2 nm C. 0.34 nm D. 34 nm to all appendages)
03. ýKvbwU `v`※iv※Mi Rb¨ `vqx? (Which one is responsible C. DfqB i³ msenbZ※š¿i Ask (Both are parts of the
for ringworm disease?) blood circulatory system)
A. Phytophthora B. Alternoria D. DfqB øvqyZ※š¿i Ask (Both are parts of the nervous system)
C. Rhizopus D. Trichophyton 18. ýKvb c※e©i cÖvwY※`i my¨※Wvwm※jv※g›U ejv nq? (The animals of
04. ýKvbwU ýibwWqvi gm bv※g cwiwPZ? (Which one is known which phylum are known as Pseudocoelomate?)
as Reindeer moss?) A. cwi※div (Porifera) B. wbWvwiqv (Cnidaria)
A. Endocarpon miniatum B. Clodonia rangiferina C. ýbgv※UvWv (Nematoda) D. gjv¯‹v (Mollusca)
C. Xanthoria sp. D. Peltigera sp. 19. ZiŖYvw¯řhy³ gv※Q Kq ýRvov dzjKv wQ`ª _v※K? (How many
05. wb※Pi ýKvbwU※Z i¨v※g›Uvg _v※K? (Which one of the pairs of gill slits are there in cartilagenous fish?)
following has ramentum?) A. GK ýRvov (One pair)
A. Riccia B. Marchantia B. `yB ý_※K wZb ýRvov (Two to three pairs)
C. Pteris D. Drynaria C. Pvi ýRvov (Four pairs)
06. ýKvbwU※Z Bbmywjb ˆZwii wRb ms※hvRb Kiv n※q※Q? (In D. cuvP ý_※K mvZ ýRvov (Five to seven pairs)
which of the following an insulin gene has been 20. ýKvb ýkÖwYfz³ cÖvwY※`i GwcWvg©vj AvuBk _v※K? (Which
inserted?) class of animals has epidermal scales?)
A. Bacillus B. Lactobacillus A. KwÛªKw_m (Chondrichthyes) B. Aw÷Kw_m (Osteichthyes)
C. E. coli D. Agrobacterium C. ýicUvBwjqv (Reptilia) D. wgw·wb (Myxini)
07. jvB※K※b kZKiv KZ fvM ˆkev※ji Dcw¯řwZ _v※K? (What 21. gvbe ürwc※Ûi ýKvb ¯řv※b mvB※bvGwUªqvj ýbvW Aew¯řZ? (Where
percentage of algae is present in lichen?) is the Sinoatrial node located in the human heart?)
A. 90 – 95% B. 5 – 10% A. Wvb Awj※›` (Right auricle) B. evg Awj※›` (Left auricle)
C. 50 – 60% D. 65 – 85% C. Wvb wbj※q (Right ventricle) D. evg wbj※q (Left ventricle)
08. ※KvbwU Bb-wmUz msi¶Y Gi D`vniY? (Which one is an 22. ýKvb K※ivwUK øvqy wRnŸv bvov※Z mvnvh¨ K※i? (Which of the
example of in-situ conservation?) cranial nerves helps in the movement of tongue?)
A. Dw™ÿ` D`¨vb (Botanical garden) A. g¨vw·jvix (Maxillary) B. g¨vwÛeyjvi (Mandibular)
B. eb¨Rxe AfqviY¨ (Wildlife sanctuary) C. ýfMvm (Vagus) D. nvB※cv※Mţvmvj (Hypoglossal)
C. exR e¨vsK (Seed bank) 23. Iqv※jm I I※qevi jvBb Gi ga¨eZx© A⁀※ji bvg n※jv (The name
D. wPwoqvLvbv (Zoo)
of the region between Wallace and Weber lines is)
09. ýKvbwU wm※bvmvBwUK ˆkev※ji D`vniY? (Which one is an A. Iqv※jwmqv (Wallaceea) B. I※qevwiqv (Waberia)
example of coenocytic algae?)
