Bahnemann 2004 - Photocatalytic Water Treatment Solar Energy Applications

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Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

Photocatalytic water treatment: solar energy applications

Detlef Bahnemann *

Department of Photocatalysis and Nanotechnology, Institut für Technische Chemie, Universität Hannover,
Callinstraße 3, D-30167 Hannover, Germany

Received 23 January 2004; received in revised form 31 March 2004; accepted 31 March 2004
Available online 26 August 2004

Communicated by: Associate Editor Sixto Malato-Rodriguez


During the past 20 years research and development in the area of photocatalysis have been tremendous. One of the
major applications of this technology is the degradation of organic pollutants in water and air streams which is con-
sidered as one of the so-called advanced oxidation processes. This overview briefly describes the basic principles of
photocatalysis, focusing in particular on important mechanistic and kinetic aspects as well as on some requirements
for efficient photocatalysts. Since the comparatively high costs associated with the generation of light from electricity
constitute one of the major drawbacks particularly for the rapid commercialization of photocatalytic water treatment
units, solar photons have been utilized here with great success for many years now. Various solar reactors for the
photocatalytic water treatment are described in detail in the main part of this review including the comparison of their
overall performance.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Considerable public attention has been focused on this

possibility of combining heterogeneous catalysis with
Persistent organic chemicals are present as pollut- solar technologies to achieve the mineralization of tox-
ants in wastewater effluent from industrial manufac- ins present in water (e.g., Hecht, 1990). Compilations
turers and normal households, and in landfill of substances which can mineralized using photocata-
leachates. They can be found in ground water wells lysis are available (Legrini et al., 1993; Blake, 1994).
and surface waters. In all cases they have to be re- Several reviews have been published discussing the
moved to protect our water resources or to achieve underlying reaction mechanisms and illustrating exam-
drinking water quality. Therefore, many processes ples of successful laboratory and field studies (Kamat,
have been proposed over the years and are currently 1993; Fox and Dulay, 1993; Herrmann et al., 1993;
being employed to destroy these toxins. The so-called Bahnemann et al., 1994; Serpone and Pelizzetti,
photocatalytic detoxification has been discussed as an 1989; Pelizzetti and Schiavello, 1991; Ollis and Al-
alternative method for clean-up polluted water in the Ekabi, 1993; Hoffmann et al., 1995). While the overall
scientific literature since 1976 (Carey et al., 1976). stoichiometry of most mineralizations appears to
be understood details of the complex reaction mecha-
Tel.: +49 511 762 5560; fax: +49 511 762 2774. nism are, however, still only known in a few selected
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446 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

2. Mechanisms of photocatalysis tron/hole pair in the semiconductor particle. These

charge carriers subsequently either recombine and dissi-
2.1. Initial processes pate the input energy as heat, get trapped in metastable
surface states, or react with electron donors and accep-
Semiconductors (e.g., TiO2, ZnO, Fe2O3, CdS and tors adsorbed on the surface or bound within the electri-
ZnS) can act as sensitizers for light-induced redox proc- cal double layer.
esses due to their electronic structure which is character- The exact nature of the main oxidizing species
ized by a filled valence band and an empty conduction formed on the surface of the semiconductor particles fol-
band. Absorption of a photon of energy greater than lowing the absorption of a photon is yet unclear. A sig-
the bandgap energy leads to the formation of an elec- nificant body of literature exists that the initial oxidation
tron/hole pair. In the absence of suitable scavengers, of a pollutant molecule may either occur by indirect oxi-
the stored energy is dissipated within a few nanoseconds dation via a surface-bound hydroxyl radical (i.e., a
by recombination (Rothenberger et al., 1985). If a suita- trapped hole at the particle surface), directly via the va-
ble scavenger or surface defect state is available to trap lence band hole before it is trapped either within the par-
the electron or hole, recombination is prevented and ticle or at the particle surface or even via hydroxyl
subsequent redox reactions may occur. The valence radicals in solution.
band holes are powerful oxidants (+1.0 to +3.5 V vs. In support of a hydroxyl radical as the principal reac-
NHE depending on the semiconductor and pH), while tive oxidant in photoactivated TiO2 is the observation
the conduction band electrons are good reductants that intermediates detected during the photocatalytic
(+0.5 to 1.5 V vs. NHE) (Grätzel, 1989). Most organic degradation of halogenated aromatic compounds are
photodegradation reactions utilize the oxidizing power typically hydroxylated structures (Augugliaro et al.,
of the holes either directly or indirectly; however, to pre- 1988; Ollis et al., 1984; Turchi and Ollis, 1989; Turchi
vent a buildup of charge one must also provide a reduc- and Ollis, 1990; Terzian et al., 1991). These intermedi-
ible species to react with the electrons. In bulk ates are consistent with those found when similar aro-
semiconductor electrodes only one species, either the matics are reacted with a known source of hydroxyl
hole or electron, is available for reaction due to band radicals. In addition, ESR studies have verified the exist-
bending (Memming, 1988). However, in very small sem- ence of hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals in aqueous
iconductor particle suspensions both species are present solutions of illuminated TiO2 (Noda et al., 1993; Anpo
on the surface. Therefore, careful consideration of both et al., 1985; Jaeger and Bard, 1979). Mao et al. have
the oxidative and the reductive paths is required. found that the rate of oxidation of chlorinated ethanes
Fig. 1 shows a cartoon which is frequently used to correlates with the C–H bond strengths of the organics,
illustrate photocatalytic processes. It consists of a super- which indicates that H atom abstraction by OH is an
position of the energy bands of a generic semiconductor important factor in the rate-determining step for oxida-
(valence band VB, conduction band CB) and the geo- tion (Mao et al., 1991). The strong correlation between
metrical image of a spherical particle. Absorption of a degradation rates and concentration of the organic pol-
photon with an energy h m greater or equal the bandgap lutant adsorbed to the surface also implies that the hyd-
energy Eg generally leads to the formation of an elec- roxyl radicals are adsorbed at the surface (Moser et al.,
1991; Matthews and McEvoy, 1992; Ohtani and Nishi-
moto, 1993; Tunesi and Anderson, 1991; Tunesi and
Anderson, 1992; Phillips and Raupp, 1992; Stafford
et al., 1993). On the other hand, Mao et al. have ob-
served that trichloroacetic acid and oxalic acid are oxi-
dized primarily by valence band holes on TiO2 via a
photo-Kolbe process. It should be noted that these com-
pounds also have no hydrogen atoms available for
abstraction by OH (Mao et al., 1991).
The primary processes occurring upon bandgap irra-
diation of extremely small titanium dioxide particles
(diameter d = 2.5 nm) have been studied extensively
employing ultra-fast laser flash photolysis equipment
with picosecond or even subpicosecond time-resolution
(Serpone et al., 1995; Colombo and Bowman, 1995; Co-
lombo et al., 1995). While quantitative discrepancies
were apparent which could, for example, be explained
by slightly different preparation techniques of the TiO2
Fig. 1. Principle Mechanism of Photocatalysis. colloids, the authors agreed principally on the underly-
D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459 447

