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without much disciplinary narcissism. The

Ontology of Being and Becoming post-World War II social sciences were
talking about the adverse delimiting im-
Subjectivities of Migrants in India pacts of the techno-instrumental ways
of seeing and the sophisticated scientism.
Even the diehard empiricists, the tribe
Dev Nath Pathak of the economists, began to realise that
an accidental migrant named Robinson

ince the subject is subjectivity, it is Home, Belonging and Memory in Migration: Crusoe too had a complex symbolic com-
tempting to turn a few leaves of a Leaving and Living edited by Sadan Jha and panionship of Friday, and was cast away
seemingly unrelated discourse, as Pushpendra Kumar Singh, London and New York: with a web of significance rather than
Routledge, 2022; pp 312, `1,595.
a point of departure. Anna Freud, the without it. And yet subjectivities of the
prodigal daughter of Sigmund Freud, sociocultural actors remained an undesir-
renowned for her contributions and deve- researchers and writers play a considera- able fugitive at large. The whole of social
lopment of child psychology, emphasised ble role in the way they understand home sciences, in spite of the predominant pale
the psychic movement of ego in response and the world, and living and leaving. of positivism in perspectives and practices,
to the conditioned experiences in child- One shall wonder with this very impor- dealt with the question of mobility and
hood. A dynamic psyche is, however, a tant book, how much of migrant subjec- migration. But the vital question that
picture of conditioned mobility vis-à-vis tivities of the scholars qua authors in this haunts a social science student, and the
a living fraught with leaving and vice book underpinned by psychic freedom- editorial scheme of this book under re-
versa! Such psychoanalytic insights were unfreedom play a role in their attempts view, is about the conspicuously absent
bound to emerge, speculating along the to narrativise the migrant subjectivities? subjectivity in the discourse of migration.
biographical experiences of the Freuds Could one write about migrant experi- Reduction of subjectivities of migrants
(father-daughter duo), given their own emi- ences without factoring in the ordinary— into quantified population statistics in the
grations to a non-native land (London). everyday—biographic accounts of the state-centric approaches to migration
Adding more historical-sociological com- self? The editorial pronouncement has seems to have impeded conceptual and
plexity to the phenomenon, wedding conscientiously put the self as a refrain, theoretical advancements in understand-
psychoanalysis with sociology and anthro- more in terms of promise than in delivery. ing migration experiences of various social
pology, Erich Fromm underlined a psychic The self as the second or third fiddle groups, including the marginalised castes,
movement in which home and the world in the larger dramatics of narrativising, tribes, the homeless, transgenders, sex
have manifold and chequered inter- however, serves the same perfunctory workers and the disabled. The editorial
actions. Exploring the reasons behind role as does the visual testimonies in the scheme agreeably avers, “subjectivities,
why a troubled psyche fears freedom and age of Photoshop. One wonders whether belongingness, and the affective dimen-
slips to authoritarianism, Fromm empha- the idea of subjectivity is orientalised. sions of the migrant’s social realities are
sised the perpetual breaking and mak- Such an ominous tacit assumption—the better narrativised and analysed than
ing of relationships qua psychic move- subjective self of the “other,” while the measured” (p 12). And hence, in order to
ment in/from the family and kinship to objective self of the scholar—even after reclaim the “personhood of migrants
the formal world of actions. the worldwide pandemic that humanity and their experiential dynamics,” the
Such an unseemly commencement of a experienced in the last few years! book envisages “a theorisation of human
review of a book is appropriate given the mobility as ordinary and inherent dimen-
concurrence of the underlying nuances. Whither Subjective? sions of human social life” (p 10).
Aimed at the complex experiences of Much more than mere fragments from But then, the envisaged meets with the
migrants, the informal–formal, primary– psychoanalysis could be recounted in imprisoned, as it were. Hence, across the
secondary, living–leaving, home–world, order to allude to the psychic and socio- book, the logic of measurement begins to
the book under review is organised under cultural subjectivities pertaining to mobi- determine the logic of narrative, and at
five key themes pertaining to human lity and, more precisely, migration. The times, measuring supersedes narrativis-
migration in South Asia, that is, labour, various turns in social sciences, which ing in the de-personalised and techno-be-
gender, folk, the self and religiosity. A some sociological orthodoxy of Yoda haviouristic accounts of migration. The
rare work of its kind, with wide-angled age refuse to accept, brought about novel phantom of positivism haunts the intrigue
discursive panorama, the book not only realisations about the instrumental of experiences as soon as the analytics turn
provides explanation and understanding significance of subjectivities in social sci- to the optics of labour, colonial mobility,
of the issue(s) on the anvil, but also ences. They have been called linguistic regional migration, and such sociological
enables for sharpening questions, some turn, affective turn, sensorial turn, visual axes of analysis. For migrants, the binaries
direct and some oblique. Even though the turn and so on lately, while formerly such turn slippery and for the scholars con-
book does not centralise it as a question, critical discourses emerged in construc- ducting suave researches and attempt-
the migrant subjectivities of scholars, tivism and hermeneutics of various orders ing sophisticated writings, the binaries
32 march 11, 2023 vol lViII no 10 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

