Circle Time

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Circle Time

By: Meredith Brown

I listen as the teacher calls us
to circle time.
I stop what I am doing and
clean up my desk.
I always walk quietly to the
I find my carpet square and
sit down.
I never talk while the teacher
is talking.
I raise my hand if the teacher
has asked a question and I
wait until I am called upon.
I never talk to my friends and
I keep my hands to myself.
When circle time is over, I
walk back to my desk quietly.
At my desk, I get back to
I want to stay on Green!
Green Yellow Red
Listening to the NOT Listening to the NOT Listening to the Teacher
Teacher Teacher when the teacher when the teacher has given
has given you a warning you more than 2 warnings
Stopping what you are NOT Stopping what you are NOT Stopping what you are
working on and working on and leaving working on and leaving your
cleaning your desk your desk a mess desk a mess with more than
2 warnings from the teacher

Raising your Hand NOT raising your hand and NOT raising your hand and
talking without the teachers talking without the teachers
permission permission
Walking to the Carpet Running to the carpet and Running to the carpet and
and taking a seat on taking someone else's taking someone else's carpet
your carpet spot carpet spot spot with more than two
warnings from the teacher
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