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Maiden Edition No.






Table of Contents

Interview Arts, Culture & Society
The President of the NW Social life postcard of the NWR................33
Regional Execu ve Council,
Prof. Fru Angwafo III,
expounds on vision for Discover the people’s “Toghu”....................35
re-branding a new Region, Gastronomy
leaving no one behind; Page .....................................................................39
non sibi sed aliis.
Page ............................................................4 Region-wide perspectives to Decentralized
Page ....................................................................41
Special Report
2021 Performance sheet of the Spotlight
NW Regional Assembly The NW Regional Assembly
Page ............................................................7 and youth engagement
Page ...................................................................50
Portrait: The Region
The diversity of the North-West Sports
Region is played out in the Towards the crea on of a
splendour of its art, cra , Sports Hall of Fame for a
gastronomy, scenery,music, Region that shines in
dance and more... dversity; resilient in odds.
Page ..........................................................9 Page ....................................................................52
Context, roles and
responsibili es in Editorial
Regional and local Editorial Team
Publisher: Prof Fru Angwafo III
economic development: President North West Regional Executive Council
Borrowing a leaf from Executive Editor : Jude Nsom Waindim
the Rwanda and Editor in Chief: VictoryMarshal Ayafor Basang
Singapore experiences. Technical Supervision: Nchechuma Banla Nchetievie
Page .............. .......................................... 15 Consultant: Loh Choves
Njangi Revolu on: A steady Atia Tilarious
way of growing our local economy.....23 Sylvia Waindim
Wanchia Cynthia
NW Economy in focus Che Wachong Ruth
Page ...........................................................26 Buba Laura Chifon
Ndi Tsembom Elvis
Ngongsong Jean Marie
Health Gnoukapasir Pegneye Martial
Des na on for quality
Layout: Shiloh Printers Bamenda
health facili es Printing: Dignity Prints
Page ..........................................................28 Contact info:
Up Station, Opposite Court of Appeal
Vox Pop Call us : +237 233 363 100
Send us mail:
The people speak P.O. Box 5127 Bamenda, North west Region, Cameroon
Page ...........................................................30 Our website:
Our Facebook page: The North West Regional Assembly

W elcome to the maiden issue of

T h e N o r t h - We s t e r n e r, a
scripted forum for persons,
benefactors, friends, well-wishers of and
from the North-West Region of Cameroon;
a publica on of the North-West Regional
Assembly. It serves as another vehicle for
exchange; a bridge to connect all concerned
ci zens, par es, who cherish the welfare
and development of the resilient
popula on of the Region, wherever they
are. It complements audio-visual
programmes, the webpage and social
media pla orms of the North-West Prof. Fru Angwafo III
Regional Assembly. President, North West Regional Assembly
On January 22 2021, the North-West vo ng in the maiden Divisional Delegates and
Regional Execu ve Council was officially members of the House of Chiefs respec vely.
commissioned, a er an earlier swearing-in We remain commi ed to souring up our
ceremony, which had taken place at the nurturing, our formal and informal educa on, at
North-West Court of Appeal in Bamenda. home, in schools and in the community, so we
On that occasion, the vision for the Region groom our young men and women to meet the
was shared. This vision for a new North- challenges of building a more inclusive and
West Region, conscious of innate capaci es prosperous society in an extremely compe ve
and capabili es, is poised to take its world.
development, its des ny to greater and Our primordial and permanent quest for
higher heights. The three-pronged vision development requires peace and a posi ve
centres on Peace, Youth Engagement and mindset; and all of us must take ownership of
Economic Development. The rebranding, our excep onal Special Status, which fulfils our
nay rebirth of the Region from the desire for more input and ac on at the local and
founda ons of its cultural iden ty and regional levels. Of course, this is excep onal,
community structures that have stood the because it is only in the North-West and South-
test of me, far from being an impera ve, is West Regions that we have three
a project, which will restore human dignity, Commissioners in each, a parliamentary-type
peace and sustained development. governance, and a Regional Vice-President, who
We acknowledge all the Municipal must be a tradi onal ruler, as well as a Public
Councilors and our tradi onal rulers, who Independent Conciliator. I, therefore, appeal to
made history on December 6, 2020, by all the members of the Regional Assembly to join

hands in the construc on of the new North- of nega vity. Peace is right, strife is wrong! On
West Region, whose rebirth demands this ques on, there is no room for neutrality,
discipline, pa ence, commitment, and because in the words of Dr. Mar n Luther King Jr.,
requires serious introspec on on three “Injus ce anywhere is a threat to jus ce
scores, or should we say, three pacts: everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable
1. The moral impera ve of love, compassion network of mutuality, ed in a single garment of
and empathy, translated into a Moral des ny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all
Rearmament Pact, as it were. This moral directly or indirectly.” As such, we should all, as a
impera ve of love, compassion and empathy, ma er of priority, be crusaders for peace and
a humanity heritage of me-immemorial, harmony. History has shown me and again that
from the African founda ons of civiliza on, is those who think they are well off in a war
as relevant today as ever. This African ethos, economy are short-sighted. It is a ma er of
embellished over centuries by the Greco- survival. We must stop the collec ve fratricide, it
Romans, and coded in the Judeo-Chris an is the one ac on that will determine, indeed,
ethic of today's world, is the basis of the UN condi on our survival as a people! Not a single
Human Rights Charter. We must con nue to life or livelihood should be wasted anymore!
work to ensure that our country, Cameroon, 3. We yearned to manage our affairs, the
remains a respected member in this regard in challenge is here and now upon us. The ten-
the concert of na ons. Region race is on. Where do we want to be in this
2. Youth Empowerment and Employment race of the Regions? We can, and should be the
(YEE), indeed, should be the fountain of our best! But to make our mark, we must agree on
endeavors in the rebirth of our Region, as in the collec ve will to build peace, a North-West
the fountain of youth! No business or Community Peace Pact (NWCPP)! We should
community can thrive, let alone survive, refrain from becoming cap ves of the past. One
without inves ng in its future. Youth should not live in the past, for it is past, gone! But
empowerment and employment, key aspects we are endowed with the ability and resource to
of human development, are a prerequisite to start here and now to invent a brand new present
physical development. Both depend largely and build a brighter future. The right me is now!
on how successful our moral pact has molded We aspire to leave no stone unturned and to
the mindset. The quest for both human and leave no one behind.
physical development is our most pressing Finally, we stand here to acknowledge and
preoccupa on. To forge on, we need to share answer the call to serve, to serve the best
the same objec ves, values and principles of interests of our people. For, ours is the Assembly
peace. We must arrest the slide of our region of the people; we are ready to listen to them. It is
into ruin from benign neglect and the mindset their right. It is our duty. Non Sibi Sed Aliis; and in
the spirit of the African ethos, we say, “U na Mi,
Mi na U, Wi bi Wi.”

Erecting a New
North- West Region
The Moment is Upon Us

Preface to cover
Of course, the major index cards of the local economy
Honourable Waindim Jude Nsom of the Region shall be pegged on its Development and
Investment Fund, taking cognizance of the fact that the
Yes, the time to rebuild is now; and the moment is upon economy of the entire Region is founded on its micro-finance
us. institutions, especially thrift and loan schemes, as well as the
Coming on the heels of the Major National famous “njangi” (Nchwah): all of this factored into a Region-
Dialogue, which held in Yaounde from September 30 wide approach to decentralized cooperation.
to October 4, 2019, the North-West Regional However, for all such good ventures to take firm root,
Assembly saw the light of the day, within the peace must return to the Region, with the peace missions of
framework of a new dispensation, anchored on Article the North-West Regional Assembly being a veritable kicker.
62 of the Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon, as This Peace and Development Initiative (PDI) could not have
stipulated in Section 327 of Law No. 2019/24 of 24 been timelier, coming at the wake of a new academic year,
December 2019, granting Special Status to the North- with statistics indicating a significant rise in school
West and South-West Regions. This was, indeed, a enrollment and in the number of functional schools.
fresh impetus, consequent on the historical The support of the North-West Regional Assembly
specificities of the two Regions, notably in education, for an effective 2022-2023 academic year, coupled with the
Common Law, culture, languages, chieftaincy, recent donation of some medical equipment to Health
heritage and vestiges. Districts in all Divisions, signals a new dawn. The moment is
And it came to pass, that after the Regional thus upon us, to seize the opportunity and re-brand our
Council elections, which held in Cameroon on Region; and the time is now. It remains incumbent upon us to
December 6, 2020, a bi-cameral, Paliamentary-type bridge the gullies and chasms that have divided us for far too
Regional Assembly was voted in for the North-West long. It is time for all of us to pay more than lip-service to
Region, made up of 70 Divisional Representatives and being each other's keeper. Yes, it is time to live the African
20 members of the House of Chiefs, with the specific Ubuntu spirit to the fullest, encouraging communal equality,
mission of re-building a new North-West Region, propagating the distribution of wealth, and as a vestige of the
through balanced, sustainable development. agrarian people we are, making sure we collectively act as a
Thus far, the performance sheet of the North- hedge against the crop failures of individuals. Yes, I am,
West Regional Assembly indicates a bias for citizen because of who we all are; and we are, because we share the
participation in development options, especially so core principles of communality, respect, dignity, value,
through the elaboration of the North-West Regional acceptance, sharing, co-responsibility, humaneness, social
Development Plan (RDP) for the period 2023-2027. justice, fairness, personhood, morality, group solidarity,
This is a people-oriented strategic development plan, compassion, joy, love, fulfillment, conciliation, et cetera. “U
rooted on the targets of Cameroon's National na Mi, Min a U, Wi bi wi”
Development Strategy, NDS30; the Sustainable As we look forward to the cleansing of the land by our
Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union (AU) fathers, custodians of our traditional mores, keepers of the
Agenda 2063 and UN-Habitat. word of authority, people who render justice in the name of the
Indeed, for this RDP to fully translate the ancestors, we pray that healing be achieved, and social
aspirations of the people, focus must be on local harmony restored.
economic development, aimed at building up the Never, never and never again, shall we be brought to
economic capacity of local communities, so as to suffer the scourge of self-annihilation! “Non sibi sed
improve the economic future and the quality of life for omnibus!”

Following the March 2022 Session, of
accounts of the North west Regional
Assembly, its president answered ques ons
f r o m t h e p r e s s o n t h e A s s e m b l y ’s
performance catalogue.

Follow the excerpts of the interview of the

President of the North-West Regional
Execu ve Council, Prof. Fru Angwafo III:

What new thing does the Regional Assembly

bring to the life of a ci zen living in the North-
West Region?
What is the fundamental difference between
President: The North-West Regional Assembly
the two Houses and what is their composi on?
brings in a fresh impetus in the poli cal space
of the Region; as well as balanced, sustainable,
President: The bicameral body of the Regional
spa al territorial development. The Fons of
Assembly is made up of 90 members: The
the Region have their representa ves voted by
House of Chiefs, composed of 20 members and
their peers in each Division. They freely table,
represented in the Regional Execu ve Council
discuss and debate issues concerning
by their President, who is Vice President of the
Chie aincy, heritage, monuments, ves ges
Regional Execu ve Council, and another
and our na onal languages in the House of
member, who is Secretary 2 of the Regional
Chiefs. They equally vote on delibera ons
Execu ve Council. The House of Divisional
tabled by the Regional Execu ve Council. In
Representa ves is made up of 70 members
like manner, the Divisional Representa ves
from the seven Divisions of the Region.
table, discuss, debate and deliberate on
ma ers devolved to Regions in the socio-
Since the North-West Regional Assembly went
economic sectors concerned in the House of
opera onal following the December 6, 2020
Divisional Representa ves. Indeed, this
elec ons, what has been the road covered so
bicameral nature of the Regional Assembly is a
new dispensa on whereby policies are
formulated, planned, programmed, budgeted,
President: In accordance with Sec on 349 of
executed, followed up and evaluated under o
Law N . 2019/024 of 24 December 2019,
the watchful eye of the community, through its
ins tu ng the General Code of Regional and
structures and representa ves, with the aim of
Local Authori es, the President of the Regional
bringing about the economic development
Execu ve Council has to present a special
and social progress of the Region.
report on the situa on of the Region, the

devolved powers, the ac vi es and func oning
are presented in our performance chart, with
of various services and bodies of the Region as
remarks where necessary.
well as appropria ons". Devolved powers have
been transferred to the region by the law
The Regional Assembly saw the light of day
men oned above.
within the framework of the Special Status
In the light of above-cited Law, some
accorded the North-West and South-West
seventy-three competences are expected to be
Regions as part of solu ons to the Anglophone
transferred to the Regions in respect of
Crisis, and this, at the heels of the Major Na onal
devolved powers. However, only competences
Dialogue, which ran from Monday, 30 September
from four of the twenty ministries involved
to Friday, 04 October 2019. What exactly is the
were concerned in the Presiden al Decrees of
Special Status?
28th December 2021. These are the Ministries
of Environment (Decree No. 2021/747 of 28th
President: The Special Status is anchored on
December 2021), Housing and Town Planning
o following major index cards, which are:
(Decree N . 2021/744 of 28th December 2021),
o A Cons tu onal proviso that permits the North-
Transport (Decree N . 2021/745 of 28th
West Region to benefit from their historical
December 2021), Tourism and Leisure (Decree
o specifici es in Educa on, Common Law, culture,
N . 2021/746 of 28th December 2021). The
languages, chie aincy and other heritage issues.
terms of reference (cahiers de charges) are
It is enshrined in Law No. 024 of 24
awaited from these ministerial departments.
December 2019, ins tu ng the Code on Regional
and Local Authori es. In prac cal terms, the
As for services, the North-West Regional
North-West and the South-West Regions,
Assembly is yet to have any. Presiden al Decree
consequent on the fact that they share the same
No. 2021/742 of 28th December laid down the
colonial past and culture, are, therefore, favored
Standard Organiza on of Regional
by the above law viz: They have Assemblies
Administra on. It gave a six-month deadline for
composed of two House instead of a Council (one
establishing services. The ac vi es of the
house) in the other eight Regions of the country.
Regional Assembly were provisionally
They have three Commissioners: one in
performed by the Regional Execu ve Council,
charge of Economic Development, another for
since only the Secretary General, Finance
Health and Social Development, and the third for
Controller and Regional Treasurer were
Educa on, Sports and Cultural Development. This
officially commissioned. It is, indeed, a big relief
specificity is absent in the eight other Regions of
to have the organiza onal chart so as to
Cameroon. Special Status Regions have a collegial
elaborate a recruitment plan for services and
Execu ve Council, and all of its eight members
the Regional Execu ve Council will henceforth
wear sashes, whereas only the President does in
concentrate on policy implementa on. I would
the eight other Regions. There is equally the
like to appreciate the efforts of the few staff so
Public Independent Conciliator, who is
far detached to the Regional Assembly since
independent of the Regional Assembly and
appointed by the Head of State for a 6-year
During the first year of existence of the
mandate. He mediates between the ci zen-client
North-West Regional Assembly, twenty-five
and the Regional Assembly if the ci zen feels their
delibera ons were adopted. All but one were
rights have been violated.
approved, giving a percentage realiza on rate
of 95% in rela ve terms. These delibera ons

What has the Regional Assembly done towards a 2. There is the perennial issue of paltry resources
return to peace in the Region? in a world that is in economic recession; and here
we are, a whole new ins tu on with a
President: During our last Ordinary and Extra- performance paradigm in need of human
ordinary sessions, we did table for the appraisal, resource recruitment, training and appropriate
adop on and vote of the Regional Assembly, a deployment.
peace-building programme, which was already
factored into our 2021, 2022 budgets. This 3. Right at our door-steps, we have the
programme is aimed at reaching out to all our phenomenon of economic sabotage with
local communi es, through the various frequent lockdowns and destruc on of markets
stakeholders like the local civil and municipal and rudimentary economic ins tu ons for local
authori es, Parliamentarians, internal and development.
external poli cal and business elite, tradi onal
authori es, religious bodies, civil society 4. At the level of central government, we have
organiza ons, our women and youth, to talk par al devolu on of powers and competences,
peace and a return to normalcy. We equally which is concretely translated into a reality of
intent to engage the youths in a cash economy incomplete decentraliza on.
through High Intensity Labour Ac vi es (HILA)
for the benefit of local communi es. To achieve 5. We are faced with the grate challenge of
this, a lot of training is required, especially of the insecurity, which prevents the Regional Assembly
various stakeholders; and this shall be the main gaining access to all parts of the Region to be able
focus of our next ordinary session. to achieve our assigned missions.

