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Queen Esther's leadership in Persia was marked by a combination of several

standout qualities that set her apart as a remarkable and influential leader.
Her unwavering courage and boldness were evident in her willingness to risk
her own life by approaching the king uninvited to advocate for the safety of
her people, the Jews. This act of bravery demonstrated Esther's deep
commitment to her community and her willingness to take risks to ensure
their well-being.

In addition to her courage, Queen Esther displayed strategic thinking and

diplomatic prowess in her approach to handling delicate political matters.
She carefully planned her actions, considering the potential risks and
benefits, and effectively used her influence to sway opinions in her favor.
Esther's ability to navigate complex political situations with grace and
intelligence helped her to achieve favorable outcomes for her people.

Furthermore, Queen Esther's compassionate and empathetic nature shone

through in her leadership style. She genuinely cared for the well-being of her
people and was willing to make personal sacrifices to protect them. Esther's
empathy and compassion fostered a strong sense of unity among the Jewish
community and inspired others to stand up for what is right, even in the face
of adversity.

Esther's wisdom and intelligence were also key characteristics that

contributed to her effectiveness as a leader. Her keen insight into human
nature and her ability to make sound decisions in difficult circumstances
demonstrated her capacity for strategic thinking and problem-solving. Queen
Esther's leadership was not only visionary and inspirational but also practical
and results-driven, ultimately leading to positive change and a brighter
future for her people in Persia.

“ Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not
Eat or Drink for three days, Night or Day I and My attendants will fast as
You do.”

Esther 4:16

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