A. Ulothrix B. Botrydium C. B※›`vPxb (Indo-China) D. Iqv※jm-I※qevwiqv (Wallace-Weberia)
C. Nostoc D. Polysiphonia 24. ýKvb Dcv½wU Nvm dwos Lv`¨ KZ©※b e¨envi K※i? (Which
10. wb※Pi ýKvbwU RNA fvBivm? (Which one of the following appendage does the grasshopper use for cutting food?)
is a RNA virus?) A. j¨veªvg (Labrum) B. g¨vwÛej (Mandible)
A. TIV B. T2 virus C. Vaccinia D. HIV C. g¨vw·jv (Maxilla) D. nvB※cvd¨vwism (Hypopharynx)
11. me©gyL civMavbx, cvj※Ki b¨vq Mf©gyÛ, K¨vwiAcwmm dj ýKvb 25. ZiŖYvw¯ř ýKvb AveiY Øviv Ave‾Z _v※K? (Which membrane
ýMv※⁆i kbv³Kvix ýewkó¨? (Versatile anther, feathery the cartilage is covered with?)
stigma and caryopsis fruit are the diagnostic A. ýcwiKwÛªqvg (Perichondrium)
characteristics of which family?) B. wKDwUKj (Cuticle)
A. Malvaceae B.Poaceae C. Liliaceae D. Tiliaceae
12. ýKvbwU wWcţ※qW cv※_©※bv※R※bwmm Gi D`vniY? (Which one C. ýcwiUªwdK ýgg※eªb (Peritrophic membrane)
is an example of diploid parthenogenesis?) D. ýcwiAwŚqvg (Periostium)
A. Allium odorum B. Solanum nigrum 26. cvK¯řjx cÖvPx※ii ýKvb ýKvl HCl wbtmiY K※i? (Which
C. Partharium argentatum D. Hieroacium excellens cells of the stomach wall secrete HCl?)
13. ýKvbwU※Z n¨v※Wªv※mw›UªK fv¯‹zjvi evÛj _v※K? (Which one A. wgDKvm (Mucous) B. ýccwUK (Peptic)
has hadrocentric vascular bundle?) C. c¨vivBUvj (Parietal) D. KvwW©qvK (Cardiac)
A. Pteris B. Bracaena C. Nymphaea D. Cynodon 27. kx※Zi cvwLi AwfcÖqvY (cwihvb) ýKvb ai※bi AvPiY? (Which
14. ýKvb& Dw™ÿ※`i ïµvYy me©e‾nr? (Which plant has the
largest sperm?) one is the migratory behavior of winter birds?)
A. Gnetum B. Ginkgo C. Pinus D. Cycas A. Af¨vmMZ (Habituation) B. mnRvZ (Innate)
15. wb※Pi ýKvbwU A-ýcÖvwUbxq A¨vwg※bv GwmW? (Which one of C. wk¶Y (Learning) D. AbyKiY (Imprinting)
the following is a non-protein amino acid? 28. wW.Gb.G. wmwoi cÖwZ c¨uv※Pi ˆ`N©¨ KZ? (What is the
A. wjDwmb (Leucine) B. jvBwmb (Lysine) length of a single helix-turn of DNA?)
C. Aiwbw_b (Ornithine) D. f¨vwjb (Valine) A. 22Å B. 2.2Å C. 3.4Å D. 34Å
UCC 23
29. MţŖ※KvwbI※R※bwmm n※jv- (Gluconeogenesis is-) 18. ýKvbwU ýgŠwjK we※klY?
A. bb-Kv※e©vnvB※WªU Drm ý_※K MţŖ※KvR ms※kţlY (the synthesis of A. ¸Yx B. dzUš@ C. myß D. Kv※jv
glucose from non-carbohydrate sources) 19. ÔAvnŸvbÕ M※íi e‾×v gviv ýM※Qb ýKvb FZz※Z?
B. bb-Kv※e©vnvB※WªU Drm ý_※K MţvB※Kv※Rb ms※kţlY (the synthesis A. kxZKv※j B. el©vKv※j C. kirKv※j D. emš@Kv※j
of glycogen from non-carbohydrate sources) 20. Ôhv Zvi cÖvwß Zv-B Zvi `vb|ÕK_vUv Kvi ý¶※⁆ cÖ※hvR¨?
