Mqbs Presentation Notes

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To conclude, this capstone report has allowed all group members to collaboratively work

together in a team to produce this final masterpiece. All group members came together
from different majors such as international business, business information systems,
marketing and consumer insights, HR and marketing management, Management
accounting, accounting and Finance. The combined efforts produced by the team has
provided an overall insight into the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals 3
and goal 11 and how Nosferatu’s Landscaping business can use these goals to
incorporate into their business strategies. Throughout the essay readers are provided
with an indepth understanding of the importance of each major and the contribution that
it can provide to a business.

The final part of this report focuses on financial analysis on the Nosferatu’s Landscaping
project primarily via the DCF for project value. The ultimate goal of this business project
is to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 11 and Goal 3. This is
because by establishing a landscaping business, our customers who purchase the
service will enjoy the ‘purified and clean air’, which is beneficial for their mood every day
and for their health in the long run. Using DCF to discount all the future cash flows to
the present time, this finance part has implemented a conventional financial valuation
process which is adopted by the industry and showed that this Nosferatu’s Landscaping
project is expected to be successful. Finally, this finance section has also implemented
a sensitivity analysis for the project assuming there might be a market up- or downturn,
and also discussed 3 major risks investors may bear for this project.

In addition, pre-existing marketing management knowledge has provided great

assistance in the competitive and product branding areas that are critical for the
successful launch of a business. Nosferatu’s Landscaping is based around the UN
SDG’s of sustainable cities and communities and good health and wellbeing. Thus,
these elements are being seeked for from competitors in order to compare core values
and beneficiaries between businesses to gain a prospective into the position of various
businesses within the sustainability sector. Additionally, our branding strategy of
utilising a signature story along with social media advertising will practice the
importance of sustainability communities both theoretically and practically as it will
educate the target audience through storytelling, and implementing its effectiveness by
using sustainable resources. Furthermore, knowledge from previous human resources
management (HRM) units was useful in conceptualising the recruitment and selection
strategy that will assist in the delivery of sustainable cities and communities by ensuring
that the organisation shares the same core values as it ultimately can create a project
revolving around shared goals and strategies.
Furthermore, an accounting major provides valuable insight into the project by
understanding the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement of the
Nosferatu’s Landscaping and how to ensure that the project is operational and profitable
with limited budget and fixed expenses. Sustainable development has always been a
priority and concern in accounting. Through a combined effort, the target community will
in hopes become more "green" and sustainable.

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