are unequivocally solid in spite of the between well-being and development, The trope of understanding is engen-
sporadic romance with the blurry bound- cosmological and historical-material, in dered with three essays in the next section,
aries in some of the essays in the book. the lives of the migrants. If Nite stressed and gendering does not altogether dis-
Such is a fait accompli in the time of on the making of the migrants’ world- appear in the four essays afterwards
the crisis-ridden social sciences in South view, Pushpendra shifts attention to the too. Recanonising the canon and reproduc-
Asia in which intellectual risk, creative making of a village—Jitwarpur in Araria ing the produce, Samita Sen turns to the
departures, and playful lightness in district of Bihar—combining census historical-sociology of migrant domestic
experiments with experiences is as far- approach with ethnography, dwelling workers with a perpetuity of the labour
fetched as is “dwelling” for those who upon the experiences of the in- and out- aspect, spanning from late colonial to
have left to live “somewhere else” (p 1). migrants and the structural outcomes. contemporary India. If this was a largely
And yet the book with 14 substantial Not just cities, a reader learns in the time literature survey-based account, Anindita
essays succeeds in holding the attention of pervasive contemporary illusions, the Chatterjee takes to the ethnographic snap-
of a reader seeking to understand as to migrants also make villages, mediated shots through anecdotal accounts of the
how “else” one can access the migrants. through land, labour, power, violence, young girls in south Kolkata. Trajectories
Neatly divided into four parts, the book oppression, resistance, subversion, social of memory and belongingness enable the
presents the empirics of subjectivities mobility and physical movements. And discussion to highlight the complexity
belonging to archival, historical, socio- in the intrigue of making of a village, it underlying the idea of home, and also
logical as well as from ethnographic and unfolds that “living was prosaic, leaving the inadequacy of agency framework in
auto-ethnographic contents. The first was palliative” (p 79). Making it more comprehending the Janus-faced agency
section unravels the relationship of labour acute, Sengupta examines the debt bond- of female migrants such as Tara, Tina,
and migration, which spills over with an age and seasonal migration among the Dolly, Sabitri mashi and others. Sharon
engendered focus in the second section. ploughmen from the former zamindari Rose centralises a vernacular magazine,
And still later in section three and four, of Borasambar in Odisha. Migrant nar- Girideepam, as a primary source to under-
labour looms large as a sublime ghost ratives, a documentary of intentionality stand the religious identity, family and
even though the attention is directed to and voices of the migrants, aimed at gender in the Malabar migration, at the
the correlates of memory, longing, and labour subjectivities, lead to fathom the cusp of the community and the Syro-
space. It is inevitable since the thematic existential crisis and uncertain lives as Malabar Catholic Church. The text and
narratives of migration can seldom be driving forces of seasonal migration. How context in this essay detail the reinforce-
non-migrant (more precisely, immobile). unfree is one in the freedom that comes ment of gendered stereotypes, migrants
from psychic submissions, a Fromm becoming settlers on the premise of family,
Equilibrium between question, is somewhat answered in the ideals of heterosexual men and women,
the Sublime and the Ridiculous stories of survival, canal and brick kiln patriarchal descent and kinship, inherit-
Perhaps, the whole book reads like a quest migration in this essay, problematising ance and everything that belong to the
of equibrium precariously hung between the narrative agency. world view of a settled migrant community.
the sublime and the ridiculous, kindling
a wishful thinking towards the imp-
erative of change in the ways of seeing दी माइक्रोफाइना स िर यू THE MICROFINANCE REVIEW
the migrants. प्रकाशन हे तु आलेख आमंत्रण CALL FOR PAPERS
The struggle entailed in living and
leaving, of pathos and hope, constraints
Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow is a premier training
and chances of redemption, comes sharply
establishment promoted by NABARD. Centre for Research on Financial Inclusion
in first three essays, by Dhiraj Kumar Nite,
and Microfinance (CRFIM), set up within BIRD, has been publishing a half
Pushpendra Kumar Singh, and Sohini
yearly journal titled “THE MICROFINANCE REVIEW”. Papers / commentaries
Sengupta, respectively. Migrants’ subjec-
are invited for publication of its January-June 2023 issue, Volume-XV, No.1
tive dispositions buried in the researcher’s
issue. Detailed guidelines for submission of papers / commentaries are available
objective articulations lead to the trun-
cated readings of the deeper nuances in
otherwise banal details. Painstakingly
steering clear of the citation-heaviness Interested persons may transmit papers / commentaries on Financial Inclusion
and the techno-instrumental devices, and and Microfinance sector latest by 30 April 2023 to The Editor, THE
with the vignettes of abusive work rela- MICROFINANCE REVIEW, Bankers Institute of Rural Development, Sector-H,
tions, debatable sociality and sociability, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226 012; e-mail: birdjournal@nabard.
troubled schooling experiences, and socio- org/ /; Tel : 0522-2421119 / 2421136.
economic advancements in the life of the Website:
migrant workers of the coal mines, a Director
reader can stumble upon the relationship
Economic & Political Weekly EPW march 11, 2023 vol lViII no 10 33