C. Kv※e©vnvB※WªU Drm ý_※K MţvB※Kv※Rb ms※kţlY (the synthesis of A. e‾¶ I m‾Rbkxj gvby※li B. e‾※¶i
glycogen from carbohydrate sources) C. gvby※li D. iex›`ªbv※_i
D. Kv※e©vnvB※WªU Drm ý_※K MţŖ※KvR ms※kţlY (the synthesis 21. 'Cease fire' cwifvlvwUi evsjv cÖwZkã ýKvbwU?
of glucose from carbohydrate sources) A. Av¸b ýbfv※bv B. AwMœwbe©vcY
30. g¨※›Uj Øviv Ave‾Z ALÛvwqZ ýKvgj ý`nwewkó cÖvwYKzj ýh c※e©i C. A¯¿-mseiY D. A¯¿ ev※Rqvwß
Aš@M©Z Zv n※jv-(Unsegmented, soft-bodied animals 22. ýKvb weivgwP※ý weivg wb※Z nq bv?
covered by a mantle belongs to the Phylum-) A. nvB※db B. W¨vk C. ýmwg※Kvjb D. ýKvjb
A. G¨vwbwjWv (Annelida) B. gjv¯‹v (Mollusca) 23. ÔwbRM‾nc_, ZvZ, ý`LvI Z¯‹※i?Õ GLv※b Z¯‹i ýK?
C. ýbgv※UvWv (Nematoda) D. GKvB※bvWvg©vUv (Echinodermate)
A. ýgNbv` B. j¶¥Y C. Kz¤¢KY© D. wefxlY
Answer Keys: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B
10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.C 24. ÔhyeRvwbÕ mgv※mi e¨vmevK¨ ýKvbwU?
19.D 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B A. hyeZx Rvwb hvi B. hye Rvwb hvi
28.D 29.A 30.B C. hyeZx Rvqv hvi D. hyeK cwZ hvi
evsjv (Bangla) 25. Ôwk¶vq Avgv※`i AvMÖn eo※Q|Õwk¶vq ýKvb KviK?
A. AwaKiY B. Kg© C. KZ…© D. KiY
01. ÔAv¸※bi m¤§vR©bv' ej※Z KvRx bRiŖj Bmjvg Kx eywS※q※Qb? 26. ÔRvg`vwbÕ kãwU ýKvb fvlv ý_※K G※m※Q?
A. cwi®‹vi Kiv B. Av¸※bi Svo~
C. Av¸※bi ùzwj½ D. aŔg※KZz A. Aviwe B. ZzwK© C. dviwm D. wnw›`
02. ÔýmB A¯¿ Avgv※K wdwi※q `vI'- GLv※b ÔýmBÕ ýKvb c`? 27. wb※Pi ýKvb ev※K¨ ýhŠwMK wµqv e¨eüZ n※q※Q?
A. we※klY B. Ae¨q C. me©bvg D. wµqv-we※klY A. gv_v wSgwSg Ki※Q| B. wk¶K QvÎwU※K ýeZv※ŗQb|
03. ÔweovjÕ cÖeÜ Abymv※i ýKvb K_vwU AmvgÄm¨cŔY?© C. wZwb ej※Z jvM※jb| D. ýLvKv※K Kuvw`I bv|