How accessible is the North-West Regional What is the rapport between the North-West
Assembly to the common man? R e g i o n a l A s s e m b l y, t h e G o v e r n o r a s
Representa ve of State, and the Public
President: The North-West Regional Assembly Independent Conciliator?
welcomes everyone during working hours and
during non in-camera sessions of the Assembly, President: These are three dis nct and different
which hold quarterly. ins tu ons:
The Regional Assembly is an elected body with a
What are some of the challenges faced by the five- year mandate, the chief mission of which is
North-West Regional Assembly and how are you to bring development to the Region, peace being
handling them? a prerequisite, of course.
The Governor, as Representa ve of State,
President: The North-West Regional Assembly is is the tutelage of the Regional Assembly, with a
faces with the following challenges: posteriori control.
1. The on-going civil strife in the Region, The Public Independent Conciliator,
characterized mostly by rebellion, resistance, appointed for a six-year mandate, is charged with
intolerance and intransigence of a segment of media ng between the ci zen user/client and
the popula on, which is not ready to listen or the Regional Assembly.
embrace the new order.
Interviewed by Wanchia Cynthia

Special Report

Portrait of NW Region

The North-West Region

The North-West Region of Cameroon is home to 2,145,761 persons (NIS2016) in seven administrative Divisions and thirty-
four Sub-Divisions. This area has been the theater of population migrations from the beginning of time of the Bantou, semi-
Bantou, Nilotics, Peuhls and persons of sundry origins. Today's Tikars and other distant descendants of the Kemet, Kush
and Nubia civilizations can trace their genomic, archeological and anthropological origins to the glorious ancient kingdoms
of Egypt and Northern Sudan, with a proud heritage of the likes of Imhotep, the pristine architect and physician, father of
African medicine, whose works inspired Hippocrates thousands of years later. About fifty languages with a well-developed
alphabet are in use. The Region flaunts its human, cultural, geographic and ecological diversity with deserving pride. Yet,
there is unison in heterogeneity with cardinal values of peace, justice, unity, hard-work and solidarity dear to all. As the
Region stutters through present social challenges, the future is bright as its pre-Judeo-Greco-Roman character and glories
are unearthed. Welcome to the land of the forebears of human civilization!

Mezam Division people. It has become a centre for the promotion of

local handicraft know-how and breeding ground for

W ith a surface area of 1,745 Km², a

density of 300,35 Habitants/Km² and
a population of 524,127 Habitants
(2005), Mezam is made of seven Sub Divisions: Bafut,
Bali, Bamenda I (Bamendakwe), Bamenda II (Mankon),
artists to express their skills, transforming wood and
clay to create statuettes, jewels, vast, stools and other
works of art for decoration.
- Festivals:
Bamenda III (Nkwen), Santa and Tubah. Some of its The Abeug-afor Festival in Mankon or MBOMALA: It
cultural and natural potential include: is a Grand Biennial cultural and economic jamboree
- The Mankon Fondom, one of the oldest organized at the Mankon Palace with the objective of
monarchies of the Grass-fields people of the North show-casing the rich history, culture, economic and
West Region. The Royal palace and its museum, tourism potentials of Mankon Fondom to the world. It
made up of a collection of local craft (made by the is equally geared towards cultural revival Highlights of
kings and local craftsmen) and other vestiges of the this 7 day event include: cultural animations and
colonial era is a must-see attraction in the Region. displays, ritual performances, exhibition and sale of
arts and craft works gastronomy, industrial and
- The Bafut Fondom, established at approximately
commercial products.
some 500 years ago, is one of the most important
Fondoms of the North-West Region. Established by Ø The Lela Festival in Bali: This is a traditional festival
King Mfor Feurlu, who unified the villages of Bukari usually organized in December in the Bali Fondom,
and Mbebili, the history of the Fondom is marked by located some 20 km away from Bamenda. The Lela
the war against the Germans, resulting in the partial Festival marks the enthronement of a new Fon and the
destruction of the Fondom between 1901 and 1910. celebration of initiation rites for the new members of
After the war, the Fondom was reconstructed with the the secret societies.
assistance of the Germans. Ø The Bafut Achum Festival: It is usually celebrated
- The Bamenda Handicraft Centre: This cooperative every year in December to show to the public the
was established in September 1964 to rescue and sacred rites of members of the secret societies and to
support the dying local handicraft skills and maintain commemorate the past victories of their ancient
the rich cultures and traditional values of the local 9 warriors.
Bui Division
Bui Division, the capital of which is Kumbo,
covers an area of 2,297 km², rises 2,172m above sea level,
and as of 2001 had a total population of 322,877. It has the
following Sub Divisions: Jakiri, Kumbo, Mbven
(Mbiame), Nkum, Noni (Nkor), Oku (Elak).
Nseh, Din, Nkar and other Fondoms are vassal
States of the Paramount Fondom of Nso. Mbiame and Oku
are offshoots of the Nso dynasty and are considered
Fondoms of higher status than the vassal States named
Nso is one of the biggest tribes in Cameroon. Its
capital, Kumbo, was originally called Kimbo. It is one of
the few Fondoms in the country that still uphold and
protect the heritage of their tradition and cultural values. At
the head the Paramount leader of others Fons in Bui,
namely Oku, Noni, Mbiame, Nkar, Kiluun, Nseh,
Mbokam, Ndze'en, Dzerem etc. This Fondom, founded by
a woman, Ngonso, also has some other traditional rulers
like Shufais, Fais, Sheys, Yaas, Fengais etc. These
people wrongly referred to as Banso has a very rich but oral
traditional history. Although oral tradition can at times lead
to some uncompromising stories/facts, the aspect of
handing History down through story telling has helped to
trace the History of Nso as far back as the 14th century. The
major cultural festival of the Nso people is the Ngonso
Festival, organized in Kumbo to showcase the culture and
identity of a people poised to be in harmony with their
ancestors as a blessing for future endeavours that unite and
galvanize them for more progress, development and

Menchum Division
covers an area
of 4,469 km²
and as of 2005
had a total
population of
161,998, and it
capital is Wum
w i t h t h e
following Sub
Fungom, Furu-
A w a ,
Valley, Wum.

The Wum municipality was created in 1948. It
was known as the Wum Native Authority (N.A) and production is possible in the area. 17 villages make up the
covered the Kom area, Fungom, Furu-Awah, Beba- entire Division: Kesu, Naikom, Magha, Cheregha,
befang and the Esimbi areas. In 1964, the name changed Zongefu, Zongekwo, Zongetegha, Watue, Wajung,
from Native Authority to Wum Area Council with the Ghidze, Waindo, Bu, Aguli, Bangwe Atue, Menten
Kom area carved out to form the Kom-Bum Area and Itiaku. Of these 17 villages, 10 are in the Aghem
Council. The Council was chaired by a District Officer Clan, then the rest are Menteng, Agulli, Bangwe, Atwe,
and later by an elected chairperson. In 1974, the Itiaku, Echuan and Bu.
Council became Wum Rural Council, with its The population is a conglomerate of ethnic
management put under the control of an appointed groups, which are the Aghems, Tikaris and Hausa/Fulani
Council Administrator. In 1993, Wum Rural Council in Wum central and the Widikums in Agulli, Atwe,
was carved out into four Councils according to the four Menteng, Itiaku and Bangwe. There are also immigrants
Sub-Divisions in Menchum, namely: Furu-Awa, from other parts of the country especially from the
Fungom, Benakuma and Wum Rural Council. By virtue Divisions in the North-West Region and from
of Decree No. 2004/18 of 22nd July, 2004 on rules neighbouring Nigeria with whom the municipality share
applicable to Councils, Wum Rural Council became boundaries. The Aghem originated from Munchi and
Wum Council. assimilated some Tikar customs and the Bu people claim
Menchum Division has an altitude of about their origin from Tikar. Today, tribal distinctions are still
900m to 2,140m above sea level in the mountains and very common in the municipality due to the enclaved
about 600m in the valleys, and this explains why timber nature of the area.

Ngoketunjia Division
Christian Sunday; Mbikoh: free
High School, which stretches into working day; Mbimboune: free working
With headquarters in Babungo village.
Ndop, the Division was day; Mbingow: free working day and
Bamunka is the Sub Divisional main market day; Mbibehkah: Njangi
created by Decree N° Headquarter of Ndop Central Sub-
92/186 of the 1
s t day but otherwise free for work;
Division and the Divisional Headquarter Mbiliteh: free working day; Mbiyih: rest
September 1992. It has a of Ngoketunjia Division and has direct
surface area of 1,126 day and lovers day; Mbikedih: free
boundaries with Babungo, Baba I, working day.
Km², a density of 155 Babessi, Bambalang, Bamessing, Bamali
hab/Km² and a population Babungo is one of the four villages
and Belo Sub-Division in Boyo Division. of Babessi Sub-Division, about ten
of 187,348 Inhabitants The Bamunka people have some cultural
(2005) with the following kilometers from Bamunka on the high
heritage, which they hold jealously and are plain of Ndop, which is fertile and rich in
Sub Divisions: Babessi, preserving it. Unlike the Gregorian
Balikumbat, Ndop. w a t e r, i n t e n s e l y c u l t i v a t e d a n d
calendar with 7 days of the week, there are surrounded by a ring of hills covered
eight (8) days of the week in Bamunka with pastures, making it an ideal grazing
The name, Ngoketunjia including Mbimbee, equivalent to the
refers to a mountain in land. Since October 2003, Babungo
Bamunka, Ndop.
C u r r e n t
arrangements have
resulted in the emergence
of a peri-urban centre
(popularly known as
Ndop or Bamunka
Urban). The peri-urban
centre is located along the
stretch of the Ring Road
and extends a little bit
from the boundary with
Bamali village situated
beyond the Ndop
Cooperative Union to
beyond Saint Mary's
Catholic Comprehensive
Museography at the Faculty of
Museum started to contribute to the i m p o r t a n t re s o u rc e o f t h e Architecture of the Politecnico of
development of the cultural country, whilst reinforcing the Milan and a UNESCO
values aimed at overcoming the conscience of a rich cultural collaborator. Upon the opening
gap between local and global, as identity opened to encounter and of this museum to the public, it
well as between tradition and exchange with the cultures of the has been attracting a lot of
modernity. They opened up new world. The museum was designed visitors to Babungo village to see
job opportunities and using local materials, techniques the sculptures.
possibilities for development and labour thanks to an Italian Ngoketunjia Division is also
linked to the enhancement of an architect Antonio Piva, lecturer in host to the famous rice
production facility, UNDVA.

Donga Mantung Division 16 villages make up the Nkambe Central

Sub-Division, and the people of all these villages
Created in by Presiden al Decree in 1949, speak the same language, Limbum. The es mated
this Division has a surface area of 4,299 Km², a popula on of Nkambe Central as of 2018 is
density of 62,78 Inhabitants/Km² and a 171,487 with a growth of 4.86% per annum. 17
popula on of 269,931 Inhabitants (2005). It has villages make up the Ndu Sub-Division, speak the
the following Sub-Divisions: Ako, Misaje, Ndu, same language, Limbum, and are of the Wimbum
Nkambe, Nwa. tribe. Ndu Sub-Division has an es mated
Mbum, Yamba and Mfumnte are the three popula on of 95,000 in inhabitants as of 2018.
main ethnic groups that make up Donga Mantung Misaje Sub-Division is made up of 12 villages
Division. The Mbum people specifically, occupy consis ng of three clans: Kemezum, Channey and
the Nkambe Plateau and are believed to have the Bessa. The three clans speak different dialects.
migrated into the area from North-East Cameroon The popula on of the Sub-Division is es mated at
(Adamawa Plains) more than four hundred years 26,641 inhabitants. Ako Sub-Division is made up of
ago, in three successive groups or waves of Warr, 18 villages There is one main ethnic group in this
Yah and Tang. These three groups are today Sub-Division called Mbembe. They speak virtually
referred to as clans and together, cons tute 32 the same language. The popula on is es mated at
Mbum villages, each headed by a chief locally 44,349 inhabitants. Nwa Sub-Division is made up
called, Nkfu. Ascension to the throne was and is of 42 villages consis ng of three clans: Mfumte,
s ll exclusively for male members of the royal Yamba and Mbaw, with an es mated popula on of
family. 122, 000 inhabitants. It is the oldest Sub-Division in
the North-West Region, created on July 4, 1963.

Momo Division Turaco Bannermani. Photo credit: Markus Lilje.

Area : 1 792 Km² became upgraded to an administrative centre.

Density : 77,39 Inhabitants/Km² Today, this is still the principal function of the town
Population : 138 693 Inhabitants (2005) whose growth has stagnated because of youth
Subdivisions : exodus and lack of income generating activities -
both in the town and its hinterland.Interesting sites
· BATIBO in include the Abi waterfalls in the heart of town
· MBENGWI and the Catholic monastery.Ecological attractions
include wildlife watching (especially birds) and
· NGIE(ANDEK) fishing in the Abi and Mezam Rivers.For people
with anthropological interests, the 30 or so Fon's
· NJIKWA palaces (centers of traditional rule)offer an artistic
· WIDIKUM wealth that is the envy of any Museum on African
Art (especially woodwork) with artifacts dating
back more than 300 years. For the culturally
The MOMO Division whose headquater is MBENGWI minded, the annual MECUDA (Meta Elites
has been created by Presidential Decree n° 68/DF/431 of Cultural and Development Association)organised
26/09/1968 and is headed since the 13th of march 2017, by Mr. dance competition are also a must see. It usually
Fouda Etaba Benoit Nicaise, Senior Administrative Officer. comes up between December and March and offers
The indigenous people are Meta people, to whom a few settlers the opportunity for this people to showcase a
from neighboring tribes like Ngie and Oshie have been added (see cultural heritage of more than 50 traditional
references to Dillon's work). The name "Mbengwi" means "a land dances.Sometimes plays and competitions in
of wild animals" in the Meta language since it used to be a hunting sports and other activities are organized (including
ground in the precolonial days, though it was settled before it agric shows).