ing qualitative concepts of photocatalysis. Following and can therefore not be attacked oxidatively. Following
their generation within the short light pulse both, elec- an early report by Güsten and co-workers on the photo-
tron and hole, are extremely rapidly trapped in surface catalytic degradation of chlorofluoromethanes on zinc
states of the semiconductor particle. As has been shown oxide surfaces in the gas phase (Filby et al., 1981), Ollis
earlier, the short wavelength absorption corresponds to et al. (Hsiao et al., 1983; Ollis, 1985), Bahnemann et al.
the absorption of trapped holes and the long wavelength (1987a), and Sabin et al. (1992) have shown that tetra-
absorption to trapped electrons (Bahnemann et al., chloromethane can be photocatalytically degraded in
1984a,b). Since the trapped electron exhibits this strong aqueous TiO2-suspensions. Photonic efficiencies and
transient optical absorption around 650 nm while the mechanistic details have, however, not been investigated
trapped hole absorbs predominantly at shorter wave- by these authors. In the case of halothane (2-bromo-
lengths, i.e., around 430 nm, a very broad, featureless 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) it could be shown that
transient absorption spectrum ranging from 400 nm un- reduction processes on colloidal TiO2-particles can be
til 800 nm is consequently observed immediately follow- very efficient with quantum yields for the elimination
ing the laser flash. The recombination kinetics of the of bromide and fluoride ions reaching U = 0.43 when
trapped charge carriers have been studied in detail by photoplatinized photocatalysts were used (Bahnemann
both groups of authors (Serpone et al., 1995; Colombo et al., 1987b). Moreover, the reaction of conduction
and Bowman, 1995; Colombo et al., 1995). band electrons generated by light absorption in TiO2
Studying the decay kinetics of these transient absorp- particles with tetrabromomethane (Al-Ekabi et al.,
tion spectra in the presence of molecular oxygen, air or 1989a), bromoform (Kuhler et al., 1993) and various
molecular nitrogen, respectively, a rate constant transition metal ions (Butler and Davis, 1993; Prairie
k1 = 7.6 · 107 L mol1 s1 has been determined for the et al., 1993; Herrmann et al., 1986; Herrmann et al.,
reaction 1988) has also been studied.
e þ O ! O ð1Þ Using tetrachloromethane, CCl4, as a model pollut-
tr 2 2
ant, very detailed mechanistic studies have been carried
of the trapped electrons with molecular oxygen (Bahn- out (Hilgendorff et al., 1993a, 1996; Choi and Hoffmann,
emann et al., 1997). This rate constant is considerably 1995). Hilgendorff et al. (1993a, 1996) observed that pro-
smaller than that reported for the reaction of hydrated tons and chloride ions are formed when oxygen-contain-
electrons (eaq ) with molecular oxygen in homogeneous ing aqueous suspensions of bare or platinized TiO2
aqueous solutions (i.e., k = 1.9 · 1010 L mol1 s1 (Bux- particles and CCl4 are illuminated with light of sufficient
ton et al., 1988)). However, this difference is readily ex- energy at pH 11, while the concentrations of O2 and
plained by the much more negative one-electron redox CCl4 are decreasing. The following overall stoichiometry
potential of e aq (i.e., E =  0.87 V (vs. NHE) (Schwartz, was reported in these studies:
1984)) compared with the value for the flat-band
TiO2 =hm
potential of a colloidal TiO2 particle (i.e., E = 0.12 CCl4 þ 2H2 O ! CO2 þ 4Hþ þ 4Cl ð2Þ
0.059 * (pH) V (vs. NHE) (Duonghong et al., 1982)).
Apparently, the photocatalytic degradation of tetra-
Hence, while the hydrated electrons possess a consider-
chloromethane behaves like in an ‘‘ideal’’ photocatalytic
able driving force for the reduction of molecular oxygen
process which is not restricted by adsorption/desorption
to form the superoxide radical O 2 (E =  0.33 V (vs.
phenomena, mass-transfer limitations or diffusion con-
NHE) (Bielski et al., 1985)), at pH 3 the conduction
trol, since it obeys zero order kinetics with the rate
band electrons of the colloidal TiO2 particles barely
increasing linearly with the substrate concentration
reach a one-electron potential negative enough to
(Hilgendorff et al., 1996).
reduce O2.

