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Seeing things with the eyes of faith refers to perceiving the world through the lens of

one's beliefs and convictions, not necessarily having to be religious or spiritual; it does not
always involve something beyond tangible evidence one can have faith without being religious,
as long as you have trust and confidence in something or someone, it already counts as having
faith. Each individual is unique thus it depends per person on how they wish to see with the
eyes of faith, for example, I am not Roman Catholic but I am actually a Taoist and me practicing
the teachings of Taoism and using it as a guide in my life is already seeing with the eyes of faith.
Thus, manifesting faith in daily life can take various forms, depending on an individual's beliefs
and practices; the most common would be prayer or meditation, since engaging in regular
prayer or meditation practices allows individuals to connect with their beliefs, seek guidance,
and find inner peace. My personal choice for manifesting is through acts of kindness since many
religions or traditions emphasize the importance of treating others with kindness, compassion,
and generosity; furthermore, I personally believe in karma so if I do good I will receive good too.

As a Taoist Lasallian student, I embody the characteristics of a Zealous Lasallian by

doing my best to combine two philosophical and spiritual traditions. Central to Taoism is the
concept of Wu Wei, often translated as "effortless action" or "non-doing," which suggests
aligning with the natural flow of life rather than exerting forceful effort. Meanwhile, the Lasallian
tradition advocates for zeal in service, urging us to engage in acts of selfless service to others,
especially the marginalized and vulnerable. Currently, I find myself practicing aspects of zeal for
service through acts that resonate with both Taoist and Lasallian ideals; for instance, I practice
acts of kindness and service towards my peers, teachers, and the community; moreover, I
actively engage in Lasallian service initiatives, such as volunteering or participating in
community outreach programs, driven by a genuine desire to help others and give back to the
community. However, I have encountered numerous challenges and obstacles; one significant
obstacle is the desire for recognition or praise. In the pursuit of zeal for service, it is crucial that I
continually cultivate humility and self-awareness, rooting out any traces of self-aggrandizement
or superiority. There are many ways to deepen my embodiment of zeal for service; first would be
to practice mindful service, by integrating mindfulness into my services, I will remain present and
attentive to the needs of others, fostering genuine connections and responding with compassion
and empathy. Then I would also cultivate inner stillness, embracing moments of contemplation
and introspection; I nurture inner stillness to discern the authentic motivations behind my service
actions, ensuring they align with the principles of humility, compassion, and selflessness. Then
lastly, I will reflect and learn by recognizing the spirit of lifelong learning; I will engage in
reflective practices to discern the lessons and insights gained from my service experiences,
continuously refining and deepening my understanding of zeal for service.

One fundamental way I demonstrate communion in mission as a student is through

collaborative learning and teamwork. In the academic setting; I engage in group projects, study
groups, and peer tutoring sessions, recognizing that collective knowledge-sharing enhances the
learning experience for everyone involved. By valuing diverse perspectives and leveraging each
other's strengths, we can co-create an environment conducive to academic excellence and
mutual growth. Furthermore, active involvement in student organizations and extracurricular
activities provides ample opportunities to embody communion in mission; whether through
joining service-oriented clubs, cultural organizations, or sports teams, I contribute to building a
vibrant and inclusive campus community. Participating in collaborative initiatives such as
outreach programs, environmental campaigns, or advocacy projects allows me to forge
meaningful connections with fellow students, faculty, staff, and the broader society, united by a
shared commitment to social justice and positive change. As a professional, embodying this
core value entails cultivating collaborative relationships with colleagues, clients, and
stakeholders, grounded in mutual respect, integrity, and shared goals. In the workplace, I strive
to foster a culture of teamwork, open communication, and inclusivity, recognizing that diverse
perspectives enrich decision-making processes and drive innovation. Moreover, as a
professional, I remain committed to upholding the Lasallian principles of social responsibility and
ethical leadership, advocating for equity, diversity, and inclusion in all spheres of my
professional endeavors. Whether through corporate social responsibility initiatives or mentorship
programs, I leverage my skills, expertise, and influence to address pressing societal challenges
and advance the common good.

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