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Indian Institute of Management, Indore


National Level Case Study Competition

Problem Statement:

Sarveshwar Foods is an established company in the Food sector. It is the parent company of
the upcoming organic brand Nimbark, which is carving a niche for itself in the Indian market.
Established in the fertile lands of Jammu and Kashmir, Nimbark boasts a robust network of
18,000 farmers cultivating over 45,000 acres of land using organic practices. Most of its products
are manufactured by Nimbark itself, while some are procured from different suppliers. They have
multiple Franchise Stores already opened, with India being the major market, along with a
presence in Europe and US too.

Despite its quick success, Nimbark aspires to reach even further. The company envisions a
healthier India, where organic food transcends its niche status and becomes a mainstream
dietary choice, particularly among young families. However, achieving this ambitious goal
requires overcoming a significant hurdle: changing habits of Indians. Still, Nimbark currently has
an aim of attracting 1,00,000 new customers who prioritize organic food and cultivating their
long-term loyalty. But all this needs to be done within budget constraints. The current budget for
advertisement is 1CR for the next 1 year.

Although Nimbark is growing in popularity and is on a good trajectory, it has its troubles with its
financials. At this point of time, spending a lot to acquire customers seems enticing but it is not
an option. Aggressive advertising could help, but due to budget restraints, this has taken a back-
seat. Nimbark wants to keep its Customer Acquisition Costs at a minimum, while attracting new
customers who prioritize organic food.

Nimbark's customer base would primarily comprise individuals from the upper-middle and upper
classes, reflecting the often-steeper price tag associated with organic produce. While the
company thrives in six states across North and East India, its reach needs to expand significantly
to fulfil its mission. It wishes to go pan-India as soon as possible.

With a website already in place, Nimbark is also mulling over launching an App. This could help
increase its reach. Moreover, it is pondering over leveraging a subscription model to incentivize
repeat purchases and build customer loyalty. It plans to start this “Nimbark Club” soon. Organic
food should attract loyal customers, and this could be exploited. Cultivating a sense of
community around the brand, trust in it, and long-term engagement with it, are also things
Nimbark looks to achieve.
Nimbark is also facing some supply chain problems. Warehouses are present in the
manufacturing cities and the market cities. Storage costs and Transport costs seem to be ever-
increasing as they try to expand.

Here's the challenge: How can Nimbark, with its multiple issues and a limited marketing budget,
design a strategic approach to acquire nearly 1,00,000 new customers who prioritize organic
food, foster brand loyalty, and make the switch to organic eating a feasible option for health-
conscious families across India?

Sarveshwar Foods:


Guidelines for Submission:

1. The solution has to be submitted in the form of a Powerpoint Presentation or pdf.
2. Team Leaders should upload their presentations to unstop within the deadline.
Submission Deadline: 17/03/2024
3. The number of slides should not exceed 5 slides (excluding opening and thank you slide).
4. The naming convention is "EConsultant_TeamName_CollegeName".
5. Feel Free to refer outside resources to add in the case analysis.
However, the reference should be added as a footnote in the same slide of the PPT.

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