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Celebration = a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event.

Types of celebration
Religious National International
 Ramadan.  Independence Day.  Christmas Day
 Eid Alfitr.  The Green March.  Labour Day
 Eid Aladha.  The Throne day.  Mother’s Day
 Eid Almawlid.  The Youth day.  Women’s Day
 Earth Day
 School Day
 School Day

celebration Date activity

Ramadan The 1 of Ramadan Fast until Maghreb/prepare special dishes/have
breakfast/go to the mosque/visit family/read Quran
Eid Alfitr The 1st of Shawal Visit relatives and friends/put on new clothes /perform
the Eid prayer/prepare special dishes.
Eid Aladha The 10 of Dul Hijja Visit and invite relatives and friends/put on new
clothes/perform the Eid prayer/ Slaughter the sheep/ eat
Christmas Day The 25th of December Make a cake/ organise a party /invite friends and have
fun with them.
Mother’s Day nd
The 2 Sunday of May give the mother a gift
Earth Day The 22nd of April Clean our school and class/sensitise people about the
environment/plant trees/

verbs nouns verbs nouns

celebrate celebration recite recitation
give gift depend dependence
donate donation enjoy enjoyment
adopt adoption invite invitation
recognise recognition decorate decoration
devote devotion donate donation
commemorate commemoration greet greeting

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