2.2. Degradation of pollutants 2.2.2. Oxidative pathways

A wide variety of organic compounds have been
2.2.1. Reductive pathways tested for their ability to be degraded photocatalytically
It is interesting to note that while many laboratory with the initial reaction step being an oxidative attack
studies have demonstrated the feasibility of the method (Blake, 1994; Hoffmann et al., 1995). In the following
of photocatalytic detoxification for almost all classes only one model compound, namely 4-chlorophenol,
of hazardous chemicals, almost all of these studies have has been selected to elucidate typical details of the
been directed towards the oxidative degradation of or- underlying reaction mechanism of these degradation
ganic pollutants in water. Only in a few cases a reductive processes. Its photocatalytic reaction pathways have
pathway has been discussed as the initiating step of pho- been examined in detail and can be taken as representa-
tocatalytic conversions. tive for many of these very complex mechanisms. For a
Perhalogenated hydrocarbons, however, often con- more comprehensive listing of treatable pollutants the
tain the carbon atoms in their highest oxidation state reader is referred to several review articles which have
448 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

been published over the years (Legrini et al., 1993; ucts were detected when TiO2 Sachtleben Hombikat UV
Blake, 1994; Kamat, 1993; Fox and Dulay, 1993; Herr- 100 was the photocatalyst (Theurich et al., 1996). A sim-
mann et al., 1993; Bahnemann et al., 1994; Serpone and ilar result was published by Mills et al. (Mills and Saw-
Pelizzetti, 1989; Pelizzetti and Schiavello, 1991; Ollis and unyama, 1994) who compared Degussa P25 and several
Al-Ekabi, 1993; Hoffmann et al., 1995). other commercial TiO2-powders with laboratory made
The photodegradation of chlorophenols in aqueous TiO2. Significant smaller amounts of intermediates were
solution has received considerable attention because detected when the latter materials were used as the
these compounds are important xenobiotic micro- photocatalyst.
pollutants of the aquatic environment originating, for An increasing concentration of the intermediates
example, from industrial chemical synthesis. More benzoquinone (BQ) and hydroquinone (HQ) formed
specifically, 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) is used for the pro- during its photocatalytic treatment is apparently inhibit-
duction of quinizarin (a dye), clofibrate (a drug), chlor- ing the degradation of the model pollutant 4-chlorophe-
phenesin and dichlorophen (fungicides) (Oudjehani and nol (Theurich et al., 1996). Relatively low photonic
Boule, 1992). Therefore, several investigations of the efficiencies have therefore been observed for this process
photocatalytic decomposition of chlorophenols using which have mechanistically been explained by the exist-
metal oxide semiconductors either in aqueous heteroge- ence of a photocatalytic balance between HQ and BQ
neous suspensions (Al-Sayyed et al., 1991; Sehili et al., (Theurich et al., 1996). A fast electron shuttle mecha-
1989; Barbeni et al., 1984; Stafford et al., 1994; Cunning- nism between HQ and BQ has been proposed to describe
ham and Sedlak, 1994) or in an immobilized form (Al- the underlying reactions. It has been shown that BQ can
Ekabi et al., 1989b; Hofstadler et al., 1994; Vinodgopal act as a very effective electron scavenger over illuminated
et al., 1994) have been published. The kinetics of the TiO2 or ZnO being able to compete successfully with
photocatalytic 4-CP degradation have commonly been molecular oxygen for the photogenerated electrons. On
interpreted as being indicative of a Langmuir–Hinshel- the other hand, the oxidation of hydroquinone will
wood-type mechanism in which the limitation of the again result in the formation of benzoquinone thus
4-CP decomposition rate at higher pollutant concentra- resulting in a shortcircuiting of the photocatalyst. Only
tions is related to the extent of adsorption of the pollut- when benzoquinone molecules can be oxidized hydroxy-
ant molecule on the TiO2 surface (Al-Sayyed et al., 1991; benzoquinone (HBQ) will eventually be formed which is
Stafford et al., 1994). However, Cunningham et al. a prerequisite for the subsequent ring cleavage leading to
