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Corrected 13 May. Corrected 28 April 2016; see full text.




EVERYONE Data from the controversial website Sci-Hub reveal

that the whole world turns to it for journal articles

Downloaded from on July 10, 2023

By John Bohannon

ust as spring arrived last month Many academic publishers offer programs ing. Over the 6 months leading up to March,
in Iran, Meysam Rahimi sat down to help researchers in poor countries ac- Sci-Hub served up 28 million documents.
at his university computer and cess papers, but only one, called Share Link, More than 2.6 million download requests
immediately ran into a problem: seemed relevant to the papers that Rahimi came from Iran, 3.4 million from India, and
how to get the scientific papers he sought. It would require him to contact 4.4 million from China. The papers cover
needed. He had to write up a re- authors individually to get links to their every scientific topic, from obscure phys-
search proposal for his engineering work, and such links go dead 50 days after ics experiments published decades ago to
Ph.D. at Amirkabir University of a paper’s publication. The choice seemed the latest breakthroughs in biotechnology.
Technology in Tehran. His project clear: Either quit the Ph.D. or illegally ob- The publisher with the most requested Sci-
straddles both operations management and tain copies of the papers. So like millions of Hub articles? It is Elsevier by a long shot—
behavioral economics, so Rahimi had a lot of other researchers, he turned to Sci-Hub, the Sci-Hub provided half-a-million downloads
ground to cover. world’s largest pirate website for scholarly of Elsevier papers in one recent week.
But every time he found the abstract literature. Rahimi felt no guilt. As he sees it, These statistics are based on extensive
of a relevant paper, he hit a server log data supplied by
paywall. Although Amirk- Alexandra Elbakyan, the neuro-
abir is one of the top research scientist who created Sci-Hub in
universities in Iran, inter- “The numbers are just staggering. It suggests 2011 as a 22-year-old graduate
national sanctions and economic an almost complete failure to provide a path student in Kazakhstan (see bio,
woes have left it with poor ac- p. 511). I asked her for the data
cess to journals. To read a 2011 of access for these researchers.” because, in spite of the flurry of
paper in Applied Mathemat- Anonymous science publishing executive polarized opinion pieces, blog
ics and Computation, Rahimi posts, and tweets about Sci-
would have to pay the publisher, Elsevier, high-priced journals “may be slowing down Hub and what effect it has on research and
$28. A 2015 paper in Operations Research, the growth of science severely.” academic publishing, some of the most ba-
published by the U.S.-based company IN- The journal publishers take a very differ- sic questions remain unanswered: Who are
FORMS, would cost $30. ent view. “I’m all for universal access, but Sci-Hub’s users, where are they, and what are
He looked at his list of abstracts and did not theft!” tweeted Elsevier’s director of they reading?
the math. Purchasing the papers was go- universal access, Alicia Wise, on 14 March For someone denounced as a criminal
ing to cost $1000 this week alone—about as during a heated public debate over Sci-Hub. by powerful corporations and scholarly
much as his monthly living expenses—and “There are lots of legal ways to get access.” societies, Elbakyan was surprisingly forth-
he would probably need to read research pa- Wise’s tweet included a link to a list of 20 of coming and transparent. After establishing
pers at this rate for years to come. Rahimi the company’s access initiatives, including contact through an encrypted chat system,
was peeved. “Publishers give nothing to the Share Link. she worked with me over the course of several
authors, so why should they receive any- But in increasing numbers, researchers weeks to create a data set for public release:
thing more than a small amount for manag- around the world are turning to Sci-Hub, every download event over the 6-month pe-
ing the journal?” which hosts 50 million papers and count- riod starting 1 September 2015, including the

508 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Corrected 13 May. Corrected 28 April 2016; see full text.