A. ýL※Z ýc※j ýKD ýPvi nq bv| B. abxivB me※P※q eo ýPvi| 28. evn¨ k※ãi DŗPviY ýKvbwU?
C. A※b※Ki Pzwi Kivi cÖ※qvRb nq bv| D. abxMY ýPvi A※c¶v Aavwg©K| A. evR&※Rv B. evR&※Sv C. evR&S D. evBS&※Sv
04. ýKvbwU mgv_© kã bq? 29. b`x gvZ…K evsjv※`※ki e›`bv i※q※Q ýh KweZvq-
A. B›`y B. weay C. myavsï D. exwP
A. ýmB A¯¿ B. ýjvK ýjvKvš@i
05. Ôýd※jv Kwo, gv※Lv ýZj|Õ- ej※Z eySvq-
A. c※ii ¶wZ K※i Avͯ^v_© nvwmj B. Ave`vinxb bM` Kvievi C. i※³ Avgvi Abvw` Aw¯ř D. HKZvb
C. AcÖvmw½K cÖm※½i AeZviYv D. ¯^vfvweK ¶gZv I cÖfve cÖwZcwË 30. ÔýmB A¯¿Õ KweZvwU ýKvb Q※›` iwPZ?
06. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi ÔHKZvbÕ ej※Z eywS※q※Qb- A. Awgj A¶ie‾⁃ B. gvÎve‾⁃
A. abx-Mwi※ei wgjb B. e‾× I ZiŖ※Yi wgjb C. Aš@¨wgj A¶ie‾⁃ D. ¯^ie‾⁃
C. bvix-cyiŖ※li wgjb D. Rxe※bi me©cÖvš@¯•kx mg¯^i Answer Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B
07. 'Everybody cried up her beauty' evK¨wUi h_vh_ e½vbyev`- 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.D
A. cÖ※Z¨※K Zvi iƒ※c wQj gy»| 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.A 27.C
B. cÖ※Z¨※K Zvi ýmŠ›`※h©i f‽qmx cÖksmv KiZ| 28.B 29.C 30.A
C. Zvi iƒc wb※q cÖ※Z¨※K wQj Cl©vwš^Z|
D. ýmŠ›`※h©i Rb¨B ým cÖ※Z¨※Ki bRi ýK※owQj| Bs‡iwR (ENGLISH)
08. ýKvbwU DcmM©※hv※M MwVZ kã bq? Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5:
A. ni※ivR B. niZvj C. ninv※gkv D. ni`g Ageing is a normal process of human development that
09. ýKvbwU aŸb¨v⁅K k※ãi D`vniY? takes place on several levels: biological, psychological
A. fqUq B. UzcUvc C. KvQvKvwQ D. ýPv※L ýPv※L and social. Although it is not certain what causes ageing,
10. cÖL¨vZ MíKvi Mx `¨ ýgvcvmuv ýKvb ý`※k Rš§MÖnY K※ib? most gerontologists would agree that ageing is the result
A. d«vÝ B. BZvwj C. Rvg©vwb D. ivwkqv of a combination of both internal and external processes.
11. Kwe KvRx bRiŖj Bmjvg m¤•vw`Z cw⁆Kvi bvg- The "wear-and-tear theory" compares the human body to
A. cÖMwZ, KweZv B. MYKÚ, wkLv a machine that over time wears down from use.
C. behyM, aŔg※KZz D. mIMvZ, mgKvj According to this theory, bodily systems receive
12. ÔNv※Ui givÕ evM&avivwUi A_© Kx? cumulative damage from both external forces, such as
A. ciwbf©ikxjZv B. AwZe‾× tress, the environment, diet, and life style; and internal
C. AZ¨š@ Mwie D. wbRx©e forces, such as toxins, released as a result of metabolism.
13. bRiŖ※ji KweZvq ewY©Z ÔkvK¨gywbÕ ýK? Cells become damaged and increasingly fail to reproduce
A. ¸iŖ bvbK B. ýMŠZg ey× C. gnvexi D. whïwLªó or repair themselves. They die off in larger numbers as
14. ÔDPvUbÕ-Gi wecixZv_©K kã ýKvbwU? we age. The "combination theory" explains that although
A. EaŸ©Uvb B. cÖkvš@ C. DuP-z wbPz D. DËvj individuals can prolong life by modifying outside
15. gvwm-wcwm M※í ýPŠwK`vi ýK? influences such as stress and diet, each person is born
A. ˆK※jk B. ýMvKzj C. ey※ov ingvb D. KvbvB with a genetically predetermined life expectancy that
16. wb※æi ýKvbwU wbcvZ※b wm× mwÜ? cannot be exceeded. This interaction of external factors
A. KzjUv B. mÂvi C. M※elYv D. fveyK and internal programming would account for individual
17. evsjv K…`š@ kã ýKvbwU? variations in the life span. The mystery6 surrounding
A. enZv B. ýgŠb C. R¨vš@ D. `vcU why we age is still a topic of numerous ongoing studies.
Perhaps, one day we will truly know why we age.