showed (Cunningham and Sedlak, 1994) that the ob- the complete 4-CP degradation (cf. Fig. 2).
served adsorption constants of chlorophenols on TiO2 A high number of intermediates has been identified
in the dark differ from equivalent data obtained from during the photocatalytic 4-CP degradation indicating
the kinetic analysis of their photocatalytic degradation a complex reaction mechanism. Fig. 2 illustrates the pro-
employing the same TiO2 particles under UV- posed pathways of the photocatalytic/photolytic decom-
irradiation. position of 4-CP (Theurich et al., 1996). The primary
A detailed study of the intermediates formed during oxidation products of 4-CP are 4-chlorocatechol (4-
the photocatalytic 4-CP degradation showed that not CC), hydroquinone (HQ) and benzoquinone (BQ). 4-
only their number but also their concentration is CC is formed by the addition of a hydroxyl radical to
strongly influenced by the reaction pH (Theurich et al., the ortho position of the hydroxyl group of 4-CP (reac-
1996). An increasing amount of hydroxylated products tion a), followed by an elimination of a hydrogen atom
(especially hydroxyhydroquinone, HHQ) was, for exam- to recover the aromatic ring (reaction e). Subsequently,
ple, observed for increasing pH values which Theurich 4-CC is further degraded to hydroxyhydroquinone
et al. attributed to higher stabilities of polyhydroxylated (HHQ) by oxidation with another hydroxyl radical (or
benzenes and to a change in the adsorption properties of a valence band hole) (reaction m) or by a reductive at-
these intermediates at alkaline pH values (Theurich tack of an electron (reaction k) followed by the addition
et al., 1996). HHQ was found to be strongly adsorbed of molecular oxygen (reaction p) or by Cl-abstraction
on TiO2 in acidic media while it was poorly adsorbed (reaction l), both yielding HBQ (reaction w). HQ is
at pH 11. It should be noted, however, that at even formed when the attack of the hydroxyl radical takes
higher pH-values a spontaneous oxidation of polyhy- places in the para position (reaction c) and a chlorine
droxylated phenols and thus a decreasing yield of atom (reaction f) or, if the generated intermediate reacts
HHQ will be the expected result. first with an electron, a chloride ion is released. HQ can
Besides a fast TOC-degradation the suppression of either be oxidized to BQ (reaction j), resulting in the
the formation of byproducts (especially when they are photocatalytic short circuit described above, or be trans-
highly toxic) is an important criterion for a good photo- formed to HHQ (reaction n and r) by a second attack of
catalyst. Thus, it is interesting to note that while slightly an hydroxyl radical in analogy to the transformation of
higher photonic efficiencies were obtained with TiO2 4-CP to 4-CC. HHQ can be further oxidized to hydroxy-
Degussa P25 markedly lower concentrations of byprod- benzoquinone (HBQ) (reaction u) which probably leads
D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459 449

Fig. 2. Initial Steps in the Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol (adopted from Theurich et al. (1996)).

to a similar photocatalytic short circuit as observed for short-lived radical intermediate has been suggested in a
the system HQ/BQ, with the difference that HHQ and study by electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping
HBQ are less stable, especially against direct photolysis, detection during the direct photolysis of 4-CP (Lip-
than HQ and BQ. BQ can either be formed by the oxi- czynska-Kochany et al., 1991).
dation of HQ (reaction j) or directly by the reaction of BQ is either reduced to HQ (reaction j) or oxidized
molecular oxygen (reaction g) with the hydroxy phenyl (by the attack of a hydroxyl radical) to HBQ (reaction
radical (HPR) generated by the abstraction of a Cl- o and s). Therefore, HHQ and HBQ are formed as sec-
atom (reaction d), leading to a peroxyl radical which ondary intermediates from each of the three primary
can disproportionate to HQ and BQ (reactions h and oxidation products (4-CC, HQ and BQ) (see Fig. 2).
i) (Al-Ekabi et al., 1989). The formation of HPR as a Assuming that the ring cleavage is possible only for
450 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

