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Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Effect of molasses as an admixture on concrete durability

Cem Akar, Mehmet Canbaz*
Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Civil Engineering, 26480, Eskisehir, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Every year, about half a million ton of molasses such as sugar plant wastes are produced in Turkey.
Received 27 November 2014 Molasses was begun to use as mid-range plasticizer thanks to its water reducing properties. The fact that
Received in revised form normal plasticizers are not able to reduce sufficient water since to increase in their strength caused mid
18 September 2015
plasticizers to become common. Usage of an organic substance such as molasses in concrete should be
Accepted 20 September 2015
studied in terms of its behavior against such chemical effects as acid and sulfate. To this end, pure
Available online 30 September 2015
molasses and molasses with formaldehyde (to prevent fermantation) were added to concrete mixtures at
the rates 0.5% and 1%. First, the effect of molasses on fresh and hardened concrete properties was
established, then, additional specimens were obtained during production for strength tests and were
Mid-range plasticizer cured in acid and sulfate solutions for 28, 56, 90, and 180 days. Ultrasonic pulse and compression tests
Sulfate effect were conducted on specimens exposed to harmful chemical effects, and final losses were also estab-
Acid effect lished. In addition, mortar bar specimens were kept in acid and sulfate solutions after the process
ASR changes in their lengths were measured. The effect of molasses on alkali-silica reaction was established
depending on the length changes of mortar bar specimens. Behaviors of mixtures obtained by adding the
same amounts of polymeric sulphonate-based admixtures used as mid-range plasticizers under chemical
effects were compared with admixtures containing molasses. Concretes with molasses were observed as
affected from the harmful chemical reactions more compared to control concretes. Concrete cost can be
reduced by using molasses that also provides a green production.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sulphonation of lignin liquor formed in paper manufacturing.

Lignosulphonates are released to market in liquid and gas forms.
Concrete is the fundamental construction material in civil en- Liquid form is in yellow-black color, with acid levels of 7 > pH > 3,
gineering structures. Admixtures and especially plasticizers have and at 1.17 kg/dm3 density, however, they comprise 40e60%
become indispensable components of concrete over the last de- lignosulphonate. Powders are in yellow dark color, with unit weight
cades. Plasticizers can be defined as admixtures providing less use of 0.45 kg/dm3, thinner than cement and dissolve easily in water
of water for the same slump value, the ability to obtain a higher (Yıldırım and Altun, 2012).
slump value with the same amount of water, or less use of cement The use of hydroxyl carboxylic acid usage as chemical admixture
for the same strength (Ersoy, 1999; Topçu et al., 2006). Water- dates back to 1950s. and their using increased gradually day by day
reducing admixtures can reduce the amount of water required; however chemicals are utilized as water reducers. Hydroxyl car-
improving the compactness of concrete (Barbudo et al., 2013) boxylic acids are formed as a result of the addition of hydroxyl (OH)
Superplasticizers may significantly increase consistency or carboxylic acid (COOH) groups to short carbon chains (Yıldırım
(Martirenaa et al., 2014). and Altun, 2012).
Lignosulphonate is one of the chemical substances. Initially, In sugar fabrication, various cooking and cleaning processes for
natural resins, oils from wood resins, and sulphonated soaps were producing crystal sugar ends up with providing brown syrup con-
experimented in order to increase fluidity. As a result of the pro- taining about 50% sugar, and another substance which is called
duction of sodium and calcium lignosulphonate obtained by molasses. Molasses is produced from about 3.8 to 4% of the total
beet amount. Instead of being able to produce 14e16 kg of sugar
from a 100 kg of beet, about 11e13% of this amount could not be
obtained from beet but remains as molasses. A portion of this sugar
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 222 239 3750. remained as molasses is bound freely and another portion is bound
E-mail address: mcanbaz@ogu.edu.tr (M. Canbaz).

