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Having analysed the structure for shears and bending moments, the designer is ready to
analyse and determine the reinforcements for the members of the structure.

A satisfactory and economic design of a concrete structure rarely depends on a complex

theoretical analysis. It is achieved more on practical overall layout of the structure. Never
the less, the total design of the structure does depend on the analysis and design of
individual member sizes. The three most important principles are:

(i) The stresses and strains are related by the material properties, including
the stress-strain curves for concrete and steel;
(ii) The distribution of strains must be compatible with distorted shape of the
cross-section; and
(iii) The resultant forces developed by the section must balance the applied
load for static equilibrium.


The behaviour of structural concrete is represented by a parabolic stress-strain

relationship up to a strain, Eo, from which the strain increases while the stress
remains constant.

Strain, Eo is specified as a function of the characteristic strength of concrete, Fcu, as

is also the tangent modulus the ultimate design stress is given by:

(0.67Fcu)/Ɣm = (0.67Fcu)/1.5 = 0.447Fcu = Approximately 0.45 Fcu

0.67 – Factor that allows for the difference between the bending strength
and the cube crushing strength; and
Ɣm – Partial Factor of Safety = 1.5 (for concrete when designing for in-situ
members) based BS8810-1: 1997 (Table 2.2).
The ultimate strain of 0.0035 is typical for all concrete grades.


At the ultimate limit for High Yield Ribbed bars, f y = 460N/mm2

– For Ribbed Bars
Strain = 460/(1.05 X 200 x 103
= 0.002

And for, Round Bars fy = 250N/mm2 – For Round Bars

Strain = 250/(1.05 x 200 x 103)
= 0.00119

Note: It does not make any economic sense to design reinforced

concrete structures at serviceability limit state.

Ɣm – Partial Factor of safety for steel = 1.05 (BS 8110 - 1: 1997
Table 2.2
fy – Characteristic Yield Stress
Stress = Elastic Modulus x Strain


Strain = Stress/Elastic Modulus

= Yield Stress/Es

= (fy/Ɣm)/ Es


x – Depth to the neutral axis,
h – Overall depth of the section,
b – Breadth of the section
As’ – Area of the compressive reinforcements
As – Area of tensile reinforcements
d’ – Depth of compressive reinforcements
d – Depth of tensile reinforcements

The rest are strains due to concrete, strains due to compressive
reinforcements and strains due to tensile reinforcements


Note: The triangular stress distribution applies when the stresses are
very nearly proportional to the strains, which generally occurs at the
loading levels encountered under working conditions and is therefore
used at the serviceability limit state.

1. The rectangular–parabolic stress block represents the distribution at

failure when the compressive strains are within the plastic range and
it is associated with the design for the ultimate limit state.

2. The equivalent rectangular stress block is a simplified alternative to

the rectangular–parabolic distribution.

Bending of the section will induce a resultant tensile force Fst in the
reinforcing steel and a resultant compressive force Fcc which acts
through the centroid of the effective area of concrete in compression as
shown in the figure above.

For equilibrium, the ultimate design moment M must be balanced by the
moment of resistance of the section such that:

M = Fcc x Z = Fst x Z

Where Z is the lever arm between the resultant forces Fcc and Fst

Fcc = Stress x Area x bs

And Z = d - s/2

Partial Factor of Safety for Steel = 1.05 (Table 2.2 BS 8110 – 1997)

Therefore M = 0.45fcubs(d – s/2)

But: From Z = d – s/2; Then: S = 2d – 2Z

Therefore M = 0.45fcub(2d – 2z)z

= 0.9fcub(d – z)z

OR: dz – z2 = M/0.9fcub

Let: K = M/fcubd2 Therefore: M = K fcubd2

OR: dZ – Z2 = Kd2/0.9

OR: Z2 – dZ + Kd2/0.9 = 0

Note: This is the quadratic equation and has the same form as for
Moment on a beam that carries a uniformly distributed load.

OR: (Z – d/2)2 = - Kd2/0.9

OR: Z – d/2 = (d2/4 – Kd2/0.9)0.5

OR: Z = d/2 + d (1/4 – K/0.9)0.5

OR: Z/d = 0.5 + (0.25 – K/0.9)0.5

Which is the equation in the code of practice BS 8110 – 1: 1997.

Hence the equation can be used to design the area of tension

reinforcements in a concrete section to resist the ultimate moment, M
as follows:

1. From the section, evaluate b and d respectively

2. From the M, evaluate K = M/fcubd2

3. From the above equation evaluate Z/d = 0.5 + (0.25 – K/0.9)0.5

4. Evaluate Z = d multiplied by the value of equation 3 above

5. Area of Tension Reinforcement Required, As = M/0.95fyZ

6. Provide the required reinforcements such that

7. As provided >= As Required

Note: The upper limit of the lever arm Z, = 0.95 and the lower limit
as specified by the Code of Practice is Z = 0.775d

With Z = 0.775d;

M = 0.9fcu x b x (d – 0.775d) x 0.775d

OR: M = 0.156fcubd2 is commonly denoted as Mrc – Ultimate Moment

of Resistance of the concrete.

When K = M/ fcubd2 > 0.156, compression reinforcements is also

required to supplement the moment of resistance of concrete

For any section, calculate the Mrc (ultimate moment of resistance of the section
based on concrete).

If applied moment M > Mrc, then, compressive reinforcement As’ are


A s’ = (M – Mrc)/(0.95fy(d – d’))


As = Mrc/(0.95fy x (0.775d)) + As’ As Z = 0.775d

Note: The shear force is considered to be resisted by the area

equivalent to bd and NOT bh due to the fact that the concrete
cover is considered to have no structural effect as it is considered
to have “CRACKED” (that is having reached the ultimate state).


Using the following parameters, determine the main reinforcements required

and the maximum applied shear stress for the beam that is designed at
Ultimate Limit State:

Section of Reinforced Concrete Beam = 200mm wide by 600mm deep

Concrete Class 30; (fcu = 30N/mm2)
Guaranteed Yield Stress of Steel = 460 N/mm2 (fy = 460N/mm2)
Cover to Main Reinforcements = 25 mm
Characteristic Dead Load inclusive of self-weight = 10 KN/m
Characteristic Live Load = 8 KN/m
Partial Factor of Safety for Live Load = 1.6
Partial Factor of Safety for Dead Load = 1.4
Cross-Sectional Area of Each D12 Bar = 113 mm2
Cross-Sectional Area of Each D16 Bar = 201 mm2

Cross-Sectional Area of Each D25 Bar = 491 mm2

1. Simply Supported Beam of 6 metres span.

2. 3 metres span Cantilevered Beam.
3. Simply Supported beam of 6 Metres span with a cantilevered overhang
of 3 metres (total span = 9 Metres).


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