Lesson 2 The First Miracle of The Apostle

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#404 Lorenzo Sico St. Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite
Mobile Nos.: 0906-4578684; 09202148424


SCRIPTURE: Acts 3:1-26
Acts 3:6-8, “Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give
you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped
him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and
began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and
praising God.”
Our sermon text today records the first miracle in the Early Church. Peter and John
healed a man who had been lame from birth at the gate called Beautiful. This man was
already old, he had never walked since birth. Through this miracle, not only was he able to
stand up, but he was able to walk and jump. And the number of men who believed in the Lord
Jesus Christ grew to about five thousand. What an amazing miracle!
There are three kinds of people in this miracle. These three had something in common
– “they looked/saw.”
1. The lame man who received the miracle - “When he “saw” Peter and John about to
enter, he asked them for money.” (verse 3)
2. The apostles who performed the miracle - “Peter “looked” straight at him, as did
John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” (verse 4)
3. The people who saw the miracle - “When all the people “saw” him walking and
praising God…” (verse 9)
I. The Lame Man’s Perspective
The only thing this man born lame thought of was alms from others. He was expecting
to receive money from Peter and John. He never thought he could get well enough to stand
and walk and go to work, he never imagined a life outside of being a beggar.
1 Corinthians 2:9, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what
God has prepared for those who love him.”
The blessings God has prepared for us are truly beyond what our eyes has ever seen,
our ears has ever heard, and our minds has ever conceived. How amazing is God’s grace!
II. The Apostles’ Perspective
Peter and John were totally different in age and personality. Peter was the oldest
while John was the youngest. Peter was impatient while John was the most patient. However,
they were prayer partners. They went to prayer together. When they were about to enter,
they saw a man who was lame asking them for money at the temple gate called Beautiful.
- Apostles Saw the Lame Man – The apostle looked straight at him. That he looked
straight at the man is an important point. It shows sincerity. When in a conversation,
and the other person’s eyes darts around endlessly, it indicates two things, whether
he is not speaking the truth or he is not interested to listen.
As believers, we should be sincere, not only to look straight at the eyes of the
people but with our hearts truly caring for them. Peter and John looked straight at the
man; this showed they truly cared about his need.
- The Apostles Wanted the Lame Man to Look at Them – After Peter and John looked
straight at him, Peter said, “Look at us!” Their eyes met – I look at you and you look at
me. In Peter and John’s eyes, they sincerely wanted to offer Christ Jesus to the man.
At this point, Peter said, ““Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
During that time, Peter and John were already pastors of a three thousand-
member church. The church had everything, the believers gave their silver and gold
to the apostles, yet Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but I have something more
precious than that, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, stand up and walk!”
He invoked the name above every name. And there is none greater. Certainly
this is a better gift than silver or gold. The man is healed by the power of God.
“Immediately his feet and ankles were made strong.” Immediately, not over
time. And we wish we had doctors like this. The old joke is “God does the work, the
doctor gets the bill.” And often that is the case! Rarely does a doctor heal
“immediately.” But our God can heal instantly when we truly believe.
It is evident! The miracle was done in the name of Jesus Christ. The miracle has
given opportunity for them to hear the Gospel. This is the purpose of the miracle, to
attest to the words to be spoken.
So, what can we give people? When you give them your silver or gold, you are
only helping them for a time. After the silver and gold are gone, he returns to asking
alms, he remains lame. But if we give him Jesus Christ, then he will be able to stand
up, he will become self-reliant.
III. The People’s Perspective
When all the people saw him walking and praising God; they recognized him as the
same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled
with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
- The People Saw the Lame Man – This is life testimony. No one can argue that it is
not true. Because of his testimony, five thousand men put their trust in the Lord.
- They Saw Peter and John Performed the Miracle – The people felt that this was
strange – a man born lame was healed with one word. So they stared at Peter and
John. Peter told them, “Do not stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had
made this man walk.” Peter and John publicly declared that this was God’s work, not
their own.
Acts 3:16, “By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made
strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed
him, as you can all see.”
All miracles begin with God. We need to witness miracles! We need to experience

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