CEEPED 401 Part 1 Understanding The Self Answer Key

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Cerilles State College

School of Teacher Education
2nd Semester 2022-2023
CEEPED 401-General Education

1. 1. According to him, ”unexamined life is not worth living”.

a. Socrates b. Plato c. Augustine d. Aristotle
2. In his Theory of forms, he introduces the concept of the two words: the world of forms (non-physical ideas) and the world of sense
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Descartes d. Augustine

3. He postulates that the human mind at birth is a blank slate or tabula rasa.
a. Augustine b. John Locke c. Maurice Ponty d. Gilbert Ryle
4. The cornerstone of Socrates philosophy is:
a. I think, therefore I am c. The self is the way people behave
b. Know thyself d. The mind is empty at birth
5. He believes that the self is the brain
a. David Hume b. Maurice Merleau- Ponty c. Paul Churchland d. John Locke
6. He believes that the mind is not the seat of self but behavior thus the principle “I act, therefore I am’’.
a. Gilbert Ryle b. David Hume c. Immanuel Kant d. John Locke
7. The Phenomenology of Perception is the work of:
a. David Hume b. Maurice Merleau-Ponty c. Paul Churchland d. Aristotle
8. According to St. Augustine, where does true knowledge come from?
a. From sensory experience c. From divine revelation
b. From reason and logic d. From scientific investigation
9. What did René Descartes famously say?
a. "I think, therefore I am" c. "Cogito ergo sum"
b. "To be or not to be" d. "I know that I know nothing"
10. According to John Locke, what is the source of all knowledge?
a. Innate ideas c. Reason and logic
b. Sensory experience d. Divine revelation
11. What did David Hume believe about the self?
a. The self is an immortal soul that exists independently of the body
b. The self is a collection of sensory experiences and perceptions
c. The self is a product of divine intervention
d. The self is an illusion created by the mind
12. According to Immanuel Kant, what is the source of morality?
a. Divine revelation c. Reason and logic
b. Sensory experience d. Innate instincts
13. He believes that the self is the brain.
a. David Hume b. Maurice Merleau-Ponty c. Paul Churchland d. John Locke
14. This personality type tries to meet the desires of the id in a way that is socially acceptable in the world. It deals with the
a. ID b. Ego c. Selfie d. Superego
15. The "Id" is defined as which part of your human personality?
a. Based on morals and judgments about right and wrong c. Dealing with reality
b. Needing to look good d. Meeting basic needs
16. Jack is a 40-year-old professional who is struggling to find meaning and purpose in his life. According to Erik Erikson's
theory, which stage of psychosocial development is Jack likely experiencing?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
b. Generativity vs. Stagnation d. Initiative vs. Guilt
17. Sarah is a 5-year-old who has recently started kindergarten. She is excited to learn and make new friends. According to Erik Erikson's
theory, which stage of psychosocial development is Sarah likely experiencing?
a. Industry vs. Inferiority c. Initiative vs. Guilt
b. Trust vs. Mistrust d. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
18. Jane is a 16-year-old high school student who is struggling to find her place in the world. She feels unsure of who she is and what her
future holds. According to Erik Erikson's theory, which stage of psychosocial development is Jane likely experiencing?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Initiative vs. Guilt d. Intimacy vs. Isolation
19. The core of observational learning is_________
a. reinforcement b. punishment c. reward d. modeling
20. People expectations that they are capable of performing a behavior that will produce desired outcomes in any particular situation is
a. outcome expectancy b. self-efficacy c. distortion of consequences d. the self-system
21. At which stage of psychosexual development might a child experience anxiety related to issues of control and cleanliness?
a. Oral Stage b. Anal Stage c. Phallic Stage d. Latency Stage
22. Four-year-old Alex has been sucking his thumb obsessively and has also started to develop a fear of separation from his mother. This
behavior may indicate:

a. Oral Fixation b. Anal Fixation c. Phallic Fixation d. Latency Fixation

23. The study of social behavior, society, patterns of social relationship, social interaction and culture that surrounds everyday life.
a. Psychology b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. Biology
24. He is the pioneering contributors to sociological perspectives.
a. George Herbert Mead b. Albert Bandura c. David Hume d. Charles Cooley
25. We experienced feelings of pride or shame base on this imagine appearance and judgment by others. This is
based on what theory?
a. Looking Glass Self b. Social self theory c. Looking Self Theory d. none of the above
26. According to Mead, what are the three activities develop the self?
a. language, play& observation c. language, play & games
b. play, interaction & modeling d. Observation, modeling& interaction
27. It represents learned behavior, attitude, expectations of others and society
a. I b. self c. Me d. personality
28. Which of the following agents of socialization that the primary function is to reproduce society both biologically and socially.
a. family b. mass media c. peer group d. religion
29. Allowing individuals to take on different roles, pretend, and express expectations on others.
a. game b. play c. language d. family
30. Which of the following agents of socialization where teachers and other students are the source of expectations that encourage children
to think and behave in particular ways.
a. family b. religion c. peer group d. school
31. The agents of socialization that typically peaks during adolescence and generally only affect short term interest.
a. religion b. family c.school d. peer group
32. Culture can be best described as:
a. a set of ideas and meanings that people use based on the past and by which they construct
the present
b. the knowledge about yourself and your past that you’re born with and is transmitted through your genes
c. learned patterns of behavior and idea
d. all of the above
33. Someone's inability to understand that another person's view or opinion may be different than their own especially in relation to
a. sociocentrism b. egocentrism c. cultural relativism d. xenocentrism
34. The tendency to put the needs, concerns, and perspective of the social unit or group before one's individual, egocentric concerns.
a. sociocentrism b. egocentrism c. cultural relativism d. xenocentrism
35.The idea that a persons beliefs,values, and practices should be understood based on that persons own culture rather than be judged
against the criteria of another.
a. sociocentrism b. egocentrism c. cultural relativism d. xenocentrism
36. Belief that ones culture is superior to that of others.
a. ethnocentrism b. xenocentrism c. sociocentrism d. egocentrism
37. Is the thinking that other culture is superior to ones culture.
a. ethnocentrism b. xenocentrism c. sociocentrism d. egocentrism
38. The features of a person’s identity that he or she chooses to emphasize in constructing a social self.
a. personal name b. social identity c. identity toolbox d. cultural construction of self
39. It refers to the body which we interface with our environment and fellow being. It is a tangible aspect of the person that can be directly
observed or examined.
a. Physical Self c. Spiritual Self
b. Real Self d. Material Self
40. Which of the following concepts related to physical self that refers to how much you appreciate value and like yourself?
a. Self-identity c. self-concept
b. Self-image d. self-esteem
41.The idea one has of his/her abilities, appearance and personality.
a. Self-identity c. self-concept
b. Self-image d. self-esteem
42. Which of the following factors affecting growth and development is observed that a well-nurtured child does better than a deprived
a. Environment c. Heredity
b. Intelligence d. Geographical Influence
43. Which of the following practices among many health enthusiasts in keeping themselves physically fit, youthful and naturally glowing?
a. Improve sleeping habit c. practice right hygiene
b. Maintain a healthy lifestyle d. All of the above
44. The social designation of male or female.
a. Sex c. Gender
b. Genetics d. class

45. It is an internal awareness of where the individual belongs in the feminine and masculine categories.
a. Gender c. sexual orientation
b. Gender identity d. gender expression
46. Which of the following phases of sexual response cycle that male orgasm involves muscle contractions that propel semen from the
a. Excitement phase c. orgasmic phase
b. Plateau phase d. resolution phase
47. It refers to the couples sense of closeness and the presence of mutual concern and sharing of feelings and resources.
a. Intimacy c. commitment
b. Passion d. attachment
48. What components of material self-considered as the innermost part of your material self?
a. Body c. Family
b. Clothing d. Home
49. What components of material self considered as nearest imitation of yourself?
a. Body c. family
b. Clothing d. home
50. It is a form of self-expression.
a. Body c. Family
b. Clothes d. home

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