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Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's

In your response, you should do the following.

- Express and support your opinion.

- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Achebe:

College tuition has been rising steadily, putting financial pressure on many families. One
proposal is that government should cover tuition costs so that anyone can attend college
for free. What do you think? Should government pay for college and make higher education
free? Please explain your viewpoint.


I believe college should be free for all students. This would promote fairness and access to
education, giving underprivileged students more opportunities. Everyone deserves a
chance to pursue higher education, regardless of their financial situation. Free tuition would
open doors for many capable students who currently can't afford the high costs of
attending college.


I don't think college should be free for all. That could attract many students who aren't
genuinely interested in learning, overcrowding classes. It's better to keep some cost so
students are motivated and classes aren't too large, which hurts the quality of education.


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