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P. O. Box 55, Kotido- Tel 0772 599639

Date: March 26, 2024

Dear Friends of Mary Mother of God,
We hope and pray that you are having a wonderful Easter season! Ahead of the holiday, we're getting in
touch to thank you for the support you've given to the most important persons of our service to man, the poor
among us. With this Easter greetings from my Community and the Children, I wish you peace and serenity. I
wish that all of us move to face this event of the Resurrection and see the world with new eyes, minds, and
hearts full of hope, full of courage Christ is risen!

We are coming upon that particular time on our calendar that we spend appreciating what the Lord did for us on
the Cross. Yet, beyond that, when He arose from the grave on the third day morning. Children and teens are
grateful to receive such positive and appropriate support towards their education and well-being. We are blessed
to have your help and know that we can count on someone we can't physically see but who always is looking
after us. We hope this season when we reflect on the ultimate gift of Jesus’s life to us will continue to deepen
our collaboration relationship in our service to the poor among us.
Dear friends, your vocation contributes to the support of hundreds of children to ensure their education,
spirituality, nutrition, health, clothing, and school supplies,... yes, but it goes even further, it is the basis of hope
in us. It is a real participation in the mission of the church to all people.

We recently asked some of our most articulate teens to tell us how they feel about the help our school
community receives from you. Their thoughts will warm your heart.

Lokwii John :
Dear Friend of our School,

Where I live in Karamojo-Kotido, a lot of children and young people have few resources. Every day, they face
great challenges to survive vital challenges such as no health care, poor nutrition, lack of education, and few job
opportunities. Plus, they face challenges about things that don't seem so important to many people but are
fundamental to a full life things like decent clothes, shoes, and other necessities.

For many, it is routine to hand down older siblings’ clothes to younger siblings. Sometimes the clothes are not in
good condition. The same happens with shoes. It is common to see children with worn and tight-fitting shoes
that is when you are lucky to have it because very many go barefooted. And though many children and youth
don´t say anything, it causes them embarrassment and sadness.

That´s the reason why receiving a help/gifts present is so special and important. The gift not only supports our
self-esteem but also provides economic support because parents' abilities to buy such things themselves are
low or null; they live just getting by with basic daily needs of a single meal.

It´s important to us to know that people like you worry about us. Your friendship and kindness are more than
help; you provide hope to us for a better life.

Thank you for your generous heart.


Quality Education for Self-Reliance

P. O. Box 55, Kotido- Tel 0772 599639

Lokwii John Bosco, age 16

Primary 7

To Our Sponsors:

In some places of the world where I don’t know, there are couples of sponsors whom I want to thank for their
interest and support toward hundreds of children and youth from low-income families. I often ask myself what
motivates them to be interested in our lives.

My name is Deborah, and I have been fully sponsored for 5 years right from P.3. I understand that being able to
count on a person who is part of Mary Mother of God and whose trust is in the foundation has given me the
support I need throughout my childhood and adolescence.

I live in a neighborhood where insecurity is easily noticeable and poverty is everywhere; every day, I see very
young children carrying their younger siblings on their backs and, at the same time, working and doing their best
to earn some money, or simply living as beggars, which is easier. Having no money is common for them, and
that's where your help through Mary Mother of God got me from.

I will always remember the day my Headteacher Sr. Dawit brought me new dresses, shoes, and other female
personal needs that I would wear for the new school year, and she told me to always pray for people who sacrifice
their happiness that others (Us) can share in their sweat, it made me feel very happy and important. She has
been doing this up to now, even in February she brought us gifts new dresses, and shoes. Since that time I have
always prayed for you good-hearted people and I know that other pupils do the same while we have our daily
prayer in the morning and evening.

Let's not talk only about the material things but also about the fulfillment I feel in contributing to my community
with other children and youth by taking part in the programs that the school and church offer. I can show off the
knowledge I have acquired and have the chance to pass it on to new youth who want to learn also in our church
groups like Legion of Mary. I get to help them develop and be more loving to others and better every day.

I like to help others and, whenever I can, I volunteer to help my school and church save on the cost that they
would incur in costs of our school maintenance that can be done by hand. It is nice to give a child that gift that
maybe the parents could not afford. It is a nice gesture that gives sponsored families much happiness and a
good time.

Because of all of this, I'm here to thank all of the friends of our School who are part of the Mary Mother of God
family; it's important for you to know that we love and pray for you always for your effort in allowing us children
to improve our lives every day.

Quality Education for Self-Reliance

P. O. Box 55, Kotido- Tel 0772 599639

God bless you all for all you do!

Debora Nangoli Jacinta, P7

We hope that each of you already today experience this victory of Christ, the triumph of good and love in your
lives, and the lives of your friends and our communities.

Christ is risen!
Indeed He is risen!

Sr. Dawit Adressing the upper primary pupils on a morning assembly

Sr. Dawit addressing the lower primary assembly

Quality Education for Self-Reliance

P. O. Box 55, Kotido- Tel 0772 599639

Tr. Namuya Mary taking the new puipls around the school for an orientation exercise to help them get to know
our school environment

Some of the boarding

school boys in the
shade taking there
morning porridge
meal, the school
provides 3 meals for
the boarding section
and we are registering
improvement in
pupils’ health do to our
balanced meals
supplemented by the
school garden.

Sr. Lettedawit Ghirmay

Quality Education for Self-Reliance

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