UCC 24
01. According to the "wear-and-tear theory", ageing 17. Since the bus companies compete with one
takes place due to ———— . another, the drivers have every incentive to drive
A. biological and social consequences aggressively and take more passengers than the
B. psychological and biological consequences buses  hold.
C. psychological and social consequences A. can B. could C. should D. would
D. biological, mental and social consequences 18. One and a half million people drive rickshaws
02. Gerontologists are for a living plus  hundred thousand who own
A. researchers who look into the mental states of and repair them.
human beings. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
B. people who study old age. 19. The government  its own initiative has
C. nutritionists who study the impacts of food on our health. encouraged and created financing opportunities
D. scientists who study the physiological processes for biogas and solar power projects, such as the
of human organs. Bangladesh Bank's green banking programme.
03. 'Cumulative' in the passage is a/an —— . A. in B. at C. on D. beside
A. verb B. adverb C. adjective D. noun 20. I could not  laughing.
04. 'Metabolism' is A. but B. assist C. help D. though
A. the process of ageing. 21.  unless the government brings about necessary
B. the extract of toxic elements from our body. changes in the laws and creates an environment of
C. the intake of toxic elements through our diet. zero tolerance towards child violence of any sorts.
D. the chemical processes that occur within a living A. The situation may not improve
organism to maintain life. B. The situation do not improve
05. A synonym of 'prolong' is —— . C. The situation does not improve
A. redeem B. protract C. curtail D. reduce D. The situation is not improve
Fill in each blank with the most appropriate 22. The future of the planet doesn't look too good,
word/words (Questions 6-25) : but there isn't much ——— .
06. He said he had left the parcel  the chair  A. I can make about it B. I can do about it
the window. C. can I do about it D. I can't do about it
A. on, by B. in, near C. under, on D. on, at 23. Please let me know why ——— the class.
07. We were expecting a beautiful weather at the A. you didn't attend B. didn't you attend
beach, but it was so cold and rainy that  C. you didn't attend to D. you didn't go
getting a sun tan, I caught a cold.
A. in case of B. just as C. instead of D. no way 24. What does global warming have —— overpopulation?
08. You have to take the full course of your antibiotics A. to do B. to do with C. made D. made up
 you feel better,  , your illness will simply return. 25. The idiom 'Let the cat out of the bag' means ——.
A. although, so that B. even if, otherwise A. to help the poor B. to solve someone's problem
C. so that, or D. unless, and C. to reveal secrets
09. Outside the bright primary rainbow,  much D. to throw somebody out of the house
fainter secondary rainbow may be visible. 26. Which one is the correct spelling?
A. so B. still C. a D. as A. nevigation B. navigetion
10. Many books  about success, but one of the C. navigation D. nevigetion
best is by Dale Carnegie. 27. What is the antonym of 'tranquil'?
A. have written B. have been written A. serene B. calm C. agitated D. placid
C. had written D. has written 28. Choose the correct sentence
11.  withstands testing, we may not conclude A. He used the phrase you know so often that I
that it is true, but we may retain it. finally said, No, I don't know
A. If a hypothesis B. That a hypothesis B. He used the phrase "you know" so often that I
C. A hypothesis D. Hypothesis finally said, No I don't know.
12. A strict vegetarian  . C. He used the phrase you know so often that
A. rarely eats animal products finally said, "No, I don't know."
B. sometimes eats eggs D. He used the phrase "you know" so often that I
C. never eats any animal products finally said, "No, I don't know."
D. never eats protein 29. What is the noun form of the word pronounce'?
13. The fact that some birds fly hundreds of miles to A. pronunciation B. pronounciation
 without ever having to stop is simply amazing. C. pronountiation D. pronounciasion
A. fight B. settle C. submerge D. migrate 30. The correct translation of "¯§vU©※dvb GK mgq RbwcÖqZv nviv※e|Ó
14. Although she  a part of the excavation team, A. Smartphones will lose their popularity someday.
she was not allowed to actively  in the field. B. Smartphones will lose their popularity sometime.
A. is, working B. is, worked C. Smartphones will lose their popularity once upon a time.
C. was, working D. was, work D. Once upon a time smartphones will lose their
15. Rahim found a laptop in the classroom, but could popularity.
not determine  it belonged to. Answer Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C
A. who B. whose C. who's D. who is 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A
16. Scientists have discovered a liquid which boils at 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.C
about 165C with  decomposition. 28.D 29.A 30.B
A. partial B. partly C. partially D. parting
UCC 25

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