Server log data for the website Sci-Hub from September 2015 through February paint a revealing portrait of its users and their diverse interests.
Sci-Hub had 28 million download requests, from all regions of the world and covering most scientific disciplines. An interactive version of this map
is available at

Moscow has 48%
of Russia’s total

714,082 2. CHINA
Six the of top U.S. cities 10. MOROCCO 2,349,385
are from San Francisco 346,460 Beijing has 17%
Bay Area, Silicon Valley. 7. EGYPT of China’s total


Downloaded from on July 10, 2023

562,056 1. IRAN 3. INDIA
REQUESTS 2,629,115 1,946,052
2,629,115 Downloaded eight times
more Sci-Hub articles than
its neighbor and rival Pakistan.

15 most downloaded publishers Five most downloaded papers

A. Elsevier - 9,296,485 C. Institute of D. American E. Wiley & 1. Full-scale modal wind turbine tests: comparing
Electronics and Chemical Society Blackwell shaker excitation with wind excitation, Structural
Electronic Engineers - - 1,871,933 (John Wiley Dynamics and Renewable Energy, 2010
2,138,064 & Sons) - 7988
2. Comprehensive, Integrative Genomic Analysis
of DiDuse Lower-Grade Gliomas, The New England
Journal of Medicine, 2015

F. Nature Publishing H. 906,220 I. 880,343 3. Photosensitive feld emission study of SnS2 nanosheets
Group - 1,121,881 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2015
4. Grifths eDects and quantum critical points
in dirty superconductors without spin-rotation invariance:
B. Springer - 2,630,787 G. Royal Society of J. 377, 267 L. 302,525 N.
One-dimensional examples, Physical Review B, 2001
Chemisty - 927,238
K. 358,786 O.
M. 206,294
5. Iron defciency: new insights into diagnosis
H. Informa UK (T&F) I. Wiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing) J. SAGE Publications K. JSTOR L. Oxford University Press M. AAAS and treatment, Hematology 2015, 2015

N. Informa UK (IH) 165,735 O. IOP Publishing 160,073 2528

Sci-Hub activity over 6 months

Sci-Hub’s domain switch in November 2015, forced by a lawsuit against it, led to some missing data during the 6-month period, but usage hit record levels in February.
300 K Total: 4,904,316 Total: 6,072,143 Total: 1,849,381 Total: 3,879,507 Total: 4,901,508 Total: 6,213,089

250 K

200 K

150 K

100 K


SCIENCE 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 509

Published by AAAS
Corrected 13 May. Corrected 28 April 2016; see full text.

digital object identifier (DOI) for every paper.

To protect the privacy of Sci-Hub users, we
agreed that she would first aggregate users’
Need or convenience?
Sci-Hub users in the United States seem to congregate near universities and likely have institutional access to the
geographic locations to the nearest city using articles they request. This map excludes 27,000 download requests from anonymous U.S. IP addresses.
data from Google Maps; no identifying inter-
net protocol (IP) addresses were given to
me. (The data set and details on how it was
analyzed are freely accessible at http://dx.doi. 3. East Lansing, MI
org/10.5061/dryad.q447c.) 68,135
Elbakyan also answered nearly every ques-
tion I had about her operation of the website,
interaction with users, and even her personal
life. Among the few things she would not dis- 2. New York, NY
close is her current location, because she is 73,606
at risk of financial ruin, extradition, and im- 1. Ashburn, VA
prisonment because of a lawsuit launched by 96,857
Elsevier last year.
The Sci-Hub data provide the first detailed
view of what is becoming the world’s de facto
open-access research library. Among the rev- 4. Fremont, CA
elations that may surprise both fans and foes 59,389 REQUESTS
alike: Sci-Hub users are not limited to the de- 5. Mountain View, CA 96,857
veloping world. Some critics of Sci-Hub have 56,637 60,000

