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Mr Edivan Batista

2 Brookes Place,
Barnet Road,
Potters Bar,

19 April, 2024

Dear Mr Edivan Batista ,

You have taken out a loan with Lexham Insurance to pay this insurance premium and details are
enclosed. You are responsible for repaying the loan in full whatever happens even if the vehicle
is sold or stolen or the insurance is cancelled.
Please sign the sheet headed “LXM Management Ltd - Finance Agreement” and return it to us
at the address below. If we do not receive this within 2 weeks, an administration charge of £25 will be
added to your loan.
Please keep this pack for your records (including the Direct Debit Instruction - there is no need to
complete this or return it).
Please note that if any instalment is not paid on its due date, a second attempt will be made to collect it
approximately 10 days later, along with a £10 default charge. Further defaults will result in additional
charges and possibly the cancellation of the insurance (which will then require the immediate full
repayment of the loan). Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help go to
If you have any queries or problems at any time regarding the direct debits or the loan, please contact
us on 01379 646549. Meanwhile, please sign and return the relevant page as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely

LXM Management Ltd



These documents give details of a loan from LXM Management Ltd arranged to pay for insurance.
You are the person who will will be legally responsible for ensuring the loan is repaid (regardless of
whose bank account the monthly direct debits come from).
We would remind you of these important points.
- You are legally responsible for repaying the loan.
- You should consider your ability to maintain the monthly payments or to settle the outstanding
loan, even if the insurance is cancelled for any reason (eg for motor insurance if the vehicle is
sold or stolen).
- If a direct debit defaults, a second attempt to collect it will be made approximately 10 days later,
with a £10 charge (unless you ring us beforehand to make the monthly payment by card). If this
second attempt fails, the policy is likely to be cancelled.
- The outstanding balance of the loan must be repaid in full immediately if the insurance is
cancelled, if a total loss claim is made or if the direct debits stop. Even where a refund of
premium is due, this will often be less than the outstanding loan.
- In the event a refund of premium is due, this will be paid back to the bank account the direct
debit payments are being taken from.
- A direct debit arrangement must be in force in order to keep the finance agreement, and
insurance policy running.
- In the event of a total loss claim any outstanding balance will be deducted from the claim
settlement where there are sufficient funds.
- A credit search may be carried out before the loan is confirmed.
- Any late payments will prevent you from holding loan agreements with us in the future.

Full details of the loan agreement are enclosed and you have 14 days to reconsider it.
You are required to sign one of the pages and return it to us. If we DO NOT receive this
within 21 days, a fee of £25 will be added to your loan.

If any change to the insurance generates a refund, this will be paid to the lender to reduce the
remaining direct debits.
LXM Management Ltd
Unit 21,
Hopper Way,
IP22 4NG
Phone 01379 646549
Mr Edivan Batista
2 Brookes Place,
Barnet Road,
Potters Bar,

19 April, 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,
Welcome to your running account which has been arranged for you to pay the premium for your
insurance with Lexham Insurance.

ORIGINATOR: Associated Premium Funding Limited

Originator Identification Number 417138
PAYER: Account Name: Marcos Rogério
Agreement ID: 261579
Reference Number: XLEXHAMINS00274214
Amount: £ 61.48

The first Direct Debit payment due in respect of the above Direct Debit Instruction will be collected on or
immediately after Tuesday, 07 May, 2024 and will be £ 61.48. Subsequent payments of £ 61.48 will then
be collected on or immediately after the same day of each succeeding month, until further notice.
Please may we ask that you take a few moments to check that the details shown below are correct.If
they are incorrect in any way please contact us on the telephone number below.
Sort Code: 040003 Account Number: 05722400
Please leave the Direct Debit instruction in place to enable your insurance policy to be renewed simply
and effectively in the future.
Should you have any queries in respect of this notification please do not hesitate to contact us on 01379
646549, otherwise the Direct Debit collection will proceed as above.
Yours faithfully

LXM Management Ltd

Associated Premium Funding Limited

Please fill in the whole form and send it to: Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay
A ssociated Premium Funding Limited, 222 A rmstrong Road, Luton, LU2 0FY by Direct Debit

