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0731 信息可靠性

Doctor Smith

Next week, we are going to talk about ways to evaluate online sources of information. As
you know, while there is a lot of information available on the Internet, it is not all equally
reliable. Not all the information you find on websites is accurate, and some of it is even
intentionally misleading. When looking for information online, what do you think is the best
way to determine whether the information is accurate and truthful?


If I need to be sure information is accurate, I consult scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, like

academic journals. If other experts have reviewed the information and approved it, then I
know it is likely to be reliable. If I have any doubts, I can always ask my professors.


While I agree with Amy to an extent, not all the information you need is available in
academic journals. If I need more general information online, I consider the source. Who
posts the information to the site? Do they have anything to gain from presenting inaccurate
information-for example, are they selling a product related to the topic? Asking these kinds
of questions is important.

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