Downloaded from on July 10, 2023

complained that many users can access the 1
same papers through their libraries but turn
to Sci-Hub instead—for convenience rather the Office for Scholarly Communications at tem? The 2015 Nature paper describing oxy-
than necessity. The data provide some sup- Harvard University and one of the leading ex- gen on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko?
port for that claim. The United States is the perts on open-access publishing. However, “a The paper in which a team genetically engi-
fifth largest downloader after Russia, and lawsuit isn’t going to stop it, nor is there any neered HIV resistance into human embryos
a quarter of the Sci-Hub requests for pa- obvious technical means. Everyone should with the CRISPR method, published a month
pers came from the 34 members of the Or- be thinking about the fact that this is here ago in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction
ganization for Economic Co-operation and to stay.” and Genetics? Sci-Hub has them all.
Development, the wealthiest nations with, It has news articles from scientific
supposedly, the best journal access. In fact, IT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND why journal journals—including many of mine in
some of the most intense use of Sci-Hub ap- publishers might see Sci-Hub as a threat. Science—as well as copies of open-access pa-
pears to be happening on the campuses of It is as simple to use as Google’s search en- pers, perhaps because of confusion on the
U.S. and European universities. gine, and as long as you know the DOI or part of users or because they are simply us-
In October last year, a New York judge title of a paper, it is more reliable for find- ing Sci-Hub as their all-in-one portal for pa-
ruled in favor of Elsevier, decreeing that Sci- ing the full text. Chances are, you’ll find pers. More than 4000 different papers from
Hub infringes on the publisher’s legal rights what you’re looking for. Along with book PLOS’s various open-access journals, for
as the copyright holder of its journal con- chapters, monographs, and conference pro- example, can be downloaded from Sci-Hub.
tent, and ordered that the website desist. ceedings, Sci-Hub has amassed copies of The flow of Sci-Hub activity over time re-
The injunction has had little effect, as the the majority of scholarly articles ever pub- flects the working lives of researchers, grow-
server data reveal. Although the lished. It continues to grow: When someone ing over the course of each day and then
web domain was seized in November 2015, requests a paper not already on Sci-Hub, it ebbing—but never stopping—as night falls.
the servers that power Sci-Hub are based in pirates a copy and adds it to the repository. (There is an 18-day gap in the data start-
Russia, beyond the influence of the Elbakyan declined to say exactly ing 4 November 2015 when the domain
U.S. legal system. Barely skipping a ONLINE SURVEY how she obtains the papers, but she went down and the server logs
beat, the site popped back up on a Tell us what you did confirm that it involves online were improperly configured.) By the end of
different domain. think about Sci- credentials: the user IDs and pass- February, the flow of Sci-Hub papers had CREDITS: (DATA) SCI-HUB; (MAP) ADAPTED BY G. GRULLÓN/SCIENCE
It’s hard to discern how threat- Hub at http://bit. words of people or institutions with risen to its highest level yet: more than
ened by Sci-Hub Elsevier and other ly/Sci-Hub. legitimate access to journal content. 200,000 download requests per day.
major publishers truly feel, in part She says that many academics have How many Sci-Hub users are there? The
because legal download totals aren’t typi- donated them voluntarily. Publishers have al- download requests came from 3 million
cally made public. An Elsevier report in leged that Sci-Hub relies on phishing emails unique IP addresses, which provides a lower
2010, however, estimated more than 1 billion to trick researchers, for example by having bound. But the true number is much higher
downloads for all publishers for the year, them log in at fake journal websites. “I cannot because thousands of people on a univer-
suggesting Sci-Hub may be siphoning off confirm the exact source of the credentials,” sity campus can share the same IP address.
under 5% of normal traffic. Still, many are Elbakyan told me, “but can confirm that I did Sci-Hub downloaders live on every conti-
concerned that Sci-Hub will prove as disrup- not send any phishing emails myself.” nent except Antarctica. Of the 24,000 city
tive to the academic publishing business as So by design, Sci-Hub’s content is driven by locations to which they cluster, the busiest
the pirate site Napster was for the music in- what scholars seek. The January paper in The is Tehran, with 1.27 million requests. Much
dustry (see editorial, p. 497). “I don’t endorse Astronomical Journal describing a possible of that is from Iranians using programs to
illegal tactics,” says Peter Suber, director of new planet on the outskirts of our solar sys- automatically download huge swaths of Sci-

510 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Corrected 13 May. Corrected 28 April 2016; see full text.

