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TLE - AFA (Animal Production-Swine)

Activity Sheet – Quarter 4- C 2


TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine)
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.
Development Team of TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine)
Activity Sheet
Writer: Miguel Angelo V. Magbanua
Illustrators: Miguel Angelo V. Magbanua
Editors: Judy Ann B. Nonato
Frankleen I. Divinagracia
Elizer B. Pineda
Layout Artist: Miguel Angelo V. Magbanua
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Severino O. Abelay Jr.
Raulito D. Dinaga
Othelo M. Beating
Elizer B. Pineda
Judy Ann B. Nonato
Division of Negros Occidental Management Team:
Marsette D. Sabbaluca
Lynee A. Peñaflor
Salvacion J. Senayo
Zaldy H. Reliquias
Severino O. Abelay Jr.,
Regional Management Team
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
April C. Velez
Rolando B. Jamora2
Jo-an R. Pet
Introductory Message

Welcome to TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Negros Occidental and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed
to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in acquiring
the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine) Activity Sheet will help you
facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the
independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine) Activity Sheet is developed to

help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Quarter 4 -Week 2

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 2

Name of Learner:_______________________________________________________
Grade and Section:__________________________________ Date: ______________

TLE 10 – AFA (Animal Production-Swine) Activity Sheet


I. Learning Competency
1.1 Prepare tools and materials for collection of farm waste TLE_AFAAPS9-12PRW-IIc-d-9
1.1.4 Identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1.1.5 Understand the importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

II. Background of information

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is clothing and equipment worn by employees,
students, contractors or visitors to protect or shield their bodies from workplace hazards.
Personal Protective Equipment

 Appropriate disposable filtering facepiece respirators or orinasal masks will

significantly reduce the risk of respiratory illness occurring where airborne
contaminants cannot be reduced to safe levels by other means, e.g. ventilation.
Appropriate training is critical to their effective use.

 Disposable and orinasal masks must be of correct fit. It is also imperative that
reusable masks are maintained and stored correctly.

 Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) includes following

appropriate donning, removal and disposal procedures.

 Coveralls should be cleaned after use and stored separately from regular clothing

 Workers should be provided with and advised to use handwashing facilities after
leaving the swine housing area and must be encouraged to not touch their
nose/face until after their hands have been thoroughly cleaned.

Types of personal protective equipment

PPE can be considered in the following categories, based on the
type of protection afforded by the equipment:

 Respiratory protection - for example, disposable, cartridge, air line,
half or full face
 Eye protection – for example, spectacles/goggles, shields, visors
 Hearing protection – for example, ear muffs and plugs
 Hand protection – for example, gloves and barrier creams
 Foot protection – for example, shoes/boots
 Head protection – for example, helmets, caps, hoods, hats
 Working from heights - for example, harness and fall arrest devices
 Skin protection – for example, hats, sunburn cream, long sleeved

All employees/workers need to be provided with adequate

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their particular role. This
equipment must be checked regularly for wear and tear, and must also
be used according to strict guidelines and procedures. Equipment may
only leave the workplace for replacing or repairing purposes, and
employees/workers must be fully trained on the correct use for each

Before Donning PPE

 Ensure you are hydrated and have used the bathroom as the PPE
may need to be worn for an extended period.
 Don your PPE with a colleague who can assist and provide a final
 Perform thorough hand hygiene.

Different kinds of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Mask-a covering (as of polypropylene fiber or

cotton fabric) for the mouth and nose that is
worn especially to reduce the spread of
infectious agents (such as viruses or
bacteria) and
protect wearers from breathing in hazardous
contaminants in the air.
It is important to use a face mask approved by the FDA.

Goggles/Face Shield/Visors-a Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) that aims to
protect the wearer's entire face (or part of
it) from hazards such as flying objects and
road debris, chemical splashes (in
laboratories or in industry), or potentially
infectious materials (in medical and laboratory environments).

Ear muffs/Ear Plugs-Earmuffs are clothing accessories or PPE designed

to cover a person's ears for hearing
protection or for warmth. They consist of a
thermoplastic or metal head-band, that fits
over the top or back of the head, and a
cushion or cup at each end, to cover the
external ears.
An earplug is a device that is inserted
in the ear canal to protect the user's ears from loud noises, intrusion
of water, foreign bodies, dust or excessive wind. Since they reduce the
sound volume, earplugs are often used to help prevent hearing loss
and tinnitus (ringing of the ears).