0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380 2375

as compounds with water and organic potas salts. Generally, in concrete prevents the effect of such reactions to a certain extent
75e86% of molasses is dry matter and 14e25% is comprised of (Baradan et al., 2002).
water. Also known as sorghum syrup, most of molasses is obtained Numerous reinforced concrete constructions demonstrated
from sugar cane grown in warm climates as Cuba, Brazil, and India. expansion thanks to alkalieaggregate reaction. Deteriorations and
Beet molasses is mostly found in warm climates and produced in cracks occurred in structures in which high alkali cement and opal
the USA, Germany, France, and other countries. The traditional beet aggregate was used in 1940s, cracks developing because of alkali-
sugar manufacturing technology has a considerable detrimental silica reactions (ASR) have also been observed in other countries
impact on the environment (Vaccari et al., 2005). Quality of (Ramachandran, 1998). The effect of alkali attack resembles more to
molasses depends on the maturity level of sugar cane or sugar beet, the effect of sulfate since the attack is aimed at certain compounds
amount of added sugar, and the method of extraction. While raw in concrete. Alkali melt in the pores of concrete is always saturated
sugar is produced from sugar cane, cane molasses is separated from with lime and contains sodium, potassium, and hydroxide ion at
sugar crystals with rotary machines called centrifuges. In the first varying rates. In general, cracks, expansion, deformations in
part obtained product has a lighter color and richer in saccharose structural elements, gel, leaks from cracks, and fractures are
compared to the other ones. The other portion is consistent of dark observed in constructions affected from ASR (Diamond, 1997). ASR
color and has a full taste. This portion is the final from which sugar effect causes more linear expansion in specimens with molasses
is obtained economically by crystallizing. Dark fermentation con- (Akar, 2012).
sists in converting simple sugars or disaccharides to hydrogen, Recent studies which involve molasses usage as cement
carbon dioxide and organic acids (Urbaniec and Grabarczyk, 2013). grinding aid have shown that energy resources can be used effi-
Light-colored initial molasses is comprised of about 65% carbohy- ciently using less energy for grinding (Gao et al., 2011; Li et al.,
drates, 24% water, 6% ash, and fewer amount of minerals along with 2015). Molasses are specifically preferred by cement factories for
a group of vitamin B. Dark-colored last portion of molasses contains their economical and logistics benefits. Additionally, composition
55% carbohydrates, 24% water, and minerals and vitamins at a of molasses does not contain any toxic materials; therefore, using
higher rate (than the previous one). Light-colored molasses is molasses in cement production is less harmful to environment (Li
generally used in candy, and dark-colored molasses is mostly used et al., 2015).
in cattle, sheep, and horse feeds, and in numerous other fields This study investigates the behavior of molasses used as plas-
(Go€rgülü, 1967). It is beneficial for beet molasses to be added to ticizer in concrete in terms of strength durability issues such as
cement mix. Its use in higher amounts would not increase its sulfate attack, acid attack, and alkali-silica reaction that concrete
strength despite slowing down hydration of cement (Gao et al., may face throughout its service life. There are a few studies on the
2011). Studies have shown that admixtures based on molasses in- use of molasses as an admixture in concrete (Jumadurdiyev et al.,
crease the quality of concrete by reducing water-cement ratio 2004; Li et al., 2015), but there is no study on durability proper-
thanks to its water-reduction property (Canbaz et al., 2011). ties of concrete with molasses especially acid attack and ASR.
Molasses improves the workability and fluidity of fresh concrete
and delays setting period of cement paste (Jumadurdiyev et al.,
2004). Use of molasses along with the addition of borax as bind- 2. Experimental study
ing agent in producing light substances that provide thermal
insulation positively affects tensile strength (Benk and Çoban, 2.1. Materials
2012). Use of gypsum as an admixture delays setting period of
cement, and when molasses added to it, the setting period length 2.1.1. Cement
increases even more. The strength of cement mortar with molasses CEM I 42,5 (Ordinary Portland Cement without any additives,
decreases during the first few days. However, 7-day strengths may Type I) manufactured by Sançim Cement Company was used in the
reach desired values when cured properly (Kavas et al., 2005). produced concrete specimens. Mechanical, physical, and chemical
Molasses is essential to create a central composite design model properties of cement are given in Table 1.
from molasses-cement-sand mixture system to estimate the char-
acteristics of sand mixture (Mandal and Roy, 2006). 2.1.2. Aggregate
A sulfate attack occurs when sulfate ions get contact with In concrete production, 3 different limestone ballasts brought
cement paste. Concrete is then damaged as a result of these from quarries with grain diameters between 0 and 4 mm, 4 and
chemical reactions. Sulfate is found in wide variety of resources. 11.4 mm, and 11.4 and 22 mm were used. Granulometries of the
Underground water, soil containing high levels of clay, sea water, aggregate is shown in Fig. 1AeC are reference curves of aggregate
swamps containing organic substance, and mines. Waste water mixtures. Curve of the ideal mixture of aggregate for concrete
treatment facilities are also rich in sulfate. Intensity of sulfate effect production should take place between A and B curves.
in terms of concrete depends on the concentration of sulfate ion
found in soil or water (Ghafoori et al., 2006). Sulfate comes into
reaction with some compounds of cement and causes concrete to 2.1.3. Plasticizer
deteriorate in time. This attack occurs by sulfate ions coming into Three different admixtures were used in the produced concrete.
chemical reaction with alumina and calcium compounds in hard- The admixture used was polymeric sulfonated. Technical features
ened concrete and forming ettringite and gypsum. Using molasses of medium plasticizer are given in Table 2.