Boyo Division
Boyo Division, created in 1992 and found in produce a picturesque landscape. The climate ranges
the centre of the North-West Region of Cameroon, from humid in low altitude areas to very cold and chilly
shares boundaries with six of the seven Divisions of the around the Ijim Mountain, which stands above 2,500m
Region, to the exception of Momo. The landform is a.s.l. dominated by afro-montane species and a high-
hilly, often interspersed with deep incised valleys that level of endemic and endangered species. Boyo Division
Over 200,000 people of Boyo Division
live within a day's walk of the Ijim
Mountain Forest, a source of water,
firewood, timber, fibres, medicinal
plants, food (honey, mushrooms, fruit
and animals) for most of the population,
equally playing an important role in local
tradition and culture. Ijim harbors “The
King of the Forest,” commonly referred
to as the red feather bird, which enjoys
endangered, red list bird species status for
over 18 years now. Much as the bird is the
subject of fables, proverbs and songs
among the local communities, it is still
hunted for the highly prized red flight
feathers that adorn a man's traditional cap
as a status symbol and in ceremonial
awards throughout the western parts of
Cameroon. Afo-A-Kom
Boyo is also home to the famous
locally and internationally acclaimed
AFO-A-KOM (“A Kom Thing”), noted
for its spiritual aura, which has graced
many a museum, fairs, exhibitions the
world over, and has been at the centre of
many Kom songs, beliefs, ritual practices
and celebrations. In 1966 it was stolen
from the Kom Palace, and seven years
later, it was recognized in a U.S. art
gallery, and after some dispute, it was
returned to the Kom people. During the
reception of the statue in Yaounde,
President El Hadj Amadou Ahidjo
takes its name from the Boyo Mountain, which towers 2,200m suggested to H.R.H. Fon Nsom Ngwe
a.s.l and is contiguous with the Ijim Mountain. It is dominantly that “Mbang” (as it is also called) be kept
made up of the Kom people, who are unique in their system of in the National Museum in Yaounde, but
matrilineal inheritance in the Region. It is divided into four the Fon replied that if the President could
Administrative Sub Divisions, three of which are Kom provide enough space in Yaounde for him
(Fundong, Njinikom, Belo) and administered traditionally by to go and bring the Kom people to stay
HRH the Paramount Fon of Kom; and the other, Bum, of with it there, then he would accept the
Fonfuka Sub Division. Other people found in the Division are President's proposal. Seeing that Kom
the Bororos, Hausas and many “settlers.” and the Afo-A-Kom were inseparable,
The Ndawara Tea Estate is the only agro-industry in the the President made it possible for the
Division. However, Boyo is a major source of cattle in the statue to be taken back to its habitual
Region and beyond, with many cattle markets in Konene, residence at Laikom. It was briefly put on
Subum and Fundong. The staple food of the people is corn fufu, display at the Tourism Office in Yaounde
which is eaten together with huckleberry (njamanjama) and and then transported by air to Bamenda
roast chicken, widely known today as khati-khati (describing and then ferried to Fundong where it was
the act of chopping up the roast chicken into pieces). handed back to the Kom people. Indeed,
Afo-A-Kom is, and remains, the soul of
the Kom people.



By Wanchia Cynthia
and self-confidence. A people whose energy and industry
The 2020 elec ons into the North-West Regional yesteryear inspired hope and self-determina on within
Assembly marked a turning point in the Republic of the na on of Cameroon, is burdened with the dictates of
Cameroon in general and in the two English-speaking non-representa ve warlords.
Regions in par cular. It marks a shi from a heavily Burdened by consequences of the on-going crisis
centralized system of governance to a par cipatory in the Region like physical trauma from arson, hostage-
system at three levels, namely: the local (communal), taking, kidnapping, torture and murder, the popula on
regional and na onal (central) levels. The journey was has suffered a lot of social and psychological trauma. This
not an easy one. Some people hold the opinion that has rendered the hitherto industrious popula on of the
this system used to generate fears and suspicion in North West Region highly dependent. This dependency is
some circles of State authority. If the mul -faceted first and foremost psychological, then social and invariably
fallouts on the na on are many, they may be more in economic.
the English-speaking Regions. The strategic development plan with key ac ons
In order to forge ahead without betraying the will then be developed in a regional work plan within the
aspira ons of the people, the North-West Regional a ributes devolved to the Regions by twenty Ministries of
Assembly did consulta ons at all strata of the Region the central government. A central anchor of all ac on is
to conceive a strategic development plan that will communica on and coopera on within each project. The
serve as a compass for the development of the Region key ac ons include:
for the next five years. This highly objec ve document Community Social and Mental Health project
is inspired by the now widely acclaimed mantra “Mi na The NWRA strategic plan of ac on tackles the
U, U na mi, Wi bi wi.” need to review health systems and build a mansion of
NWRA's strategic five-year plan is people ac ons. The inten on is to get a geographic and meline
oriented, centered on the proverbial community spirit spread over the 21 Health Districts from 2021 to 2025;
with ci zen par cipa on. The ambi ous plan aspires widening the scope of financing by seeking interna onal
to leave no stone unturned and leave no one behind! co-opera on that will ease the burden in human, material
This community solidarity will be built around moral and organiza onal resources. There is an urgent need for a
and civic rearmament, life skills centered educa on community Mental Health scheme with the provision of
and economic empowerment. focus groups, group and individual psycho-social ac vi es.
The major findings from the discussions with The health scheme will factor in psychotherapy, psychiatric
representa ves of the different segments of the care, and detoxifica on care with centers in the BRH, DDR,
popula on, a people known to have been strong in and REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RELAYS relying on
associa on, community solidarity and the coopera ve telemedicine, Theo-therapy and tele-care.
enterprise movement, seem to have lost self-esteem
A co m p o n e nt o f i t a l s o h a n d l e s Regional focal point, Divisional, Sub-Divisional,
communica on around ci zen par cipa on and District and village focal points. Those selected to
collec ve solidarity where no one will be le head the groups will be ci zens with tested and
behind. In that regard, so messages of love, proven altruism and commitment to the be erment
compassion and empathy for a fractured land of fellow ci zens, and will serve as models and
with people in need of post trauma/stress resource for small-scale context-driven projects. This
individual and group psychotherapy will be made outcome is to strengthen life skills development, and
available. the culture of sharing, as well as sports and theatre for
The plan will engage a flagship broad peace-building.
communica on program with digital
storytelling, tradi onal town criers, tam-tam, Regional Educa on Relief Fund
classic and community radios, TVs, social media There is no gain saying that a Region hitherto
and community theaters with movies in palaces. known as the citadel for educa on in our na on, has
The griots and folkloric tradi ons of fireside been nega vely hit by the crisis, with schools,
chats with oral transmission of values, and teachers and students targeted. There is in addi on a
cultures in the hinterland and key civil society general feeling of dissa sfac on with the products
opera ves such as the Social Safety network from our present educa onal system. Virtual
group, Community Ini a ve for Sustainable excellence, more of job seekers than job creators,
Development COMISUD, SHUMANS, Jus ce and short of innova on and crea vity are the
Peace, just to name a few, will fit in the process. characteris cs that define our na on's present-day
products of the educa on system.
Community Empowerment and voca onal Restructuring in objec ves, form and func on
project not only seems impera ve but a compulsory thing to
As per the strategic plan, the do to in comparison to other educa onal systems like
empowerment of the community and voca onal in Singapore with an eleven-month school year;
p ro j e c t w i l l m i m i c t h e a d m i n i s t ra v e Ghana and Kenya with a broader and stra fied mix of
organiza on of the Region, such that there is a grammar, technical and voca onal educa on seem to
be a rac ve. They are prac cal, so that no ma er The absence in a Region of a development finance
where formal educa on is ended, the consumer and investment instruments limits industrial ac on
has either primary, secondary or ter ary skill sets a n d st re n gt h e n s re l i a n c e o n t h e c e nt ra l
commensurate with well-defined needs in government. The North-West ethos of yester years
growing local economies begging for crea vity beaming with confidence and pride is fading as
and innova on. collec ve interest wanes at the expense of
However, as per the discussions with the individual interests. Yet, a well- designed project
cross-sec on of the Region, there is a pressing that factors a win-win approach coalesces all
need for access to educa on which has been individual concerns to cater for common good.
ba ered by armed groups. There is nothing more

frustra ng than the pain of a

ge n e ra o n o f v u l n e ra b l e
orphans, and the handicap of
war willing but unable to access
educa on. The NWRA is
encouraging village
development groups, in
collabora on with their
tradi onal rulers and other
stakeholders, to donate school
fees and needs to the needy
they iden fy. The Region will
design a transparent
management of this social pact
so that for benefactors who so
wish, their names will enter the
regional roll of development
gurus. These rolls will be
displayed in the halls of the
Regional Assembly while some
of the charitable contribu ons
may be tax-deduc ble for
Regional Investment and
Development Fund
In yester years, the people of
the North-West grouped under
co-opera ves, micro-finance
ins tu ons and banks to cater
for common interest, a culture
gradually being exported.
T h e s e g ro u ps l a c e d w i t h
common interests will invest in
essen al life- saving needs such
as potable water and energy,
amongst others.
The crea on of a Regional and
Investment Fund will provide
seed funding to a ract
financing of big projects such as
hydro-electric or solar energy
plants, which can kick-start
genuine industrializa on.



By Jude Nsom Waindim
strategy, which fully exploits local resources and
capacities, and makes best use of the area's
The purpose of Local Economic comparative advantages.
Development, LED, is to build up the
Mohr, Fourie and Associates (2015) define
economic capacity of a local area to improve
Economic Growth as an annual rate of increase in
its economic future and the quality of life for
the total production or income of the economy. As
all. It is a process by which public, business
such, a positive economic growth is measured
and non- governmental sector partners work
when the economy is above the population
collectively to create better conditions for
growth; and here, Economic Development
economic growth and employment generation
translates in the reduction of unemployment,
(World Bank). Thus, it is an on-going process
poverty and inequality in the growing economy.
by which key stakeholders and institutions
from all spheres of society, the public and Given the above definitions, each Regional
private sector, as well as civil society, work or local Municipality defines its Local Economic
jointly to create a unique advantage for the Development as the reduction of unemployment,
locality and its firms, tackle market failures, poverty and inequality in the growing economy of
remove bureaucratic obstacles for local the locality, as the Municipality's vision is about
businesses and strengthen the competitiveness delivering appropriate, sustainable and affordable
of local firms. services towards socio-economic growth for the
development of its community.
The International Labour
Organization, ILO, defines LED as a National Context
participatory process, which encourages For its economic and social development,
social dialogue and public- private Cameroon adopted in 2009 a long-term
partnerships. It enables local stakeholders to development vision, which aims to make
jointly design and implement a development

Cameroon an emerging country (NDS-30). allocate scarce resources to ensure maximum
This strategy aims at facilitating the impact, so that the Region gets the best possible
structural transformation of the national economic leverage to achieve its socio-
economy, and promoting more inclusive economic objectives.
development. In particular, it intends to Economic Development Vision of the North-
revamp the production, industrial and West Regional Assembly
manufacturing sector by promoting domestic Based on this understanding, the economic
consumption and production in strategic development vision and strategic intent of the
fields. NDS30 is, therefore, a reflection of the North-West Regional Assembly should be
legitimate aspirations of a people, determined as follows:
determined to provide its input to our
country's emergence, in a spirit of social The seven Divisions and 34 Councils of the
cohesion. It is increasingly the expression of Region should grow and develop through social
a renewed call for mobilizing the sons and partnerships, so that all people benefit from the
daughters of our country, within the country economy and have equitable access to social
and the diaspora, to work positively in favour services. Here, our focus is on a local economy
of the irreversible drive towards Nation mainly animated by Tontines (Njangi; Nctwah),
building. Thrift and Loan Schemes, Microfinance
Institutions, Farmers Cooperatives, Common
2021 growth projections in Cameroon Initiative Groups, Credit Unions, et cetera.
stood at 3.3%, thus, aligning to strong
strategic options contained in the NDS-30, For our economic development of our
such as structural transformation, human communities to thus take root in sustainability,
capital development, strengthening our Regional Economic Strategic Intent (RESI)
governance and decentralization, revisiting should be to maximize the economic value and
public policies and supporting production job-creation potential of our Districts and
and processing daily consumer products. Divisions, through a strengthening of the
comparative advantages of priority sectors and
Regional and Local Economic creating competitive advantage in the
Development agricultural and livestock production and
The economy of the North-West processing sectors.
Region as a whole, and that of its local Of course, the economy of our
communities, cannot be discussed outside of Municipalities does not operate in a vacuum; it
the economic imperatives of the NDS-30. Of is affected and influenced by changes at the
course, in line with Law No. 2019/024 of 24 Regional, national and global stage. It is,
December 2019, Regional and Local therefore, important to set the local economic
Authorities have the legal mandate and development strategy within the framework of
obligation to align LED initiatives with national and more particularly Regional policies
national priorities, so as to strengthen and and legislation.
support the capacity of local government,
make available financial and technical Stakeholder roles and Responsibilities in
resources to implement and sustain LED, LED
share information regularly on economic The promotion of economic growth and
trends, land use, investment and new development is an integrated effort for all key
developments with municipalities, monitor stakeholders in the local community. This
and evaluate the impact of LED initiatives. In means that all key stakeholders in a Municipal
this light, therefore, the Region is positioned area must work together to tackle challenges,
in such a way that it has to maximize the find ways to ensure the provision of services in a
economic potentials offered by its natural sustainable manner, in order to create conducive
endowments, making choices about where to

environments for the creation of job Recognizing their power is an important part of
opportunities. LED.
These stakeholders should not only be the end- c) Stimulators/entrepreneurs
beneficiaries of LED interventions. They must Communities stimulate business
be involved in: planning for LED; creation or expansion through: identification
implementation of LED; monitoring and and support for markets; partnerships; and non-
evaluation of LED. profit organizations identify gaps and areas of
Government officials and politicians need in communities and then design and
have a combination of roles to play, including develop programmes to address these needs.
the roles of manager/co-coordinator, d) Facilitator
facilitator, investor, representative and
regulator. However, as stated earlier, the local Non-profit organizations facilitate outside
economy is inextricably linked to the District, expertise and resources to meet needs through:
Division, Region and national economies. dissemination of information; support for
Each Division has a role to play in respect to targeted groups; facilitation of development
coordination between surrounding areas, funding; facilitation of partnerships between
facilitation of sector strategies and investment different stakeholders to address a need or
in Division-wide initiatives. The Region and deliver a project; process facilitator.
central government have roles as regulators, e) Investor
investors and coordinators. Thus, our local Non-profit organizations are a
government (Councils) must play all the significant resource in a community. The
various roles in partnership with the Division commitment and passion of members along
and Region with the funds raised can be used to drive and
The Role of the Community stimulate aspects of the local economy. This
Their buying, selling, building, saving role is at times shared with the public sector,
and investing lie at the heart of community parastatals, communities and the private sector,
organization, culture and identity. To ignore who choose to become partners in the
the community voice in a LED process would development of a project, area or target group.
be to miss a fundamental constituency. The Role of the Private Sector
a) Labour While the role of business in LED is widely
Organized labour is an important acknowledged, there is a tendency only to focus
stakeholder in the implementation of LED on big businesses and the formal sector. The
initiatives and programmes. Increasing the informal sector also has an important role to
number of jobs is a key objective of LED. Job play as investor and entrepreneur across the
seekers, as well as those already employed, formal and informal divide.
must be consulted in the LED process. Labour Lessons from Beyond:
represents the backbone of the economy. The Rwandan Experience: Rising from the
Workers have a role as productive human ashes
capital, as consumers and as political interest
groups. The potential of the North-West Region
to rise out of the ashes of the socio- political
b) Consumers/investors quack mire it finds itself at the moment, cannot
Without consumption, the local be over-emphasized. This is a socio- politico-
economy would not grow at an acceptable ethnographic polity, which reflects the entire
level. By choosing where to spend their money, nation's cosmopolitan architecture; a people,
on what products and on what suppliers, whose core values come out distinctly in what
communities invest in the local economy daily.

