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Subject: SOFE - School Project

Assessment task: Pla de Suport Individualitzat proposal

Teacher: Mireia Xortó
Groups, pairs or individually: Pairs or groups of 3
Deadline: 27th May 2024

1. Imagine you are the tutor/a of a student who needs a PI. You have to coordinate his/her PI proposal. Since you
are also his/her teacher of English, you also need to complete the curriculum adaptation for the English class.
2. Choose one of the following mock Pla de Suport Individualitzat proposals and complete it (make a copy of the
document to edit it). You can complete the proposal in Catalan or English.
a. Student A
b. Student B
c. Student C

● Orientacions per a l’elaboració del pla de suport individualitzat
● ESO- Pla de suport individualitzat - Template
Assessment criteria and expectations: Level of competence attainment:
1. A complete PI mock proposal is submitted. 1. Advanced (4)
2. The PI mock proposal meets the student’s educational needs and their 2. Proficient (3)
personal circumstances. 3. Developing (2)
3. The PI mock proposal details sustainable, viable and practical targeted 4. Emerging (1)
supports and services (mesures i suports).
4. The PI mock proposal includes global and ongoing assessment criteria
and it incorporates assessment for learning and assessment as learning.
5. The PI mock proposal describes methodological strategies that respond
to the student’s educational needs.
6. The PI mock proposal incorporates the orientations provided in this

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