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Over the past few years when social media was invented and expanded until it has become a

phenomenon in the world. Social media is computer-based technology that plays a very important
role in our daily lives. It includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and many others.
Most of people nowadays have social lmedia accounts and it had been used all over the world .Social
media allows people to share, communicate, and engage with others online. Currently,
social media has become one of the most important means of communication. It is the most
powerful form of communication that enables individuals to stay in touch with their friends, family,
and loved ones who may be located in distant locations.

do not put enough time into
their academic performance.
Additionally, according to the
study of Azizi et al. in
2019, on the relationship
between social networking
addiction and academic
performance, they found
students who were addicted
to social networking had
Students nowadays mostly used social media and it has become a vital part of their
social life. It is now recognized as a platform for learning that enhances students’
participation in school. Social media provides a means for students to communicate, connect,
and access information for their research needs. Through social media, students can learn
new concepts, ideas, and skills. Social media has a many positive effects on students’
academic performance, as it enables them to gather data and information more
efficiently. The fun element of social media sites always helps students to be connected with
peers and teachers to gain knowledge. When social media is used in educational
purposes it may improve academic performance.’

However, there are consequences in using social media when it is used for non-
academic purposes, as it can be incredibly addictive and often abused by students. This
leads to them spending more time on social media instead of focusing on their
studies, which can ultimately harm their academic performance.

Furthermore, social media usage can worsen mental health issues such as anxiety and
depression. Students need to understand that their social media activity can have
consequences and can affect their academic performance negatively.

The more time students use social media, the worse the impact on their
academic performance. This suggests that the time devoted to using social media
comes likely at the expense of time that should have been spent for academic purposes. Heavy
users of social media probably do poorly in exams and assignments because they do not put
enough time into their academic performance. Additionally, according to the study of Azizi et al.
in2019, on the relationship between social networking addiction and academic
performance, they found that students who were addicted to social networking had
significantly lower academic performances.

The general objectives of the study is to find out the affects of social media to academic
performance of Grade 12 students at Kabacan Wesleyan Academy, Inc.

Specifically, it aimed to

1. determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. No. of hours spent on using social social media

2. determine the advantages and disadvantages of social media on academic

performance of students.
3. determine the effects of social media on students academic performance.

do not put enough time into
their academic performance.
Additionally, according to the
study of Azizi et al. in
2019, on the relationship
between social networking
addiction and academic
performance, they found
students who were addicted
to social networking had

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