binds them together: Peace- Justice-Unity- in the North West Regional Assembly of
Hard Work-Solidarity. Cameroon:
Of course, many potential partners, donors We are resolved to rise above our most
and international Decentralized Cooperation immediate, short-term and long-term
experts thinking of the Bamenda Highlands of challenges, by simply following strong
Cameroon at the moment, only see a shooting examples, despite the deep crisis. After all, as
war of, and against secession. Yes, they see the Rwandan experience admonishes, a bad
violence in all its most base forms: they see past does not mean a bad future!!!
internal displacements and the urgent need for Yes! The people of the Bamenda Highlands of
humanitarian assistance; they see a lackluster Cameroon have all the potential and
approach to an announced Presidential possibilities to become the change we set out to
Reconstruction Programme of the devasted effect; determined more than ever before,
areas of the two most afflicted English- never to be held down by what is happening
speaking Regions of the North-West and and would have happened in the past: The
South-West. future is the target!
Indeed, some simply still anchor the current This future, of course, and this, we have in
impasse on “Bad Governance,” given abundance to offer, is anchored on a triple
especially the recent turn-of-events around the heritage:
country's administrative response to the
COVID-19 pandemic, further sinking the Ø The diverse culture, customs and
country into more vestiges of disease, crime, traditions of our people.
poverty, corruption and the possibility of more Ø A virgin and budding tourism industry,
violence. animated by a people with legendary
However, what many of such observers hospitality, friendship and warmth.
do not really come to terms with, is the glaring Ø A traditional, participatory sense of
fact that in the midst of all this melee, there is a belonging, and ownership of
particular group of people with the will, zeal, community, self-reliant, sustainable
determination and drive to make a big development.
difference: The North West Regional T h e S i n g a p o re E c o n o m i c M i r a c l e :
Assembly. And we draw our inspiration from Integrated Land-Use Planning Experience
The constraints of limited land, that is, 718km,
Rising from the ashes of a genocide of of which 23.7% was reclaimed from the sea,
no common compare, this is a country, which sustains a population of 5.5 million
has developed so fast that in world-record inhabitants, with no natural resources. The
time, it has become the only country in the City-State of Singapore is highly
word to distribute medical supplies and blood industrialized and depends on importation of
to the most remote of areas using drones; a everything, including food. Long-term Land-
country that already operates a one-laptop- Use Planning plays a key role in the success
per-child school programme, having launched story of this city, which has a 1.9%
a satellite to provide internet to rural schools: unemployment rate and 90.5% home-
the Singapore of Africa, indeed! With the ownership, with 100% access to clean water
fastest economy, Rwanda has become one of and virtually all their projects are fully
the safest and cleanest countries, and to say the implemented and realized. This is done
least, it has become a model State to the rest of through close Inter-Agency collaboration,
Africa. some of which are:
The Rwandan experience speaks to us - National Parks Authority, with one of

its success stories being Gardens by quality of life, a competitive economy and a
the Bay Project, where a land size of sustainable environment at the top, resting on a
more than five (05) hectares was broader base of an integrated Master Planning and
reclaimed from the sea and a tourist development, and a broad-based dynamic urban
park for all categories developed. governance supporting this system.
- National Environmental Agency, The Transport system in Singapore is part of the
with one of its success stories being the integrated approach, where the public transport
Semakau Landfill and Waste Water mode is encouraged in order to reduce traffic and
Treatment Plant, which covers a total car dependency. This is done through a mass rapid
area of 350 hectares of land being transit system (MRT). Private Car ownership is
reclaimed from the sea for this project. discouraged through additional registration fee,
It is expected to handle all Singapore excise duty, road tax, petrol duty, high cost
waste till 2035 and is serving not only as parking and electronic road pricing. This is only
an Education, Tourist and Research after the car owner would have obtained a
Centre, but equally in the process, Certificate of Entitlement (COE) through an online
building land that would be handed to bidding process to own a car. The Central Business
the Land Authority for redevelopment District (CBD) is carved out as a restricted zone for
as a small island in 2035. The goal of vehicle entry. The Land Transport Authority is
environmental sustainability is to see a in charge of policy, planning, development,
clean, green and good living management, regulation and enforcement of
environment. control in the transport sector under a land
As a compact and high-density city, integrated transport Master Plan. Here, 75% of
public housing and public transport planning transportation at peak hours is made through public
and development, ensure that planning is done transport (bus or train).
before development, and all approvals effected Infrastructure financing is part of
before any construction is done, the Master Singapore's fiscal policy, whereby no borrowing
Plan being the sole guide. In this case, the main for spending is allowed and all money borrowed is
drivers of a sustainable development hinge on channeled into investments. With corporate and
the environment, society and economy, with personal income taxes classified as low when
growth guaranteed through compared to international standards, government
DECENTRALISATION. The city has been remains the key supplier of main public
transformed from a garden city to a city in the infrastructure. Public services are largely delivered
garden, the key planning principles being: on fees charged, based on full cost recovery. Merit
· Adopting an integrated approach. goods infrastructure, which include housing,
education and health care, have government
· Having flexibility within certainty.
interventions through agencies and co-payments by
· Taking a long-term view. users.
· Having an open and transparent Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) is seen in the
system. sectors of Water and Waste Management. Approval
· Taking a balanced view towards process for projects is as follows: Establishing need
social, business and environmental for project; Feasibility studies of project;
needs. preliminary design; final design; Call for Tender;
Award of Tender.
In a nutshell, the success story of Singapore
rests on an Urban Systems Approach for For the North-West Regional Assembly to give
Planning and Developing a Liveable City. meaning its vision for a new North-West Region,
we have more than just one leaf to borrow from best
This is an outcome of an interwoven
practices beyond.

Njangi Revolu on


By VictoryMarshal Ayafor Basang

H ave you ever been a member of a

njangi group? Are you currently a
member of one? What's your
experience with njangi groups? Did you know
that the rise of the self-help groups in the
investment clubs. Njangi if properly harnessed
can be a sure way to create local wealth and
investment capital in our communi es.
In the North West Region, there are es mated
to be over 30,000 Njangis that control up to a
total of 30 billion francs CFA in assets. And
North West Region commonly known as according to a report by Financial Sector
njangi groups? These njangis are most o en Deepening Cameroon, (FSD Cameroon), an
pioneered by women. In this ar cle we are organiza on working to promote financial
going to dwell profoundly on what Successful inclusion in Cameroon, Njangis were already
Njangis Know & Do, Why Many Fail. being used by 41% of Cameroonians by 2018.
Well, most of us can vividly remember FSD Cameroon traces the origin of Njangis to
how our parents and their friends would meet women labour groups. Although Njangis
a er a certain period of me and make tended to be for women mostly, over the years
contribu ons and discussions on finances a er their growth and huge successes, men
over a cup of palm wine or raffia or food like have also opted-in.
fufu corn or achu. More than ever before, we Njangis typically used a merry-go-round
need such common ini a ves to booster the structure in which all members contribute a
economy of our region. certain fixed amount monthly or weekly or
'Njangi' is a term used to describe self-help even daily. The amount is then given to one of
groups in the North-WestRegion. A Njangi is the members in turns.
an informal coopera ve society that is used to Over me many Njangis have started to
accumulate and invest in savings. Njangis are formalize with some even registering as
companies inves ng in various areas including
also referred to as micro-savings or

agriculture, Common ini a ve groups, associa ons business ventures.
and other organiza ons. A common feature that has Njangis are a great way for people to meet and make
been maintained is table banking - where members can valuable contacts and also meet like-minded people. Since
borrow from the pool of contribu ons available. these groups consist of people from different lines of
Njangis (in all their different forms) are so popular in professions and backgrounds, it is an opportunity to build
the North West Region that financial industry analysts healthy rela onships and create long-las ng friendships.
es mate that at least one third of North Westerners Njangis provide discipline and structure.
belong to one. Personal/individual saving proves a challenge for many
“One in every three adult North Westerner is a people and being in a Njangi will allow you to contribute to
member of an investment or this njangi groups. We the savings group either monthly or weekly and it's not easy
believe that these njangi groups have a lot of poten al. to break your commitment because other members are
If the capital they have is properly harnessed, it would there to keep you accountable and disciplined.
help our Region immensely,” says Prince Ayafor A Njangi creates a source of wealth. You can save and raise a
George, the chairman and President of the Royalty certain amount of capital you require for a project much
Investment and Njangi Group (RING). faster than you would as an individual. Inves ng creates a
Advantages of Njangi Membership long-term return on wealth.
According to RING, some of the advantages of Njangi Why Most Njangis Fail
membership include; Many Njangis start with the big picture of being the
Njangi lowers the risk level of the members' very best place to save, borrow, and invest. However,
personal loss because they make savings and according to sta s cs, either most Njangis collapse within
investments as a group and therefore, in case the the first two years of forma on, or the members become
profits or interests are not realized as projected, dissa sfied because their goals are not being met or some
individual loss is very minimal. members are irregular, thereby bringing some significant
Njangis allow members to learn and benefit setbacks in the njangi group .
from the shared ideas and experiences with other Here, are some of the reasons why most Njangis here in the
members. Through mee ngs and interac ons, Region fail:
members can get the opportunity to research, analyze 1. Lack of transparency
and spot different viable opportuni es, hence Transparency is one of the major reasons why Njangis go
providing a learning opportunity. under. Lack of honesty with funds and bank or financial
Njangis have a way of boos ng our local economy and statements could lead to the failure of a Njangi.
financially empowering its members, since most In most cases, with irresponsible members, especially as
members borrow from with defined interest rates or part of the Exco, njangi groups fail to seamlessly account for
benefit from the njangis to set up or enhance their

all their financial transac ons. Research by FSD you have a clear leadership structure and proper record
Cameroon has shown that the and embezzlement of of mee ng minutes, and your cash flow as well. Agree
funds in Njangis stand at 13%. on how o en you would like to have mee ngs and how
With the ever-increasing technology, Njangis can now your mee ng will be structured as well.
even use mobile phone applica ons to be er manage iii. Handle everything professionally even if you just
their savings. began the Njangi as friends. Professionalism ensures
that in case anything happens like a fallout, your
Digital Apps that can help your njangi and savings records are well kept or you don't borrow out a sum of
group to manage all your group investments including; money to a member that is bigger than their holdings or
helping in financial record keeping thus allowing for a savings in the njangi coffers.
more transparent flow of resources.
2. Leadership problems in the Njangi group iv. Review your progress as a group
Elec ng leaders for a Njangi is key to its success. If the During your monthly or weekly mee ngs, let that be an
leaders are effec ve, the Njangi becomes effec ve. open floor for the members to give their sugges ons,
The problem is that many Njangis fail at crea ng an ideas, cri cism, and allow them to voice their opinions,
effec ve formula of selec ng reliable leaders. Sane, requests and concerns etc. That can come in handy
trustworthy leadership might be all you need for your because during such mee ngs you gain insight on how
Njangi to func on smoothly and blossom. to be er your njangi savings and investments. It is a
me to review your group and check how far you have
3. Failing to have clearly set rules come and how you'd want to progress even further.
A sailor cannot operate a ship without a compass
because they will either get lost, crash or sink the ship. v. Go beyond your money and savings goals.
For any njangi scheme to sail well, you need to have set In as much as your njangi is a professional or local
rules and regula ons that will be your guide. They may economic empowerment ini a ve, recognize that
not be complicated rules but simple rules like me members have a life beyond the group. You can build
management and contribu on deadlines can actually great rela onships that are more than just contribu ng
make a njangi fall if not properly adhered to. You need and saving in your njangi. Build each other up. If one of
to have a guiding framework for all the members with you has a wedding, burial, hospital bill, or gradua on
the consequences of breaking them for your you can come together and organize how you can come
investment group to succeed. through for them and stand with them. Make your
How Can You Make the Best of Your Njangi? impact go beyond only your njangi mee ngs.
To conclude, Merry-go-rounds and Njangis
i. Have a shared purpose have become a way of life for many here in the region.
As members of the njangi or savings group, And coming together to achieve a common goal is a
what is your goal? What are you saving towards? What great thing. Njangis provide an opportunity for most
do you want to achieve? Do you have a shared goal of people to create a transparent way to raise and invest
what you want to achieve? What projects would you resources, thereby promo ng the economy of the
like to invest in as members? How much will you region. Since you have people to ensure accountability,
contribute and within what period to ensure that you this makes it easier for many to be commi ed and
are actually working towards actualizing your goal? Do consistent. If well managed, a njangi can be a great
you want to lend money to members? If so, how much informal way of harnessing capital, bringing about self-
and at what interest rate? improvement, local development and achieving
financial success.
ii. Ensure that you adopt professionalism
Once you have iden fied your specific goals as
a group, it is important to have leaders who will ensure
that there is a smooth running of events and finances.
Elect a chairperson, a treasurer, and a secretary
according to how you decide together. This will help