Table 1
Properties of cement.

% SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O SO3 Cle Loss on ignition
19.95 4.48 2.85 1.19 62.91 0.31 0.58 2.96 0.009 3.45

Expansion Blain 90 m 45 m Consistency Initial Setting, Final Setting Specific Compressive

mm cm2/g % % Water, % Time, minute Time, minute weight Strength, MPa
1 3605 0.4 4 27.5 130 190 3100 43.7
2376 C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380

100 polymeric sulfonated and molasses and also specimens with both
A molasses and technical formaldehyde were produced. Admixture
90 Mixture
B rates were determined as 0.5% and 1% and concrete with admix-
Aggregate Passing, %

C tures were produced. The amount of admixtures was determined at

the end of the preliminary experiments and previous studies.
60 Table 5 shows concrete series.
40 2.3. Tests
20 A slump test was conducted to measure the workability char-
10 acteristics of fresh concrete. Unit weight tests were also carried out.
Of the series of concrete, specimens were 15  15  15 cm3 sizes.
0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 25 Specimens were cured under standard cure conditions. Compres-
Sieve Diameter, mm sion, splitting tensile, ultrasonic pulse, capillary absorption, and
unit weight tests were conducted on hardened concrete at the end
Fig. 1. Granulometry of aggregate. of 28 days. Among the durability tests, sulfate test was conducted
first in accordance with ASTM C 1012 standards (ASTM C1012,
1012). Na2SO4 was used at a rate of 50 g/L. One control and 6
Table 2
admixture added specimens measured 25  25  285 mm3 were
Properties of polymeric sulfonate admixture.
P - prepared and cured in a sulfate solution, and extension amounts of
Chemical content Color Density pH Cl Alkaline equivalent specimens were established at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 15, 20, and
Ligno-Naphthalene dark brown 1.180 gr/cm 3
9 <0.1% <4.0% 26. Concrete specimens of 15  15  15 cm3 were produced and
sulfonate placed in Na2SO4 solutions amounting to 50000 mg/L. In addition,
cube specimens of 15 cm were cured in acetic acid solution for 28,
56, 90, and 180 days, and compression and ultrasonic pulse tests
Table 3 were conducted. Acid tests were also carried out. Acetic acid was
Properties of molasses.
used in tests at a rate of 50 mg/L. One control and 6 admixture
Dry matter Ash Invert sugar Raffinose Polar sugar Purity Air density added concrete specimens measured 25  25  285 mm3 were
82% 14% 0.20% 1.10% 50.25% 61.35% 1.178 gr/cm3 prepared and cured in acid solution, and extension amounts of
specimens were established at weeks 0e26. In addition, cube
specimens of 15 cm were cured in acetic acid solution for 28, 56, 90,
and 180 days, and compression and ultrasonic pulse tests were
2.1.4. Molasses
performed on specimens. Of the durability tests, alkali-silica reac-
Molasses supplied from Eskişehir Sugar Factory was used.
tion test was carried out in compliance with ASTM C 1260 standard
Technical features of molasses obtained from Eskişehir Sugar Fac-
(ASTM C1260, 1260). For the test, mixture specimens with and
tory are given in Table 3.
without admixtures measured 25  25  285 mm3 were prepared
and cured in Na(OH) solution at 80  C. Specimens were taken out of
2.1.5. Technical formaldehyde the solution everyday for 14 days, placed in a comparator, and the
amounts extensions in their lengths were established (Akar, 2012).

