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Aliudin, Sarah Mae K.

Caramat, Patricia G.
Ganoy, Kenneth A.
Gatcho, Edryl P.
Kadalem, Prince Michael B.
Lacbao, Kristine Joy C.
Maliao, Hugh Keisha E.
Paidomama, Najia Alaizah D.

A Research Outline Submitted to the Senior High School Department, Kabacan

Wesleyan Academy, Inc. in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strand

APRIL 2024

Background of the Study

Social media has turned into an essential element of individuals’ lives

including students in today’s world of communication. Its use is growing

significantly more than ever before, especially in the post-pandemic era, marked by

a great revolution happening to the educational systems. Recent investigations of

using social media show that approximately 3 billion individuals worldwide are

now communicating via social media (Iwamoto and Chun, 2020).

Over the past few years social media was invented and expanded

until it has become a phenomenon in the world. Social media is computer-based

technology that plays a very important role in our daily lives. It includes

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and many others. Most

people nowadays have social media accounts, and it has been used all over the

world. Social media allows people to share, communicate, and engage with

others online. Currently, social media has become one of the most important

means of communication. It is the most powerful form of communication

that enables individuals to stay in touch with their friends, family, and loved

ones who may be located in distant locations.

Additionally, according to the study of Azizi et al. in 2019, on the

relationship between social networking addiction and academic

performance, they found that students who were addicted to social

networking had significantly lower academic performance.

Students nowadays mostly use social media, and it has become a vital

part of their social life. It is now recognized as a platform for learning that

enhances students’ participation in school. Social media provides a means for

students to communicate, connect, and access information for their research

needs. Through social media, students can learn new concepts, ideas, and skills.

Social media has a many positive effects on students’ academic

performance, as it enables them to gather data and information more

efficiently. The fun element of social media sites always helps students to be

connected with peers and teachers to gain knowledge. When social media is

used in educational purposes it may improve academic performance.’

However, there are consequences in using social media when it is

used for non-academic purposes, as it can be incredibly addictive and often

abused by students. This leads to them spending more time on social

media instead of focusing on their studies, which can ultimately harm their

academic performance.

Furthermore, social media usage can worsen mental health issues such as

anxiety and depression. Students need to understand that their social

media activity can have consequences and can affect their academic

performance negatively.

The more time students use social media, the worse the impact

on their academic performance. This suggests that the time devoted to

using social media comes likely at the expense of time that should have been

spent for academic purposes. Heavy users of social media probably do poorly in

exams and assignments because they do not put enough time into their academic


Kabacan Wesleyan academy Inc. is an institution where students are prone

in using social media. Researchers observed that most of the students in Kabacan

Wesleyan Academy spent hours with their phones daily and how relatively

effective this is to their academic performance. This research therefore seeks to

investigate the level of engagement of students of the Kabacan Wesleyan academy

into social media and determine the effects of their use on academic work.
Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to determine the effects of social

media towards academic performance of Grade 12 students at Kabacan Wesleyan

Academy, Inc.

Specifically, it aims to;

1. determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. age

b. sex

c. social media commonly used

c. No. of hours spent on using social media

d. First semester general average

2. determine the advantages and disadvantages of social media on academic

performance of students.

3. identify possible ways to minimize and use social media appropriately.

Significance of the Study

Students. The outcome of the study can help the students to minimize the

engagement in social media. Students can be aware of what is possible

outcome of being addicted to social media, also to prevent low academic


Parents. This study is significant to the parents in the sense that they will

know the possible effect of social media usage has on their children.

Teachers. This study is significant to the teachers in the sense that they can

limit their students’ social media usage during class hours. So that, the

students can focus on the discussion of their teacher.

Future Researchers. This will help the future researchers to have an idea

of their related future studies.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus only on the effects of social media towards academic

performance of Grade 12 students in Kabacan Wesleyan Academy Inc.

Operational Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – it is the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals.

General average – is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by

the total number of learning area.

Social media – refers to the means of interaction among people in which

they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks.

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical basis for this investigation comes from the Uses and

Gratification Theory (U & G) and the Social Learning Theory. The use and

gratification theory, as described by Aisar, Mohd, and Nur (2015), assumes that

people use social media for different reasons and to attain some satisfaction.

Individuals' social media usage decisions are heavily impacted by their desires and

the satisfaction derives from such media (van Roy, Deterding & Zaman, 2018)

Social Learning Theory (SLT) to explain or show behavioral changes caused by

the influence of social actors (Abdullah, Hassan, Abdelmagid & Ali, 2020).

Human behavior has ramifications that are influenced by their relationships with

their surroundings. Hence, when students communicate with their mates over

social media sites, the interactions might result in a behavioral consequence that

can have a favorable or unfavorable effect on academic achievement (Mingle &

Adams, 2015)

Conceptual Framework

 Age
 Sex
 Social media performance in school
commonly used
 general average
 amount of time
spent using social
Figure 1. A conceptual framework showing the effects of social media towards
academic performance.

This digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life, that

impacting various aspects of society, including education. Students engage in

social media as they have fun, gather information, and communicate with loved

ones. As students increasingly engage with platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram,

and TikTok, there is a growing interest in understanding the effects of social media

on academic performance.

Social Media

Social media is the means that employ mobile and web-based technology to

create highly interactive platform via which individuals and community share, co-

create, discuss and modify user-generated content. Social media is phrase being

tossed around a lot. It is a website that does not just give you information but

interacts with you while giving you information. It is a group of internet-based

applications that allows the creation and exchange of users generated content.
Social media refers to the exchange and comment among themselves in different

networks (Keitzman, 2012).

According to the journal written by (Saturno, 2019), social media is a kind

of innovation of technology which cannot be separated with students’ daily

routine. Social networking like What’s App application and Facebook are

preferable communication platforms among students. Meanwhile, media sharing

like YouTube is also used as a medium for academic development, the students’

usage of social media related to academic purposes as means of communication

not only among peer-to-peer but also among students with their lecturer. Besides,

using it as a means of communication, they also used social media for study

development and also to understand what they have been thought in class. The

usage of social media basically gives impact on students’ general average,

moreover, the usage of social media for class related research has helped improves

students’ grades.

According to Harvard Research cited by (Jayson 2014), “Facebook is

transformed from a public space behavioral laboratory”. Digital natives so as the

immigrants became active in sharing their thoughts, feelings and opinion, personal

information, pictures and videos especially when internet is within the work of

their palm using smartphones in any place which has internet connections.

According to (Gross 2004) noted that “students use social networking sites not

only for leisure and personal socializations but also as a platform for more

meaningful and serious deliberations, and students are using social networking for

making friends, sharing links, online learning.

Social Media in Academics

Regarding the purposes of using social media, (Oye, Adam, & Nor Zairah

2012) indicated that academic performance was adversely affected when social

networking sites were used to fulfill social and nonacademic needs only. (Ravizza,

Hambrick, & Fenn 2014) (Hadeel Al-Obaidi's study at the University of Bahrain

2016) (Harrath & Alobaidy, 2016) on the students of the Arabian Gulf that there is

a positive impact of this technology at their academic level through the useful and

optimal use of social networking sites. Analysis of the study showed that students

are aware of and have a good level of awareness of using social networks for

academic purposes. A large proportion of students expressed satisfaction with its

use as a useful means of collecting data and searching for useful information.

In addition, social networks have helped students to join educational

networks, interact with colleagues and access e-learning resources. Social media

integration into academic courses presents difficulties even if it can improve

student learning through student interactions. Teachers may unintentionally fail to

provide the tools or encouragement required to facilitate student usage and learning

if they make the assumption that students are familiar with and comfortable

utilizing specific types of social media (Cole, 2009; Väljataga & Fiedler, 2009).

(Arnold & Paulus 2010) discovered that even when social media is used for

educational purposes, students may use the technology in ways that are contrary to

the course instructor's aims.

When social media is used for educational purposes, it may improve

academic performance, but some associated challenges also come along with it

(Rithika & Selvaraj, 2013). If social media is incorporated into academics, students

try to also use it for non-academic discussions (Arnold & Paulus, 2010). The
primary reason for such distraction is its design as it is designed to be a social

networking tool (Qiu et al., 2013). According to (Englander et al. 2010), the usage

of social media in academics has more disadvantages than advantages. Social

media severely impacts the academic performance of a student.

Positive Effects of Social Media

Students’ academic life has moved to a different dimension since the

introduction of these social media networks and several studies have affirmed that

social media plays an important role on students in higher education including the

study conducted by (Wheeler, Yeomans & Wheeler, 2008); (Rifkin, Longnecker,

Leach & Ortia, 2009). In their study, they recognized four (4) major advantages of

social media usage by students in higher education which included; enhancing

relationship, improving learning motivation, offering personalized course material,

and developing collaborative abilities. Indeed, social media has contributed greatly

to facilitating learning in the 21st century.

The study conducted by Jain, (Verma & Tiwari 2012), titled “the impact of

social networking in promoting education” revealed that students benefit from

chatting with other students, teachers, and external sources to acquire new

knowledge. Also, (Yunus & Salehi 2012), argued in the same direction that

students gained more vocabulary, improved their writing skills, and reduced their

spelling mistakes through social media usage.

However, other studies report contrary findings and argued that students

benefited from chatting (Jain et al., 2012), as it improves their vocabulary and

writing skills (Yunus & Salehi, 2012). Social media can be used either to excel in

academics or to devastate academics. It all depends on the way it is used by the

students. The good or bad use of social media in academics is the users’ decision

because both the options are open to the students (Landry, 2014).

