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Assessment unit,
Income tax department,
Respected sir/madam
Subject:- Intimation under section 143(1) of the Income-tax Act,1961 in the
matter of Shri. HARDEV SINGH, Bearing PAN No. CHLPS4478L, Resident of 419 ,
Ref:- your Intimation under section 143(1) initiated vide notice dated
13/1/2024 bearing DIN CPC/2324/V4/410245095 as well as
2023202337240752432T, in your case for the Assessment Year 2023-24
Brief facts of the notice:-
The above mentioned intimation have been issued, mainly to:-
 Levy the interest u/s 234 of the income tax act, 1961, on delayed
payment of income tax.
 Collection of payment of tax, remained unpaid, which is being calculated
after the levitation of interest within the given date.
 The taxable income during the PY is Rs. 9.82,520.00, according to which,
the tax liability, after the levitation of all the cesses (which is also correct
as per our records).
 The demand of balance tax payment is Rs. 26,106.00, after the
adjustment of all the transactions record of tax payments, available in
the above mentioned demand notice
On the basis of above our submissions are :-
 The payments of tax during the running of previous year as well as after
the completion of previous year are as follows:-
Payment date BSR Code Challan No. Amount
9, oct, 2023 0180002 01740 Rs. 44,870
1,aug, 2023 0180002 08501 Rs. 8.840
15,mar,2023 0300232 12111 Rs. 40,000
13,feb, 2024 0180002 00981 Rs. 7,670
18,july, 2023 0180002 (estimated) 35367 (estimated) Rs. 20,000
TOTAL Rs.1,21,380
 The evidences of Tax payments has also been annexed herewith
 On the basis of the above mentioned tax payments, the interest u/s 234
of the income tax is being levied as followed.
53200 x 7(M) x 1% = 3724 3724
(53200-0) x 5(M) x 1% = 2660
(53200-5116) x 2(M) x 1% = 962
(53200-47960) x 4(M) x 1% = 208
((113289 x 100%) - 60000) x 1(M) x 1% = 532 532
Total Interest 8086

 The balance tax liability after the consideration of all above submitions is
only, Rs.7.670, which is also going to be paid along with the submission
of response.
Final Prayer:-
As per our submissions above, we would like to request you that the above
issued may be treated as closed with this letter as well as payment of tax
respectively, since we have not intentionally or with malafide intention,
violated any of the provisions of the act or nothing is happened with the
intention evasion of any tax.
your Faithfully,
Hardev Singh
Date:- 13/02/2024

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