Hub’s papers to make a local mirror of the reading in cities worldwide.) Mapping IP ton, D.C., has its science and technology
site, Elbakyan says. Rahimi, the engineering addresses to real-world locations can paint campus there, but Ashburn is also home to
student in Tehran, confirms this. “There are a false picture if people hide behind web Janelia Research Campus, the elite Howard
several Persian sites similar to Sci-Hub,” he proxies or anonymous routing services. But Hughes Medical Institute outpost, as well as
says. “So you should consider Iranian illegal according to Elbakyan, fewer than 3% of Sci- the servers of the Wikimedia Foundation,
[paper] downloads to be five to six times Hub users are using those. the headquarters of the online encyclope-
higher” than what Sci-Hub alone reveals. In the United States and Europe, Sci-Hub dia Wikipedia. Spokespeople for the latter
The geography of Sci-Hub usage gener- users concentrate where academic research- two say their employees are unlikely to ac-
ally looks like a map of scientific productiv- ers are working. Over the 6-month period, count for the traffic. The GWU press office
ity, but with some of the richer and poorer 74,000 download requests came from IP responded defensively, sending me to an on-
science-focused nations flipped. The smaller addresses in New York City, home to mul- line statement that the university recently
countries have stories of their own. Some- tiple universities and scientific institutions. issued about the impact of journal subscrip-
one in Nuuk, Greenland, is reading a paper There were 19,000 download requests from tion rate hikes on its library budget. “Schol-
about how best to provide cancer treatment Columbus, a city with less than a tenth of arly resources are not luxury goods,” it says.
to indigenous populations. Research goes New York’s population, and 68,000 from “But they are priced as though they were.”
on in Libya, even as a civil war rages there. East Lansing, Michigan, which has less than Several GWU students confessed to being
Someone in Benghazi is investigating a a hundredth. These are the homes of Ohio Sci-Hub fans. When she moved from Argen-
method for transmitting data between com- State University and Michigan State Univer- tina to the United States in 2014 to start
puters across an air gap. Far to the south in sity (MSU), respectively. her engineering Ph.D., Natalia Clementi
the oil-rich desert, someone near the town The numbers for Ashburn, Virginia, the says her access to some key journals within
of Sabhā is delving into fluid dynamics. (Go top U.S. city with nearly 100,000 Sci-Hub re- the field actually worsened because GWU
to for an interactive map of quests, are harder to interpret. The George didn’t have subscriptions to them. Research-
the website’s data and see what people are Washington University (GWU) in Washing- ers in Argentina may have trouble obtain-

Downloaded from on July 10, 2023

The frustrated science student behind Sci-Hub By John Bohannon

eyond being the founder of Sci-Hub, possibility that such an interface could cumbersome: Post a request on Twitter
the world’s largest pirate site for one day translate the thought content to #IcanhazPDF with your email address.
academic papers, and risking arrest from one mind and upload it to another. Eventually, a generous researcher at some
as a result, Alexandra Elbakyan is But the work fell short of her dreams. university with access to the journal will
a typical science graduate student: “The lab activity was spiritless,” she says. send you the paper.
idealistic, hard-working, and relatively “There was no feeling of pursuing a What was needed, she decided, was
poor. In 1988, when Elbakyan was born higher goal.” a system that allowed that paper to be
in Kazakhstan, the Soviet Union was Elbakyan did find a community of like- shared—with absolutely everyone. She
just beginning to crumble. Books about minded researchers in transhumanism, had the computer skills—and contacts
dinosaurs and evolution fascinated her a lofty field that encompasses not just with other pirate websites—to make that
early on. “I also remember reading Soviet neuroscience and computer happen, and so Sci-Hub
science books that provided scientific technology but also philosophy was born (see main story, p.
explanations for miraculous events and even speculative fiction 508). Elbakyan sees the site
thought previously to be produced by about the future of humanity. as a natural extension of her
gods or magic.” She was hooked. She discovered a transhuman- dream of helping humans
At university in the Kazakh capital, she ism conference in the United share good ideas. “Journal
discovered a knack for computer hack- States and set her heart on paywalls are an example of
ing. It appealed to her because “unlike attending, but she struggled to something that works in the
higher programming languages that get a U.S. visa. She was rejected reverse direction,” she says,
are created by people and are volatile,” the first time and only barely “making communication
making and breaking computer security made it to the conference. With less open and efficient.”
systems requires a deeper knowledge of the remainder of her summer Alexandra Elbakyan, Running a pirate site and
mathematics and the primitive “assembly visa, she did a research intern- Sci-Hub founder. being sued for what is likely
language” that computers use to move ship at Georgia Institute of to be millions of dollars in
information. Technology in Atlanta. When she got back damages hasn’t stopped Elbakyan from
Like so many of Kazakhstan’s bright- to Kazakhstan, frustration with the bar- pursuing an academic career. Her neuro-
est, Elbakyan left the country to pursue riers that scientists face would soon lead science research is on hold, but she has
her dreams. First she worked in Moscow her to create Sci-Hub—an awe-inspiring enrolled in a history of science master’s