NW Economy in focus

By VictoryMarshal Ayafor Basang & Sylvia Waindim Cameroon,

the African

T he North-West shares boundary with the Developmen

Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Region is t Bank and
spread on a surface area of 17,910 km² with a Beneficiary
population evaluated at over 3 million. It has seven Communities.
Divisions and 34 Sub-Divisions. GP-DERUDEP
The economy of the Region is agriculture-based, with has as objective to
the existence of organizations, which are charged with contribute to poverty
improving seeds of high-yielding crop varieties, alleviation in the
constructing and rehabilitation of water schemes as rural areas of the
well as preserving livestock and contributing to local North-West Region
development. through increasing the
The Upper Noun Development Authority incomes of rural
(UNVDA) is one of the organizations in charge of farmers by stepping up
boosting the economy of the Region with the agricultural output and
cultivation of rice. With the existence of heavy improving their socio-
equipment for rice-farming production, production e c o n o m i c
areas have been increased by 10,000 hectares and this environment.
has created employment for many youths in the Region It has been
This development corporation was created in ensuring the expansion of arable areas and the
1970 by Presidential Decree No 70/DF/529 of October intensification of production through traction, improved
29, 1970, and later was transformed into a development seeds, inputs, notably organic fertilizer, suitable
authority by Presidential Decree No 78/157 of May 11, technological packages and methods for reducing post-
1978. Its present statutory area of intervention touches harvest losses. This component also facilitates the
five Divisions of the North-West and West Regions of integration of crops and livestock for better management
Cameroon, namely: Mezam, Ngoketunjia and Bui in of agro-pastoral area, animal health improvement and the
the North-West, and Noun and Bamboutos in the West promotion of short cycle livestock rearing and fish
Region. farming, as well as access to marketing facilities.
The Presidential Decree No. 78/157 of May 11, 1978 Further, the North-West is one of highest cattle producing
gives UNVDA the mandate to handle the development and livestock rearing Regions in Cameroon, ranked
of the agricultural sector in the Upper Noun Valley and second after the Adamawa Region. Different species of
redefines its functions within the framework of direct cattle breed abound in the North-West Region.
intervention in rice production, processing and The Region can boast of the biggest tea plantation
marketing. UNVDA equally gives technical and in Cameroon: The Ndu Tea Estate spreads over 1,568
material support to farmers, organizing them into hectares and produces 1,600 tons, employing thousands of
professional groups for seed multiplication, and workers.
opening up of access roads. In 2018 UNVDA The Region also specializes in the production Irish
developed more 7,000 hectares of rice fields, up from potatoes found in Santa Sub-Division of Mezam Division,
3,400, which had been developed from the available Bui Division and some parts of Boyo Division. The Irish
15,000 hectares. potatoes are sold in markets found in Yaounde and Douala,
We also have the Grassfield Participatory and as well as in neighbouring countries like Nigeria, Gabon
Decentralized Rural Development Project (GP- and Equitorial Guinea.
DERUDEP). It is a poverty alleviation initiative co- More so, the Region is also reputed for the
funded by the Government of the Republic of cultivation of green leafy spices and vegetables. Santa
Sub-Division is first in the cultivation of spices that are

Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
(CEMAC), the North-West Regional Assembly is handling
various projects to revitalize the economy, such as the
creation of a dry port where sea cargo will be trans-shipped
into inland destinations, an Agricultural Development
Agency to address barriers regarding commercialization for
farmers and access to affordable capital for farmers, a
circular economy to eliminate waste, circulate products at
their highest value and regenerate nature and a project to
process and transform locally produced food. These projects
are bound to boost the economy and offer employment to
sold in markets all over the country. There are also In addition to these projects, the youths of the
vegetables (huckleberry) that are cultivated in large Region have demonstrated high levels of entrepreneurship
parts of Ngoketunjia and transported to markets in across different sectors, from entertainment, gastronomy,
Yaounde and Douala. to innovative initiatives such as the melon seeds cracking
Tomatoes and other fruits such as watermelon machine, the peanut coating machine by Kwe Juliette, the
are cultivated in large quantities in Ngoketunjia hand washing machine by Njini Daniel, the model plane
Division and sold all over the country. Due to the fertile invented by Tsague Vidiol, to name just a few.
nature of its soil, food produce like carrots, green The North West Region is a land of full potential and
beans, leaks, Irish potatoes and spices are the main craftsmanship. To a certain extent, the cultural identity of a
cash crops of Santa Sub-Division. typical “graffi” man is mainly characterized by a rich and
The Region also has a reserve of palm oil steadily growing craftsmanship and skill acquisition
production. Some areas in Momo Division (Widikum, industry. All around the Region, one will discover youth
Ngie and Batibo) are rich in the cultivation of palm oil. apprentices acquiring skills and empowering themselves in
Government, through the Ministry of Economy, handicrafts like woodworks, pottery, sculpture, basket
Planning and Regional Development, has plans of making, rattan cane products, and various works of crafts.
constructing a palm oil transformation unit in Ngie The North-West Handicraft Village situated at Mile 4
Sub-Division. This is expected to process palm oil in Junction Nkwen-Bamenda, the Bamenda Handicraft Centre
large quantities that could be sold in international at Finance Junction and the Prescraft at Commercial Avenue
markets. are all artisanal hubs for the exhibition and
The economy of the North-West Region is poised to commercialization of these products.
receive a big boost with the creation of a dry port and Each of the seven Divisions of the Region is also blessed
establishment of projects aimed at harnessing local with fertile land that produces natural traditional flavours
production despite being the Region experiencing the like the sweet raffia or palm wine and nature's harvest like
second highest inflation rate in Cameroon, given the the undiluted natural honey from Oku.
ongoing crises, COVID 19. Elsewhere, the war The Mbengwi Monastery at the heart of Momo
between Russia and Ukraine is causing war-induced Division is best known for the following economic activities
prices on basic commodities like flour and cereal in the that help boost the economy of the Division and the Region
Region, which build up to an inflation rate of 4.4% at large: medicinal products, candles, pigs and dog rearing,
second to 4.5% in the South Region as declared by the production of wine, honey rearing/harvesting, cattle rearing
National Institute of Statistics in their May 2022 for beef, production of butter/cheese/yohurt and many other
report. dairy products. The Emmanuel Sisterhood in Bafut is also a
Despite this inflation rate of 4.4% being above renowned production centre for delicious dairy products
the 3% tolerable inflation rate as declared by the like cheese, milk bread, yoghurt and other delicacies.

By Ruth Che Wanchong
hospital is first, to provide quality health-care to the
The North-West Region prides itself on population, and secondly, to provide pedagogic support
renowned medical facilities. It is worthy to note that to health training institutions in the Region. The
patients across the country find solace when they hospital offers training to medical schools such as the
step foot in the Region, especially in health facilities Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bamenda,
such as the Bamenda Regional Hospital; Mbingo medical laboratory schools, and other nursing
Baptist Hospital; the Shisong Cardiac Centre; Acha institutions around the Region. Most of the medical
Annex; Banso Baptist Hospital; and a host of many doctors working here are also teachers in the University
others, with some of the fine brains as far as medical of Bamenda. Thus, the hospital serves as a practising
specializations are concerned. school.
In and around Bamenda, patients are all One of the objectives of the hospital is
referred to the Bamenda Regional Hospital because operational research. The students come to the
it is highly equipped with a cream of experts, who Bamenda Regional Hospital to touch and feel the reality,
are doing a great job in almost all health domains. face the patients and to practise the various pathologies
Furthermore, all the Divisions and Sub-Divisions of they have studied in school. There is equally a reference
the Region have health facilities - public and private laboratory therein for tuberculosis, while other partners
- offering health care in local communities. In come for research in HIV/AIDS. The catch phrase here
general terms, most staff of these health facilities is collaborate with the community.
work hard to uphold the ethics of the profession. In This Regional referral hospital boasts of a
all the Baptist health facilities, for example, their qualified and competent staff strength of close to 500
Motto reads, “The CBC Health Board seeks to assist workers, out of whom 41 are doctors. The hospital has
in the provision of health care to all who need it as an one Internal Medicine Doctor (an internist), a
expression of Christ's love.” Hence, they do not play Neurologist in charge of nerve problems, an
around with their patients since health-care to them ophthalmologist in charge of eye-related issues, and
is a way of expressing Christian love to their clients. three gynaecologists. This is a whole team, besides
The Bamenda Regional Hospital laboratory technicians, nurses, nutritionists, hygiene
The Bamenda Regional Hospital, a State- and sanitation staff, midwives and mental health related
owned hospital for the entire Region, is a referral specialists.
hospital created in 1956. The main mission of this

Elizabeth Hospital Shisong and the Banso Baptist
Being a referral hospital, the Bamenda Regional Hospital have training schools for health personnel.
Hospital receives referrals from all over the nation,
as far as Douala, Bafoussam, Widikum, Ndop, etc. It Mbingo Baptist Hospital
has one of finest Imaging Centres, as well as a Mbingo Baptist Hospital is a referral hospital in
Haemodialysis Centre. The hospital equally carries Cameron and the West Africa Sub Region; it is an
out blood transfusions; however, it does not fabricate approved HIV/AIDS treatment center. It serves as a
blood. Blood transfused into patients is donated by training centre for the Pan African Academy of
goodwill Cameroonians. Christian Surgeons (PAACS) and the Christian Internal
Medicine Specialization programmes (CIMS).
St. Elizabeth Hospital Shisong and the Banso The Hospital began in 1952 as a Leprosy Settlement. In
Baptist Hospital (BBH) 1965, the General Hospital became an up-shoot of the
Other renowned health facilities in the Region are L e p ro s y S e t t l e m e n t . T h e H o s p i t a l p ro v i d e s
the St. Elizabeth Hospital Shisong and the Banso comprehensive health-care among which the following
Baptist Hospital (BBH) in Bui Division. services standout: general nursing, eye surgery, general
The St. Elizabeth Hospital Shisong has a Cardiac surgery, orthopaedic surgery, Ear, Nose & Throat
Center (the only one in the whole of Central Africa), (ENT) surgery, surgical and internal medicine residency
which has successfully operated a good number of programs, vocational training and rehabilitation.
cardiac patients in the country. Both the St.

The Region: VOX POP

The People Speak

What the Population Thinks about the of investing efforts in back-to-school is a
North-West Regional Assembly, its Role perfect way in bringing back lasting peace in
and the Peace-Building Process our communities.
We also received financial support for
The North-Westerner Magazine was on the the Regional Inclusive Education Resource
streets to sample people's opinion on what the Centre in which the Regional Assembly seats
North-West Regional Assembly is all about on the Stakeholders Committee. This has
and what its role is in the peace-building given the Regional Assembly a human face.
process. Read their impressions.
Mr. Ngwang Roland,
NW Regional Delegate for Secondary
Useful Partner for Education Education.

The North-West Regional Assembly is

very active and Wealth-Creation Regional Assembly
present at all As the Sub-Divisional Chair, Bda III
major public Coordinating Unit of Association of Persons
events, with with Disabilities, CUAPWD, I have been
f o r m a l privileged with others to have a time out with
presentations on the North-West Regional Assembly. In
its mission and December 2021, the Regional Assembly, in
appeals for partnership with UNDP, organized an end of
citizens of the year festival
Region to return with the
to reason and population of
embrace peace. the entire
It aids in direct R e g i o n ,
support as well people living
as material/financial assistance to various w i t h
sectors of the community and vulnerable disabilities
groups inclusive. I
To be more precise, I will like to talk on saw this as a
the sector that concerns me, Education. The bridge to
N o r t h - We s t R e g i o n a l A s s e m b l y h a s consolidate
enormously offered support to the education peace and
sector, especially in the back-to-school build the bond
campaign for the effective school resumption of unity the Region so badly needs. We were
of the 2021/2022 school year. This led to able to commune together and to participate in
improved school enrolment compared to the the peace and unity talent show, arts and crafts
last three years. Communities with functional exhibition, even as we shared a common meal.
schools in the Region are more stable and more The highlight of this particular festival for me
peaceful than those where schools are not was the start-up seed capital ranging from CFA
functional. The Regional Assembly's approach 25,000 CFA 100,000 that was given to some
meritorious youth to start up their respective

income-generation economic activities. s o c i a l
cohesion in
Benedicta Akumbom, all human
Sub-Divisional Chair, Bda III societies.
Coordinating Unit of Association of They talk to
Persons with Disabilities, CUAPW. people in
v a r i o u s
Inspiration for Development communities
through their
I have not heard very much of the
North-West Regional Assembly. So, I believe
rulers in the
they have to do a lot of sensitization to make
House of
the population know much about them.
Chiefs on the importance to avoid hate speech,
However, for what I know, I guess they have
which can easily cause tension amongst them.
some developmental projects to carry out in
They equally use women to talk to youths,
the Region. This
especially so as women have a motherly and
will help solve
carrying way of advising the youths on the
some issues
importance of being disciplined and avoiding
raised by the
unnecessary conflicts.
l o c a l
and the problems Deborah Abato
raised by those Bamenda inhabitant.
advocating for
Our community
problems will be More Sensitization Needed
identified and I have just
solved right here heard of the
by us in the NW. They actually have a role like N o r t h - We s t
our local Councils. But they are at the Regional Regional
level. Just the fact that we can determine our Assembly
problems and have a say in their solution with from a friend,
the help of the Regional Assembly is enough to who was going
enhance the peace process in the Region. there to drop
her documents
Princess Mefor Ayafor f o r
Santa inhabitant. employment.
She herself did
not know
much about
Crusader for Peace what the Regional Assembly is all about. So, I
suggest if much communication can be done on
All I know about them is that it is a
what it is all about, I think it will do much good
house with Divisional Representatives and a
for the North-West population.
House of Chiefs. I will actually love to know
more about the Regional Assembly and what it Mr. Naphtaly Atia
has to offer to us the North-Westerners. I know Bamenda City dweller
they have been preaching peace and letting
people know the importance of a peaceful .

Give Visibility a Chance
If I must be honest, and as an active
Peace-Building House youth who works on a daily basis with the
The North-West Regional Assembly is a population, I will say, the North-West
decentralized elective institution, unique to Regional Assembly is not branding itself well
Cameron's North-West and South-West since its
Regions. The Regional Assembly brings the creation. They
State closer to the masses through the 70 are not visible
members of the House of Divisional as expected.
Representatives and 20 members of the The first time I
House of Chiefs. heard about
It is expected, in them was on
line with the Television on
deepening of the the day of their
decentralization installation.
process, to M o v i n g
attend to the around the
development streets, people
needs of the literally do not
peace-hungry know the House; they do not know that a
people of the structure like that exists. So, I suggest they
N o r t h - We s t have a lot of communication to do to give the
Region. structure visibility. They have to make the
As for its role in the Peace-Building population of the Region feel them through
Process, hoping that the President of the the local developmental projects they should
North-West Regional Assembly will assume be carrying out in the communities. If they
his full powers as Chief Executive Officer of have to be successful in the peace-building
the North-West Region; pending the process, they should not forget actively
devolution of all powers and resources involving the youth, bearing in mind that
provided for by Law No. 2019/024 of 24 some of them, in their youthful energy and
December 2019 to institute the General Code exuberance, are the ones distorting the peace
of Regional and Local Authorities; while of the nation. The North-West Regional
aware that the North-West Region has for the Assembly should bring the youths closer and
most part been in a development coma; sell their vision to them and see how they can
Regional Councillors must abhor greed, use them as Ambassadors of Peace and
personal interests and make the North-West Agents of Positive Change or Nation-
Regional Assembly the hope of the masses. Building.
ATIA Tilarious, Atigi Samuel.
Bamenda inhabitant. Youth Coach and Civil Society