Hard Hat/Safety Helmet-A hard hat is a type

of helmet predominantly used in workplace
environments such as industrial or
construction sites to protect the head from
injury due to falling objects, impact with
other objects, debris, rain, and electric

Gloves-A glove is a garment covering the
hand. Gloves usually have separate sheaths
or openings for each finger and the
thumb. ... Gloves protect and comfort hands
against cold or heat, damage by friction,
abrasion or chemicals, and disease; or in
turn to provide a guard for what a bare hand should not touch.

Coverall-a loose-fitting, one-piece work

garment, consisting of a trouserlike
portion and a top with or without sleeves,
worn over other clothing.

Gown- Personal Protective

Equipment(PPE) used in health care
settings. They are used to protect the
wearer from the spread of infection or
illness if the wearer comes in contact with
potentially infectious liquid and solid

Apron-The definition of an apron is something that is worn to protect
the front part of the body or to keep clothes from getting soiled.

Rubber Boots- knee-length or calf-length rubber or

rubberized boots , worn specially in wet conditions.

Safety Boots/Shoes- is a Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) for foot protection at workplaces.

Steel-Toe Boots- is a durable boot or shoe

that has a protective reinforcement in the
toe which protects the foot from falling
objects or compression. Although
traditionally made of steel, the
reinforcement can also be made of a
composite material, a plastic such as thermoplastic polyurethane or
even aluminum.

Shoe Covers- are disposable slip-on

garments that fit snugly over a variety of
shoe style and sizes. They prevent
potentially hazardous material (including

organic and chemical particles) from coming in contact with the
bottom of a person's shoes.

High Visibility Vest- are an article of

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or
safety clothing made of retroreflective
materials. These are intended to provide
visibility of the person wearing it in low
day light or in the dark when illuminated by
headlights of vehicles and mechanized equipment.

Padded Suits- these are jackets with padding on the

elbow, spine, and shoulder .

Fall Arrest Harness- safety harness is a form of

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is
designed to catch a person in case of falling while
working at height.

Hats- a wide brimmed head gear for protection

against the harsh heat of the sun and rain.

Long Sleeved Clothes- for protection against heat, cold, sun or insect exposure.

The air within swine confinement buildings contains many contaminants that are
hazardous to human health. These hazards include gases, swine confinement dusts
and microorganisms or their components. The dust generated within indoor swine
buildings may contain many types of particles including: animal dander; fecal
material and urine of both pigs and rodents; feed components; bedding materials;
absorbed gases and chemicals. Importantly, this dust also contains
Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds and their by-products. Some
70%-90% of swine dust is thought to be biologically active in its effects.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Personal protective equipment guidelines

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Top 10 items used in Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)

Health and Safety for Swine Workers Information Sheet

IV. Activity Proper


Activity 1

Direction. Identify the following Personal Protective Equipment(PPE).

A. Mask D. Goggles/Face Shield/Visors

B. Gloves E. Fall Arrest Harness

C. Safety Boots/Shoes F. Coverall

_____1. This is a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for foot protection at

_____2. A loose-fitting, one-piece work garment, consisting of a trouser like portion and
a top with or without sleeves, worn over other clothing.

_____3. A Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that aims to protect the wearer's entire
face (or part of it) from hazards such as flying objects and road debris, chemical
splashes (in laboratories or in industry), or potentially infectious materials (in medical
and laboratory environments).

_____4. A covering (as of polypropylene fiber or cotton fabric) for the mouth and nose
that is worn especially to reduce the spread of infectious agents (such as viruses or
bacteria) and protect wearers from breathing in hazardous contaminants in the air.

_____5. A covering that usually have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and
the thumb to give protection and comfort against cold or heat, damage by friction,
abrasion or chemicals, and disease.


1. What are the examples of Personal Protective Equipments(PPE)?


2. What are the types of dust particles generated within indoor swine buildings?


1. Why is it necessary to have the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when

2. Why should all employees/workers need to be provided with adequate

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their particular role?

VI. Answer Key


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