O riginators Identification Num ber

Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society
4 1 7 1 3 8
To: The Manager Bank/Building Society Reference

Address: X L E X H A M I N S 0 0 2 7 4 2 1 4

2 Brookes Place Instruction to your Bank or Building Society

PostCode: En62sj
Please pay Associated Prem ium Funding Lim ited
Direct Debits from the account detailed in this
instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the
Name(s) of A ccount Holder(s) Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this
instruction m ay rem ain with Associated Prem ium
Funding Lim ited and, if so, details will be passed
Marcos Rogério electronically to m y Bank/Building Society

Bank/Building Society A ccount Number
0 5 7 2 2 4 0 0
Date 24/04/2024
Branch Sort Code
0 4 0 0 0 3

Banks and Building Societies m ay not accept Direct Debit Instructions from som e types of account DD14

This is not part of the Instruction to your Bank or Building Society and m ust be detached by Associated Prem ium Funding Lim ited
before subm ission to the Paying Bank

This Guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer.

T he Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the am ount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, Associated Prem ium Funding Lim ited will
notify you (10) working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Associated
Prem ium Funding Lim ited to collect a paym ent, confirm ation of the am ount and date will be given to you at the tim e of the
If an error is m ade in the paym ent of your Direct Debit by Associated Prem ium Funding Lim ited or your bank or building
society you are entitled to a full and im m ediate refund of the am ount paid from your bank or building society.
- If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you m ust pay it back when Associated Prem ium Funding Lim ited asks you
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any tim e by sim ply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirm ation m ay be
required. Please also notify us.
1. Contact Details
Creditor LXM Management Ltd
Address LXM Management Ltd, Unit 21, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4NG
Telephone Number 01379 646549
Email Address
Credit Intermediary Lexham Insurance
Credit Intermediary Address

2. Key Features of the credit product

The type of credit Fixed Sum Loan Agreement ("the Agreement")
The total amount of credit. This means the amount of credit to be provided under the £ 484.10
proposed credit agreement or the credit limit.
How and when credit would be provided. You will obtain the credit when the Agreement has been made.
The duration of the credit agreement. 10 Months
Repayments. The Total Amount Payable is payable by 10 monthly instalments of £ 61.48 commencing
on the Commencement Date Tuesday, 07 May, 2024
The total amount you will have to pay: £ 614.81
This means the amount you have Total Amount of credit £ 484.10
borrowed plus interest and other costs. Total Charge for credit £ 130.71
Total Charge for credit made up of:
Interest: £ 130.71
Administrative fee: £ 0.00
The proposed credit will be linked to the supply of specific goods or the provision of a Insurance Premium
Cash price The cash price is £484.10

3. Costs of the credit

The rates of interest which will apply to the credit agreement. 27.00% per annum flat fixed throughout the period of the Agreement
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR) 71.54%
This is the total cost expressed as an annual percentage of the total amount of credit
The APR is there to help you compare different offers.
Related Costs
Costs in the case of late payments Upon failure by you to do or refrain from doing anything required under this Agreement,
you will be required to make the maximum following relevant payments to us:
Default Notice up to £10
Unpaid Cheques up to £25
Unpaid Instalments up to £25
Recalling Standing Orders up to £10
Appointing Collection Agency up to £50
We may charge interest at a rate not exceeding the rate of interest charged under the
Agreement, on all sums overdue under the Agreement.We will charge interest from the
due date for the payment until the payment is received in cleared funds.Interest is
calculated on a daily basis, and is payable on demand.
Consequences of missing payments If you miss a payment, we may terminate the Agreement (after service of any notice
required by law) and commence action to recover the outstanding balance of the total
amount payable (less any rebate required by law). We may take legal action to recover
the debt outstanding. We may apply for a County Court Judgment, which we may seek
to enforce in a number of ways including but not limited to your bankruptcy or a
charging order over your home, which may result in your home being repossessed.

