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What I Am Naturally Dialogue Harmony or Comfortable/

(Thoughts/Behaviors Acceptable To Me Contradiction? Uncomfortable

/Work) ?
Thinking I need to Feeling accepted "I always feel Contradiction - People Uncomfortable
please everyone. and loved. pressured to agree pleasing can be
with everyone, even if exhausting and
I disagree inside. I inauthentic.
just want people to
like me."
Procrastinating on Feeling relaxed and "Ugh, this report is Contradiction - Uncomfortable
tasks I find difficult. avoiding stress. due tomorrow, but I Procrastination can lead
just can't seem to to bigger problems later.
focus. Maybe I'll
check social media
for a 'quick break.'"
Feeling most Waking up early and "I feel most alert and Harmony - Aligning with Comfortable
energized in the having a productive focused in the my natural energy levels
morning. morning routine. mornings. Maybe I can improve my day.
should start getting
up earlier to tackle my
most important
Getting easily Feeling a sense of "I hate it when things Contradiction - Life is Uncomfortable
frustrated when control and order. get thrown off unpredictable, inflexibility
things don't go schedule! It makes can lead to frustration.
according to plan. me feel so frustrated
and out of control."
Always wanting to Feeling intellectually "There's so much to Harmony - This natural Comfortable
learn new things. stimulated and learn in the world! I curiosity fuels my
curious. love taking online personal growth.
courses and reading
non-fiction books."
Expressing myself Feeling connected to "Putting my thoughts Harmony - Creativity Comfortable
creatively through myself and my and feelings down on allows me to explore and
writing. emotions. paper is really express myself
therapeutic for me. It authentically.
helps me understand
myself better."
Needing time alone Feeling calm and "After a long day of Harmony - Introverted Comfortable
to recharge. introspective. socializing, I really tendencies need space
need some time for reflection and energy
alone to recharge my renewal.
Having a strong Standing up for what "I can't stand by when Harmony - This aligns Comfortable
sense of justice and I believe in and I see someone being with my desire for a just
fairness. helping others. treated unfairly. I and equitable world.
always feel compelled
to speak up."
Feeling anxious Feeling confident "Ugh, I have a Contradiction - Public Uncomfortable
when public and articulate. presentation speaking can be a
speaking. tomorrow and I'm valuable skill to develop.
already feeling
nervous. I hate public
Being easily Working in a quiet "I can't seem to Harmony - Creating a Comfortable
distracted by noise. and focused concentrate when distraction-free space
environment. there's a lot of noise allows me to concentrate
around me. Maybe I better.
should find a quiet
corner to work in."

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