Arts, Culture & Society


By Tilarious A a
Social life in Cameroon's North-West Region is the richest tradi ons and features on the con nent, as well
quite interes ng and most people find it difficult living as a huge number of an qui es.
in other Regions, if they have stayed in the North-West Found in the western highlands of Cameroon, the North-
before. West Region is bordered to the southwest by the South-
Despite the chaos and poverty, Cameroonians West Region, to the south by the West Region, to the east
are friendly people, and North-Westerners are no by the Adamawa Region and to the north by Nigeria.
excep on. They have pride in their cultural iden ty and The North-West Region is about the most vibrant Region in
are usually eager to share informa on about their the country, playing host to people from all spheres of life,
Region and people. Although most North-Westerners different social and cultural backgrounds, na onali es,
are ba ling with their own challenges, there is s ll a regions, ethnic groups and religions. Visitors on first arrival
thirst for life, and energy and crea vity ensure that into the bustling Region will most likely have their senses
locals do what they must to survive. overwhelmed by the chaos, noise and traffic that
The North-West Region, home to the Toghu characterise some of the Region's major ci es like
regalia, is Cameroon's most revered Region, with an Bamenda and Kumbo.
es mated popula on of about three million, three The lifestyle in the North-West Region is fast-paced and,
hundred thousand inhabitants. Its regional capital is with some of the fastest growing ci es in Cameroon, hustle
Bamenda. and bustle abound.
Affec onately referred to as Abakwa and/or Mankon Visitors are quick to fall in love with the Region's
Town, Bamenda is said to be the thermometer of beau ful topography, from the exquisitely beau ful
Cameroon's socio-poli cal life. plateaus with misty waterfalls and springs, to the
This capital of Cameroon's North-West Region protected jungles like the one in Alankie, the sacred forest
is known for its cool climate and scenic hilly loca on, as in Mankon. Its streams and rivers are replete with
well as its hardworking and self-reliant popula on. hammerhead mudfish, giant lapia fish, among other
It also boasts of the biggest socio-cultural heritage water creatures like the choicest fish species that come
unknown to any other region in Africa, housing some of

Bamenda by Night

markets, is located in the heart of Bamenda, just a stone's

from Bambalang in Ngoketunjia Division. throw from the Bamenda Food Market. Other markets are
The Region is loved for its culture, local cuisines, and located in high-brow neighbourhoods across the Region
the ground-breaking architecture of most palaces. It is and therein bargaining is essen al. Most seasoned
also loved for its farms, schools, hospitals, streets, hagglers will agree that star ng at a third of the asking price
markets, eateries, Toghu designs, ar sts, natural and se ling at half is the best approach.
touch, palm wine and corn beer joints. The North-West is a cosmopolitan Region and a
The Region is loved for its boldness, toughness, mel ng pot of cultures. This is evident in the cuisine on
resilience, stardom, and ten-thousand-year-old offer in Bamenda, where there are plenty of modern
history. restaurants serving both local and interna onal dishes.
The streets of the Region's capital city are Restaurants are largely concentrated in the more affluent
constantly li ered with vendors selling whatever they areas of the Region's capital, and food vendors line the
can get their hands on. streets of the commercial districts.
When one talks of ge ng varie es of things to buy The tradi onal staples are a variety of green
ranging from clothing to shoes, accessories, gadgets, vegetables (mostly huckleberry) and roast chicken (kha -
electronics and any other thing one can think of, kha ) eaten with processed corn, called fufu. Pounded
Bamenda is the best bet. Shopping in Bamenda is a cocoyam (achu) and a variety of soup (yellow soup – ndza-
colourful affair, whether it involves markets, or niki and black soup – ndza-te ) are also widely eaten. There
bou ques. are also other varie es of local Cameroonian dishes sold in
Western-type shopping facili es can be found restaurants and roadsides by food vendors.
across the city and are full of local and interna onal One cannot talk about the affairs of ci es in the North-West
fashion brands. Fashion in the North-West is a unique without men oning nightlife and entertainment in
mix of African and Western styles, and visitors who Bamenda, Kumbo, Wum, Nkambe, Fundong, Ndop and
come from other countries find it fascina ng to have Mbengwi, which keep the Region lively and bubbling.
na ve clothing made by tailors and seamstresses. Bamenda residents, for example, use this nightlife to
The Bamenda Main Market, one of Cameroon's largest unwind and ease themselves of the stress of a hec c day
and the challenges of the me. Art, entertainment and
music form an integral part of the North-West culture and
its capital city has a thriving nightlife. The Region is famous
throughout Africa for its music and art.

There are dozens of nightclubs and live music Market and Mile 4 Nkwen begins booming like a beehive at
venues across the Region. Western music, hip hop and nigh all with the smell of roast fish and chicken filling the
tradi onal African bands are popular forms of air.
entertainment and some music studios are located in Even amidst the uncertainty, the people of
Bamenda. Before now, Bamenda used to be the heart Bamenda s ll find me to eat heavily and drink lavishly.
of Cameroon's film industry, o en referred to as The President of the Regional Execu ve Council, Professor
'Collywood,' which is the fi h largest film industry in Fru Fobuzshi Angwafo III, who was elected President on
Africa a er Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. the 22nd of December, 2020, clearly has even be er plans
Foreigners moving to the North-West may take a while for the Region in terms of its social standard and
to get used to living in such a Region with vast ci es, development. Some of the plans of the President of the
and many will find themselves living in insular Regional Execu ve Council are ed around the social life
expatriate communi es behind high walls and and welfare of the Region and its people.
security gates, far removed from the reality of life in While sta ng his vision for the North-West, he revealed his
the Region like is the case in Bamenda's Foncha Street plans to improve the social standard of the Region. He
and GRA. But for those eager to explore and leave the promised to create an official two-way mechanism for
bubble, Bamenda offers a true taste of African lifestyle interac on with the people in their respec ve groupings,
and culture. Foreigners or people visi ng should take enabled by his collaborators.
the opportunity to experience all that the vibrant city He also assured to seek the understanding of the needs of
and Region have to offer. people before seeking to be understood by them and
Nightlife has never been this sweet in involve them in policy formula on that would ensure that
Bamenda. The city, situated in the volcanic Bamenda they (the people) have a chance to be heard and informed.
Highlands, is unarguably considered to be one that He said his administra on would respond directly to the
never sleeps. people on policy issues, taking on personal responsibility
Believe it or not, one can enjoy Bamenda's dining, for guaranteeing that their expressed concerns are
wining, shopping, music, culture and entertainment addressed.
every hour of the day. He stated clearly that his administra on will create
With its numerous li le bars, pubs, cafes, and a vibrant 'Team North-West' to engage the over three
restaurants, one can easily spend the night bouncing million popula on in diverse ways and also ins tute
from one venue to the next in Bamenda, capital of ini a ves, incen ves and systems to reward lawful
Cameroon's North-West Region. behaviour, with swi consequences for deliberate flou ng
In fact, there are areas in Bamenda where the sun of the law.
rises at dusk. The popular street between the Nkwen


By VictoryMarshal Ayafor Basang everyday use has required replacing velvet with lighter

T he Toghu is a tradi onal a re from the fabrics. One of the first areas of moderniza on is the use
g ra s sfi e l d s , N o r t h - We st Re g i o n o f of fabric in modern clothing cuts. So, exit the large tunic to
Cameroon. It is a royal fabric that was make way for stylish and dressy ou its.
ini ally worn by Fons, royalty and other notables. But Some versions of Toghu offered by brands are wax
today, it is worn by all and sundry. It is made with black versions (of the printed fabric, therefore, rather than an
velvet on hand-embroidered pa erns and designs embroidered thread on the fabric) or prints of classic
with yellow, red, white, green thread. co on pa erns as is the case with other African tex les. It
Memories of the opening ceremony of the 2012 is also essen al to men on that Ndop fabrics are the main
London Summer Olympic Games where Team ritual, tradi onal and royal fabrics in the North-West. This
Cameroon, dressed in the Toghu a re, stole the show is strictly reserved for Fons and Princes in the North-West,
are s ll fresh in the minds of many. Team Cameroon unlike the Toghu, which anyone can wear. Thus, one has to
carried the day with this ou it. know which Toghu to wear. This is where knowing the
A er winning the hearts of many in London, Team pa erns and other designs engraved on it is very
Cameroon put on the Toghu at the 2016 Olympic important. The Toghu is not just a beau fully decorated
Games in Brazil as well as in Tokyo 2021. In this regard, black a re. The Toghu is how the Grassfield ("graffi")
most Cameroonians on missions abroad and even on people represent their world-view on fabric. The symbols
leisure trips don the Toghu so as to be iden fied as on the Toghu are the same as what one would find on
Cameroonian. One can say with certainty that Toghu other pre-colonial and contemporary Grassfield art like
has already inserted itself as a symbol of na onal unity sculptures, wooden drums, palace architecture and other
in Cameroon to the extent that the ball of the 2021 artefacts.
Africa Cup of Na ons hosted by Cameroon was Nothing is accidental about the symbols and designs
christened “Toghu,” interpreted as “Tradi on, Ornate, that adorn a Toghu. Herein, as a typical “graffi” girl from
Glory, Heritage and Unity.” Many have adopted this the Awing Fondom, I will highlight some of the commonly
a re as a symbol that represents Cameroon. s tched designs and symbols on the Toghu, and what
Over me, the wearing of the Toghu has gone beyond these signs and symbols represent: the lizard, the
the Fondoms and notables to also include everyone, spiderweb, the gong and other symbols.
and it is mostly worn in fes ve circumstances. In its The spider web is a standard feature on the Toghu.
modernized version, the Toghu takes several forms Usually woven along the neckline and cuffs of a Toghu, the
following the inspira on of its embroider. Also, spiderweb alludes to its maker, the spider, and this
creature's forward-looking ways that Cameroon
“Grassfielders” try to emulate.
Unlike other creatures, the
spider does not go out to hunt
its prey. The spider laboriously
spins an intricate web. And
then the web catches the prey.
The spider eats a er following
a me culous process and not
a er an instantaneous
incident of catching a prey. The
spider web on the Toghu
reminds the one who wears it
to live like the spider: avoid
instant gra fica on; cons tute
capital, for capital earns profit,
and one gra fies self with the

profit. Plan, invest in the future. "Ma'a calcul, ma'a Grassfield Fondoms. People who have been inducted into the
plan” as the Bamileke brothers are wont to say. Kwifon earn the privilege to SEE and HAIL the "Juju" or
The spiderweb also represents connectedness or the physical representa on of the Kwifon and know its secrets.
value of community networks. A single thread does Unini ated or common people are supposed to run as
not make the whole. The cobweb is alterna vely personifica on of the Kwifon comes out of its secret grove to
presented on the Toghu as intertwined threads, perform its rituals (usually at night and only excep onally in
snaking their way across the fabric. These tortuous day light).
lines will go their separate ways only to come back and It is worth no ng that in a Grassfield society like the
bond with each other. North-West Region, some people are more equal than
Another interes ng Toghu symbol that is others. The kind of privileges a person can enjoy depends on
increasingly in use in the collec ons of contemporary their func on in the community, and the contribu ons they
designers is the lizard. Lizards are very inoffensive but have made or are making to advance the common good. As
resilient creatures. The lizard will go over, under, the “voice" of the Kwifon, the gong is the symbol for the ones
around and through any obstacle. The Lizard will walk in the community imbued with power and authority that
up a wall, crawl through ny cracks and run upside ordinary people only HEAR them but cannot SEE them. So, a
down across the ceiling without falling. The lizard is, gong on the Toghu is a "must have" if one thinks they have
therefore, about The North-Westerner's ability to arrived the "you-can't-see-me" level in your hustle or in your
purposefully pursue their life goals and always daring society.
even the impossible to succeed. The lizard epitomizes The classical Toghu is not regular streetwear and
the hustler a tude of the typical North-West man or certainly not a casual wear. It is the iden ty of the North-
woman's desire to go out there and achieve. It depicts Westerner to the world. It is our culture, our pride. All the
the ability to be undisrup ve, invading new spaces and merit goes to contemporary designers for infusing new life
consolida ng one's dreams and aspira ons. It is what into the concept of Toghu by simplifying the standard a re
some have derogatorily termed the "kam no go" and transposing its basic themes onto modern clothing and
mindset of Grassfield people. Be it as it may, the North- the fashion market. From casual street wear to extremely
Westners are proud of who they are: disciplined, stunning red-carpet and banquet ou its worn both
innova ve and industrious people. na onally and interna onally, toghu designers have
The U-shaped double gong. ingenuously integrated the a re into new products in very
This may be known simply as a musical instrument; but innova ve and imagina ve ways.
it is also the "voice" of the Kwifon: a secret and sacred Toghu is the art of represen ng a belief system on a fashion
order of warriors that regulates and protects product, whatever the product may be. The art of using
fashion to tell a story that comes from a specific context.

Culturally, the moon represents peace and The ger teeth designed on the Toghu represents status,
tranquility. It equally represents posi ve growth rank, place, and posi on. Therefore, the symbolism of ger
amongst a people. It is also connected to fer lity and stands for strength, military prowess, and even royalty or
reproduc on. The full moon represents the height of Kingship.
success, power, and fulfillment. As such, the moon First and foremost, crabs are a symbol of defense. Their
on the Toghu symbolises the serenity, produc vity hard shell, oversized claws, and seemingly fearless a tude
and fulfillment of the "graffi" people. are all symbolic of their strong defensive capabili es. Crabs
The Calabash is one of the symbols of typical will rarely back down from a fight. Crabs may be rela vely
rural African life, which many modern individuals small in stature but this does not mean that they should be
have embraced with the aim of preserving their taken for granted. Crabs are one of the most resourceful,
culture. It is also a powerful symbol of womanhood. adaptable, and resilient creatures that exist. The above-
It portrays the domes cated and enterprising nature men on traits describe a typical “graffi” person. Thus, the
of African women, and reinforces their sense of self. design of the crab on the Toghu symbolises the “graffi”
The Calabash is an object that was commonly used in people's defensiveness, resilience, adaptability and
most parts of the North-West Region by our resourcefulness; self-reliance, change, growth and tough-
foreparents for serving and preserving meals. So, skin nature despite challenges.
whenever the calabash is seen, it means home. On Horns represent strength, royalty and asser veness. They
the other hand, the calabash represents royalty also symbolise the power and dignity of a people; as well as
pouring liba on, the liquid of life as our forebears strength and royalty.
(intercessors) are involved. As has been elucidated, the Toghu, also referred to as
Atoghu, has for some me now been greatly sought a er by
all and sundry. This tradi onal regalia, which originates from
the North-West Region of Cameroon, is now worn all over

Cameroon and abroad. Toghu, which

was once designed only in the North-
West Region, is now being designed
all over the country. It has fast
become an ou it in high demand,
both na onally and interna onally.
A Producer of Toghu ou its in
Bamenda, Lum Charisa Apentoh,
says she has customers from all over
Cameroon and even abroad, who
b u y h e r To g h u o u i t s . T h e
tradi onal grassfield regalia is made
up of designs and some insignias
reserved for special personali es.
Today, Toghu is more than just a
dressing…it is symbolic of a unified
Cameroon. The challenge of the
Region is to harness the cultural and
social value of Toghu, so as to
develop an industrial base for the
economy of the North-West.


