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प्रसार भारती/ PRASAR BHARATI

(भारत का लोक सेवा प्रसारक / India’s Public Service Broadcaster)

राष्ट्रीय प्रसारण एवं मल्टीमीडिया अकादमी
National Academy of Broadcasting and Multimedia
रे डियो कॉलोनी, डकंग्सवे, डदल्ली-110 009
Radio Colony, Kingsway, Delhi-110 009

Ref. No: TR-14018(1)/1/2024-PROG - NABM DELHI Dated: 8.02.2024

Subject: Regarding Workshop scheduled to be held at Port Blair from 19th to 23rd February, 2024 on
Disaster Management and Communication”

This is with reference to this office circular no. TR-14018(1)/1/2024-PROG - NABM DELHI, dated, 01st
February, 2024, regarding tour order to attend the workshop scheduled at Port Blair from 19 to 23
February 2024.

In this regard, it is to be informed that a large number of nominations) of Officers/ Officials from various
Akashwani and Doordarshan Kendras and many offices of Delhi have been received through prescribed
mode of communication to participate in this Disaster Management and Communication Workshop to be
organized by NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, in Port Blair from 19 to 23 February 2024.

However, it seems appropriate to reiterate, that the said workshop is being organized by the National
Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India in collaboration
with the Institute of Coastal Disasters, Pondicherry University from 19 to 23 February 2024. It is being
organized at Port Blair campus in which the Host organization i.e. NIDM has made free arrangements for
training, boarding and lodging for a total number of 35 broadcasters of Prasar Bharati, hence permission
has been given by NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India for only 35 participants.

Therefore, all the nominated officials could not be accommodated due to the above limit fixed by NIDM
in this workshop and hence, only 35 officials have been shortlisted, and any changes in this list is not
possible, at this stage.

However, continuous requests/instructions are being received from many nominated officers or through
senior Officers that they should also be imparted training in Disaster 'Management and Communication’.

Keeping this in view, NABM has considered that for those nominees who are eligible under each of the
criteria and have sent nominations for present event and could not be considered and accommodated to
participate in this workshop, due to the above administrative reasons, may be considered in the workshop
proposed for next batch (batch-II) in the month of April, 2024, if found otherwise eligible as per the
prescribed criteria.

All eligible left out nominees are requested and advised not to communicate directly or through any channel
further in this regard. The final date and venue for the next batch (batch II) of workshop on the above
topic will be communicated shortly.

This issue with the approval of the competent authority.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Umashanker Singh)

Programme Executive /Course Coordinator
For ADG (Trg.)

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