Table 4
Technical properties of formaldehyde. 3. Results and discussions
Solubility Density pH Boiling point Vapor pressure Acid Methanol
Slump test results obtained from fresh concrete tests conducted
20  C 1.09 gr/cm3 3,4 93e96  C 1.3 hPa 0.03% 9e11%
on the produced concrete types are shown in Table 6. Admixtures
based on molasses increased slump amounts. Such amounts
appeared to be more especially when used along with technical
Technical formaldehyde is a material used for fermentation of formaldehyde. Slump value reached 21 cm with use of molasses
molasses. By using it along with molasses, its effects on strength only.
and durability were examined in relation to specimens with Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and unit weight test results of
molasses only and to other specimens. Table 4 shows characteris- specimens were shown Fig. 2. Despite the fact that UPV of speci-
tics of technical formaldehyde. mens containing 1% molasses was higher compared to specimens
with 0.5%, UPV of 0.5% specimens in which molasses was used
2.2. Methods together with technical formaldehyde was higher. It was observed
in specimens with a dosage of 320 in which 0.5% molasses and 1%
A total number of 7 types of concrete were produced at Selka molasses with technical formaldehyde had higher UPV compared
Ready Mixed Concrete material laboratories. Cement dosage was to specimens and control specimen in which medium plasticizer
320 kg/m3 in concretes. Specimens with admixtures containing was added. The fact that UPV of specimens with molasses were

Table 5
Composition of concrete.

0 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF

control 0.5% polymeric 1% polymeric 0.5% molasses 1% molasses 0.5% molasses and 1% molasses and
concrete sulfonate sulfonate technical formaldehyte technical formaldehyte
C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380 2377