The North-West region of Cameroon harbours
the people of Bamenda, commonly referred to
as Abakwa people. The Region is made up of
seven Divisions (Mezam, Momo, Boyo, Achu and “ndzaniki”
Ngoketungia, Bui, Menchum and Donga
As far as gastronomy is concerned, the North-West
Mantung Divisions); and food herein as diverse
Region is rich in many delicious varie es of dishes.
as the people. North-Westerners also like their cow meat (beef) and or
North-West food is based largely on plant skin (kanda), goat meat, pork and fish to accompany
products such as maize, cocoyams, cassava, their dishes.
plantains, yams, sweet potatoes, Irish
potatoes, and delicious tropical vegetables Achu and Yellow Soup: Another Way of Life
such as huckleberry, bi erleaf, cabbage etc. Achu and Yellow Soup is a staple meal typical of the
One of the typical dishes of the Region is people of the North-West Region, precisely in Mezam
Division. It features prominently in all events in Mankon,
Achu, made from pounded cocoyam (tubers)
Bafut, Nkwen Babanki, Bamendankwe, Awing, Akum
accompanied by a yellow sauce made from etc.
palm oil, rock salt, condiments and meat. It is a Achu and Yellow Soup or some mes Black Soup is a
typical dish of the Mezam people in the Region, Cameroonian delicacy, which is eaten with a finger.
though cheerished all over the na on as a Many refer to this finger-licking delicacy as "one finger
delicacy. round the world." It is made from pounded cocoyams,
unripe banana and eaten with a spicy soup.
Fufu corn and njamanjama (huckleberry
The soup is usually accompanied by a lot of meat, dry
leaves) is a typical dish of the Donga Mantung, fish, towel, liver (all commonly referred to as obstacles),
Boyo, Bui, Menchum and Ngoketungia people. vegetables, egusi and a lot more depending on the
It is made from cooked corn flour, eaten with person and occasion. The palm oil used for the soup
huckleberry. Some mes it is accompanied by ma ers a lot, says Mageret Afanui, a restaurant owner.
roast chicken, prepared tradi onally in what Others say a er ea ng, you should take a glass of palm
has come to be fondly called kha Kha . wine to savour the real taste.
Achu is fast becoming the staple of the en re
The people of Momo Division are well-
Region because the soil and the weather are favorable
known for their delicious porridge cocoyam for growing cocoyams in this part of Cameroon. It is also
dish (Nangtarré). The porridge is done with called "akwa" in some places or "taro" in the French-
palm oil and garnished with bi erleaf. speaking part of Cameroon. It is a dish that is intensively
spicy and filled with ethnic flavours.
Porridge plantains (nang-nghom) is also In a typical tradi onal se ng, the food is served on
another delicacy eaten in the Region but it is plantain leaves and eaten on the floor with the fingers. It
mostly prepared during 'born house' - a is a delicacy that is mostly eaten on tradi onal
colloquial expression used in Cameroon to occasions, fes vals as well as birth and death
describe a ceremony that is usually organised celebra ons. Because of the length of me it takes to
to welcome a new-born baby and to honour its prepare Achu, it is hard to find people ea ng it every day
mother. as compared to other easy-to-prepare foods. In the

Corn fufu and “Khati khati”

years back, it was common to find two or more eat Achu on leaves; neither do they eat in the same
people ea ng Achu on the same leaf, symbolizing plate. However, to maintain the spirit of unity in a
unity and living togetherness. family or community life, everybody sits at the table
Over the years, Achu has become a delicacy for at meal me when Achu is the menu of the day. Even
Cameroonians from all over the country. It is though modernism has taken the leaves away, there
available in all restaurants across the na onal is s ll one thing that modernism will never take away
territory. One is tempted to say it will be eaten as far as Achu is concerned: the fact that it will always
globally some years to come as visitors from other be eaten with the fingers and never with a spoon.
countries have tes fied how delicious the meal is.
Achu spices are some of the first items in the
luggage of most Cameroonians residing abroad
when they come visi ng. Charlo e Enanga, a
Cameronian living in Europe from the South-West
Region, reveled that Achu is one of the choice
dishes on her menu even in Europe. Her children
cherish the dish and she cannot help but prepare
it for her family regularly.
It should be noted that various ethnic groups
prepare Achu in their own unique style but the
bo om line is that it ends up being an amazing
delicacy. Caterers make a lot of money from Achu
and Yellow Soup across the city of Bamenda,
serving a plate from as modest as CFA 500
With the coming of modernism, people no longer
Porish Cocoayam “Nangtareh”


A paradigm shift,
anchored on the provisions of Article 62
of the Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon,
as stipulated in Section 327 of Law No. 2019/24 of December 2019, granting “Special Status”
the North West and South Regions of Cameroon.

J.N. Waindim
The 1972 CONSTITUTION of Cameroon, as
amended by CONSTITUTIONAL LAW N0. 96-6 of In December 2019, within the context of finalizing
18 January 1996, which was modified
and completed Cameroon's decentralization process, ' Cameroons
by LAW N0. 2008/001 of 14 April 2008, states in Parliament approved the General Code of Regional and
Local Authorities, which granted “special status” to the
country's two Anglophone Regions, the North West and
“The Republic of Cameroon shall be a South West, with Bamenda and Buea as capitals and seats of
DECENTRALISED UNITARY STATE. It shall be the respective Regional Authorities.
one and indivisible, secular, democratic and
dedicated to social service...”
The Constitution and Law N0.
2019/024 on the General Code for
Local Authorities define these Local
Authorities as comprising the Regions
and the Councils; and that their
domains of operation shall be to
promote the economic, social, health,
educational, cultural and sports
development in their jurisdictions.

Camer respective territories.
oon being a Decentralized Unitary State, this The North West and South West Regions of Cameroon
initiative was a result of the Major National inherited the British colonial system of indirect rule, as
Dialogue, which the government convened in well as the English language and the Common Law
th th
Yaounde-Cameroon, from 30 September to 4 system; a decentralized form of governance that
October 2019, with the aim of resolving the war of empowered local communities to carry out their own
secession that has been raging since 2017. development.
However, Cameroon is not the first country in the world to
One of the key resolutions of this Major National
have autonomous Regions. In Canada, the Province of
Dialogue was the granting of a “special status” to the
Quebec enjoys special status. This special status was used
North West and South West Regions of Cameroon, in
since the 1960's in Quebec so that its distinct culture could
conformity with Section 62 Sub 2 of the Constitution
be protected and developed while continuing to be part of
of the Republic, on autonomous Regions with special
the Canadian federal system.
status. The constitution stipulates in Article 62,
paragraph (2) that “Without prejudice to the In Italy, Article 116 of the Constitution grants some
provisions of this Part, the law may take into legislative, administrative and financial power, to a varying
consideration the specificities of certain Regions extent, depending on their specific statute, to five Regions,
with regard to their organization and functioning.” including: Sardinia, Sicily, Trentino–Alto Adige/Südtirol,
Aosta Valley and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The special status
This “special status” implies that the two
sought to take into account cultural differences, protect
English-speaking Regions are placed under the
linguistic minorities and prevent their secession from Italy
general regime of the State, but are given other
after the Second World War.
prerogatives because of their unique Anglo-Saxon
heritage. However, what is important is not the In the above-mentioned cases, the legislature
name but the need to bring the administration closer protected the rights of the minority groups, their education,
to the people and to make them responsible for their legal system as well as the language specificities.
development. In the case of Cameroon, this “special status” sets out to
Thus, SECTION 328 of the Decentralisation Code give Cameroon's Anglophone minority English-speaking
provides for additional powers possessed by the two North West and South West Regions, greater autonomy
“special status” Regions to include: over local affairs, as well as settle historical grievances.
Most significantly, the bill established for each of
1. Power to participate in the formulation of
the two Regions, a new bicameral Regional Assembly,
national public policies relating to the
made up of a House of Chiefs composed of 20 traditional
Anglophone educational sub-system.
rulers, and a House of Divisional Representatives
2. Power to set up and manage Regional composed of 70 members. The latter is selected by
Development Authorities. Municipal Councillors through indirect suffrage, and the
former by their peers. The two Anglophone Regions have a
3. Power to participate in defining the status of
new Regional Executive Council, composed of eight
traditional Chiefdoms.
members, selected by Divisional Representatives and the
4. Power to be consulted over issues relating to House of Chiefs, as follows:
the formulation of Justice Public Service
1 (One)President.
policies in the Common Law sub-system.
1 (One) Vice President, who doubles as President of the
5. Power to be involved in the management of House of Chiefs.
Public Services established in their 1 (One) Commissioner for Economic Development.
1 (One) Commissioner for Health and Social Development.
1 (One) Commissioner for Education, Sports and Cultural

The General Code of Regional and Local
Authorities stipulates very clearly that each of
these structures shall be administered freely, and
with full autonomy, by elected organs, under well-
spelled out regulations in force.

Thus, a Region is considered as a local authority,

composed of several Divisions and Municipal
Councils, covering the same territorial boundary of
the Region as an administrative unit. The chief
town of the Region as a local authority shall be the
headquarters of the Region as an administrative
unit, and in the case of the North West Region, it is
Bamenda. As such, the general duty of the Region,
therefore, is to promote economic development
and social progress, contributing to harmonious,
balanced, supportive and sustainable territorial
From this backdrop, the General Code of
Regional and Local Authorities defines
Decentralized Cooperation to mean any
partnership between two or more local authorities, This Region is the third most populated in
or their groupings, established for the purpose of Cameroon, and It has one major Metropolitan
achieving common objectives. Such partnerships City, Bamenda, with several other smaller towns
could be carried out between Cameroonian local such as Wum, Kumbo, Mbengwi, Ndop, Nkambe
authorities, or between the latter and foreign local and Fundong. A 2010 government report
authorities, but under the terms and conditions laid (BUCREP) indicated that the Region saw an
down by the laws and regulations in force, and in increase in its population from approximately 1.2
accordance with the international commitments of million in 1987 to an estimated 1.8 million in
the State. 2010. Thus, the population density of 99.12
The bottom line here is that local people per square kilometre is higher than the
authorities may join Cities or Regions, twinning national average of 22.6; the Regional Urban
international organizations, or other international Growth Rate of 7.95% higher than the national
organizations of Cities or Regions. average of 5.6%; while the rural growth rate of
1.16% is equal to the national rate. Most recent
SITUATING THE BAMENDA HIGHLANDS statistics indicate that the total population of
OF CAMEROON Cameroon stands at about 28 million inhabitants,
The Bamenda Highlands of the Republic of the North-West Region making for 12% of this
Cameroon, administratively known as the North total, giving an estimated population of over three
West Region, is also known as the Bamenda million.
Grassfields, the Western High Plateau or the
Bordered to the southwest by the South
Western Highlands.
West Region, to the south by the West Region, to
the east by the Adamawa Region, and to the north

by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the North Division is further sub-divided, with a total of
West Region has many ethnic groups, 31 (thirty-one) Sub Divisions in the North West
including immigrants from other Regions and Region. The basic unit of local government is
countries. the Council, and today, there are thirty-two
Like other Regions in Cameroon, the North Councils, one City Council, and the Region,
West is made up of administrative Divisions: constituted into a Regional Assembly of a
Boyo, Bui, Donga-Mantung, Menchum, House of Divisional Representatives and a
Mezam, Momo and Ngokentunjia. Each House of Chiefs.


RESUME: I. The whole area of the Bamenda Highlands is
- Improving Sustainable Livelihoods and predominantly rural and agrarian; it is only 1/5 urban.
Food Security through Integrated Agro- Thus, agro-pastoral farming (peri-urban agriculture) is
pastoral Farming and Eco-systems the mainstay of the local economy, especially for the
Protection. female gender. At the same time, the eco-systems
- Enhancing Environmental Management (fresh water, forestry, soils bio-diversity, etc) are
and Conservation, Water, Hygiene and systematically destroyed and degraded in the course of
Sustainable livelihoods are dependent on
- Improving Fresh Water Eco-systems
renewable natural resources. The continuous and
Services and Management.
systematic destruction, degradation and decline of this
- Enhancing Vocational Training as a
resource base, therefore, is the highest environmental
Vital Tool and Strategy in Fighting
priority issue of the North West Regional Assembly, a
Urban and Rural Youth Unemployment
situation made even more precarious by the pollution
and Poverty.
of surface water and ground water, the depletion of
- Mitigating against, and Adapting to
fuel-wood, flooding situations of streams and dams
Climate Change through Green
during the raining season, and loss of indigenous
natural products such as medicinal plants.

The task of the North West Regional sentiment of self-esteem, solidarity and
Assembly, faced with these issues, is to ensure that collegiality at work.
the farming population is educated on judicious, - Cataloguing young talents in an employment
sustainable exploitation of already scarce land as
well as on the management of the eco-systems.
IV. Green environmental education remains a sine qua
II. About 6 out of 10 people within the Bamenda
non condition in mitigating against, and adapting to
Highlands area do not always have proper toilet
climate change, to be able to reduce vulnerability to
facilities, a factor that contributes to the transfer of
climate extremes and natural disasters; to improve on
bacteria, viruses and parasites found in human
environment health; and to maintain Regional
excreta, which in turn contaminate water sources,
environmental values with equitable distribution of
soils and food. This 'disaster' situation calls for
costs and benefits.
urgent attention, considering that safe water and
Green investments within the Bamenda
sanitation close to people's homes bring about far-
Highlands area shall involve re-afforestation,
reaching and wider benefits, which extend way
improved forests, food-crop and land management,
beyond the expected improvements to health and a
agro-forestry – all serving as a wide range of
reduction in the time needed for water collection.
opportunities to increase carbon intake and slow
Further, the entire Bamenda Highlands
deforestation to reduce emissions. As it were, green
area, especially the local communities of
investment is also a component in disaster
surrounding urban, semi-urban and rural Council
management, in environmental management, in
areas, continue to face serious water problems for
poverty reduction, and above all, it reduces the burden
home consumption, agriculture, livestock and
to adapt to climate change crisis.
industry. By and large, this reduces annual agro-
pastoral production as well as other socio-
Expected results
economic development endeavours in the Region.
The ultimate aim of the North West Regional
III. The bulk of the population of the Bamenda
Assembly is to improve on environmental
Highland area is made up of unemployed youths, a
management, on the conservation of Regional eco-
result of an educational system that forms, from
systems, water, sanitation, hygienic conditions of
primary, through secondary, to tertiary education,
inhabitants; to alleviate poverty, ensure food security,
mainly literate youths with very rudimentary
improve on sustainable livelihoods and income levels,
imbued work skills and inappropriate precious
through increased agro-pastoral productivity and
little vocational training. That is why though
production; and to add consistency to the lives of the
endowed with a plethora of natural resources,
citizens of the entire Region, by inculcating such
Cameroon in general, and the Bamenda Highlands
values that shall help them to formulate better life
area in particular, harbour many youths who
languish in abject penury, generalised poverty and
To be able to bring effective and meaningful change to
misery. The principal needs of the Bamenda
the lives of the people of the Bamenda Highlands area,
Highland youths, therefore, remain:
the North West Regional Assembly seeks to carry out
- The provision of opportunities for adequate these sustainable development projects through the
professional training in various vocational Traditional Councils of each village community, with
disciplines such as IT, catering, masonry, committees set up to manage the day-to-day execution
bamboo, pottery, wood work, electricity, et of the activities and programmes of these projects. For
cetera. effective evaluation and monitoring, these committees
- Offering opportunities to the vocationally shall be technically supervised by experts, consultants
trained to be profitably self-employed and to and other partners to these projects, who shall provide
become employers to their peers. regular relevant training and follow-up of the
- The identification of job opportunities, as respective committees – a participatory partnership for
well as job creation and placement avenues. development as spelt out in the 8 Millennium
- The inculcation in the youths of the spirit and Development Goal.