aromatic compounds which are hydroxylated in position 3.1.1. Parabolic trough reactor (PTR)
1 and 2, HHQ and its quinone derivative HBQ are the A parabolic trough reactor (PTR) concentrates the
last aromatic intermediates in this degradation scheme. parallel (direct) rays of the photocatalytically active
An attack of another hydroxyl radical leads to the ring ultra-violet part of the solar spectrum by a factor of
cleavage and therefore to non-cyclic intermediates. In 30–50 and can be characterized as a typical plug flow
the case of HBQ these intermediates should be 3-hyd- reactor. This reactor type had been chosen for the first
roxy derivatives of muconic aldehyde or muconic acid, solar detoxification loops constructed in the USA in
compounds which should undergo rapid oxidation to Albuquerque (by Sandia National Laboratories), in
the final mineralization products carbon dioxide and California (by Lawrence Livermoore Laboratories)
water. Okamoto et al. detected during their investigation and in Spain in Almeria (by the Plataforma Solar de
of the photocatalytic oxidation of phenol many uniden- Almeria, PSA). Parallel to investigations under direc-
tified peaks by HPLC (Okamoto et al., 1985). Because of tion of NREL and Sandia National Laboratories in
the very short retention times of these compounds under New Mexico (USA) and in California (Alpert et al.,
the chosen experimental conditions they assumed that 1991) several research groups from different European
these compounds are very polar products, i.e., aldehydes countries, funded by the European Community, have
and/or carboxylic acids. tested the parabolic trough reactor installed at the
PSA (Spain) for solar wastewater treatment in the early
3. Solar reactors and pilot plants Fig. 3 shows a schematic flow chart of the installation
at the PSA. The reactor located at the Plataforma Solar
3.1. Reactor types de Almeria in Spain contained a total volume of 419 L
and consisted of six parabolic trough modules connected
The artificial generation of photons required for the in series (type ‘‘Helioman’’ from Mannesmann, initially
detoxification of polluted water is the most important designed for the conversion of solar radiation into heat)
source of costs during the operating of photocatalytic which were controlled by a two-axial (azimuth and ele-
wastewater treatment plants. This suggests to use the vation) tracking system. The solar rays were concen-
sun as an economically and ecologically sensible light trated by parabolic trough mirrors (total aperture
source. With a typical UV-flux near the surface of the area: 192 m2) with an aluminized UV-reflective surface
earth of 20–30 W m2 the sun puts 0.2–0.3 mol photons and focused on borosilicate glass tubes (total length:
m2 h1 in the 300–400 nm range at the process disposal 108 m, illuminated volume: 242 L) (Sánchez, 1993),
(Bahnemann, 1994). Principally these photons are suita- which were filled with the contaminated aqueous TiO2
ble for destroying water pollutants in photocatalytic suspensions moving at flow rates between 250 and
reactors. 3500 L h1. Due to losses caused by reflectivity, translu-
Over the last 15 years several reactors for the solar cence and system errors the yield of the UV-light pho-
photocatalytic water treatment have been developed tons reaching the contaminated suspensions is about
and tested. In the following, the four most frequently 58% of the original light intensity entering the aperture
used reactor concepts will be presented. plane.

Fig. 3. Flow Chart of the PTR installation located at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria in Spain (adopted from Sánchez (1993)).
D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459 451

3.1.2. Thin film fixed bed reactor (TFFBR)

One of the first solar reactors not applying a light-
concentrating system and thus being able to utilize the
diffuse as well as the direct portion of the solar UV-A
irradiation for the photocatalytic process is the thin-
film-fixed-bed reactor (TFFBR) depicted in Fig. 4 (Hil-
gendorff et al., 1993b; Bockelmann et al., 1995; Goslich
et al., 1997). It should be noted that under AM (air
mass) 1.5 conditions the diffuse (Edif (300–
400 nm) = 24.3 W m2) and direct (Edir (300–
400 nm) = 25.0 W m2) portion of the solar radiation
reaching the surface of the earth are almost equal (Bird
et al., 1983). This means that a light concentrating sys-
tem, e.g., a parabolic trough reactor can in principal
only employ half of the solar radiation available in this
particular spectral region. The most important part of
the thin-film-fixed-bed reactor is a sloping plate (width
0.6 m · height 1.2 m) coated with the photocatalyst
(e.g., titanium dioxide Degussa P25) (Bockelmann,
1993) and rinsed with the polluted water in a very thin
film (100 lm). The flow rate is controlled by a cassette
peristaltic pump and can be varied between 1 and Fig. 5. Photograph of the TFFBR reactor installed at the
6.5 L h1 (Bockelmann et al., 1995). Plataforma Solar de Almeria in Spain (Photo: D. Bockelmann).
Fig. 5 shows one of the first TFFBR test reactors
during its operation at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria
in Spain. The efficiency of its performance was tested 3.1.3. Compound parabolic collecting reactor (CPCR)
and compared with that of the PTR during several test A compound parabolic collecting reactor (CPCR) is
campaigns employing both, model compounds dissolved a trough reactor without light concentrating properties.
in pure water and real wastewater samples from various It differs from a conventional parabolic trough reactor
industrial companies. In every case it was observed that by the shape of its reflecting mirrors. A reflector of a
the efficiency of the TFFBR was superior to that of the parabolic trough reactor has a parabolic profile with
PTR as expected based upon the above described insola- the reaction pipe in its focal line. Consequently only par-
tion conditions effective in both systems (Goslich et al., allel light entering the parabolic trough can be focused
1997). into the reaction pipe and a sun-tracking system is re-
quired. The shape of a CPCRÕs reflector usually consists
of two half circular profiles side by side, and a parabolic
continuation at both outer sides of the circles. The focal
line is located closely above the connection of the two
circles. This geometry enables light entering from almost
any direction to be reflected into the focal line of the
CPCR, i.e., most of the diffuse light entering the module
can also be employed for the photocatalytic reaction.
Due to this geometry a CPCR exhibits only a small con-
centration factor (<1.2). The CPCRs at the Plataforma
Solar de Almeria in Spain (PSA) manufactured by
Industrial Solar Technology Corporation, Denver,
Colorado (USA), have a concentration factor of 1.15,
i.e., this type of reactor has practically no light concen-
trating properties (Malato et al., 2002).
Moreover, a CPCR must not necessarily track the
sun due to its geometry. The azimuth should be adjusted
to the complementary angle a of the geographical alti-
tude and the pipes should be aligned south and from
top to bottom. A schematic view of one CPCR-module
Fig. 4. Flow Chart of a TFFBR reactor (adopted from Goslich at the PSA is given in Fig. 6. The angle of incidence a is
et al. (1997)). adjusted to 37 for all CPCR modules at the PSA.
452 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