Table 6 42 5.6
Fresh concrete test results. CS

Split Tensile Strength, MPa

40 5.4
0 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF

Comp.Strength, MPa
Slump, cm 16 19 23 18 21 20 23
Unit Weight, kg/dm3 2.3 2.32 2.31 2.31 2.3 2.31 2.31
higher in general due to these specimens having less capillary 32 4.4
voids. Even though unit weights of specimens with molasses
30 4.2
appeared to be a bit higher, unit weight values of all the specimens
00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF
were observed as close to each other in general within a range of
2.30e2.35 kg/dm3. The fact that molasses filled capillary voids Fig. 3. Variation on strength of concrete specimens.
ensured unit weights of specimens with molasses to be a bit higher.
Compressive strength and splitting tensile strength results of
specimens were given in Fig. 3. It was observed that the use of containing 1% polymeric sulphonate at week 20, and specimen
molasses especially together with technical formaldehyde provided containing 1% molasses at week 15. Cracks of various sizes occurred
positive effects on concrete compressive strength from day 28. in all specimens due to sulfate effect.
Specimen containing 1% medium plasticizer provided higher UPV variation of specimen under sulfate effect was given in
compressive strength than 0.5% specimens and control specimen. Fig. 5. Excluding the control specimen, rest of the specimens had
Tensile strength of specimens with molasses is similar to control higher UPV at first. The reason for this is the effect of constant
specimen. It was established that use of 0.5% admixture in poly- sulfate ratio. The control specimen was observed to demonstrate
meric sulphonate specimens, specimens with molasses, and spec- the minimum change from the sulfate effect. UPV of specimens
imens with molasses along with technical formaldehyde provided a with molasses and specimens with molasses along with technical
higher tensile strength compared to specimens containing 1% formaldehyde were approximate. A decrease in UPV occurred in
admixture. This shows that tensile strength would not have posi- specimens with molasses after 90 day. In specimens containing
tive effect on the rate of admixture exceeding the ratio 1%. polymeric sulphonate admixture, higher UPV were obtained in 56-
day results. The highest 56-day value of UPV was found as 4.92 km/
s in specimen which contains medium plasticizer. The fact that
4. Durability test results specimens were under the effect sulfate did not create any effect on
their UPV. UPV were found as approximate to specimens cured
4.1. Sulfate test result under normal cure conditions.
Compressive strength results of specimens in sulfate solution
Extension amounts of mixture specimens under sulfate effect were shown in Fig. 6. Control specimen was observed as having a
were shown in Fig. 4. Length of control specimen extended 0.035% loss of strength in time due to sulfate attack. Compressive strength
at the end of week 26. Specimen containing 0.5% polymeric of the specimen containing 0.5% polymeric sulphonate demon-
sulphonate extended 0.066%. Specimen containing 1% polymeric strated an increase from day 28 to day 180. Compressive strength of
sulphonate extended 0.061%. Specimen containing 0.5% molasses the specimen containing 1% polymeric sulphonate did not show
extended 0.86%. Specimen containing 1% molasses extended any rise due to harmful effect of sulfate despite reaching day 180.
0.023% at the end of week 26. Specimen containing 0.5% molasses Specimen containing 0.5% molasses was the least affected from the
and technical formaldehyde extended 0.042%. Specimen containing sulfate. On day 180, compressive strength reached 40.2 MPa.
1% molasses and technical formaldehyde extended 0.046% at the Specimens containing 1% molasses and molasses together with
end of week 26. It was observed that the specimen with polymeric technical formaldehyde were affected the most from sulfate.
sulphonate extended more than to control specimen, and that
specimen containing 0.5% molasses extended the longest. None of
the specimens passes 0.1% extension value which was a critical
value for medium sulfate resistant cements. Critical value for high 0,1
Upper limit for sulphate- resisting cement
sulfate resistant cements of 0.05% was not exceeded by control 0,09 00
specimen and specimens containing 1% molasses and 0.5% and 1% 05S
molasses and technical formaldehyde. Specimen containing 0.5% 0,08 1S
polymeric sulphonate exceeded the value after week 15, specimen 05M
0,07 1M
Length Change %

0,06 1MTF
4.90 2.34
UPV 0,05
UW 2.33
Upper limit for high sulphate- resisting cement
4.80 0,04
Unit Weight, kg/dm3

UPV, km/s

4.75 0,03
4.70 2.31
4.55 0
4.50 2.28
0 1 2 3 4 8 13 15 20 26
00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF Time, Week

Fig. 2. Change on ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete specimens. Fig. 4. Length change of standard mortar specimens exposed to a sulfate solution.
2378 C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380

5 0.10
4.9 00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF
0.09 00 05S
4.7 1S 05M
4.6 1M 05MTF
UPV, km/sec