As stated before, the engendering per- compensation to the dip in the music, a self, perhaps, wandering more intently
sists in unravelling the contents pertai- crescendo emerges in Praveen Kumar than a dervish, across spatial-sensorial
ning to sociocultural memory. And so Jha’s exploration of the relationship of cartography of experience.
does the category of labour. Asha Singh the Caribbean migration and music, and The book, in a nutshell, presents various
and Nitin Sinha dwell upon Bhojpuri thereby the various incarnations of bira- moments of intellectual ruptures, while
women’s folksongs in their respective ha at the interface of society and history. there is reinforced reifications aplenty; all
essays. The motif of desire overplays the Bathed in humanised articulations of with noble intent, from commencement
feminine subjective dispositions toward subjectivities, the essay is a treasure to curtain down. This may excite young
the male migrants’ perpetual enactment trove of meanings for any sensorially researchers who need refreshing re-
of belonging. Not only the folk socio- equipped student of social sciences who searchers to shed the fatigue of the tried-
cultural world of promises but also ordi- does not dismiss musicality and poetry and-tested and get inspired for under-
nary existential vulnerabilities, thus, tend as a mere leisurely pastime. On this high taking much needed risks in approach-
to occupy a characteristic part of the octane, the last section of the book pro- ing something as ubiquitous as migration.
experience of migration. A notion of vides with the three essays seeking and The book would, hopefully, upset the
simultaneity, a veritable play of ego and showing an equilibrium between the diehard conservative scholars who nursed
superego, home and the world, at the sublime and the ridiculous, as it were. a bizarre complacence of truth claims
heart of the subjectivity, underscores the The human face of the migrants’ subjec- about the phenomenon of migration. And
discursive trope in this section. It is how- tivity is unspooled in Garima Dhabai’s that is the hope ignited in this book for
ever named and explained, in a candidly discussion on the making of purusharthi which it deserves manifold recommen-
conservative way, in Amita Bhide and refugee vis-à-vis Sindhi migrants in dations. Rest is just quibbles of curiosity.
Kalyani Vartak’s essay focused on the Jaipur, Swati Mantri’s exploration of
Konkani migrants in Maharashtra, to des-desavar in the context of the Marwari Dev Nath Pathak ( is
provide a behaviouristic explanation of migrants in Kolkata, and Sadan Jha’s with the Department of Sociology, South
the contemporary simultaneity. And as a unabashedly confident ethnography of the Asian University.

34 march 11, 2023 vol lViII no 10 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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