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Targeted Individuals:

Standard Nomination Form

By Richard Lighthouse

Targeted Individuals: Standard Nomination Form

Published by Richard Lighthouse at

Creative Commons 4.0 License, 2019 by Richard Lighthouse. Please acknowledge source.

CC x 4.0
ISBN: 9780463822500

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: This short ebook expresses the opinions of the
author. All comments and statements in this ebook are opinions of the sole author. If you
disagree with these opinions, then write your own book. While the author has used his best
efforts in preparing this document, he makes no representations or warranties with respect to
the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaims any implied
warranties or fitness for any particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by
sales representatives or sales materials. The author does not advocate violence in any form.
All readers are encouraged to do their own research.

Many of my books can be found for FREE at: Apple iBooks,,,, BarnesandNoble, Google Play, kobo, and many other websites.

Original 1A – 24 January 2019

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Revision 2A - 28 January 2019

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he

cannot believe it exists.”
− J. Edgar Hoover, former FBI Director

“The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism.”
--- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief

Targeted Individuals: Standard Nomination Form


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:


Chapter 3:



Rev 2A - This short ebook describes the method used by government criminals globally, to
induct people into the corrupt CIA torture program. If you are a Targeted Individual, someone
submitted this form with your information on it - to make you a Targeted Individual. More
than 90% of the persons listed on the FBI Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) and the
National CounterTerrorism Center (NCTC) TIDE Database are not terrorists. The vast
majority of these people are unwilling participants in a secret CIA torture program that evolved
from MK-Ultra. It is commonly called the Targeted Individual program. The information form
used to induct someone into this corrupt program is called the Standard Nomination form or
Standard Nomination Tool. By using the same form and techniques, it may be possible to fool
these same government criminals into inducting their own people into the abusive torture

Background information and possible techniques are discussed. It is suggested to submit the
form and information through older methods, including fax machines, international cable, or
by spoofing email addresses of likely submission sources. These would include foreign
offices of likely criminal government sources. New submissions mostly come from 6 sources
according to one classified document – the Dept of Defense (DOD), CIA, FBI, DHS, Dept of
State, and CBP. All of these government agencies have overseas offices. The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) has a Watchlisting Cell (WLC) in the Intelligence & Analysis Office.
Their job is to receive, review and nominate new names for the Terrorist Screening Center.
What would happen to this system if thousands of bogus forms with fake names were
submitted every day?

International sources will often go through U.S. Embassies or international policing sources –
any group that deals with so-called “Counter Terrorism.” These are sent to the NCTC or FBI
offices in Washington D.C.

My personal favorite idea is to use the names of key people in the Central Banking system of
foreign governments, and the corrupt Rockefeller and Rothschild banking empires, or senior
people at the Council on Foreign Relations ( If they are involved with the financing
of terrorist activities – that would be a valid reason to submit their name. (And it would be the
truth.) A list of their names can be found here on;
Try to do a little research and submit something that will be accepted by the government
criminals in Washington D.C. If you use a common name, such as John Smith, it will likely
create additional problems for the government criminals.

It is important to note - the form that is referenced is not a Federal Form. It has no markings
that identify it with any government in the world. US Government forms have rules,
department seals, procedures, signatures, and approvals. It must be sent FROM someone
and TO someone/department. This form has no legal or official standing with any government,
anywhere in the world.

You can color this form with crayons. You can nominate Mickey Mouse. And you can send it to
anyone. That is a fact.

Specifically, this form does not meet the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. It does not meet the requirements of the DOD Forms Management Program, and it
does not meet the requirements of the General Services Administration, Standard and
Optional Forms Management Program. It is not a U.S. Government form, and has no legal
validity whatsoever. Send it to anyone you want. That is my opinion and suggestion.


If you are a Targeted Individual, someone submitted this form with your information on it - to
make you a Targeted Individual.

Targeted Individuals are well aware how this corrupt system works. It was originally
developed by the CIA's domestic offices, which are now located in Denver. This Standard
Nomination Tool or form is filled in and submitted through proper channels. If it is done
convincingly, it may be possible to trick the government criminals into inducting their own
people. I suggest that you be creative with your methods and sources, and it is likely that
some of them will be accepted. Based on the latest information we have from Washington
D.C., the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center is anxious to accept new entrants because they
have “production quotas” they try to meet each month.

DHS has a secret group called a “Watchlisting Cell” (WLC) – their full time job is to find people
to put on the Watchlist. They are anxious to find new people.

The following form data is from May 2018. It may be revised at a later date, so it is advised to
check for updated versions. The information that you send will be contained between -




Source of the Form


Viper Nomination Cable Format

(CT:VISA-587; 05-21-2018)

MRN: 12 [Your Post] 0000

Date/DTG: Jan 01, 2012 / 010001Z JAN 12
From: AMEMBASSY [Your Post]
E.O.: 13526

1. (U//FOUO) The following information is provided for watchlisting purposes as NCTC

deems appropriate, but it may not be used as the basis for any United States legal process
without prior authorization and may not be passed to representative of foreign governments
that do not have an agreement with the United States regarding such information. We
suggest that the individuals named in this nomination be watchlisted in the category
recommended for each name. Individuals recommended for inclusion in the No-Fly/Selectee
security directive for release to U.S. and foreign air carriers may pose a threat to civil aviation
in the U.S. or abroad.

