Proof-Read - Causes of Vegetarianism 1

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Reasons why some people choose a vegetarian diet

1. Nowadays, more and more people choose a vegetarian diet. The decision to follow
a vegetarian diet is motivated by various factors, including health benefits and religious
beliefs. In this essay, I will discuss about reasons why some people choose a vegetarian
diet. Commented [TP1]: - redundant
- discuss sth (no preposition)

One of the most popular reasons is that people believe/is the belief that a Commented [TP2]: WC

vegetarian diet is good for health. In detail, the main ingredients of tThis diet are Commented [TP3]: câu trước và sau nối vào bằng điểm
chung là diet sẽ tạo tính tuyến tính tốt hơn

primarily consists of vegetables, fruits, and nuts which are foods rich in vitamins and
fiber but low in calories and fat. This is especially advantageous for busy people in
modern society, people are so busy and have fewer where physicals activities are
limited, which leads to increasing obesity. According to nutrition experts, when,
combined ing a vegetarian diet with doing regular exercise, a vegetarian diet is a safe
weight loss method that helps reduce the risk of obesity. In addition, Miami Skin Commented [TP4]: nên đẩy regular exercise vào mệnh đề
phụ vì vegetarian diet là chủ đề chính

Institute has proven that vitamins and minerals in vegetarian foods help eliminate toxins,
and slow down the skin aging process. Besides, a vegetarian diet helps reduce the risk
of many diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and blood fat. Commented [TP5]: sắp xếp lại ý
rich in vitamin -> slow skin ageing
low in calories and fat -> lower risks of some diseases + lose
Another reason is that some people for choosinge a vegetarian diet is related to
Commented [TP6R5]: Revised: One of the main reasons for
adopting a vegetarian diet is the belief that it promotes good
their religious beliefs. Vegetarianism is no longer an uncommon practice strange issue health. This type of diet, which primarily consists of
vegetables, fruits, and nuts, is abundant in vitamins and fiber
in many countries around the world. Not only Buddhism but also other religions such as while being low in calories and fat. Research conducted by the
Miami Skin Institute has shown that the vitamin-rich nature of
vegetarian foods helps eliminate toxins and slow down skin
Muslims, Islam, and Hinduism have their vegetarianism. However, how to eat, and when aging. Furthermore, the reduced calorie and fat intake is
particularly advantageous for busy vegetarians in
to eat depend on each religion. For example, Muslims fast in September called Ramada. contemporary society where physical activities are limited.
Nutrition experts assert that when combined with regular
exercise, a vegetarian diet is a safe method for weight loss and
Every day of this month, they only eat after sunset and before sunrise. diminishes the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart
disease, and high blood fat levels.

In conclusion, there are the two factors that have been discussed -above causes Commented [TP7]: These supporting details are irrelevant.
It's better to dig deeper into their beliefs. For example, you can
focus specifically on Buddhism, saying that many Buddhists
shed light on why some people choose a vegetarian diet. Because it brings them These do not eat meat because they are against killing or they think
that it's wrong to take life.
include the many health benefits it offers and its alignment withand suits religious
beliefs. Therefore, people rely on their hobbies and beliefs to decide on a suitable Commented [TP8]: dependent clause - fragment
Commented [TP9]: WC
vegetarian diet.

Essay editing – Writing 3 – VBA23-1

2. Lastly, ethical considerations also influence many people's decision to adopt a
vegetarian diet. To be specific, concerns about animal welfare and the ethical treatment
of animals drive individuals to abstain from consuming meat, dairy, and other animal
products. The industrialization of animal agriculture has raised awareness about the
inhumane conditions in which animals are raised and slaughtered for food. As a result,
many people, driven by concerns about animal welfare and the ethical treatment of
animals, choose to align their dietary choices with their values by and opting for a
cruelty-free lifestyle by abstaining from consuming meat, dairy, and other animal

3. The third reason of behind vegetarianism is to reduceing the impact of livestock

industry on the environment. Reducing Livestock farms contribute greatly to
greenhouse gas (like methane CH4) emissions, deforestation, and water pollution.
caused bBy reducing these pollutants, from livestock farms can vegetarians helpf reduce
the environmental footprint and promote sustainable development. Commented [TP10]: pay attention to linearity

4. The last reason why many people pursue vegetarianism one is due to
environmental concerns. Recent studies have pointed out that a vegetarian diet generally
has a ve loweress effect on the environmental impact than a meat-based diet. Ithis is
because the production of meat and dairy requires more sources such as land, water, and
energy than thate one of plant-based foods. In addition, the increasing demand of
vegetables and fruits encouranges to plan more trees, so some people choosinge a
vegetarian diet can be seen as a proactive measure solution to protect the environment. Commented [TP11]: rearrange the ideas

The increasing number of vegetarians also increases the demand for vegetables and
fruits, thereby promoting the cultivation of more plants.

Essay editing – Writing 3 – VBA23-1

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