In fact as an educational tool, social media enriches learning by giving both

students and teachers the opportunity to connect in new and very exciting ways

thereby encouraging flexible modes of learning. It is stated that flexible learning

expands the choice on what, when and how people learn. It supports different

styles of learning including E-learning which is highly patronized across the globe

(Pappas, 2013). Other scholars: (O’keeffe and Clake-Pearson 2011), in their study

also revealed that social media benefits students by connecting them to one another

on assignments and class projects.

Negative Effects of Social Media

The addiction to social media is found more among the students of higher

studies which ruins the academic excellence of an individual (Nalwa & Anand,

2003). Among the social media users, Facebook users’ academic performance was
worse than the nonusers or users of any other social media network. Facebook was

found to be the major distraction among students (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010).

Social media may have a negative effect on both the amount of time students

devote to studying for classes and their GPA. Since students are so strongly

influenced to use social media platforms, the majority of them use them to fulfill

their social demands rather than their academic ones.

They have the freedom to do whatever they choose, including uploading

and downloading data, adding unused friends, leaving comments on other people’s

blogs, and even creating online persons that are prohibited in the real world. It has

only been observed that most students today, particularly those at the minor level,

spend more time in chatting with friend, playing video games, and watching videos

than reading textbooks, completing homework, and attending to other academic

requirements (Annetta et al., 2009, Junco, 2012b).

Additionally, the study conducted by Obi, Bulus, Adamu and Sala’at 2012,

titled “The need for safety consciousness among Youths on social Networking

Sites” concluded that social media affects students use of English. They use short-

handwriting when chatting with friends and unconsciously get used to it thereby

replicating the same errors during examinations. Even though one may argue that

these are minor challenges, it is important to acknowledge the increasing rate at

which these errors are replicated in the education sector and if care is not taken

future generations may see it as a norm.

(Kelly et al 2018) informed that more engagement with social media

applications, learning skills, and research capabilities deteriorate in certain

situations as students lose concentration and dedicate less time to their studies.
Moreover, the excessive use of social media constricts students' academic,

social, and physical health (Jha et al., 2016). Same way, social media contributes to

the general sense of ill-being, poor self- esteem, anxiety, and sadness as mental

health symptoms (Hardy & Castonguay, 2018; Ashford, 2017). Students' use of

social media might cause stress in students, which can have a negative impact on

academic performance (Legaree, 2015).


Research Design

The researchers will be using descriptive research design to determine the

effects of social media towards academic performance of Grade 12 students at

Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc.

According to (Bayat, 2007), descriptive research design is collecting data

that will explain the situation more completely and will give objectivity to current

issues or problems.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study will be the selected students of Grade 12 at

Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc. Abellera

St., Barangay Poblacion, Kabacan, North Cotabato.

Sampling Procedure

In this study, purposive sampling design will be used to determine the

effects of social media towards academic performance. A total of 45 Grade 12

students at Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc. will serve as the respondents.

Research Instrument

This research will use a descriptive survey questionnaire. This

questionnaire has two parts. The first part contains the demographic profile of the

respondents, and the second part is composed of checklist which they will check

whether they possess what is being indicated.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers will make a letter of permission noted by the adviser

addressed to the principal of Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc. to allow the

researchers to conduct their study.

The researchers will personally administer the survey and retrieve them

immediately for analysis.

Statistical Analysis

The data to be gathered will be analyzed using descriptive statistics such as

frequency count, mode and percentage.

Kabacan, Cotabato


Name Members Aliudin, Sarah Mae K.

Caramat, Patricia G.
Ganoy, Kenneth A.
Gatcho, Edryl P.
Kadalem, Prince Michael B.
Lacbao, Kristine Joy C.
Maliao, Hugh Keisha E.
Paidomama, Najia Alaizah D.
Grade Level &
Grade 12 - Jairus
Effects of Social Media Towards Academic Performance of Grade
Research Title
12 Students at Kabacan Wesleyam Academy, Inc.



Subject Teacher Statistician

_____________ _____________
Date Date


SHS, TIC School Principal

_______________ _______________
Date Date

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Kabacan, Cotabato


Sharma S, Behl R. Analysing the Impact of Social Media on Students' Academic

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Psychol Stud (Mysore). 2022;67(4):549-559. doi: 10.1007/s12646-022-00675-6.

Epub 2022 Nov 12. PMID: 36407969; PMCID: PMC9660203.

Wheeler, A., Yeomans, P., & Wheeler, D. (2008). The good, the bad and the

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The research outline attached here to entitled, “Effects of Social Media

towards Academic Performance of Grade 12 students at Kabacan Wesleyan

Academy, Inc.”, prepared and submitted by Group 3 in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Strand of Humanities and Social Sciences, is hereby accepted


Subject Teacher

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand of

Humanities and Social Sciences.


School Principal


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