Dokumen - Tips - Chapter 5 First Order Circuits and Second Order Circuits 5 First Order Circuits

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Chapter 5:- First order circuits and Second order

• Basic Circuit Elements
• Transient analysis and Steady state analysis
• Initial condition of switched circuits,
First Order Circuit
• Source free R-L Circuit,
• Driven R-L Circuit,
• Source free R-C Circuit,
• Driven R-C Circuit,
Second order circuits
• Source free Series RLC circuit,
• Driven series R-L-C Circuit
Chapter Weightage:-16 -24 Marks
Presented by
Mr. S. U. Bagwan
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering, AGCE, Satara

Mr. S.U. Bagwan 1

Basics of R, L and C

(L) (C)
Where I0 is Initial Current
Driven R-L Circuit
We suppose to require following parameters
Driven R-C Circuit

KCL at Node v
We suppose to require following parameters
Driven R-L-C Circuit

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