2. (U) This nomination provides information for entry into NCTC's Terrorist Identities Datamart
Environment (TIDE) and for onward movement to the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) for
inclusion in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).
This nomination is classified U in its entirety.
Standard Nomination (v.2.10-RC7):

Subject A:
Action: (U) NEW
Biometric Holdings Searched: (U) YES
Watchlist Recommendation: (U) NEITHER

US Person: (U) NO
Category Code: (U) 18 - PLAN TERRORIST ACT
Gender: (U) MALE
Given Name: (U) JOHN
Surname: (U) SMITH
Date of Birth: (U) 10 APR 1970 EXACT
Citizenship: (U) COLOMBIA

Derogatory Comments: (U) Colombian authorities captured

JOHN SMITH on October 5, 2010. He was indicted for rebellion and terrorism.

Subject B:
Action: (U) NEW
Biometric Holdings Searched: (U) YES
Watchlist Recommendation: (U) NEITHER

US Person: (U) NO
Category Code: (U) 23 - LEADERSHIP
Gender: (U) FEMALE
Given Name: (U) MARY
Surname: (U) SMITH
Date of Birth: (U) 28 MAR 1974 EXACT
Citizenship: (U) COLOMBIA

Derogatory Comments: (U) Colombian authorities captured MARY SMITH on 12 October

2010. She is a militia leader of the 25th front of the FARC, a terrorist organization.



Figure 1. This is how the original document looks. Pay attention to the spacing and character
sizes. (U) means Unclassified.

Who to send it to? The information can take many routes to get into the TIDE database. If
some listed possible sources were here, that would make it easy to block. Do some research
in your country to determine which groups are involved. They are usually involved with so-
called “Counter Terrorism” or Fusion Centers. This is how some of the standard email formats

If it is an unusual name, then the middle initial is not used, typically.

If it is a common name, then the middle initial is used.

There are many people involved with “watchlisting.” Do a quick search on social media and
you will find hundreds of names. These people seem normal – but keep in mind that 90% of
the people listed on the Terrorist Screening Center are Targeted Individuals, not terrorists.
How do these people show up for work everyday and plan for the torture of thousands of
people? Do they pretend to themselves and their family members that they do not know what
is happening?

Figure 2. How the Database system works.

Figure 3. Diagram for a Targeted Individual.
Figure 4. Overview of the Program. This diagram shows the main groups that are involved in
the Targeted Individual program. CIA Operations in Denver, AFSPC 50th Wing in Colorado
Springs, Office of DNI – Washington DC, DHS Intelligence & Analysis – Washington DC, Dept
of Justice National Security Division, FBI National Security Branch, Homeland Security
Intelligence Council.
Figure 5. Viper program page.


The Standard Nomination Form for Targeted Individuals has been described, as well as
possible methods to turn the corrupt government system – back onto itself. I recommend that
TI’s abuse the current watchlisting system until it is overwhelmed and useless, and becomes
a joke. Keep in mind that a real submission is likely to be incomplete or have something
missing. Make it look real...

The form is not a valid or official legal document with any government or country in the world.
Use it any way you want.

To all of the employees at TSC and NCTC, “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Mother Fuckers.”

This document is a living document. The author reserves the right to make additions,
corrections, and changes.


1. Richard Lighthouse, “Treason at the Air Force Space Command,” 2018.

2. Richard Lighthouse, “The Governors of Gangstalking”, 2018.
5. Watch Commander: Barack Obama’s Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the
6. Directorate of Terrorist Identities (DTI) Strategic Accomplishments 2013.
7. “DHS' Watchlisting Cell's Efforts To Coordinate Departmental Nominations;” published
by the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General on 2013-07-23.

About: The author holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Stanford University and has previously worked for NASA.

Contact: RLighthouse -at-

713.three zero six.8287
Many of my phone calls and emails are routinely blocked by the government criminals.

This research was generously supported with a grant from the Foundation Opposed to
Academic Puffery (FOAP).


I am a proud government whistleblower – see my ebooks about the criminal acts of the CIA,
FBI, and NSA. Readers are advised that the NSA may be blocking or restricting access to
some of my ebooks, especially outside the United States. Readers are further advised that
digital tracking tags may have been placed in my ebooks. It may be best to download from
Apple iBooks, if possible. Note how slowly the jpg's load into the ebook when viewing. The
content of some ebooks may have been altered – still trying to monitor this. If you have tried
to contact me, it is possible that emails and phone calls are being blocked (RLighthouse – at

The government criminals latest hacking efforts include hiding information within the Page
Break character. I am unable to delete these new page lines. Other times, tracking tags or
codes are hidden within the images. I suggest - print the document out at low resolution, and
then share as a paper copy for distribution.

Readers are advised to review the website which provides compelling
evidence about 9-11. Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds, university professors, filed
lawsuits against the US Government for fraud and conspiracy about 9-11. Dr Woods scientific
presentation is available on youtube and other websites. Readers are also advised to see the
movie "Unacknowledged" by Dr Steven Greer, M.D. It is available for on Netflix, and to watch
the youtube videos by the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense. He
has a book titled, “The Money Mafia.”
For more than 6 years, this author has been stalked, harassed, and threatened by US
Government agents from the CIA, FBI, and NSA - because of the content of my writings. My
home has been broken into, repeatedly. In May 2014, my girlfriend was drugged and
kidnapped from LaGuardia airport. She was unconscious for more than 4 hours. This is not a
joke. My computer, phone, and alarm system have been hacked, including those of my
friends and family. It is truly sad and pathetic, these agencies have become criminal
organizations. If something happens to me (disappearance, false criminal charges, sudden
accident, etc) - my readers can be certain that the CIA and FBI were involved. I would never
deliberately harm myself, it is against my beliefs. In my opinion, the CIA and the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) are directing these criminal acts; David Rockefeller was the CEO
and Chairman for many years.

“The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism.”
- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief

Figure 6. ISBN for the ebook.

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