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1. C
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. A
6. D

Ex. 2
1. Communicator: Someone who is skilled at conveying information or ideas to
others effectively.
2. Icebreaker: Something that initiates conversation or interaction, especially in
a social setting, to alleviate tension or awkwardness.
3. Gory details: Specific, often unpleasant or graphic, information about a
situation or event.
4. Facial and body language: Nonverbal cues expressed through facial
expressions, gestures, and posture that convey emotions or intentions.
5. To brand images: To create a recognizable identity or perception associated
with a particular product, organization, or individual.
6. Approachability: The quality of being easy to approach or accessible,
typically implying friendliness or openness.
7. To hurt someone's feelings: To cause emotional pain or distress to someone
by words or actions.
8. To be enthusiastic about (over): To show strong and eager interest or
excitement about something.
9. Communication gap: A disparity or lack of understanding between
individuals or groups in exchanging information or ideas.
10.Mass media: Forms of communication that reach a large audience, such as
television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.
11.To attach a stigma to: To associate a negative perception or stereotype with
something, often leading to social disapproval or discrimination.
12.Eager readiness: A state of enthusiastic preparedness or willingness to engage
in something.
13.Eager desire: A strong and enthusiastic longing or craving for something.
14.Eager welcome: A warm and enthusiastic reception or greeting.
15.Eager activity: Engaging in actions or tasks with enthusiasm and eagerness.

соціальні збори;
розбити лід;
відчувати себе наляканим;
виявляти непідробний інтерес;
розвивати тему;
бути уважним і чуйним;
сигнали зорового контакту;
здаватися заклопотаним;
справляти гарне враження, підтримувати стосунки;
вміння знаходити підхід;
відсутність впевненості в собі та самоповаги;
тонкі сигнали;
обговорювати різноманітні теми;
почуття гумору;

c) big-headed
d) courteous
b) to be ill
e) industrious

1. He was one of the most (attractive) men she had ever seen.
2. We had a really (enjoyable) time in Brighton last week.
3. David is always telling people how good lie is at everything. He is so
4. The play last night was (appalling). At least half the audience walked out in the
middle of it.
5. There is something very (odd) about Mr. Brown’s behaviour today. Didn’t you
6. Have you seen James and Sally’s new house? It’s really (enormous).
7. He won’t take my advice. He is so (obstinate).
8. I was always very (bashful) as a child and hated going to parties or meeting
new people.
9. My son loves school. In fact, in some ways be is too (keen), I mean, it’s the
only thing lie ever talks about.
10.I think Martha is going to have a lot of problems with her children. They are so
(cheeky) to everyone.
11.You must read this story – it’s quite (unbelievable)!
12.Hard work and ambition are (vital) if you want to get on life.
1. Women tend to be less dominant in conversation than men. This statement
reflects a common observation in many cultures where men often exhibit more
dominant behaviors in conversation compared to women. However, it's
important to note that such generalizations may not apply universally and can
vary depending on individual personalities, cultural norms, and specific
contexts. While some women may indeed exhibit less dominant behavior in
conversation, others may be equally assertive or even more so than men. Thus,
while there may be trends or tendencies, it's essential to avoid rigid stereotypes
and recognize the diversity of communication styles among individuals.
2. A true conversation is like a sports event. This statement seems to suggest that
a conversation involves competition or conflict similar to a sports event.
However, this perspective may overlook the cooperative and collaborative
aspects of genuine conversation. While there may be elements of debate or
disagreement in some conversations, the essence of meaningful
communication often involves mutual understanding, active listening, and
respectful engagement rather than competition. Therefore, likening
conversation to a sports event may not fully capture its complexity and
richness as a social interaction.
3. Young people are more prone to talk on the phone with their peers than with
their parents. This statement reflects a common observation in contemporary
society where young people often communicate more frequently with their
peers through various digital platforms, including phone calls, social media,
and messaging apps. While this trend may be influenced by factors such as
peer relationships, shared interests, and the desire for social connection, it's
essential to recognize that communication patterns can vary widely among
individuals and families. Some young people may have close relationships
with their parents and communicate with them regularly, while others may
prioritize interactions with friends. Additionally, technological advancements
and changes in communication habits over time can also influence these
patterns. Therefore, while the statement may hold true for many individuals,
it's important to consider the diversity of experiences and relationships among
young people.

1. Чи потрібно відмічатися, коли ви приїжджаєте? 2. Вона не любить працювати
за дедлайнами. 3. Вона проходить стажування в SFD. 4. У короткостроковій
перспективі можуть відбутися деякі скорочення персоналу. 5. У нашій компанії
зараз більше можливостей для просування по службі, ніж раніше. 6. Моя заявка
не була успішною. 7. Успішний кандидат матиме хороший послужний список в
бухгалтерії. 8. Робота не має чіткої кар'єрної структури. 9. Він досягає успіху
завдяки навчанню. 10. Це заявка на роботу. 11. Нещасний випадок обірвав її
кар'єру. 12. Суд обірвав її кар'єру. 13. Тренер зробив кар'єру шляхом переходу
через дорогу і пролетів через огорожу. 14. У його кар'єрі було багато злетів і
падінь. 15. Вони зробили переоцінку своєї кар'єри. 16. Його кар'єра закінчилася
з ганьбою. 17. Цей художник зробив видатну кар'єру. 18. Вона ризикувала
своєю кар'єрою. 19. Президент розпочав свою політичну кар'єру. 20. Посол
відмовився від дипломатичної кар'єри

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