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I have never told him how much his support meant to me.

Never have I told him how much his support meant to me.
auxiliary+ subj+ main

I Inversion after negative adverbials

Never have I seen anything so beautiful.

Not only, not until, not + object ...Not only did she get a rise, but she got a promotion too.
Not for one moment did I think that it could harm her.
In no way should this be seen as a defeat.
At no time did they actually break the rules.
On no account should that document be shown to him.
Under no circumstances, In no circumstances...Under no circumstances should you
disclose this information.
Only after, only later, only by, only in, only if, only when....
Little do they know how lucky they are.
In vain did they try to rescue him.
Rarely did he come to visit us.
Seldom do we have goods returned to us.
Hardly had I got onto the motorway when/ before I saw a police car following me.
No sooner had he told them the address than he regretted it.
II Inversion in conditionals

I If you should need more information, please contact us.

Should you need...

II If it weren't for Vivian, we wouldn't go ahead with the project.

Were it not for Vivian,...

If the prisoners escaped, there will be a public outcry.

If the prisoners were ......

III If he hadn't resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.

Had he not resigned...

III Inversion with so and such

So + adjective + auxiliary
Such + auxiliary + noun

Her business was so successful, that Marie was able to retire at 50.
So successful was her business that...

The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
Such was the popularity of the play that...

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