Lsu Writing and Referencing Law Assignments

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LSU Writing and Referencing Law Assignments

Legal Processes, Constitutional and Administrative Law (University of Namibia)

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Note: The five steps are:

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1. Examine the question
9 ) 2. Research the question
3. Write the law case
study answer (using
the IRAC system)
-1 : ; + , 4. Edit and proofread
5. Write a bibliography
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Note: Dividing the question into its parts ensures all parts
of the question are answered. This also helps to define the
tasks that have to be achieved by the end of the assignment.

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Note: After carefully examining the question (in Step 1), less
reading is required to find relevant information as you should
have a much clearer idea of the type of information you need.

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(Main Conclusion Issue 3 (Main

introduction) conclusion)
Issue 2 Relevant Law
Issue 1
Relevant Law Application of
Relevant Law these Laws
Application of
Application of these Laws Conclusion
these Laws

• " 6

• - * /)

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Facts to think about:

• Sue borrowed a lawnmower which was old and did not have a safety guard
(the safety guard may have been lost or the lawn mower may never have had
• Sue was warned to wear safety glasses because stray stones might fly into her
• Sue forgot to wear safety glasses and was hit in the eye by a stone.

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Note: Do not make very basic or

) introductory statements. Avoid
giving long, in-depth definitions
(eg. the definition of a contract) or
• " 6 general overviews (eg. the history of
a law). Students only get marks
• @ + 6 when they start to answer the

• " 6

• - 6

• ( * / )

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Note: The law may not provide an immediate, complete

answer. You may have to develop an argument based on
the facts of the case and how the existing laws might apply
'' # $ to them. This argument is called a proposition.

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Note: Think about what is the

most likely outcome. Do not
talk about all possible
• 6 outcomes. Students will still
get marks for coming up with a
• - 6 conclusion, even if it is not the
best conclusion.

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Note: The five steps are:

1. Examine the question

2. Research the question
-1 : ; + ,
3. Write the essay
4. Edit and proofread
#" $ ' $ 9 5. Write a bibliography

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Note: Dividing the question into its parts

ensures all parts of the question are
answered. This also helps to define the
&) $ 9 # " < tasks that have to be achieved by the end
of the assignment.

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Note: After carefully examining the question (in Step 1), less
reading is required to find relevant information. You should then
have a much clearer idea of the type of information you need.

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Note: Even though the introduction of an essay appears

before the body, the introduction should not be written
until the body has been drafted or completed.

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Note: By following a time
sequence of events, the body can
o ( 6 be organised in a logical way.

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Note: A paragraph is the best place for an argument

because each paragraph should contain one main point
that is expressed through a group of sentence where the
sentences flow and link to each other (UTS 2006).

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+ *

Note: Finding evidence that supports your main

points/arguments can be tricky as it involves
interpreting the law and applying the law.

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Exemplary damages are imposed alongside general damages to punish the

wilful and malicious misconduct of another party. These damages are not
awarded in contract cases, as in the case of Addis v Gramophone Co Ltd.1
However, exemplary damages are available in tort cases.2

Footnotes at the bottom Footnote numbers in A footnote that provides
of the page the assignment body extra information

[1909] AC 488 493.
See, eg, XL Petroleum (NSW) Pty Ltd v Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd (1985) 155 CLR 448.
Obviously, the exclusion of contract greatly reduces the ambit of operation of exemplary

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The Federal Government intends to ‘restrict access to judicial review in visa-

related matters to all but exceptional circumstances’.3

9 *? /

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His Honour said:

In this respect it should be emphasised that the directors of a company must take
account of the interest of its shareholders and its creditors. Any failure by the
directors to take into account the interests of creditors will have adverse
consequences for the company.4

' 4 >
, )
Note: In the footnote, format names of
authors as you do in the body, but exclude
# $ titles, such as ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’ and ‘Ms’.

• 8 < ; < ; <

;( < ;1 < ;0 H < 6
• ; <* ;!</ )

Charles Sampford, Rodney Smith and A J Brown believe corruption can be

reduced by the institutionalisation of integrity.5

Charles Sampford, Rodney Smith and A J Brown, ‘From Greek Temple to Bird's Nest’ (2005)
64 Australian Journal of Public Administration 96, 96.

