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October 18th, 2018 QC18-138

Development of a procedure and a demonstration

application for an ECU compatible DOC plant model


MAN Truck (henceforth will be referred as MAN) seeks to convert a DOC model into an
ECU compatible model (henceforth will be referred as Gray Box model). The resulting
model will be functionally equivalent to the detailed model supplied by MAN (henceforth
will be referred as 'detailed' model). The functional equivalency is defined as the DOC
plant model predictions agreed with the detailed model prediction with an agreed upon
margin of tolerance.

Gamma Technologies LLC (henceforth will be referred as GT) will pursue two
approaches to provide analytical and NN Gray Box models.

In the first approach, the detailed model will be executed to generate a set of data that
will be used to train a hybrid neural network model (henceforth will be referred as NN
model). The mathematical description of the resulting NN will be coded and integrated
into a single unit that will also include the facility to input inlet data and retrieve the
output responses. In this project a static NN model will be used and, therefore, an
additional mathematical element will be integrated to model the thermal response
(thermal module) of the catalyst substrate to account for heat of reactions and heat
transfer effects. This hybrid approach has been successfully used elsewhere (1). In the
current project the previous approach may be improved using series of NN and thermal
modules to capture the axial variations of species concentrations and temperature. The
end product of the approach will a NN Gray Box model.

The second approach differs from the first in that no NN model will be generated.
Instead the governing equations entailed in the detailed model will be manually
converted into simplified set of set of equations. These equations will be partially solved
using analytical procedures. The resulting equations will solely comprise of a set 1 st
order ODE and algebraic equations which will be the Grey Box approximation of the
detailed model (2). The end product of the approach will an Analytical Gray Box model.

In both approaches, equations will be coded by GT, compiled and executed in a modern
PC. The results from both (detailed and Grey Box) models will be compared in order to
verify computational efficiency and accuracy of the Grey Box model. These models will
track conversion efficiencies CO, H2 and HC as well as NO/NO2 dynamics. The target

All information contained in this document is confidential and cannot be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Gamma Technologies, LLC.
October 18th, 2018 QC18-138

of the grey box model will be to achieve accuracy within 5% of the results predicted by
the detailed model while being computationally efficient (i.e. at least will be more than
10times faster than RT on a state-of-the-art PC). GT will provide the finished models, a
final written report containing the assumptions, comparison with the detailed model.


MAN will provide input data (species concentrations, temperature and mass flowrate) for
a selected set of SGB tests and a WLPT test. These input data will be used for the sole
purpose of generating output data from the detailed model for comparison with the grey
box model.


Task 1: NN Gray Box Model

1.1 Data creation

1.1.1 Execute the supplied detailed model using SGB and WLTP inlet
1.1.2 System Identification Toolbox from MathWorks will be used to
generate training input signals. The frequency contents of the signal
are determined by the lower and upper bound of a passband.

1.2 NN model creation

1.2.1 Run detailed model using data created in Task 1.1.2
1.2.2 Develop simple thermal model (thermal module)
1.3.3 Train and validate NN models
1.3.4 Create C-code of NN and thermal modules
1.3.5 Incorporate standalone procedure into the C-code for inputting inlet
data and retrieval of the output responses. This constitutes the NN
Grey Box model.
1.3.6 NN Grey box model is validated against the results obtained
through the execution of the detailed model using SGB and WLTP
input provided by MAN to check the accuracy and numerical
efficiency requirement

1.3 MAN deliverables

1.3.1 Supply a set of SGB tests and WLTP input

1.4 GT deliverables

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in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Gamma Technologies, LLC.
October 18th, 2018 QC18-138

2.3.1 Provide executable code of the Grey Box comprising:

a) An S-Function block
b) The source code of the S-Function block
c) The core code of the NN DOC model
d) An example Simulink model
e) Input concentrations and results of the demonstration model

Task 2: Analytical Gray Box Model

1.1 DOC Model Reduction and Validation

2.2.1. Apply Grey Box approximation and develop simplified set of
governing reactions
2.2.2 Partially (analytically) solve the simplified set of reactions. This
constitutes the Analytical Grey Box Model.
2.2.3 Generate Analytical Grey box executable.
2.2.4 Analytical Grey box model is validated against the results obtained
through the execution of the detailed model using SGB and WLTP
input provided by MAN to check the accuracy and numerical
efficiency requirement

2.2 MAN deliverables

2.2.1 Supply a set of SGB tests and WLTP input (same as 1.3.1)

2.4 GT deliverables

2.3.1 Provide executable code of the Grey Box comprising:

a) An S-Function block
b) The source code of the S-Function block
c) The core code of the SCR model
d) An example Simulink model
e) Input concentrations and results of the demonstration model


a) Written report related to the project.

All information contained in this document is confidential and cannot be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Gamma Technologies, LLC.
October 18th, 2018 QC18-138

b) Oral presentation on the project to MAN via WebEx. Discussion of the results
and assessment of the project from GTI perspective as well as
methodologies used for calibration.


•Task 1: $25,000
•Task 2: $30,000 * 50% cost share = $15,000

50% of the cost of Task 1 is due at the start of the project. The remaining amount of
Task 1 is due within 60 days after the receipt of the deliverables by MAN for Task 1. The
cost of the Task 2 is due only at the end of the project. Task 1 will be delivered on a
priority basis and Task 2 will be undertaken if MAN directs GT to do so before the end of
Task 1.

Time Line:

The project will start no later than 2weeks after the formal acceptance of the proposal
and initial payment. GT is committed to conclude the Task 1 of the project within 8
weeks from the start day of the project. GT is committed to conclude the Task 2 of the
project within 8 weeks from the end day of Task 1.


1) "Development of integrated engine/catalyst model for real-time simulations of

control design options", Syed Wahiduzzaman, Wen Wang, Andy Leonard, and
Seth Wenzel, F2010-C003, 2010 FISITA
2) "Development of ECU compatible gray-box models from detailed models:
Application to a SCR reactor", Santhosh Gundlapally, Iakovos Papadimitriou,
Syed Wahiduzzaman and Tian Gu, 2016, Environment Control Science and
Technology, Vol. 2, Num 3.

All information contained in this document is confidential and cannot be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Gamma Technologies, LLC.

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