4.5 0.07 1MTF

Length Change, %
4.3 0.06
4 0.04
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 0.03
Time, day
Fig. 5. Change on ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete specimens exposed to sulfate
0 1 2 3 4 8 13 15 20 26
Specimen with 1% molasses gained strength although quite low.
Specimens containing 0.5% and 1% molasses and technical form- Time, Week
aldehyde did not gather any strength. When examined in general,
Fig. 7. Length change of standard mortar specimens exposed to acid solution.
damaging effects of sulfate on concrete caused a compressive
strength loss around 20e30%.
Results of compressive strength in acid solution were given in
Fig. 9. Compressive strength of control specimen increased even
4.2. Acid test results slightly until day 180. Harmful effects of sulfate were observed in
specimens containing 0.5% polymeric sulphonate, and an increase
Length extensions values on mixture specimens under the effect in strength was not formed until day 180. An increase in strength is
of acid were given in Fig. 7. Control specimen extended 0.074% at observed in specimens containing 1% polymeric sulphonate from
the end of week 26. Specimen containing 0.5% medium plasticizer day 90. Compressive strength increase accelerated in specimens
extended 0.066%. Specimen containing 1% medium plasticizer containing 0.5% molasses and 1% molasses from day 90. Use of 1%
extended 0.063%. Specimen containing 5% molasses extended molasses provided higher compressive strength compared to its
0.019%. Specimen containing 1% molasses extended 0.086%. Spec- use at a rate of 0.5%. Specimens in which molasses was used
imen containing 0.5% molasses and technical formaldehyde together with technical formaldehyde were the least affected from
extended 0.007% at the end of week 0.045%. Specimen with 1% damaging effects of acid. A 180-day result of specimens produced
molasses and technical formaldehyde extended 0.031% at the end 40.9 MPa value from specimen containing 0.5% molasses and
of week 26. Specimen containing 1% molasses was observed to technical formaldehyde and 43.9 MPa value from specimen con-
extend the most. This specimen was found as affected from the acid taining 1% molasses and technical formaldehyde.
at the highest level. Specimen containing 0.5% molasses was the
least extended specimen, and was also observed to have affected 4.3. ASR tests results
from acid the least. Specimen with polymeric sulphonate extended
less in acid solution compared to the control. Reactions occurring between alkali oxides stemming from
UPV of specimen in acid solution were given in Fig. 8. Despite cement and aggregates containing reactive silica forms created an
the fact that specimens with molasses had the less capillary gap, expansion in specimens. When Fig. 10 is examined, control spec-
these specimens produced lower UPV compared to the control due imen extended 0.032% at the end of day 14. Specimen containing
to the effect of acid widely spread up until day 180. In an overview, 0.5% polymeric sulphonate extended 0.028%. Specimen containing
UPV of 56-day specimens were higher. It was concluded that the 1% polymeric sulphonate extended 0.006%. Specimen containing
effect of acid increased greatly especially after day 56. UPV of 0.5% polymeric sulphonate extended 0.032%. Specimen containing
specimens containing molasses along with technical formaldehyde 1% molasses extended 0.015%. Specimen containing 0.5% molasses
were higher compared to specimens with molasses and polymeric and technical formaldehyde extended 0.029. Specimen containing

41 00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF
00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF 5.3
38 5.1
Compressive Strength, MPa

35 4.9
UPV, km/sec

32 4.7

29 4.5
20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Time, day
Time, day
Fig. 8. Change on ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete specimens exposed to acid
Fig. 6. Compressive strength of concrete specimens exposed to sulfate solution. solution.
C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380 2379

45 Besides, chemical admixture may contain toxic compounds

00 05S 1S 05M 1M 05MTF 1MTF whereas molasses, as a non-toxic material, contributes to a greener
Compressive Strength, MPa

