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B= the gas produced is carbon dioxide but a way to identity and prove what the gas is, by
lighting a glowing splint, if the splint dies out then you know that the gas produced is carbon
dioxide but if the splint turns into a flame or goes brighter then you know the gas is oxygen.

Q5) when inhaling a cigarette, you can breathe in deadly toxins and tar this goes through the
process of gas exchange but what happens is the tar wares away the alveoli making it tricky
to breathe over time. Furthermore, the smoking can give of bad toxins which can end up
giving you lung cancer.

Q6) when salt is washed into the soil this can have a negative impact on a plant this is
because the plants main source of nutrients is from the water and the minerals in the water.
But if the salt is washed into the soil then this could absorb of dilute the water making it more
difficult for the water to go through the process of respiration and plant growth as there is not
enough water for a plant to be healthy.

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