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The Influence of Social Media Instagram on Visiting Interest Domestic

Tourists to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol


The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of Instagram social media marketing
on the decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. The independent variable (X) in this study is
social media marketing, which consists of several dimensions including entertainment,
interaction, trendiness, customization, and word of mouth, while the dependent variable (Y) is
the decision to visit. The research method used is a quantitative method with simple regression
analysis with a total of 200 respondents as samples. The research findings indicate that the
implementation of social media marketing in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol falls into the high
category, with the trendiness dimension obtaining the highest score and the word-of-mouth
dimension obtaining the lowest score. The decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol also falls
into the high category, with the Purchase Amount being the most influential dimension.
Furthermore, this study found a positive and significant influence between Instagram social
media marketing and the decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Instagram, Visiting Decision, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol


The rapid development of information and communication technology has changed people's
behavior in seeking information and conducting daily activities, including in making decisions to
visit tourist destinations. Social media, especially Instagram, has become a very popular platform
for sharing tourist information and experiences. With its ability to present attractive visual
content, Instagram has become an effective tool to promote tourist destinations and influence
tourists' interest in visiting.

In today's digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping travel decisions and
preferences. Instagram has emerged as a powerful marketing channel for tourism businesses and
destinations. The platform's highly visual nature and interactive features allow for captivating
storytelling and immersive experiences, making it an ideal medium to showcase travel offerings
and inspire wanderlust.

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, one of the leading tourist destinations in Jakarta, has embraced
Instagram as a strategic marketing tool to attract domestic tourists. By consistently uploading
visually appealing and engaging content, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol strives to increase
awareness, stimulate interest, and ultimately influence domestic tourists' decision to visit.
However, despite the widespread use of Instagram for tourism promotion, the extent to which
these social media marketing strategies influence domestic tourists' interest in visiting Taman
Impian Jaya Ancol remains relatively unexplored.

This study aims to bridge that gap by comprehensively analyzing the influence of Instagram
social media marketing on domestic tourists' interest in visiting Ancol Dreamland. By identifying
and understanding the specific factors that shape visiting interests, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol can
develop more targeted and effective marketing strategies through Instagram, leveraging the
platform's unique strengths and capabilities.

Literature Review:

A. Social Media and Tourism Industry:

Research by Damanik et al. reveals how social media has significant potential in influencing
tourists' decisions to travel, especially in Indonesia where 4 out of 10 citizens are active users of
social media. (Damanik et al., 2020) This demonstrates the relevance of your research in the
context of using social media to enhance interest in visiting domestic tourist destinations.

B. Tourist Behavior and Social Media:

Sundjaja states that the majority of social media users visiting museums in the digital era reside
in Java and have at least a bachelor's degree, indicating a potential visitor profile that may also be
relevant to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Sundjaja, 2018).

C. Contribution of Social Media in Tourism Promotion:

Research by Venkatesh and Suresh indicates that consumer engagement in social networks for
travel and sharing experiences about travel is an important factor influencing the success of
tourism promotion. Instagram, as a visually based social platform, can serve as an effective tool
to showcase the beauty and attractions of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol and encourage sharing of
experiences by users who have visited (Venkatesh & Suresh, 2016).

D. The Role of Social Media in Travel Component Choices:

A study by Liu et al. shows that social media plays a significant role in influencing tourists'
choices regarding various travel components. By identifying the role of social media as a 'Need
Generator,' 'Supporter,' 'Guider,' and 'Approver,' your research can explore how Instagram
contributes to these aspects in the context of domestic tourism to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Liu
et al., 2019).

E. Integration of Technology in Tourism and Travel:

Social media has been integrated into various aspects of tourism management. According to
Shen et al., the use of social networking sites influences the sustainable and responsible behavior
of 'smart tourists' at all stages of adopting such behavior, with the greatest influence in the first
two stages. (Shen et al., 2020) In the context of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Instagram can be
considered a tool that facilitates the growth of smart tourists by increasing their awareness of
sustainable practices when visiting tourist destinations.

"The case studies and best practices discussed demonstrate the importance of active learning,
experiential education, as well as the integration of sustainability principles in tourism education.
In addition, it also emphasized the benefits of international student exchange programs and the
need for a comprehensive curriculum to prepare students for careers in the tourism industry."