4. Other important legal aspects

Right of Withdrawal You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days without giving any
reason. The withdrawal period will start from the day after the latest of:
1. Where we sign the Agreement before you, and, therefore, the Agreement is
made when you sign it, on the day on which you sign it; or
2. Where you sign the Agreement before us, and, therefore, the Agreement is
made when we sign it, on the day on which we advise you that the Agreement
has been made, and, in either case, will end 14 days later.

Early repayment. You have the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially. If you do
make a partial settlement, we will re-schedule your future payments to reduce your
monthly payments from the next payment date (unless a payment has already been
requested from your bank in respect of the payment due on the next payment date, in
which case the payments will be reduced from the next payment date after that). Any
part settlement will be used to clear arrears and associated charges before reducing
future payments.
Consultation with a Credit Reference Agency If we decide not to proceed with the Agreement on the basis of information received
from a credit reference agency, we will inform you of that fact and how to contact the
credit reference agency for details.
Right to a draft credit agreement Unless we have declined a proposal for credit from you, you have the right to request a
copy of the agreement free of charge, prior to the conclusion of it.
5. Additional information to be given in the case of distance marketing of financial services
(a) concerning the creditor
Registration number. We are a lender licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority licence number 720269 and
we are registered under the Data Protection Act registration number Z2123156.
The supervisory authority The Financial Conduct Authority of 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN
(b) concerning the credit agreement
The law taken by the creditor as a basis for the establishment of relations with you English law will govern our relationship prior to the conclusion of the Agreement.
before the conclusion of the credit contract. English law will govern the Agreement and the Agreement will be subject to the
The law applicable to the credit agreement and/or the competent court. jurisdiction of the English Courts
Language to be used in connection your agreement All documents and communications between us will be in English
(c) concerning redress
Access to out- of-court complaint and redress mechanism We have in place an internal complaints process and all complaints should be directed
to: LXM Management Ltd, Unit 21, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4NG or by phone on 01379
646549, in the first instance. If we do not resolve a complaint, it may be referred to the
Financial Ombudsman Service at Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, Isle of
Dogs, London E14 9SR or calling 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567 or emailing
LXM Management Ltd
Finance Agreement - Non Corporate Agreement No: 261579
Agreement Date: 08/04/2024
Finance Agreement (Non Corporate)
We/the Creditor: LXM Management Ltd, Unit 21, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4NG
You/the Customer: Mr Edivan Batista , 2 Brookes Place, Barnet Road, Potters Bar, EN6 2SJ

Duration of the agreement 10 Months

Amount of Credit £ 484.10
How and when credit will be You will obtain the credit when we have accepted the Agreement.
Rate of Interest 27.00% fixed throughout the period of the Agreement.
Total amount payable £ 614.81
Total Amount of credit £ 484.10
Total Charge for credit £ 130.71
Total Charge for credit made up of:
Interest: £ 130.71
Administrative fee: £ 0.00
APR 71.54%
Repayments The Total Amount Payable is payable by 10 monthly instalments of £ 61.48 commencing on the Commencement Date Tuesday, 07 May, 2024.
Statement of Account You have the right to receive, on request, and free of charge, at any time throughout the duration of this Agreement pursuant to section 77B of
the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the "Act"), a statement in the form of a table giving details of each instalment owing under the Agreement, the
This right does not apply if you date of which each instalment is due, the amount and any conditions relating to the payment of the instalment, and a breakdown of each
are a business customer instalment showing how much comprises of the capital repayment, interest payment and any other charges.
Charges Upon failure by you to do or refrain from doing anything required under this Agreement, you will be required to make no more than the following
relevant payments to us:
Default Notice up to £10
Unpaid Cheques up to £25
Unpaid Instalments up to £25
Recalling Standing Orders up to £10
Appointing Collection Agency up to £50
Interest for late payment We may charge interest at a rate not exceeding the rate of interest charged under the Agreement, on all sums overdue under the Agreement.
We will charge interest from the due date for the payment until the payment is received in cleared funds. Interest is calculated on a daily basis,
and is payable on demand.
Missing payment warning If two payment attempts fail, we will serve a default notice on you, requiring you to bring payment up to date within a period specified in the
notice, and, if you fail to do so, we will terminate the Agreement and make the balance outstanding immediately payable (less any statutory
rebate). We may take legal action to recover the debt outstanding. We may also report your conduct of the account to credit reference agencies,
which may make it difficult for you to obtain credit in the future.
Right of Withdrawal You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will start:
(i) Where we sign the Agreement before you, and, therefore, the Agreement is made when you sign it, on the day on which you sign it; or
(ii) Where you sign the Agreement before us, and, therefore, the Agreement is made when we sign it, on the day on which we advise you that
the Agreement has been made, and, in either case, will end 14 days later.
You must contact us either in writing or by telephone to notify us of your intention to withdraw from this agreement. If you wish to exercise this
right, you should contact us at: LXM Management Ltd, Unit 21, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4NG or Telephone Number 01379 646549.
If you exercise your right to withdraw, you must repay the credit and interest accrued from the date the credit was provided to the date of
repaying it to us, without delay and not later than 30 calendar days after giving notice of withdrawal. The daily interest is £ 0.44. All payments
should be in the form of direct debit, cash, cheque or credit card payment.
Early repayment You have the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially. If you wish to do so, you must give us notice either in writing to LXM
Management Ltd, Unit 21, Hopper Way, Diss, IP22 4NG or orally, using telephone number 01379 646549. If you make partial early repayment,
we will re-schedule your future payments to reduce your monthly payments from the next payment date (unless a payment has already been
requested from your bank in respect of the payment due on the next payment date, in which case the payments will be reduced from the next
payment date after that). Any payment will be used to bring your account up to date and to pay any charges which have become payable
before it is applied in making early repayment.
Ombudsman Scheme You have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service where you are a consumer. If you are a business (partnership/limited
company/sole trader) you may have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Supervisory Authority The Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.

