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Ingeniería de Control I

3º Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales

Escuela Politécnica Superior. Campus de Leganés

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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Department of System Engineering and Automation

Control Engineering I

Lab session 3

Frequency Study of Continuous

Systems of and Order
Macarena Lomo Martín
Ignacio García Marín


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Frequency Study of Continuous Systems of 1st and 2nd Order

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1. Introduction (1 point)
a. Indicate the used mock-up and the chosen amplifier gain.
b. Write a brief introduction.
c. Describe how the data have been measured.

2. Experimental results. (3.5 points)

a. Table 1 y 2.

b. New tables with the units change.

c. Draw the experimental points and the asymptotic bode diagrams.
d. Find the parameters of the transfer function of both systems from the obtained diagrams.

3. Using bode diagram from MATLAB, compare the frequency response of the first order system
(velocity response) using the transfer function obtained in session 1 and 3.

Comparing with the diagrams obtained empirically, the shapes (mostly the magnitude diagram) are
very similar. The frequency of the peak of the bode obtained via excel is slightly larger. Also, we did
not have enough data to reach a frequency of 0.1 and the changes of frequency are much more
abrupt, leading to irregularities in the diagrams. Also, the initial magnitude in the Simulink Bode
diagram is between 20 and 30 dB, while the excel bode is between 15 and 20 db; and the Simulink
phase goes from 0 to -90º, while the excel phase from -20 to -120º.


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Ingeniería de Control I
Banco de apuntes de la
Frequency Study of Continuous Systems of 1st and 2nd Order

4. Analyse the frequency response of the second order system with closed loop (position
response) (2 points).

a. Draw the Bode diagram, using the second order system with open loop, G2(s) =

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K2/(Ts+1)s (from session 1), and closing the loop in Matlab.

b. Draw the Bode diagram of the second order system with closed loop.


Todos los planes de suscripción incluyen descargas sin publicidad con coins
Frequency Study of Continuous Systems of 1st and 2nd Order

5. Explain the possible differences between the theoretical and real model in all the previous
cases. (1.5 points)

6. General conclusion: (1 point).

a. Can you analyse the relative stability of the system using the second Bode diagram?
b. According to the second Bode diagram, your transfer function corresponds to one of
these cases: different real poles, double pole, conjugate complex poles. If you desired to
go from one case to the others, which parameter from the mock-up would you modify?


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