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The Shang Dynasty

By Nisha Naz 7-I


How did the geographical setup influence the rise of the Shang Dynasty?

• The geographical influence provided them with both ferEle soil and water, which aided
in the development of their dynasty. It was beHer to protect because the region was
surrounded by naturally occurring borders like mountains.


What is the prevailing religion/system of beliefs in Shang Dynasty? How did it shape the Shang

• Among the main characterisEcs of Shang religion are shamanism, animism, divinaEon,
spiritual dominion over the world, and respect and worship of deceased ancestors,
including through sacrifice. The moon, sun, wind, rain, dragon, and phoenix, among
other mythological and natural symbols, were all represented by different gods,
indicaEng polytheism.

• Ancestor worship was also very important to the Shang. It was thought that both crop
success and people's health and well-being were influenced by the happiness of the
departed ancestors. A happy ancestor would make for a prosperous life for a family.

• The religion shaped the Shang Dynasty as they know that there are gods, ancestors, and
deiEes that are higher than them that they are mindful of how these beings are looking
aRer them and guiding them on their lives and moral beings.


What were the notable discoveries, invenEons and ideas from the Shang Dynasty that
contributed to the progress of humanity?

• They created the oracle bone wriEng; this wriEng was mostly used to communicate with
ancestors and deiEes, they believed that the ancestors and deiEes possess the ability to
bring prosperity, misfortune, and direcEon to the world of the living, therefore, the
reason as to why the use the oracle bone wriEng was mostly used in communicaEng
with the ancestors and deiEes.
• They were also notable for making bronze weapons, The Shang fashioned clay molds,
carved designs into the clay, and then filled the molds with molten bronze to cast bronze
objects. ARer leUng the bronze cool, they broke off the clay to reveal the finished
bronze object. Bronze, Shang Dynasty.

• The Shang Dynasty also were notable for making the lunar calendar, based on the
moon's cycles, the Shang devised a lunar calendar that was used to record and forecast
significant occasions, parEcularly the planEng and harvesEng of crops.


How was the Shang Dynasty poliEcally managed and governed? How will you describe the form
of government and laws?

• The Shang Dynasty was ruled by 29 or 30 monarchs over a period of about 600 years.
The king was served by officials with specific roles of authority and responsibility. These
representaEves belonged to an aristocraEc hereditary class and were usually connected
to the monarch. Among the Shang, who worshipped the god Di, the king was the one
who could communicate with the high god Di the best through his royal ancestors.
Rituals were therefore essenEal to the king's rule; in parEcular, the interpretaEon of
celesEal omens and signs played a significant role in royal decision-making.

• Based on what I understood, their form of government and laws are mostly for the
aristocraEc class.


How did they manage their resources? How will you explain the relaEonship of the environment
with their livelihood?

• The economy of the Shang dynasty was built on trade, agriculture, and the labor of its
arEsans. They maintained trade routes with distant lands. In addiEon to direct trade in
goods, they employed the cowrie shells as a form of money.

• The relaEonship of the environment was filled with ferEle soil and water. Having this,
they were rich with resources and were able to live healthy.

Social Structure:

How will you describe the prevailing social structure in Shang Dynasty? How were people
orderly ranked? What are the expected roles in society?
• The social structure of the Shang Dynasty was hierarchical. Having different social
classes. The King, who oversaw the armed forces and enacted laws, was the highest
authority. The aristocracy ruled over the surrounding areas from its capital, Anyang, in
the Shang dynasty. The skilled manual laborers known as arEsans use tools and
equipment unique to their line of work. The last group were the peasants, who were
members of the lowest social class and worked the land. This social class, which included
sharecroppers, farmhands, small farmers and tenants, and other land-based laborers,
made up most of the labor force in horEculture and agriculture.

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