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Science, technology and nation building are interconnected and crucial aspects
of a country's progress and development.

Understanding the concept of nation building requires a prior concept of the

term nation. Early conception of nation defined it is as a group or race of people
who shared history, traditions and culture, sometimes religion, and usually

Generally people of a specific nation share a common national identity. It may

include identity based on race or ethnicity, loyalty to a set of political ideas, and
institution and the linkage of citizenship to nationality.

The early inhabitants the archipelago had their own culture and traditions.

-Own belief system and indigenous knowledge

-keeps them organized sustained their lives and communities for many years.

Pre-spanish Philippines

-Embedded in the way of life.


√Planting crops that provide them food

√Taking care of animals

√Food production

√Interpret the movements of heavenly bodies to predict saeson and climates

√medical Instrument




√Developing tools

√Musical instrument

Spanish Rule

√Brought their own culture and practices

√Established schools and introduce the concepts of subjects and discipline

√Learning of science in school focuses on understanding different concept

related to the human body, plants, animals and bodies

√Technology focuses on using and developing houses tools

American period

√more influence in the development of S&T

√Public education system

√Improve engineering works and health of the people

√Mineral resources were explored and exploited

√Americanize the Filipinos

• Reorganized the learning of science

• In basic education, science education focuses on nature studies and science
and sanitation

Health and sanitation

•Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness, proper hygiene, and healthy


• Hospitals, clinic, and health centers were established including public

hospital for lepers.

The new public

•focusing on using it's limited resources in improving S&T capability

•Use of overseas Development Allocation to improve scientific productivity and

technological capability

•Human resources Development

The influences in the Development of S &T in the Philippines




•Economic Activities

Development of S &T Philippines


•Foreign Colonizer
•Traders with Foreign countries

•International Economic Demands

Government Policies on Science and Technology

√ introduce and implemented program, projects and policies to boost science

and technology.

√ Goal : prepare the whole country and it's people to meet the demands of a
technologically driven world and capacitate the people to live in a world driven
by science.


We at the national research council of the Philippines (NRCP) are alarmed that
the controversy involving the use of Dengvaxia as an anti-dengue vaccine has
led to substantial decrease and vaccination rates in other immunization
program of the country.

Scientific evidence has clearly demonstrate that vaccine have dramatically

eradicated smallpox and polio and have greatly reduced child mortality in the
Philippines and in many other part of the world • In response to the ASEAN
2015 agenda the government, particularly the DOST, has sought the expertise of
the NRCP to consult various section in the society to study how the Philippines
can prepare itself in meeting the ASEAN 2015 Goals.

•The NRCP clusted these policies into four. science, humanities, Education, international, policies and governance.

2.physics, engineering,and industrial research, earth and space science,and

3.mediacal, chemical and pharmaceutical sciences.

4.biological science, agriculture,and forestry. sciencs, humanities, educations, international policies and governance

•integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the


•emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue.

•devoloping school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband

•local food security

2.physical, engineering and industrial research, earth and space science,and

•emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities

•outright Grant for peer monitoring

•Review of RA 9184

•harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development.

1 Nation-building is a process with the end goal establishing common interest,

goals and preference among citizen of a country towards the formation of that
country, where the people have no intention of separating themselves from one
another. We can achieve commonality in our interest, goals and preferences as
citizen if we achieve freedom from all forms of destitution and injustice. Science
and technology in the country should be improve since in a technology driven
century, our society has spawned novel and usual difficulties and conflicts that
necessitate novel and unorthodox answer, through science and technology we
can develop and execute solutions. Only then would Filipinos be able to grap
the concept of "matarah, maginhawa, at patatag Ng buhay.

Typically the job of science and technology in the Philippines government is

defined as monitoring and dircting national technology development, as well as
occupying, conducting technical and scientific research and promoting public
awareness of science and technology.

The function of science and technology in Philippines national construction is to

improve people's quality of life.
Real econamic progress and transformation in any community, as well as
wealth, play an important part in Philippines national construction.

The significance of science and technology in improving people's lives

throughout the words is clear , but all countries must cheap reap the most
benefit, with the advent of medication and illness analysis, science and
technology have made life alot easier and also a ot better.

Adoption of technology by developing nations has had substantial implication

on their economy, such as lowering national manufacturing cost, setting quality
standard, and allowing citizen to communicate from a distance, Regrettably, the
current approach is still one of adaptation rather than invention, furthermore
the necessity for technologies that are suited for persistent barrier to the
dissemination of technology in low-income countries is it's unequal distribution
and penetration within the country. The fast spread of technology propelled.

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