in computer security for a year, and then act of altruism or a massive criminal program at a “small private university”
she used the earnings to launch herself to enterprise, depending on whom you ask. in an undisclosed location. Appropriately
the University of Freiburg in Germany in Publisher paywalls are the bane of enough, her thesis focuses on scientific
2010, where she joined a brain-computer scientists and students in Kazakhstan, communication. “I perceive Sci-Hub as a
interface project. She was lured by the she says, and the existing solution was practical side of my research.” j

SCIENCE 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 511

Published by AAAS
Corrected 13 May. Corrected 28 April 2016; see full text.

ing some specialty journals, she notes, but programs on it from an offline computer, journal access to the 240,000 research-
“most of them have no problem accessing Padilla had to walk the resulting data across ers of the University of California system.
big journals because the government pays campus on a thumb drive for analysis The authentication systems that university
the subscription at all the public universi- with Hart-Davidson. researchers must use to read subscription
ties around the country.” Yet Sci-Hub has drawbacks for text- journals from off campus, and even some-
Even for journals to which the university mining research, Hart-Davidson says. The times on campus with personal computers,
has access, Sci-Hub is becoming the go-to pirated papers are in unstructured PDF for- “are there to enforce publisher restrictions,”
resource, says Gil Forsyth, another GWU mat, which is hard for programs to parse. she says.
engineering Ph.D. student. “If I do a search But the bigger issue, he says, is that the data Will Sci-Hub push the industry toward an
on Google Scholar and there’s no imme- source is illegal. “How are you going to pub- open-access model, where reader authenti-
diate PDF link, I have to click through to lish your work?” Then again, having a mas- cation is unnecessary? That’s not clear, Har-
‘Check Access through GWU’ and then it’s sive private repository of papers does allow vard’s Suber says. Although Sci-Hub helps a
hit or miss,” he says. “If I put [the paper’s a researcher to rapidly test hypotheses be- great many researchers, he notes, it may also
title or DOI] into Sci-Hub, it will just work.” fore bothering with libraries at all. And it’s carry a “strategic cost” for the open-access
He says that Elsevier publishes the journals all just a click away. movement, because publishers may take
that he has had the most trouble accessing. advantage of “confusion” over the legality
The GWU library system “offers a docu- WHILE ELSEVIER WAGES a legal battle of open-access scholarship in general and
ment delivery system specifically for math, against Elbakyan and Sci-Hub, many in the clamp down. “Lawful open access forces pub-
physics, chemistry, and engineering faculty,” publishing industry see the fight as futile. lishers to adapt,” he says, whereas “unlawful
I was told by Maralee Csellar, the univer- “The numbers are just staggering,” one se- open access invites them to sue instead.”
sity’s director of media relations. “Gradu- nior executive at a major publisher told
ate students who want to access an article me upon learning the Sci-Hub statistics. EVEN IF ARRESTED, Elbakyan says Sci-Hub
from the Elsevier system should work with “It suggests an almost complete failure to will not go dark. She has failsafes to keep it

