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Exercise 1

1. Companies can use their presence on the Web for publicity, selling, or sharing
2. Businesses use e-mail for dealing with customers, making and responding to
inquiries quickly, and communicating with employees.
3. A corporate website may be used for publicity, selling, or sharing information.
4. One of the advantages of E-commerce is that users can access the website 24
hours a day.
5. Marketing on the Web can be achieved by setting up an attractive website to
6. Video-conferencing is a time-saving method of communication.
7. Companies can use the Web for recruitment purposes by placing their
recruitment needs on their own websites or on recruitment agencies' websites.

Exercise 2
1. presence - присутність
2. response - відповідь
3. publicity - публічність
4. trading - торгівля
5. location - місце розташування
6. recruitment - набір персоналу
7. quickly - швидко
8. successful - успішний
9. advantage - перевага
10.attractive - привабливий
11."brick and mortar" trade – немережева торгівля - мережа
13.transmission - передача
14.electronic mail box - електронна поштова скринька
15.corporate website - корпоративний веб-сайт
16.E-commerce - електронна комерція
17.browser - браузер modem - комп'ютерний модем
19.user - користувач - завантаження
21.PC - персональний комп'ютер
22.hardware - апаратне забезпечення
23.laptop - ноутбук - програмне забезпечення
25.virus - вірус
Exercise 3
1. робити запит - make an inquiry
2. спілкуватися з працівниками - communicate with employees
3. корпоративна веб-сторінка - corporate website
4. ділитися інформацією - share information
5. електронна торгівля - E-commerce
6. перевага - advantage
7. збирати дані - gather data
8. валютний курс - foreign exchange rate
9. комп'ютерна мережа - computer network
10.відеоконференція - video-conference
11.метод, що заощаджує час - time-saving method
12.річний звіт - annual report
13.надавати послугу - provide a service
14.акціонери – shareholders

1. I need to make an inquiry about the availability of the product, so I'll contact
the supplier.
2. Our company utilizes various tools to communicate with employees, including
email, messaging apps, and regular team meetings.
3. The corporate website showcases our company's mission, values, and products
to potential clients.
4. We encourage employees to share information and ideas freely to foster
collaboration and innovation.
5. E-commerce has provided our business with a significant advantage in
reaching customers globally.

Exercise 4:
1. network - system of interconnected computers
2. Internet - global network connecting millions of computers
3. intranet - private network using Internet technology within an organization
4. browser - software used to access and view websites on the Internet
5. web page - document or resource accessible on the World Wide Web
6. World Wide Web - system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the
7. electronic mail - communication method for sending and receiving messages
8. Internet service - service providing access to the Internet
9. computer modem - device enabling computers to communicate over telephone
lines of users - collection of individuals utilizing a particular service or system
Exercise 5:
1. The Internet opens up vast opportunities for communication and business
resources, making it the easiest and most ever-accessible network for millions
of users around the world.
2. Holding a PC, you can directly access vast quantities of data from a worldwide
network of computers.
3. An intranet uses the same technology as the Internet, forming a network within
an organization.
4. The World Wide Web, also referred to as the Web (WWW), is considered the
most exciting aspect of the Internet by many users, offering a range of topics
presented in easily accessible and interesting web pages.
5. The pages of the Web form a vast and interesting range of topics, easily
accessible and presented in an attractive manner.

Exercise 6
The most widely-used function on the Internet is e-mail. E-mail is the transmission
and distribution of information through personal computers linked to the telephone
system, which allows subscribers to send a message directly to another subscriber
that will appear in their electronic mail box. Using e-mail, you can send messages to
anyone with an Internet account, and most businesses today have an electronic
mailing address. E-mail is cheap and easy to use. In business, e-mail provides cheap
and rapid communication between the employees of an organization, and between a
company and its clients and suppliers. An e-mail address contains an identifier, i.e.
the user name. After that comes the symbol "@" (pronounced "at"), followed by the
domain name, which identifies the server that is used to send your mail, the category
of organization and the country code. The different elements of the e-mail address
are separated by dots. There is no full stop at the end. This domain name is said in
the following way: chef, at coral, dot com, dot Су.

Exercise 7: The phrase "Everybody's business is nobody's business" suggests that

when responsibility is shared among many people, it becomes unclear who is actually
responsible for a task or decision. This can lead to a lack of accountability and
inefficiency, as individuals may assume someone else will take care of the matter. It
emphasizes the importance of clear delegation and accountability within
organizations to ensure that tasks are completed effectively.
Exercise 8:
1. Agree. If both toy companies have similar sales figures, then they are indeed
performing equally well, hence "neck and neck."
2. Agree. The expression "has a finger in every pie" means being involved in
many different activities or projects, which implies a high level of activity and
3. Disagree. While both the phone system and the Internet facilitate
communication, they operate on different principles and technologies.
4. Agree. The statement reflects the trend of increasing Internet usage, which is
supported by data showing growing numbers of Internet users worldwide.
5. Agree. Connecting to the Internet has become more accessible and affordable
over time, especially with the proliferation of broadband and wireless
6. Agree. Computers are integral to various aspects of modern life, and their use
continues to expand across different fields and industries.
7. Agree. A PC (personal computer) is indeed the standard type of computer used
by most individual users.
8. Agree. Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system,
while software comprises the programs and instructions that run on the
9. Agree. A virus is a malicious program designed to disrupt the normal operation
of a computer system. It is intentionally created and introduced into a program
or system to cause harm.

Ex. 11

The popularity of the Internet system today.

In the contemporary era, the Internet has evolved from a mere technological marvel
to an indispensable part of everyday life for billions around the globe. Its popularity
has soared exponentially, shaping the way we communicate, learn, work, shop, and
entertain ourselves.

First and foremost, the Internet's unparalleled accessibility has been a key driver of its
popularity. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and other connected
devices, virtually anyone can access the Internet from anywhere at any time. This
democratization of access has opened up a world of opportunities, allowing
individuals from all walks of life to connect with others, access information, and
engage in various online activities.

Moreover, the Internet offers a vast and diverse array of content and services,
catering to virtually every interest and need. From social networking sites and
streaming platforms to online marketplaces and educational resources, there is
something for everyone on the Internet. This abundance of content not only keeps
users engaged but also encourages them to spend more time online, further fueling
the Internet's popularity.

Additionally, the Internet has transformed the way we conduct business and
commerce. E-commerce platforms have revolutionized the way we shop, allowing
consumers to browse and purchase goods and services with just a few clicks.
Moreover, the Internet has opened up new avenues for entrepreneurship, enabling
individuals to launch and grow their businesses online with minimal overhead costs.

In conclusion, the popularity of the Internet system today can be attributed to its
accessibility, abundance of content and services, facilitation of communication and
collaboration, role in education and learning, and impact on business and commerce.
As the Internet continues to evolve and innovate, its significance in our lives is only
expected to grow, further cementing its status as one of the most transformative
technologies of the modern age.

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