This is a Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. SIGNATURE ON BEHALF OF LXM Management Ltd
Signed on behalf of : LXM Management Ltd
Signature(s) of Customer(s) X

Date of Signature(s) 24/04/2024

Edivan Batista
You have a right to receive a copy of the information we hold about you if you apply to
us in writing. A fee will be payable. Date of Agreement: 08/04/2024
Data Privacy Notice
About Us
We Associated Premium Funding Ltd (C ompany No. 04771663, FC A No. 708079 & Data Protection No. Z8283775). Our
registered address for all companies is 222 Armstrong Road, Luton, LU2 0FY. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial
C onduct Authority and with the IC O for Data Protection.
We are the joint data controller for determining the purpose and means of processing this personal data along with Lexham
Insurance and LXM Management Ltd (the "Finance C ompany") who have shared your personal data with us in order for us to
provide services to the Finance C ompany.
Personal Data
We will collect personal data from you, to include;
name, date of birth, bank details, location information, contact details including address, email and phone number(s).
Our legal basis for collecting, processing and storing this personal data is;
C ontract - for pre-contractual steps, to provide and to service our contract for our finance product with you.
Legitimate Interest – for ensuring effective administration of our contract with you.
This personal data will be retained indefinitely after the duration of your contract with the Finance C ompany. Where a quote does
not progress to a contract, and we have no other contracts with you, we will keep your data for a period of 18 months.
In the case of complaints, claims or legal disputes, or where required for legal or regulatory purposes we may retain your data
for longer.
We may allow our trusted business partners access to your personal data, and we may share your personal data with authorised
third parties, where necessary for the performance of our contract, or where we are required to by law, to be able to administer
your finance contract. Such authorised third parties will include but not be limited to:
C redit Reference Agencies;
Finance Providers;
C ommunication platforms
Your personal data will not be used for the purposes of marketing to you, directly or otherwise.
Your Rights
You have the following rights over your personal data:
The right of access to your personal data;
The right to be informed about the personal data being processed;
The right to rectification of your personal data;
The right to data portability;
The right to restrict the processing of your personal data
If you object to us collecting, using or sharing your personal data we may be unable to provide your Finance C ompany with our

Please contact our Data Protection representative at for our detailed Data
Privacy Notice, if you require any further information, would like to make a complaint or have any questions relating to your
personal data.