• ; <)

Dr Richard Kreindler et al argue that as cross-border transactions become more

common, purchase price adjustments will become more complex and difficult to

Richard Kreindler et al, ‘Cross-Border Purchase Price Adjustment Provisions’ (2005) 8 The
Journal of Private Equity 82, 83.

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James Liddle et al, ‘The Role of Lawyers in Domestic Violence Cases’ (2001) 45
Melbourne Law Review 123, 135.

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Theophanus v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd (1994) 182 CLR 104, 113.

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Friedrich Juenger, ‘Tort Choice of Law in a Federal System’ (1997) 19 Sydney Law
Review 529, 529.

• " )

Cubillo v Commonwealth (2000) 174 ALR 97, 267, 449, 452.

# $

" 3 *6/
See, eg, Addis v Gramophone Co Ltd [1909] AC 488; Butler v Fairclough (1917) 23
CLR 78, 89.

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Michael Coper and George Williams (eds) Power, Parliament and the People (1997)

• 5 $
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Matthew Collins, ‘Democratic Issues’ (1983) 3 American Politics 245.
Ibid 246.

% ) Note: This is the number of the

footnote you are referring to.
0 % )

5 < - @ 1 & )

;5 < * /

• " 6

Olaf Sanders, An Explanation of Political Theory (1972) 32.
International Narcotics Control Board, Annual Report 1999 (1999) [176].
Sanders, above n 12, 37.

• N $
Matthew Collins, ‘Democratic Issues’ (1983) 3 American Politics 245; Victor
Thuronyi (ed), Tax Law Design and Drafting (1998) vol 2, 495.
Thuronyi, above n 15, 496.

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Friedrich Juenger, ‘Tort Choice of Law in a Federal System’ (1997) 19 Sydney Law
Review 529, 540.
A S Lynton, B Green and L S Myalls, ‘Contemporary Issues in Tort Liability’ (1998)
43 Current Legal Problems 320, 323.

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P L Karcher, International Law Cases (2nd ed, 1999) 23.
Peter Birks (ed), Wrongs and Remedies in the Twenty-First Century (1996) 93.

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3* A B

! 3 $ 1 *8 / Q @ & -

- 1 1 & )

R v Hughes (2000) 202 CLR 535, 548.


In News Corporation v Lenfast Communications Inc,26 the Supreme Court of New

South Wales had to consider the effect of foreign pending proceedings.
The footnote The assignment body
… (without case name)
(1966) 21 ACSR 553, 557.

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Koop v Bebb (1951) 84 CLR 629, 685.

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* /6

, B C)
7* General Newspapers Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation (1993) 45 FCR 164, 172.
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Vogt [1975] 1 NSWLR 194, 216.

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4 # 5+ 0 1 6 1

*5 L / 1 & )

Trustee Act 1962 (WA) s 90.
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) ss 20, 43.
Aboriginal Land Rights Regulations 1996 (NSW) reg 23 (a).
Australian Constitution s 51(xxix).


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The Antarctic Treaty, opened for signature 1 December 1959, 402 UNTS 71, art 7(2)
(entered into force 23 June 1961).
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, opened for signature 10 December
1982, 1833 UNTS 3 (entered into force 16 November 1994).

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' International
• Jason Lau, ' Law and Human Rights (2001) Centre for Law Research
<> at 11 January 2003.

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Ellen Connolly, ‘Strapped for Cash: Man Gets $2.5m for a 1984 Caning’, Sydney
Morning Herald (Sydney), 15 February 2001, 1.

General Formatting Tips for Law Assignments

• Words within the assignment may be italicised for added emphasis;

• Case names, statute titles and titles of material (such as journal articles)
should be italicised;
• Use neutral, non sexist words (instead of ‘chairman’, use ‘chairperson’);
• Use third person singular to refer to a person (‘he’, ‘she’, ‘he or she’);
• Use third person plural to refer to a number of people (eg. ‘they’, ‘their’
or ‘them’).

Abbreviations for Law Assignments

When a party is a corporation or a firm, the following abbreviations should

be used:
• ‘&’ for ‘and’, ‘Co’ for ‘Company’, ‘Ltd’ for ‘Limited’, ‘Pty’ for
‘Proprietary’, ‘Inc’ for ‘Incorporated’ and ‘(in liq)’ instead of ‘(in
James Hardie & Co Pty Ltd v Hall (1998) 43 NSWLR 554, 558.