Downloaded from on July 10, 2023

their department chair, professor of the provide a path of access for these research- up and running, and user donations now
class, or their faculty thesis adviser cover the cost of Sci-Hub’s serv-
for assistance.” ers. She also notes that the entire
The intense Sci-Hub activity in collection of 50 million papers
East Lansing reveals yet another “A lawsuit isn’t going to stop [Sci-Hub], has been copied by others many
motivation for using the site. Most times already. “[The papers] do
of the downloads seem to be the
nor is there any obvious technical means. not need to be downloaded again
work of a few or even just one per- Everyone should be thinking about the from universities.”
son running a “scraping” program Indeed, the data suggest that
over the December 2015 holidays,
fact that this is here to stay.” the explosive growth of Sci-Hub
downloading papers at superhuman Peter Suber, Harvard University is done. Elbakyan says that the
speeds. I asked Elbakyan whether proportion of download requests
those download requests came from MSU’s ers.” He works for a company that publishes for papers not contained in the database
IP addresses, and she confirmed that they some of the most heavily downloaded con- is holding steady at 4.3%. If she runs out
did. The papers are all from chemistry jour- tent on Sci-Hub and requested anonymity of credentials for pirating fresh content,
nals, most of them published by the Ameri- so he could speak candidly. that gap will grow again, however—and
can Chemical Society. So the apparent goal For researchers at institutions that can- publishers and universities are constantly
is to build a massive private repository of not afford access to journals, he says, the devising new authentication schemes that
chemical literature. But why? publishers “need to make subscription she and her supporters will need to out-
Bill Hart-Davidson, MSU’s associate dean or purchase more reasonable for them.” smart. She even asked me to donate my
for graduate education, suggests that the Richard Gedye, the director of outreach own Science login and password—she was
likely answer is “text-mining,” the use of programs for STM, the International Asso- only half joking.
computer programs to analyze large collec- ciation of Scientific, Technical and Medical For Elbakyan herself, the future is even
tions of documents to generate data. When Publishers, disputes this. Institutions in the more uncertain. Elsevier is not only charg-
I called Hart-Davidson, I suggested that developing world that take advantage of the ing her with copyright infringement but
the East Lansing Sci-Hub scraper might be publishing industry’s outreach programs with illegal hacking under the U.S. Com-
someone from his own research team. But “have the kind of breadth of access to peer- puter Fraud and Abuse Act. “There is the
he laughed and said that he had no idea reviewed scientific research that is pretty possibility to be suddenly arrested for
who it was. But he understands why the much the equivalent of typical institutions hacking,” Elbakyan admits. Others who
scraper goes to Sci-Hub even though MSU in North America or Europe.” ran afoul of this law have been extradited
subscribes to the downloaded journals. For And for all the researchers at Western to the United States while traveling. And
his own research on the linguistic structure universities who use Sci-Hub instead, the she is fully aware that another computer
of scientific discourse, Hart-Davidson ob- anonymous publisher lays the blame on prodigy–turned-advocate, Aaron Swartz,
tained more than 100 years of biology pa- librarians for not making their online sys- was arrested on similar charges in 2011
pers the hard way—legally with the help of tems easier to use and educating their after mass-downloading academic papers.
the publishers. “It took an entire year just researchers. “I don’t think the issue is ac- Facing devastating financial penalties and
to get permission,” says Thomas Padilla, cess—it’s the perception that access is dif- jail time, Swartz hanged himself.
the MSU librarian who did the negotiat- ficult,” he says. Like the rest of the scientific community,
ing. And once the hard drive full of papers “I don’t agree,” says Ivy Anderson, the Elbakyan is watching the future of scholarly
arrived, it came with strict rules of use. At director of collections for the California communication unfold fast. “I will see how
the end of each day of running computer Digital Library in Oakland, which provides all this turns out.” j

512 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone
John Bohannon

Science, 352 (6285), .

DOI: 10.1126/science.352.6285.508

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