You also have the right to complain to the Information C ommissioners Office (IC O) if you feel we are not upholding your rights.
To raise a complaint to the IC O then please go to their website
1. Creditor's Obligation 4.5 In this Agreement:
The Creditor agrees to advance to the Customer the Amount of Credit to assist the ‘Insurer' means the insurance company, which is to issue or has issued the Policy
Customer to pay the Premium subject to compliance with this Agreement by the 'Policy' means the insurance policy or policies the premium in respect of which is
Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Creditor may make the financed by this Agreement and includes any cover note or cover notes issued in respect
payment of the Amount of Credit to the Broker on behalf of the Customer and that the of the Policy 'Premium' means the annual premium or premiums payable in respect of
Broker is authorised to supply the Creditor with a copy of the policy or policies financed the Policy
under the Agreement. 'Broker' means the insurance broker or intermediary who has arranged for the Policy to
2. Payment be issued
In consideration of the Creditor advancing the Amount of Credit, the Customer: 5. Notices and Services
2.1 Shall punctually pay to the Creditor (without previous demand) the total amount 5.1 Any notice or other information required or permitted to be given by either party
payable by the instalments and on the dates set out in the Schedule. under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been validly given if served personally
2.2 The time of payment of each and every instalment shall be of the essence of this upon that party or if sent by first class pre-paid post to the address of that party as
Agreement. Each instalment in the amount shown in the Schedule includes an stated overleaf or to his last known address.
administration fee of an amount equal to the Administration Fees (as shown in this 5.2 Any notice or other information sent by first class pre-paid post shall be deemed to
Agreement) divided by the number of instalments payable under this Agreement. have been received by the other party within 48 hours after the date of posting.
2.3 All payments under this Agreement shall be made to the address of the Creditor for 6. Acceptance
payment shown in the Schedule or at such other address as the Creditor will notify to This agreement shall be deemed to have been made on the date when in is signed by
the Customer. Payments despatched by post shall be at the risk of the Customer. the Creditor.
3. Acceleration of Payments 7. General
3.1 If any of the following events occur; Where two or more persons are stated to be the Customer, each of those persons shall
3.1.1 if two payment attempts fail under this Agreement and the Customer has failed be jointly and severally liable for the performance of the obligations of the Customer set
to comply with a default notice served on the Customer by the Creditor, requiring the out in this Agreement
Customer to bring payment up to date within the period of no more than 7 days 8. Assignment
specified in the notice; or The Creditor has assigned the benefit of all its rights under this Agreement to Bexhill UK
3.1.2 the Customer provides incomplete or materially inaccurate or misleading facts or Limited or any party nominated by Bexhill UK Limited. The Customer's rights are not
information in connection with this Agreement, whether to the Creditor or to the Broker reduced and the Customer's obligations are not increased by the assignment
acting in negotiations for this Agreement;
3.1.3 a bankruptcy petition is presented against the Customer or the Customer has a IMPORTANT - READ THIS CAREFULLY
bankruptcy order or an Interim order made against him under the Insolvency Act for the
time being in force or (in Scotland) becomes bankrupt or is sequestrated;
3.1.4 where the Customer is a firm, the firm is dissolved or a bankruptcy petition is USE OF YOUR INFORMATION
presented against any partner in the firm;
3.1.5 the Customer makes an arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of his
(or where the Customer is a firm its) creditors;
3.1.6 the Customer commits any breach of the terms and conditions (whether express The Creditor (“We”) will share your personal information and may add to your record
or implied) of this Agreement; with credit reference agencies (CRA's). We will use your data to perform credit and
3.1.7 any attachment order is made against the Customer or any distress diligence identity checks on you, supply details of this Agreement you have with us, any
execution or other legal process is levied on any property of the Customer; payments you make under it and any default or failure to keep to its terms. These
3.1.8 the Policy or any part thereof is cancelled or terminated or cover is withdrawn for records will continue to be shared with CRA’s, and may be supplied to other
whatever reason; then the Creditor shall be entitled to require payment of the Total organisations by the CRA’s, while you have a relationship with us and may be used and
Amount Payable, less any payments already received and less a rebate calculated in searched by us and them to:
accordance with the Consumer Credit (Early Settlement) Regulations 2004 or any
statutory or mandatory regulatory provision which replaces or supplements those (1) verify the accuracy of the data you have provided to us, assess your
regulations. creditworthiness and whether you can afford to take the product;
4. The Policy
4.1 Except as permitted by this Agreement the Customer will not cancel the Policy or do (2) consider applications for credit and credit related services, such as insurance, for you
anything to vitiate it and will comply with all directions and orders or requirements of and for any associated persons;
the insurance company which issued the Policy to keep the Policy in full force and
effect. (3) trace debtors, recover debts, prevent or detect money laundering and fraud, and to
4.2 In the event that a cover note or cover notes have been issued in contemplation of manage your account(s).
the issue of a Policy then the Customer will do all acts matters and things necessary to
complete the issue of the Policy prior to the Creditor advancing the Amount of Credit to CRAs may supply to us both public (including the electoral register) and shared credit,
the Customer's Broker. financial situation and financial history information and fraud prevention information.
4.3 In the event that the Customer shall become entitled to a premium rebate or refund When CRAs receive a search from us they will place a search footprint on your credit file
or other monies under the Policy whether by reason of cancellation or termination or in that may be seen by other lenders. The identities of the CRA’s, and the ways in which
the event of a claim becoming payable then such monies shall be payable to the they use and share personal information, are explained in more detail
Creditor to the extent necessary to make any payment then due under this Agreement at,, It
and the Customer agrees to notify the Creditor of any such event is important that you provide us with accurate information. We may check your details
4.4 The Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises the Creditor to with fraud prevention agencies and if you provide false or inaccurate information, or we
cancel the Policy upon the default by the Customer of any of the terms and conditions suspect fraud, this information may be recorded. Fraud prevention agency records will
of this Agreement. On cancellation of the Policy by the Creditor pursuant to this be shared with other organisations to help make decisions on credit, motor, household,
authority the Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises the insurance life or other insurance proposals or claims for you and members of your household. We
company which has issued the Policy to pay any refund of Premium directly to the will use personal information about you which we acquire in connection with any
Creditor at its above written Address. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the application you make to us, or any agreement you enter into with us, to manage your
cancellation of the Policy will be without prejudice to the Creditor's right to recover any agreement and for statistical or market research purposes. We may disclose the
loss or deficiency form the Customer. information that we hold about you to Associated Premium Funding Limited and other
agents for the purposes of recovering any debt that you owe us and, where necessary,
tracing you. If we propose to transfer, charge or assign, or agree to transfer or assign,
our rights under your agreement to a third party or if we employ a third party to
manage any aspect of your agreement, we will pass relevant information about you to
such third parties. Any assignee of such rights or third party manager may hold your
information and use it in the same ways as we may, as described above. Your data
may also be used for other purposes for which you give your specific permission or, in
very limited circumstances, when required by law or where otherwise permitted under
the Data Protection Act 2018. Your personal data may be retained indefinitely after the
duration of the contract. Where a quote does not progress to a contract, and we have
no other contract(s) with you, we will keep your data for a period of 18 months. In the
case of complaints, claims or legal disputes, or where required for legal or regulatory
purposes we may retain your data for longer. Please telephone 01582 635041, write to
us at 222 Armstrong Road, Luton, LU2 0FY or for our full
Data Privacy Notice, if you want to have details of the credit reference agencies or any
other agencies from whom we obtain, and to whom we pass, information about you.
You have a legal right to these details. You have a right to receive a copy of the
information we hold about you.
LXM Management Ltd
Unit 21,
Hopper Way,
IP22 4NG
Phone 01379 646549

Payment Schedule for Agreement 261579

Mr Edivan Batista
Payment Date Amount
07/05/2024 £ 61.48
07/06/2024 £ 61.48
08/07/2024 £ 61.48
07/08/2024 £ 61.48
09/09/2024 £ 61.48
07/10/2024 £ 61.48
07/11/2024 £ 61.48
09/12/2024 £ 61.48
07/01/2025 £ 61.48
07/02/2025 £ 61.49

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