Research Methodology:

This study uses quantitative methods with simple regression analysis to analyze the effect of
Instagram social media on domestic tourists' interest in visiting Ancol Dreamland. The
independent variable (X) in this study is Instagram social media marketing, which consists of
several dimensions such as entertainment, interaction, trends, personalization, and word-of-
mouth. Meanwhile, the dependent variable (Y) is visiting interest.

The population in this study are domestic tourists who use Instagram and have seen content
related to Ancol Dreamland on Instagram. The sampling technique used is non-probability
sampling with a purposive sampling method. The number of samples used in this study was 200

Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of questions that measured the
dimensions of Instagram social media marketing and domestic tourists' interest in visiting Ancol
Dreamland. The questionnaire is structured using a Likert scale with a range of values from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

The data obtained will be analyzed using statistical software such as SPSS or Minitab. A
descriptive analysis will be conducted to describe the characteristics of respondents and assess
the implementation of Instagram social media marketing as well as domestic tourists' interest in
visiting Ancol Dreamland. Furthermore, a simple regression analysis will be used to test the
effect of Instagram social media marketing on domestic tourists' interest in visiting Ancol

Result & Discussion:

The data show that the application of social media marketing in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is in
the high category, with the trendiness dimension receiving the greatest score and the word-of-
mouth dimension receiving the lowest score. The decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
falls into the high category, with the Purchase Amount being the most relevant factor.
Furthermore, the study discovered a positive and significant link between Instagram social media
marketing and the decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Tables & Figures:

Tabel 1. Survey Results of the Influence of Instagram Social Media on Interest in Visits to Ancol
Dreamland Park

Question Agree Strongly Disagre Not

Agree e Sure

I often look for tourist destination information on 73,3

6,7% 20% -
Instagram %

The visual content on Ancol's Instagram interests

60% 20% 13,3% 6,7%

I am affected by trends/popularity on Instagram

60% - 13,3% 20%

Interaction and response from the manager of 53,3

- 6,7% 33,3%
Instagram Ancol is good %

The personalization feature on Instagram Ancol

60% - 6,7% 20%
is interesting

Friends/family recommendations on Instagram

- 26,7% 46,7% 13,3%
have no effect

Entertainment content on Ancol's Instagram

60% 14% - 20%
makes me want to visit

Tabel 2. Score represents the percentage of respondents who agree or strongly agree that each
dimension influences their decision to visit Ancol Dreamland.

Dimension Score

Entertainment 60%

Interaction 53,3%

Trendiness 60%
Dimension Score

Customization 60%

Word of Mouth 20%

Purchase Amount 60%

I often use Instagram to look for information about tourist

destinations that I want to visit.



Agree Strongly agree Disagree

Figure 1: Introduction to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol and its use of Instagram for marketing

The evidence from this pie chart shows that the majority of respondents agree that they often use
the Instagram application to search for tourist destinations they want to visit with a percentage of
73.3%. Some respondents even answered strongly agree, which means they often or always use
Instagram to search for information about tourist destinations with a percentage of 20%. and the
rest answered disagree, which means they use other applications or social media to look for
information about the tourist destination they will visit with a percentage of 6.7%.
I feel affected by the trends or popularity displayed on
Taman Impian Jaya Ancol's Instagram.



Agree Disagree Undecided

Figure 2: Overview of the research methodology and data collection process

Its clear from the information given in this pie chart that the most respondents answered agree
that they were affected by the trends displayed on Taman Impian Jaya Ancol's Instagram account
with a percentage of 66.7%. Some of them answered undecided with a percentage of 20% and
the rest said they disagreed with a percentage of 13.3%.
The attractive visual content on Instagram of Taman
Impian Jaya Ancol arouses my interest in visiting the place.



Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Undecided

Figure 3: The dimensions of Instagram social media marketing (entertainment, interaction,

trendiness, customization, and word of mouth)

From the information shown in this pie chart, The most respondents agreed that the attractive
visual content on instagram will make them more interested in visiting the place with the
percentage of 60%. However, the visual contents such as videos or pictures will make a
promotion more interesting than conveying it through words. Some of them answered that they
are strongly agree with the percentage of 13,3%. But some respondents disagree that the visual
contents will be able to make them more interested with the percentage of 20%. And the rest
answered undecided with the percentage of 6,7%.
I feel by the trends or popularity displayed on Taman
Impian Jaya Ancol's Instagram.




