AIBT - SITHCCC037 Assessment 2 - Practical Observation

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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Vinayak.C.Kerimath

Student Number 0000019531
Course and Code Certificate III In Commercial Cookery [111040B]
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes

Stream/Cluster Face to Face

Trainer/Assessor Ashish Sharma

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date 30/08/2023

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed – Performance Evidence
The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

 follow standard recipes to prepare the following seafood classifications:

o flat and round fish
o oily and white fish
o ocean and freshwater fish
o octopus and squid
o shellfish:
 crustaceans
 molluscs
o whole or filleted fish
 use each of the following seafood preparation techniques in preparing above seafood as required:
o cleaning
o de-scaling
o pin-bone removal
o filleting
o portioning
o shelling
o skinning
 follow standard recipes to prepare fresh, frozen and preserved seafood dishes using the following cookery
o deep and shallow frying
o grilling
o poaching
o roasting
o sautéing
o steaming
 prepare above food for at least six different customers:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o reflecting required quantities to be produced
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing seafood
o responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

Sheldon’s restaurant, Sydney campus

Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Mapping Document located in the teacher support tools
folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below, following the relevant recipes,
Work Place Health and Safety practices and Hygiene procedures as instructed during the training sessions you
have participated for this unit of competency.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: 30 / 08 /2023

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /

30 / 08 /
Student Signature Date: 2023
Assessment 2

Your Tasks

Prepare the following dishes to the criteria set out below:

Dish to be prepared Method(s) of cookery applied Preparation techniques Seafood classification used
X shallow frying X cleaning X Flat fish
Dish 1: deep-frying X de-scaling Round fish
Mini Sea food Strudel grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting X White fish
Recipe Source:
roasting portioning X Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming X skinning Octopus
No. of serves:
X Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 2: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Deep Fried Sardines grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
X poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing X shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: X Crustaceans
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying X cleaning Flat fish
Dish 3: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Pan Fried Barramundi grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 X steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Crustaceans
X Molluscs
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 4: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Thai Fish Cakes with grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Cucumber Sauce
roasting portioning Ocean fish
Recipe Source: sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Molluscs
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 5: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
King Fish Tartare with grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
roasting portioning Ocean fish
Recipe Source: sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Molluscs
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 6: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Chilled Blue Swimme card grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
roasting portioning Ocean fish
Recipe Source: sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes steaming skinning Octopus
X Boiling Squid
No. of serves: Molluscs
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 7: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Lemon Green Prawn Curry grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Crustaceans
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 8: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
Mini Paissaladiere grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Crustaceans
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 9: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
________________ grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Crustaceans
Whole or filleted fish
shallow frying cleaning Flat fish
Dish 10: deep-frying de-scaling Round fish
________________ grilling pin-bone removal Oily fish
poaching filleting White fish
Recipe Source: roasting portioning Ocean fish
recipe book, e-coach recipes sautéing shelling Freshwater fish
SITHCCC037 steaming skinning Octopus
No. of serves: Crustaceans
Whole or filleted fish
Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
1 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated using the provided template below
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Correct seafood or portion cut of fish
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:
Scissors, scaler, bowls/trays, peeler, knife, juicer, pan, flipper

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. cleaning
2. de-scaling
3. pin-bone removal
4. filleting
5. portioning
6. shelling
7. skinning
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Fish Meuniere Style
a) Fins removed from fish and trimmed evenly
b) Washed and cavity cleaned
c) Seasoned and floured (excess shaken off)
d) Half the quantity of lemon is peeled clean and sliced thinly
e) Remaining lemon is juiced
f) Parsley is chopped finely

Element 4: Cook seafood dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:

a. Fish is pan-fried in foaming oil and butter presentation side down

b. Turned and finished golden brown
c. Fish is placed on a warmed plate
d. Fat is removed from pan
e. Remaining butter is added and cooked to noisette stage
f. Lemon slices and parsley is added and sautéed
g. Lemon is arranged atop fish and butter is spooned over for service
h. Garnished with a lemon garnish of choice and suitable accompaniment

The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

2 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated using the provided template below
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Correct seafood or portion cut of fish
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:
Bowls, knife, chopping board, pan, baking paper

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. cleaning
2. de-scaling
3. pin-bone removal
4. filleting
5. portioning
6. shelling
7. skinning
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Poached Prawn Cutlets in Beurre Blanc
a) Prawns are peeled and de-veined
b) Shallots are peeled and finely diced
c) Butter is cut into dice and placed into iced water
d) Dill is washed, picked and cut

Element 4: Cook seafood dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:
a. Shallots are lightly sweated in butter without browning
b. White wine and cream is added and seasoned
c. Prawns are added and poached under a cartouche until just underdone
d. Prawns are removed from sauce and kept warm
e. Sauce is mounted with iced butter to make a smooth beurre blanc
f. Seasoned and finished with dill
g. Prawns arranged on warmed plate, finished with sauce
h. Garnished with lemon cut of choice, dill sprig and suitable accompaniment

The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

3 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated using the provided template below
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Correct seafood or portion cut of fish
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:
Utility knife, bowl, knife, chopping board, steamer basket, pot

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. cleaning
2. de-scaling
3. pin-bone removal
4. filleting
5. portioning
6. shelling
7. skinning
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Steamed Scallops in Mirin
a) Scallops are cleaned
b) Sauces are measured and combined
c) Ginger is peeled and finely sliced
d) Coriander is washed and picked into leaves

Element 4: Cook seafood dishes Comment NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:

a. Scallops are arranged flat into steamer basket

b. Sauce is evenly spooned over each scallop
c. Steamed until just done – not overcooked/rubbery
d. Placed on a warmed plate and finished with hot peanut oil and coriander

The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

4 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated using the provided template below
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Correct seafood or portion cut of fish
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:______________________________
2. Piece of equipment selected:______________________________
3. Piece of equipment selected:______________________________
4. Piece of equipment selected:______________________________

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. cleaning
2. de-scaling
3. pin-bone removal
4. filleting
5. portioning
6. shelling
7. skinning
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add multiple
criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 4

Element 4: Cook seafood dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:


The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

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