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NIM : 2314401009

NO Question True False

1 He is going alone 
2 She’s going tp visit he parents 
3 They’re not planning to go the sake beach 
4 He usually plays soccer on Saturdays 
5 She has work friday night 
6 She’s going downtown 

Listening Task

1. What is mike going to do today?

He’s going to a concert.
2. What is the girl going to do tomorrow?
She’s going on a short trip with her family and some friends.
3. When will she back?
She’s back on Sunday evening.
4. What is mike going to do on Monday?
He’s going to Dentist.
5. When will mike has to study for math test?
He will have come to study for math test by next teusday.
6. What is mike going to do on Wednesday?
He’s going to llibrary to read a book for English class
7. When will his brother’s birthday party?
His brother will have birthday party on Saturday
8. How many pople will come to the birthday party?
It will be around 25 people
9. Where the party will be held?
In the backyard
10. What will they do if it is raining?
They will have to stay indoors

Writing task about planning in the five years later

Every day I often think about what I should do in the future, or what I will be like in
the next five years, I like to ask questions about the next year. In this strange world, I want
to pursue the dreams I want, neither can I I know what I will be like in the next five years,
but I'm sure I can achieve everything I want. from me and hopefully it will happen in the
next five years, I want to make my parents proud.
And I hope that with what I am doing now I can achieve it in the future, namely
becoming a nurse, I want to help people who need help, especially my parents, and I want
in the next five years I have my own clinic, amin ,amin ya rabbalalamin, and I'm sure I
will be successful in the next five years, aamiin

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