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Reactions 1933, p264 - 19 Nov 2022 1

Levetiracetam/valproic-acid/vigabatrin S

Lack of efficacy: case report

A patient [sex and age on onset not stated] exhibited lack of efficacy during treatment with vigabatrin, valproic acid and
levetiracetam for West syndrome [routes and dosages not stated].
The patient with Kabuki syndrome (KS) started experiencing serial epileptic seizures 2–3 times in a day after the age of
1.5 months. Subsequently, a diagnosis of atypical West syndrome was confirmed. Treatment was initiated with vigabatrin, valproic
acid and levetiracetam; however, seizure control was not achieved (lack of efficacy). Thereafter, an unspecified hormonal therapy
was started, which exhibited a positive response. However, this hormonal therapy was discontinued due to adverse events [specific
reactions not stated]. Later, the epilepsy gene panel tested negative and he was enrolled in a study at the age of 20 months to
understand the prevalence of West syndrome with KS.
Zhitomirskaia M, et al. Kabuki syndrome and epilepsy. Epilepsia 63 (Suppl. 2): 238-239, Sep 2022 [abstract] 803728062

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