Q4W1 WW Assessment

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Name: _______________________ ___16. In a group of 20 students, Carl is the 2 nd tallest
Gr. & Sec.: _______________________ student. He is at the 90th percentile. What does
this mean?
To be recorded as WRITTEN WORKS.
a. This only means that 90% is shorter than Carl.
___1. He is known as the Father of Modern Statistics b. this only means that 10% is shorter than Carl.
and experimental design. c. this only means that 90% is taller than Carl.
a. Sir Ronald Fisher c. Hipparchus d. this only means that 10% is shorter or equal to
b. Euclid d. Sir Donald Fisher his height.
___2. It is the score-points which divide the distribution ___17. The two measures which pertain to the same
into four equal parts. value are______.
a. percentile c. quantile
a. Q1 and P10 c. D3 and P4
b. decile d. quartile
___3. It is the score-points which divide a distribution b. Q1 and D2.5 d. D7 and P70
into a hundred equal parts. ___18. Carina got a score of 55 which is equivalent to
a. percentile c. quartile 70th percentile in a mathematics test. Which of
b. measure of position d. fractile the following is NOT true?
___4. What is the term for the median of the lower half a. She scored above 70th of her classmates.
of the data? b. 30% of the class got scores of 55 and above.
a. higher quartile c. interquartile c. If the passing mark is the 1st quartile, she
b. lower quartile d. second quartile passed the test.
___5. Values in a set must be arranged in _____ before d. Her score is above the 5th decile.
solving. ___19. If I tell you that you scored at the 55 th percentile
a. descending order c. higher quartile
on your summative test, you will know that:
b. lower quartile d. ascending order
___6. Given the set of scores: 7,6,12,8,10,4,9. What is a. you failed the test.
the first quartile? b. 40% of the class scored worse than you did.
a. 9 b. 6 c. 7 d. 12 c. You earned 55% on the test
___7. How many percent corresponds to Q1 if you will d. 55% of the class scored the same to you or
interpret it? worse than you did.
a.10% b. 25% c. 75% d. 100% For 20-25.
___8. Which of the following is the definition of
Given the percentile, write the corresponding decile
Measures of Position?
a. it is a single number that represents a set of and/or quartile.
data. Percentile Quartile Decile
b. it is a single number that describes a set of P25 20. 23.
data. P75 21. 24.
c. it is a number that tells where the scores stand
P50 22. 25.
relative to the others in a set of data.
d. it is a number that describes the amount of
spread in a set of data.
___9. There are 10 score-points in a quartile.
a. True b. False c. None d. Maybe
___10. In the distribution 12,15,8,20,17,22,6,10 and 17,
what is the 4th decile?
a. 12 b. 17 c. 8 d. 22
___11. In a 70-item test, Wendy got a score of 50 which
is the third quartile. This means that _________.
a. She got the highest score.
b. Her score is higher than 25% of his classmates.
c. She surpassed 75% of her classmates.
d. 75% of her classmates did not pass the test.
___12. When the distribution is divided into ten equal
parts, each score point that describes the
distribution is called _____.
a. Measure of Position c. Deciles
b. Quartiles d. Percentiles
___13. The Median is equivalent to
a. second quartile (Q2) c. 50 th percentile
b. Fifth decile (D5) d. all of the above
___14. Formula in finding Interquartile Range28.
a. IQR= Q3 + Q1 c. IQR= Q3 + Q2
b. IQR= Q3 – Q1 d. IQR= Q3 – Q2
___15. Given the P95, what is the corresponding decile?
a. D95 c. D90
b. D9 d. D9.5

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