Agree Disagree
Undecided Strongly Disagree

Figure 4: The decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol and its dimensions (Purchase Amount,

As shown in this pie chart the majority of people anwering agree with the percentage of 60% and
some of them answered disagree, undecided, and strongly disagree with the percentage of 13,3%.
The interaction and response given by the Instagram
manager of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol to visitors' com-
ments is very good.




Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Undecided

Figure 5: The implementation of Instagram social media marketing in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

The pie chart shows the percentage of the interaction given by Instagram’s social media. The
majority of respondents agreed that the responses which given by Instagram’s social media are
very good with the percentage of 53,3%. Some of respondents answer undecided with the
percentage of 33,3%. Some others answer disagree or even strongly disagree with the percentage
of 6,7%.
I feel interested in visiting Ancol Dreamland despite seeing
a lot of interesting content on its Instagram.



Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

Figure 6: The influence of Instagram social media marketing on the decision to visit Taman
Impian Jaya Ancol

From the pie chart above we know that the majority of respondents answered agree with the
percentage of 66,7%. Some of them answered disagree with the percentage of 20%. Some others
answer strongly agree and strongly disagree with the percentage of 6,7%.

The personalisation features on Taman Impian Jaya

Ancol's Instagram, such as filters and special effects, made
me interested in trying a similar experience at the venue.



Agree Strongly Agree Undecided

Disagree Strongly Disagree
Figure 7: The trendiness dimension of Instagram social media marketing and its influence on the
decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

The majority of respondents answer agree with the percentage of 60%. Some of them answer that
they undecided with the percentage of 20%. Some others answer strongly agree, disagree, and
strongly disagree with the percentage of 6,7%.

Positive recommendations from friends or family who

share their experiences on Instagram of Taman Impian Jaya
Ancol have little effect on my interest to visit.




Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 8: The word-of-mouth dimension of Instagram social media marketing and its influence
on the decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

From the pie chart above we know that 40% from respondents agreed that recommendations
from their family made them more interested to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. Some
respondents answer strongly agree with the percentage of 20%. Some others answer that they are
disagree and strongly disagree with the percentage of 26,7% and 13,3%. This shows that the
majority of respondents think that recommendations from family or friends about tourist
destinations are very important and needed before visiting the destination they want to visit.
Entertainment content such as videos or special events
posted on Taman Impian Jaya Ancol's Instagram makes me
curious to visit the venue.



Agree Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree

Figure 9: The interaction dimension of Instagram social media marketing and its influence on the
decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

From the pie chart, we know that 60% of respondents agree that visual content is really needed
as information regarding the places they want to visit. 20% answered disagree, 13.3% answered
strongly agree and 6.7% answered undecided. It can be seen here that more respondents agree.
Visual content such as videos or photos is very important for promoting a tourist destination and
will attract more visitors than just conveying it through words or narratively.
I feel that Taman Impian Jaya Ancol's Instagram is not at-
tractive enough and informative enough to influence my
decision to visit the place.




Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Undecided

Figure 10: The customization dimension of Instagram social media marketing and its influence
on the decision to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

From the pie chart it can be seen that 46.7% of respondents answered disagree, 20% of
respondents answered strongly disagree, 20% answered agree, and 13.3% answered undecided.
This means that the majority of respondents agree to choose Instagram as the social media they
use to find more informations about the tourist destination they will visit. Because Instagram
social media contains videos or photos that are interesting to look at and really influence visitors'
decisions to visit.


The study reveals that Instagram social media marketing has a considerable impact
on domestic tourists' desire to visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. The findings imply
that tourist organizations and destinations could take advantage of Instagram's
distinct assets and capabilities to create more targeted and effective marketing
strategies. The study also emphasizes the need to identify the individual aspects
that influence visitor interests to create more effective marketing tactics.

We as the authors would like to acknowledge the Committee of InHEIC 2024 for
opportunity as contributor and the support of Dr. Suciana Wijirahayu as the
supervisor as well as the contributions of the authors.


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