Fig. 6. Schematic View of one CPCR-module installed at the

Plataforma Solar de Almeria in Spain (adapted from Malato
et al. (2002)).
Fig. 7. Schematic View of a DSSR reactor showing the inner
structure of the transparent structured box made of PLEXI-
GLAS (adapted from (van Well et al., 1997)).
One CPCR-module of the PSA consists of eight par-
allel reflectors made from polished aluminum. This
material has very good reflection properties especially and the diffuse portion of the solar radiation in analogy
in the UV-region of the solar spectrum. In the spectral to the CPCR. After the degradation process the photo-
range of 295–387 nm its reflection efficiency is 83.2%. catalyst has to be removed from the suspension either by
A single CPCR reflector has a length of 1.22 m and a filtering or by sedimentation for both reactors.
width of 0.152 m, i.e., the effective reflecting area of The DSSR consists of a modified double-skin sheet
one module, consisting of eight reflectors adds up to (SDP 16/32) manufactured by the Röhm GmbH in
1.48 m2. The overall reflecting area of all six modules is Darmstadt (Germany). One module has a length of
8.9 m2. A reaction pipe made of a transparent fluoropol- 1400 mm, a width of 980 mm and contains 30 channels
ymer (Teflon) is fixed in the focal line of each CPCR each of which being 28.5 mm by 12 mm, and their total
reflector, through which the suspension containing the inner volume adds up to 14.4 L in a single sheet. Fig. 8
photocatalyst and the pollutant circulates. The transmis- shows a photograph of an operating DSSR pilot plant
sivity of Teflon in the spectral range under consideration consisting of three modules.
is 76.8%, thus limiting the achievable reactor efficiency
to 63.9%. The absorber pipe is as long as the module 3.2. Solar photocatalytic treatment of real wastewater
(1.22 m), has an inner diameter of 48 mm and conse-
quently an illuminated volume of 2.21 L per pipe. The Despite its obvious potential for the detoxification of
connectors between the absorber pipes consist of poly- polluted water, there has been very little commercial or
propylene; the overall illuminated volume of all 6 mod- industrial use of photocatalysis as a technology so far.
ules adds up to 106 L. The achievable flow rates in the According to a review by Goswami (Goswami, 1997)
CPCR-module field at the PSA are between 2250 L h1 the published literature shows only two engineering scale
and 8000 L h1 and the minimum required volume is
248 L (Malato et al., 2002).

3.1.4. Double skin sheet reactor (DSSR)

A new kind of non-concentrating reactor is the dou-
ble skin sheet reactor (DSSR). It consists of a flat and
transparent structured box made of PLEXIGLAS
(Goswami, 1995; Benz et al., 1996; van Well et al.,
1997). The inner structure of the reactor is schematically
drawn in Fig. 7. The suspension containing the model
pollutant and the photocatalyst is pumped through these
channels. The comparison of the spectral irradiance of
the sun (AM 1.5) with the transmission spectrum of
the PLEXIGLAS used to manufacture the double skin
sheets evinces that the UV-A portion of the solar spec-
trum below 400 nm nicely matches with the onset of
the PLEXIGLAS-transmission (van Well et al., Fig. 8. Photograph of a DSSR pilot plant installed at the ISFH
1997). This type of reactor can utilize both the direct in Hannover/Germany (Photo: R. Goslich, ISFH).
D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459 453