If the pinpoint reference is to a statute (not a page number), the reference

should be appropriately abbreviated:
• art = article, para = paragraph, paras = paragraphs, reg = regulation,
s = section, ss = sections, sub-s = subsection, sub-ss = subsections,
sch = schedule, schs = schedules.

Abbreviate the form of jurisdiction for Legislation:

• Cth – Commonwealth, NSW – New South Wales, Vic – Victoria,
ACT – Australian Capital Territory, QLD – Queensland, SA – South
Australia, WA – Western Australia, NT – Northern Territory,
Tas – Tasmania.

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1. Articles/Books/Reports

Marlowe, T, ‘Parliamentary Debates on the Australian Constitution’ (2001) 3 Federal

Law Review 231

Pride, Frank, Human Rights and Foreign Policy (3rd ed, 2003)

2. Case Law

Commissioner of Tasmania v Vogt [1975] 1 NSWLR 194

Coober v Pedder (1999) 72 CLR 398

3. Legislation

Australian Constitution

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

4. Treaties

Convention on the Rights of the Child, opened for signature 20 November 1989, 1588
UNTS 530 (entered into force 16 January 1991)

5. Other Sources

Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 17 August 2000

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A#B - - , ? ; ,, ,

assignment body

The court judicially reviews the unlawfulness of a decision of an administrative nature
made under an enactment.1 Judicial review happens when the repository of public
power has breached the limits placed upon the grant of that power.2 The practical need
for precise categorisation of the common law grounds for judicial review remain
unclear. Not only are there nine overlapping categories, but also further identification
is diminished by the fact that most challenges to the exercise of federal administrative
power are made on both ADJR Act and common law grounds.3

In recent decades, the courts have significantly extended the scope of judicial review
and have made marked changes to the rules of natural justice (or procedural fairness),
as well as to the extension of judicial review to pure administrative decisions and not
merely quasi-judicial decisions. According to Justice Sackville,4 the courts have
extended judicial review because they believe that they need to fill ‘a gap’ created by
the failure of political forms of accountability to provide redress to individuals
adversely affected by government decisions.
a footnote number

The increased willingness of the courts to intervene in administrative matters, even

where policy factors predominate, and the judiciary’s reputation of undermining
Executive power and interfering with policy decisions beyond their scope have led to
tensions between the Executive and Judiciary. These tensions have escalated to the
extent that Federal and State agencies do not always follow judicial or quasi-judicial
rulings and have, on occasions, even openly undermined decisions, as seen in Taxation
Ruling IT2612.5

The judicial bench should not have continued to review the merits6 but adhered to
reviewing only the legality of administrative decisions, and should also have monitored
the abuse of the system more closely, if the rule of law is to remain the basis of
democracy, the courts can, in turn, not be moved by the political consequences of their
decisions but must maintain an apolitical stance.7

Ian Ellis-Jones, Essential Administrative Law, (1997) 110. ‘The word ‘decision’ is not in itself
defined in the Act’...however ‘the interpretation of making a decision or a deemed decision are
addressed in 3(2) and 3(8)’.
Aronson and Dyer, Judicial Review of Administrative Action (2nd ed, 2000), 3. Australian
courts, for the most part continue to classify the review in fairly classical terms, viz, procedural
fairness (or natural justice), ultra vires and jurisdictional error.
The ADJR sits side by side with the CL. At a state level the ADJR is a Commonwealth Act
and so only applies to the exercise of power pursuant to a Commonwealth Act. To challenge an
act pursuant to a State Act must rely on the common law (no NSW equivalent to ADJR).
Sackville, ‘The Limits of Judicial Review of Executive Action – Some Comparisons between
Australia and the United States’ (2000) 28 Federal Law Review 315, 317.
Pearce, ‘Executive Versus Judiciary’ (1991) 2 Public Law Review 179, 190.
Shergold v Tanner [2002] HCA 19.
Hon Justice McHugh AC, ‘Tensions between the Executive and the Judiciary’, Paper presented
at the Australian Bar Association Conference, Paris, 10 July 2002. ‘Judges cannot base their
decisions on, or be affected by potential political implications and media pressures…but must
base their decisions on the law’.

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