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In this essay I will be looking at different types of roman woman and seeing whether they

have any power or influence. The types of roman woman that I will be looking at are royal
woman, vestal virgins, matrona rich/poor, girls and slaves(female). The definition of power is
to control someone or something to act in a particular way or manner. The definition of
influence is to leave an effect onto a Person without being forced.

I believe that a Royal roman woman holds the most power and control. I believe this
because the biggest effect on a king could be his wife, knowing this a royal woman could
carry a significant role on influencing their husband. But on the other hand, there are still
some boundaries that a royal woman would have as she would still have to sit at the back of
the theatre, and she could still not own her own land and wouldn’t be as respected as a man
would be.

Just below royal woman I believe vestal virgins hold the next amount of power and control. I
believe this because they do have some advantages to an average royal woman such as
being respected everywhere they go and having the ability to own their own land as long as
they are not married, furthermore they are given front row seats to gladiator battles and
entertainment. But there is a big disadvantage, you would have to serve and look after the
eternal flame and risk being beaten by the priest. But what makes it worse is that if you
break the vowel of not dating, marrying, or sexual conduct to any roman man, otherwise
you get buried alive underground in a chamber.

After vestal virgins I believe that matrona’s come next with power, I believe this because
they control over the whole house and their children and could go out when they want
whether they are rich or poor. If they are Rich and from a wealthier family, they would be
able to put in less work as they would likely have a number of slaves assist their chores
around the house. Furthermore, she would have more time to leisure and relax around the
house. But as for a Poor matrona they would have no help doing work around the house and
wouldn’t have any time to leisure and go to parties. The areas the matrona has no power in
are they are still not allowed to vote they are not allowed to own land, and they aren’t
supposed to have their own feelings.

After matrona’s I would put roman girls, I believe this because a roman girl's main purpose
was to give birth and to form alliances and business deals between families. Their main
destination was to be married to a man and have children and to take care of their house.
But currently they had no control over what they can do or where they can go.

Lastly, I would put female slaves. I believe this because slaves were treated as property and
were not seen as actual people. They had no area of control or power and could not do
anything about it, their main purpose was to do what they were bought for whether they
are in prostitution, chores around their house, or breading.

In conclusion I believe that roman woman had no power at all, and all women were seen as
the same and had no respect whatsoever.

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