demonstrations for groundwater treatment in the US the successful field deployment of solar photocatalytic
and one industrial wastewater treatment in Spain. Engi- processes (Goswami, 1997). A very similar pilot plant
neering scale field experiments have been conducted by has been used by Goswami and co-workers for the treat-
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) ment of a BTEX contaminated groundwater at Gains-
at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory (LLNL) ville, FL (USA) (Goswami et al., 1997; Srinivasan
treating ground water contaminated with trichloroethyl- et al., 1997, 1998). The flat plate (DSSR) type photore-
ene (TCE) (Mehos and Turchi, 1993). This field system actor used in this study was developed from a double
consisted of 158 m2 of parabolic trough reactors and skinned acrylic panel. The size of the reactor was
used Degussa P25 particles (0.1%) as photocatalyst in 1.20 m · 2.4 m with a skin thickness of 0.32 cm. The reac-
a slurry flow configuration. With this relatively low tita- tor had 39 channels (3 cm · 1.3 cm). Headers were made
nium dioxide content the TCE concentration was re- from 0.64 cm thick cylindrical tubes of 3.8 cm inner
duced from 200 ppb to less than 5 ppb. diameter. The total solar treatment loop (six reactors
Engineering scale demonstrations of the non-concen- and a 1.9 m3 tank) was operated in a batch mode. The
trating solar reactor technology were conducted at titanium dioxide concentration was 0.1%. Experimental
Tyndall Air Force Base, FL (USA), in 1992 (Goswami results showed that 1.9 m3 of water contaminated with
et al., 1993) treating groundwater contaminated with 1000 ppb of BTEX can be cleaned reaching a final con-
fuel, oil, and lubricants which was leaking from under- centration of 10 ppb in about three hours provided that
ground storage tanks. Crittenden and co-workers used an average solar UV energy flux density of 28 W m2 is
a tubular photoreactor equipped with a reflector and employed (Goswami et al., 1997).
packed with platinized titanium dioxide supported on Other real wastewaters that have been treated suc-
silica gel (Crittenden et al., 1996). This system was used cessfully with solar photocatalysis include wastewater
in a single-pass mode for the photocatalytic degradation from 5-Fluorouracil manufacturing (Anheden et al.,
of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX). 1996) and biologically pretreated distillery effluents
Without pretreatment fouling of the photocatalyst was (Zaidi et al., 1995). In the following, one example of a
observed after less than one hour of operation. Ionic plant for the after-treatment of biologically pretreated
species were found to be principally responsible for this wastewaters will be described in more detail since this
fouling of the photocatalyst and for the resulting inhibi- presents one particularly attractive feature of photocat-
tion of the BTEX degradation. A pretreatment unit (fil- alytic water treatment. On the one hand, these waters
ter, oxygenation unit, ion exchanger) was developed to usually do not contain high quantities of pollutants,
remove ionic species and turbidity, and to add oxidants. i.e., are ideal candidates for photocatalytic clean-up
By using this pretreatment unit, the photocatalytic treat- processes. On the other hand, advanced oxidation proc-
ment plant operated efficiently, and no decrease in the esses have to be employed since the capacity of the bio-
photocatalytic activity was observed during 25 days of logical processes has been exhausted beforehand.
continuous operation. Even on a rainy day, BTEX com- Dillert et al. have treated biologically pretreated
pounds (>2 mg L1 influent concentration) were de- industrial wastewaters from the factories Wolfsburg
stroyed within 6.5 min of operation (Zhang et al., 1996). (Germany) and Taubaté (Brazil) of the Volkswagen
Goswami and co-workers conducted field tests with a AG in laboratory and bench-scale experiments (Dillert
slurry tubular reactor without reflector (SOLTOXTM et al., 1999a,b). The results of the experiments, which
reactor). Five modules connected in series with a total have been performed using the DSSR, were so promis-
aperture area of 10 m2 were used. The photoreactor ing, that a pilot plant was installed in the Wolfsburg fac-
array was set up facing south and tilted at an angle of tory during the summer 1998 (Dillert et al., 1999c). The
15 from the horizontal. The experiments were per- flowsheet of a more recent version of this pilot plant
formed in a batch mode by recycling the contaminated which was installed in 2000 is given in Fig. 9 while
groundwater between a tank and the reactor array (Wy- Fig. 10 shows a photograph of this plant.
ness et al., 1994a,b). While these field tests successfully This pilot plant which is operated in a recycle batch
demonstrated the feasibility of destroying benzene, tolu- mode consists of twelve double-skin sheet photoreactors
ene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in the ground- (manufactured by Solacryl) with a total irradiated area
water, the observed reaction rates were rather low. of 27.6 m2. These reactors are connected by a recircula-
However, in a laboratory test with city water spiked with tion pipe with a tank (1.1 m3 volume). The water
the same amounts of BTEX as those present in the (500 L) coming from the biological treatment plant is
groundwater and using the same reactors under similar pumped into the tank and mixed with a catalyst slurry.
sunlight conditions, Goswami et al. observed reaction The solar photocatalytic treatment starts after the tank
rates which were an order of magnitude higher (Wyness has been filled. The suspension (total volume 1 m3)
et al., 1994a). These results suggested that a careful site recycles between the tank and the DSSRs for 8–11 h dur-
treatability study and the establishment of an appropri- ing the daytime. The flowrate out of the tank can be var-
ate pretreatment will be very important prerequisites for ied between 5000 and 8000 L h1 resulting in a flowrate
454 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

Fig. 9. Flow chart of a DSSR pilot plant installed in the Wolfsburg factory of the Volkswagen AG (adapted from Dillert et al.