40 concrete production.
Sugar plant waste utilizes as a raw material in cement produc-
35 tion (Vaccari et al., 2005). During sugar production, annually half
million tons molasses are produced in 25 factories, which spread all
around the Turkey as a byproduct (Akar, 2012). It is easily reachable
in terms of logistics because of low shipping cost. Molasses is nearly
10 times cheaper than the other plasticizers. Using plasticizer in
concrete production increases the cost of the concrete by 10% while
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 the increment rate is 1% by using molasses. On the first stage of this
Time, day study when the amount of cement was determined, it was found
that less cement could be added in concrete mixture with molasses
Fig. 9. Compressive strength of concrete specimens exposed to acid solution.
used as plasticizer at constant water-cement ratio (Canbaz et al.,
2011). Concrete costs are reduced by 3% approximately. This ratio
1% molasses and technical formaldehyde extended 0.065% at the occurs as 2% by considering the cost of molasses (Akar, 2012).
end of day 14. Specimens with polymeric sulphonate are less
extended compared to control and specimens with molasses. These 6. Conclusions
specimens were observed to have affected less from alkali-silica
reaction. Specimen with 0.5% polymeric sulphonate extended The below-mentioned results are obtained in this study.
more compared to specimen containing 1% polymeric sulphonate.
Specimens with molasses were exposed to ASR a bit more. While  Admixtures containing molasses and polymeric sulphonate
specimen containing 0.5% molasses demonstrated more extension caused a decrease in water-cement ratio in concrete. Setting
compared to specimen containing 1%, it was observed that spec- periods of specimens with molasses extended significantly same
imen containing 1% molasses and technical formaldehyde extended as mentioned in other studies (Canbaz et al., 2011;
more compared to specimen containing 0.5% and that it was Jumadurdiyev et al., 2004). It caused extensions up to 24 h in
affected more from alkali-silica effect. time. Based on this study, it was established that molasses may
be used in concrete production; however, it would be more
proper to adjust its setting delaying characteristics with a raw
5. Environmental and economic aspects material, which has no effect on the structure of the concrete.
 In specimens 20% increase occurred in 28-day compressive
The cement industry emits up to 5e7% of worldwide anthro- strength values. This increase in the compressive strength of
pogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (Benhelal et al., 2013; Valipour specimens was similar to other studies (Canbaz et al., 2011;
et al., 2014). Therefore, greenhouse gas balance increases due to Jumadurdiyev et al., 2004). The reason for this was molasses
cement production (Gao et al., 2015; Kajaste and Hurme, 2015). being set-retarder and demonstrating its strength increasing
Turkey has an important position with an annual production ca- effect only after a certain number of days. Considering splitting
pacity of 100 million tons of cement (2% of world production) tensile strength results, polymeric sulphonate increased
(CEMBUREAU Activity Report, 2014). Thus, Turkey is among the strength more compared to molasses. UPV values of concrete
countries that influences the greenhouse gas balance. This balance based on molasses were established as slightly higher compared
can be controlled by the production of cement. For this reason, it is to concrete with polymeric sulphonate. Nonetheless, significant
important to reduce the cement ratio in concrete production. The differences were not observed between UPV values of control
amount of water can be reduced by 10% with adding molasses as specimen. A unit weight increase of 1e2% occurred in all spec-
plasticizer in concrete production (Canbaz et al., 2011). Also the imens. Increase in admixture did not have a significant impact
amount of cement can be reduced by same amount with water at a on weight.
constant water-cement ratio. Reduction of cement ratio by using  Lengths of mixture specimens extended in sulfate solution.
molasses in concrete decreases the cement production and pro- Predominantly specimens containing polymeric sulphonate and
vides a more environmental-friendly carbon dioxide emission. molasses extended more. Compressive strengths of concrete
specimens kept in sulfate solution showed about 30% losses.
Specimen with molasses had the highest rate of length exten-
0.1 sion among mixture specimens cured in acid solution. In con-
00 05S
0.09 Non-reactive zone crete specimens, about 25e30% compressive strength loss was
1S 05M
0.08 1M 05MTF observed due to harmful effect of acid. Based on alkali-silica
Length Change, %

0.07 1MTF reaction test results, extensions up to 0.030e0.035 mm

occurred in specimen without admixtures. Specimens with
molasses extended more compared to specimens with poly-
meric sulphonate.
0.03 By using molasses as an admixture in concrete mixture, a more
0.02 natural material instead of chemical material was used in concrete.
0.01 Greener production process will occur to prevent the negative side
effects of chemical materials using molasses. It is also an important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 study in terms of environmental cleaning solutions because of
Time, Day
natural sugar beet waste usage. In addition, the cost of concrete can
be reduced approximately 2%, considering by-products of concrete
Fig. 10. Length change of standard mortar bars kept immersed in a 1N NaOH. based waste. In the use of molasses as mid-range plasticizer,
2380 C. Akar, M. Canbaz / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2374e2380

specimens were affected more compared to control specimens Ghafoori, N., Diawara, H., Beasley, S., 2006. Resistance to external sodium sulfate
attack for early-opening-to-traffic Portland cement concrete. Cem. Concr.
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