Oath taking and installation of Pioneer members of
NW Regional Executive Council

Regional Assembly Session

Visit of NW Elite during the September 2021 Session

Regional Assembly receives PWD Social

club of Bamenda during the March 2022 Session Maiden session of the Regional Assembly
British High Commissioner to Cameroon

Canadian High Commissioner to Cameroon

Deputy British High Commissioner to Cameroon

Northwest Regional Assembly Supporting Health Facilities
and social institutions

Youth Parliamentarians
a ending the 7th session of
the NW Regional Assembly

The North West Regional Assembly
Prof. Fru Angwafo III and Youth engagement.

Y outh empowerment and Educa on was one of the three pillars of our development
strategy in the address I delivered at the inaugura on of the North West Regional Execu ve
Council on January 22 this year. I am par cularly grateful to the Vice Chancellor for asking
me to deliver the matricula on discourse. Madame VC you honor the people, the youth of our
region, herein represented by their Regional Assembly.
I thank the senate, my (age 12 to 20 years) that wanes in emo onal intelligence as well as the
colleagues, professors, support through early adulthood (age 21-35 social, economic and academic
staff and the en re university years). Youth is a period of great quo ents.
community for their dedica on and vitality, with bursts of seemingly The ideal product of
resolve to perpetuate the character inexhaus ble energy, hope, passion forma on is empowered for a
and excellence of the University of and an ideal period for procrea on. It purposeful life nurtured in the moral
Bamenda, the university of the is also the age of opportunity for tradi on of doing good for goodness
future! wholesome development and sake. Social educa on at home, in
Youth engagement, the empowerment through intellectual, school and elsewhere in society is
tle of our conversa on is all about moral and material forma on. The geared towards developing youth
o u r f u t u re . F ra n k l i n D e l a n o challenges and contradic ons of with the pris ne moral values of
Roosevelt is o en quoted thus “We adolescence mold a cultural base and humility, integrity, veracity (truth) and
cannot always build the future for iden ty. The human iden ty whose service to others.
our youth but we can build our dimension spans from the individual The extent that society a succeeds in
youth for the future”! Youth to the nuclear and extended families, youth engagement depends on adults
engagement to many is all about communi es, na ons and the human managing the nurture- nature divide
moral rearmament. family. Youth engagement is all about as they collaborate with youth. Public
Youth is the period in the adults being sensi ve to the feelings, policy and social change movements
human life cycle from chronological voice and ac ons of young people in a will thrive if they focus on youth
age 13 to 35 years, characterized by perpetual quest for peace and sen ments, passions, and ac ons for
a great physical, physiological harmony in the human family. Youth their development. You are all aware
growth spurt during adolescence engagement therefore seeks to that a ministry for youth, special
con nuously increase human capital projects and programs tailored for
youth are jus fied by the permanent communica on and -fostering flexibility and adaptability
demographic pyramid of ages. collabora on with youth! We as leaders in audi ng and evalua ng
Youth voice, youth par cipa on agree with youth who believe that projects; what works and why, what
and youth involvement in good policies should reflect their doesn't and why.
governance is ever-increasing. The dic on “Nothing about us without Youth engagement translates the UN
Na onal Youth Council, the us” charter on the rights of the child for an
na onal youth card, are vehicles In this regard, the youth ideal world. All is not a bed of roses, for
for access to social, economic and engagement mantra considers: there are obstacles on the road to a
financial services at preferred - building rela onships with youth bright future through youth
rates and reduced costs. Youth - sharing power with youth engagement. The shortcomings of
friendly public tax policies to start- - e n c o u ra g i n g d i s c o v e r y, ins tu onal racism, culture clash,
ups and youth NGOs- civil explora on and self-expression ethnic divide, sectarianism, the social
socie es encourage youth - developing skills for lifelong ills of drug abuse notably alcohols,
engagement in the public sphere. learning crack, hemp, tramadol etc which
Youth engagement is an index of -providing leadership avenues for inhibit genuine flourishing of youth.
democra c governance as youth youth to test their ideas, evaluate These ills are societal downside and
share responsibili es and their usefulness in the community challenges of youth engagement
leadership with adults who value -developing advanced skills for the programs. Indeed, they are drivers of
and respect them. The ins tu on job market 3Cs Communica on, mental illness, social inequi es,
of youth desks in the Regional collabora on, cri cal thinking and conflict and a future of uncertainty.
Assembly for instance will permit self-direc on

By Nchechuma Banla NCHETIEVIE
Divisional Representa ve for Ngoketunjia defenders. Ben Bola was so good that all the prime
In the barrel full of Cameroon's athletes, who have movers of the domes c league at the me in
successfully dis nguished themselves at the Cameroon - Canon and Tonnerre Yaounde, Union and
domes c scene with exquisite performances, or Dynamo Douala - took repeated turns as suitors for his
flew the country's flag on the interna onal scene skills. But each me Ben weighed the financial gains
and won domes c and global recogni on, are sons and fame of his move to these teams and love for
and daughters of the North-West Region. Among Abakwa, the la er pulled him down and he stayed.
them are the con ngent that played and lost the Ben Bola was so good that he was called to the
finals of the Cup of Cameroon for football in 1979 Na onal Team several mes. He never excelled there.
to Dynamo Douala, like goalkeeper Joseph Agua, Not because he was compara vely less compe ve,
Ngoh Franklin, Nji Sunday, et cetera. but because emo ons provoked by his origin out-
Though PWD Bamenda failed to win the weighed level-headed reasoning at the me.
pres gious Cup of Cameroon for football that year, But Ben Bola, Nji Sunday, goalkeeper Agua,
the superla ve performance of their midfielder, Guanula Godlove, and others in PDW Bamenda
Nji Sunday, in the eliminatory matches against turned out to be the precursors of talented
Canon and Tonnerre Yaounde, as well as at the footballers, who emerged in subsequent years from
finals against Dynamo, won him a shirt at the the North-West Region. The promo on of Cammark
junior World Cup compe on in Australia in 1981. Bamenda to the Division One in 1984, brought the
A few years a er, Nji Sunday burst into na onal likes of Kubo George, Sunjo Bongadu, Ngeh Ali,
and interna onal prominence. Ben Bola, a lanky goalkeepers Joe Fielding and Duala Philip, as well as
lad endowed with a bundle of huge soccer skills, Kah Mua, who was called to the Na onal Team a
emerged from the Old Town neighbourhood of couple of mes.
Abakwa. The mul -talented midfielder, who Without any exaggera on, Kubo George was to
played for PWD Bamenda, won the hearts of many Cammark Bamenda in the late 80s what Leonel Messi
a football lover in Cameroon with his scin lla ng was to FC Barcelona in the mid 2000s. He and his
dribbling, crea vity and accurate ball distribu on teammates, reinforced by Ben Bola from PWD
to the a ackers and shielding of wan ng
Bamenda, defeated the Indomitable Lions of Na ons Cup in Congo Brazzaville in 2007 with the
Cameroon in Bamenda in 1988 by 2-1 in the likes of Alexandre Song, Nicolas Nkoulou, Benjamin
build-up to the African Na ons Cup compe on Moukanjo, Serge Mbila, Etame Robert, Mbah
in Morocco. The then coach of the Na onal Njaman of Canon Yaounde, Yende Francis of Union
team, Claude Le Roy, regre ed that he did not Douala, who captained the Intermediate Na onal
call the likes of Kubo to his team. Team of Cameroon to success at the UNIFAC Cup in
The list of the footballers, who grew from the Republic of Central Africa, and Andongcho
grass to grace and gained prominence in the Mathew Mbuta. Andongcho was such a gi ed soccer
country and beyond, con nued during the years cra sman that he did not only leave his local PWD
that followed. In 1995, Kumbo Strikers was Bamenda to go professional but also won several
promoted to Division One. Five years later, in the caps for the Indomitable Lions where he became one
year 2000, they entered history as the first team of the reliable scorers during his short stay in the
in English-speaking Cameroon to win the Cup of team. His professional career took him to teams like
Cameroon for football. The soccer prime movers New York Red Bulls, Crystal Palace Bal more in the
in Kumbo Strikers were the likes of Che Sampson United States of America, Dinamo Bucureș in
(captain), goalkeeper Lukong Nelson, who later Romania and Duhok FC in Iraq. But the most
on played for A.S. Vita Club of the Democra c prominent of all these footballers, who hails from the
Republic of Congo, Lailam Edward. North-West, is Fai Collins Ngoran, the dependable
Other North-West footballers, who right back player of the Indomitable Lions of
created serious na onal impact are Jude Cameroon.
Kongyuy. He par cipated at the Junior African

1979 Goalkeeper of PWD Social Club, Joseph Agua welcoming home the 2021 Cup of Cameroon
won by his former club

If all these footballers have succeeded, it 2018, 2019 and 2020, while Lize e Ngalim stole the
is because of the quality of Managers that these show in 2014 and 2017.
teams have had. The North-West parades This list of prominent North-West athletes
people who made enormous financial sacrifices is completed by the likes of Victorine Fomun, a
to sponsor and manage teams in the Region. table tennis player, who represented Cameroon at
Without being exhaus ve, we can cite the likes the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China;
of Ni John Fru Ndi for PWD Bamenda, HRH Fon and Julius Ndikum, a handball player, who starred
Doh Gagwanyi III of Balikunbat and Pa Nangah for FAP Handball that represented Cameroon at
for Cammark Bamenda, Shey Lawrence Tasha several interna onal compe ons. Football
under whose leadership Kumbo Strikers won coaches like Atah Robert are not le out. He
the Cup of Cameroon in the year 2000, and Pa coached several Division One teams and once
Yong Francis with Yong Sports Academy that served as Na onal Technical Director of the
won the Cup of Cameroon in 2014. Pa Yong was Indomitable Lions of Cameroon. There is also Jules
such a passionate soccer lover and promoter Nyonga, one- me coach of Division One teams like
that at one point he alone owned and managed Prevoyance FC Yaounde and Cotonsport of Garoua.
two football teams: Yong Sports Academy Jules Nyonga took Cameroon to the 1996 African
( YO SA ) i n D i v i s i o n O n e , a n d N a o n a l Na ons Cup compe on in South Africa. Before
Polytechnic Bambui in the Division Two league. him, another son of the North-West Region,
Besides football, the North-West Region also Raymond Fobete, had gone into history as the first
parades athletes in other disciplines, whose Cameroonian to coach the Indomitable Lions of
fame, born from superla ve performances, Cameroon. Two sons of the Region, Yongbang Ivo
transcended the local realm to interna onal and Ajison Aiden, featured in the 1980s among
repute. Athle cs is the field under scru ny here. some of the best referees in the country.
For so many years now, athletes from the Region The list of these brilliant sports men and
have dominated the Mount Cameroon Race. wo m e n o f t h e N o r t h - We st Re g i o n , w h o
A er the hegemony of South-Westerners and dis nguished themselves with extraordinary
foreign athletes, sons and daughters of the performances and won local and na onal
North-West sprang to the front seat in 1992 recogni on and admira on, might have been much
with Tatah Thomas from Bui Division as the longer. But there are many, who faded before me
pacese er. Tatah, who later won the race in because of lack of exposure, adequate coaching
1996, and 1998, was followed in the winning and encouragement. There are many, who fell on
curve by Joseph Konyuy from the same Division the road to stardom because of lack of appropriate
in 1999 and 2002. Bongkinuyi Januarus did infrastructure. Yet, there are others, whose talents
same in 2006 and 2007; and Mbatcha Eric in were nipped in the bud because their parents
2011 and 2014. Godlove Gapsibum features on erroneously saw the prac ce of sports as a sign of
the selected elite list of five- me winners, with failure in life.
victories in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2020. But since the sons of the Region like Fai
Female athletes from the North-West Region Collins Ngoran, Andoncho Mathew, Ben Bola, Kubo
also joined their male brethren in this winning George, Tatah Thomas, Kongyuy Godlove, Ngwang
spree. Ngwang Catherine blew the bungle with Catherine, Victorine Fomum were raised from the
resplendent victories in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2007, anonymity of grass to the popularity of grace, the
and 2008. Her sister from Donga Mantung, Region's spor ng nursery shall never run dry again.
Yvonne Ngwaya, con nued upsurge of the Many more athletes will surely grow from the
winning gradient in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, North-West and serve as ambassadors of the
2015 and 2016. When these two went into Region and Cameroon.
anonymity, Tatah Carine from Bui cued up in

Births, Marriages and Promotions
Mokum Tchoungha Marriage of
Mercy, Volunteer staff Honourable
in the Directorate of Saudatu Sale,
General Affairs finds Divsional
her better half, Mr. Representative
Bung Brian for a happy for Bui
ever after.

The Personal Assistant to the

President, Mr. Muka Martin Honourable Hanza Jibirin Danpullo
and wife, welcome a bouncing and wife bless God for the gift of a
baby girl on the 17th of bouncing baby girl into their family
August, 2022

Hon. Tantoh
Honourable Ghejung A l o m b a h Emmanuel,
A w a n t i , Anderson Akondi representative
Commissioner for Appointed Interim for Mezam
E c o n o m i c Director of decorated
Development officer of the
General Affairs at Cameroon
decorated Knight of t h e N o r t h We s t order of merit
Valour on the 20th of on 20th May,
May, 2022 Regional Assembly 2022

And...There Goes His Majesty, Angwafor III and others

The paramount Fon of Mankon, His Royal Highness Fon

Angwafor III, who was the eldest
member of the North-West House
o f C h i e f s , i s n o m o r e . H e Hon. AWA CELESTINE ANYAM (LATE) H.R.H. FON JABO NFOR
'disappeared' on May 21, 2022 at Divisional Representative for Mezam IBRAHIM (Missing)
Member Regional Assembly Member House of Chiefs/RA
the age of 97. The First class Fon of
Mankon had been at the helm of
the Fondom since 1959 and was
the 20th Fon the Mankon people.
He made his mark tradi onally,
socially, economically and poli cally.
HRH Angwafor III was member of Parliament from 1962 to
1988, and also served as the first Vice Chairman of the H.R.H. FON MARTIN NGUM H.R.H. FON ONKO MOSES
CPDM party. His experience in the maintenance of peace Member of Chiefs/RA Divisional Representativefor Nchum
Member Regional Assembly
and cultural heritage was a great asset to the North-West
Regional Assembly. Fon Angwafor III was a peace crusader
as he campaigned a lot for the unity of Cameroon, for non-
violence and for dialogue as the Anglophone crisis
con nued to persist.
Before the passing of HRH Angwafor III, six other members
of the North West Regional Assembly had preceded him and HON. MARIATU AHMADU (LATE) Hon. TANGE ELIZABETH
this is in just two years of Existence of the House. They are: Divisional Representative for Mezam Epse Mofor (Late)
Divisional Representative for Mezam
Member Regional Assembly Member Regional Assembly



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