be started again by filling the tank with a new batch of

wastewater. The COD and the TOC of the incoming
wastewater were determined to vary between 76.6 and
29.0 mg L1 and 26.9 and 10.2 mg L1, respectively. By
mixing the incoming wastewater with the catalyst slurry,
which remained in the pilot plant after the supernatant
water was pumped out, the COD and the TOC de-
creased. The initial values of the COD and the TOC
were determined to vary between 69.5 and 21.1 mg L1
and 26.9 and 7.3 mg L1, respectively. During the
solar-catalytic treatment a decrease of the concentration
of the organic pollutants, determined as COD and TOC,
was observed in most cases.
Fig. 10. Photograph of the DSSR pilot plant installed in the As a consequence of this oxidation process as well as
Wolfsburg factory of the Volkswagen AG (Photo: J. Lohmann, due to the increase of the reaction temperature, the con-
ISFH). centration of molecular oxygen in the reflux pipe be-
tween the photoreactors and the tank as well as inside
the tank was decreasing. More than 50% of the organic
pollutants initially present in the mixed water inside the
between 830 and 1300 L h1 in the reactor sheets. After pilot plant could thus be degraded within eight to eleven
the desired time of the solar photocatalytic treatment hours of illumination. Naturally, the total mass of the
the suspension is pumped out of the reactors into the degraded contaminants was found to depend on the ini-
tank. The photocatalyst (5 g L1 Degussa P 25) is al- tial pollutant concentration, the time of illumination,
lowed to settle down during the night. After this and, in particular, on the solar UV energy flux density.
sedimentation period the supernatant liquid (500 L) is Bekbölet et al. have applied the photocatalytic de-
pumped out of the tank and the treatment cycle can gradation process to the destruction of biologically
D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459 455

pretreated landfill leachate effluent comparing Sachtle- In 1997 Freudenhammer et al. reported their results
ben Hombikat UV100 with Degussa P25 as potential from a pilot study using TFFBR reactors which was per-
photocatalyst (Bekbölet et al., 1996). These experiments formed in various Mediterranean countries and showed
were performed in a batch reactor at pH 3. Both materi- that biologically pretreated textile wastewater can be
als, especially Hombikat UV100, showed a strong cleaned by solar photocatalysis with a maximum degra-
adsorption of the organic pollutants; the overall TOC-re- dation rate of 3 g COD h1 m2 (Freudenhammer et al.,
moval was almost the same for both catalysts ( 70%) 1997). Moreover, a comparison of reaction rates meas-
after 5 h of irradiation with a high-pressure xenon-lamp, ured under artificial and under solar illumination,
the BOD5 increase was insignificant indicating that the respectively, which was also performed during this study
water could still not be treated by conventional biologi- proved the necessity of outdoor experiments. It was con-
cal methods (BOD5 is defined as the biological oxygen cluded that photocatalysis should be a suitable technol-
demand during an incubation period of 5 days at 37 C ogy as the final stage of purification of biologically or
and thus represents a convenient measure for the biode- physically pretreated wastewater in particular in sun-
gradability of a real wastewater). In addition to the rich areas. However, it was also pointed out that indus-
detoxification experiments, the pH dependent adsorptive trial applications of solar wastewater treatment on a
properties of the pollutants present in the landfill leac- larger scale is in strong demand for cheap photocatalysts
hate onto Hombikat UV100 were examined. In good of higher activity to be competitive with treatment meth-
agreement with the pH dependence of the photocatalytic ods already established on the market (Freudenhammer
degradation of the leachate, a strong adsorption was ob- et al., 1997).
served between pH 3 and pH 8 with a maximum at pH 5, Based on these results, a pilot plant, financed by the
while at pH 11 the adsorption was much lower (Weich- EC (INCO-DC IC18CT980267), has been built at the
grebe et al., 1993). Further degradation experiments were site of a textile factory in Tunisia (Menzel Temime).
performed with the thin-film fixed-bed reactor (TFFBR) The TFFBR was chosen because previous studies
using Hombikat UV100 coated glass panes irradiated by showed sufficient degradation rates with the selected tex-
fluorescent tubes, resembling the UV(A)-portion of the tile wastewater in combination with its simple, low cost
solar spectrum. The highest degradation rate was ob- construction and the low energy consumption (Freuden-
served between pH 3 and 7 with a maximum at pH 5, hammer et al., 1997). However, to integrate results ob-
while at pH 9 and 11 the degradation was rather slow. tained with suspended catalysts showing in some cases
It could be shown by the investigation by Bekbölet et a higher efficiency than the fixed system, the possibility
al. that photocatalysis is indeed a feasible method for of using suspended catalysts has also been considered.
the successful cleaning-up of landfill effluent water The pilot plant the flow chart of which is shown in
(Bekbölet et al., 1996). This is especially important as Fig. 11 is characterised by the following main features:
Weichgrebe (Weichgrebe, 1994; Weichgrebe et al., Two TFFBR reactors with a width of 2.5 m and a
1993) could demonstrate that by photocatalysis higher length of 10 m each, corresponding to a total illuminated
rates can be obtained for the degradation of landfill leac- area of 50 m2, were built in concrete and are oriented to
hate than with other, more conventional wet oxidation the south with an inclination angle of 20 (Fig. 12). The
methods (e.g., ozone or hydrogen peroxide coupled with reactors can be operated in parallel or as a cascade flow
UV-irradiation). and in a continuous or a recycling mode, respectively,

Fig. 11. Flow chart of a TFFBR pilot plant installed at the site of a textile factory in Tunisia (Menzel Temime).
456 D. Bahnemann / Solar Energy 77 (2004) 445–459

Fig. 12. Photograph of the TFFBR pilot plant installed at the site of a textile factory in Tunisia (Photo: D. Hufschmidt, University of

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