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Computer literacy 计算机知识

Having a basic knowledge of hardware and software, the Internet, and collaboration tools and
technologies 对软件,硬件,网络,合作工具和科技 有基本的知识

Information literacy
Knowing how to find, analyze and communicate the information


Digital generation:

Generation Z:在容易获得科技咨询的时代长大的一代人,不断用电子产品来与世界联系,因

1925-1945: Silent Generation

1946-1963: Boomers
1964-1978: Gen X
1979-1995: Millenials/ Gen Y
1996-2010: Gen Z

1. Digital Culture



2. Digital Society

current trends:
a. E-hailing system
Let drivers access to riders through a digital platform, facilities mobile money payment.
Just use a smartphone app to hail a ride.

b. High tech e-retailing system (e-commerce/e-retail

Buy or sell thing over internet

c. High tech e-booking system

(exp: electronic booking system is an IS to manage reservation and payment
Online booking lets clients see, book and pay online

d. Social media IS (SMIS) 支持分享内容给网络用户的 IS

Use IT to sharing content among network of users 用 IT 来分享内容给网络用户

3 social media roles

1. Social media provides- FB, IG
2. Users- individual/ organization that use sm to built social relationship
3. Communities- formed based on mutual interests, geographic, organizational boundaries 因
Intelligent systems
- AI Consists of related technologies that simulate and reproduce human through behavior
- AI technology require:
Thinking, speaking, feeling, reasoning 推理
Knowledge 知识, perception 领悟, reasoning 推理, understanding 了解
- Intelligent information system: an IS that incorporates AI into its application
一个合并 AI 进该应用的 IS

Intelligent IS
- Reasoning
- Learning
- Perception
- Problem solving
- Linguistic intelligence


learning vision
sytem system


1. Expect system

Store knowledge and makes inference 储存知识,做出推断

2. Robotics 机器人学

Mechanical and computer devices that perform tedious tasks with high precision


3. Vision system

Capture 捕获,store 储存,manipulate 处理 visual image and picture

4. Natural language system

Computer understand and react to statements and commands made in a natural language


5. Learning system
Computer changes how it functions or reacts to situation based on feedback

根据反馈改变 运行和做出反应的方法

6. Neural system 神经系统

Computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning of human brain

Digital currency 数字货币, e-money 电子货币

- fill all the uses of traditional forms of money 填补了传统货币的所有用途

- ONLY exist on the Internet 只存在与网络,completely intangible 完全无形
- Every aspect of issuance 发行,transfer 转移,record-keeping 记录保存,is digital

- 为客户提供更精简的替代方案 - 双倍花费
- 点对点交易 - 可用于非法交易
- 数字货币支付 又即时 又低成本 - 数据丢失会造成经济损失
- 为该行业引入更高水平的记录保 - 由某些组织去中心化(?
存和透明度 - 对环境有不利的影响
- 容易被黑
- 没有退款和取消的政策
Digital currency that uses cryptography 密码系统 to secure its transactions.

It is difficult to make counterfeit 伪造 crypto currency 加密货币 because of this

security feature.

Cryptography 密码学: make it possible to transfer funds between parties and these
transfers are effected through the use of public and private keys as a means of
A blockchain is basically a perpetually growing list of records 不断增长的记录列表,
called blocks. These blocks are linked and secured by using cryptography. 使用加密技
Each block generally contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block along with
timestamp and transaction data.包含时间和交易数据 By its design, a blockchain
does not allow modification of the data. 不允许修改数据

- 是一种高级数据库机制
- 允许在网络中透明地共享信息
- 数据库会将数据储存在 blocks 里面,然后数据库会一起连接到一个 chain
- 数据在时间上都是一致的,没有网络共识的情况下,链条是无法被修改或
- 可以使用 Blockchain 来创建不可改变的分类账来跟踪,付款和其他交易
- 系统内置可以阻止未经授权的交易,并在这些交易的共享视图中创造一致

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