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2020美国"大联盟"(Math League)夏季数学挑战活动

2020 Math League Summer Challenge (China)

Grade 3, Individual Questions
August 2020

1. The sum of 2019 whole numbers is 2020. At most, how many of these whole
numbers can be odd?

Note: Whole numbers are 0 and positive integers, i.e. 0, 1, 2, …

2. Nine congruent rectangles are placed as shown to form a large rectangle whose area
is 180. What is the perimeter of the large rectangle?

3. In how many different ways can 35₵ be made up of coins of the types currently
being minted in United States?

Note: Types of coins: 1₵ (penny), 5₵ (nickel), 10₵ (dime), 25₵ (quarter).

4. The values of a, b, c, d are 1, 2, 3, 4, but not necessarily in that order. What is the
largest possible value of ab + bc + cd + da ?

5. How many integers from 1 through 1000 (inclusive) have as at least one digit as 0?

6. Alice has constructed two prototypes for her “Energy Ray” tower. Tower A can fire
a beam of energy five times in five seconds, while Tower B can fire ten times in
ten seconds, assuming the interval between two consecutive firings being the same.
Which tower can fire 20 beams in the shorter time?

Note: Please enter 1, 2, or 3, if your answer is Tower A, Tower B, or both towers

use the same amount of time, respectively.

Note: When we say Tower A can fire a beam of energy five times in five seconds,
it means starting from the time it fires the first beam until the time it fires the fifth
beam, it takes 5 seconds.
7. Each morning Bob buys his bagels at two cents ($0.02) each then sets off to make
his deliveries. He arrives at Alice’s home at midday and sells his last bagel for one
dollar and fifty cents ($1.50). “You must be making a fortune,” remarked Alice.
“Not even close,” said Bob miserably, “you are my one and only customer.”

On his way to Alice’s home, Bob must travel through the territories of three
notorious street gangs. In each territory, he is forced to give half of the bagels he is
carrying, plus two more, to the gang leader for free.

How much money does Bob make each day?

Note: The amount of money that Bob makes each day = (the amount of money
Bob gets from selling his bagel) – (the amount of money Bob pays to buy his

Please enter your answer in cents. For example, if you answer is $1.25, please
enter 125.

8. A group of students meet in a room. All but two of them have blue eyes. All but two
of them have brown eyes. All but two of them have black eyes. How many students
meet in the room?
Note: A student cannot have two or more eye colors.

9. Alice, Bob, Claire, and Dan are in a room. Alice has painted a unique number on
each of Bob, Claire, and Dan’s foreheads. No one can see his/her own number.
Everyone (Bob, Claire, and Dan) can see the numbers on the other two foreheads.
Each number is a positive integer, and one of the numbers is the sum of the other two.
Bob, Claire, and Dan know this information. Bob sees the number 20 painted on
Claire’s forehead, and the number 30 on Dan’s forehead. Alice then asks Bob, “do you
know your number?” Bob replies “no,” as at this point it is impossible for Bob to
deduce his number. Alice then asks Claire the same question, to which Claire also
replies, “no.” Alice then asks Dan the same question, to which Dan also replies, “no.”
Alice then turns to Bob and asks once more, “do you know your number, and if so,
what is it?” Bob replies “Yes, I know my number now.” What is Bob’s number?

Three disks are all stacked on pole A, figure below. Your task is to have all the disks
stacked in exactly the same way on pole C. There are the following restrictions on
how the disks are to be moved:
(1) You must move only one disk at a time;
(2) the disk must be moved from one pole to another (it may not be temporarily
placed elsewhere);
(3) it must never be placed on top of a smaller disk.

What is the minimum number of moves necessary to finish the task?

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