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1. To determine factors affecting the enzymatic activity



Insert Picture

tt Observed color Explanation

Control Set-Up Deep Blue Because there is no digestion at
normal temperature.
Ice Violet Because the starch is slower to
digest at low temperature.
50 degrees Celsius Light Yellow/Dark Brown Because there is no starch
present anymore in the short
period of time with a higher

Tt Presence and absence of Presence and absence of Presence and absence of

bubbles bubbles bubbles
(Control Set-Up) (Experimental Set-Up – (Experimental Set-Up –
Acetic Acid) Sodium Hydroxide)
tt sample 1 (Raw Fish) Present Present Least
tt sample 2 (Cooked Present Least Least
tt sample 3 (Garlic) Present Absent Present
tt sample 4 (String Present Least Present
tt sample 5 (Raw Present Present Present


Guide Questions

1. Discuss table 1
 In table 1, we can indicate the color of enzyme activity at different temperatures.
The higher the temperature, the faster the starch is to digest in a shorter period.
2. Discuss table 2
 In table 2, we can control the only solution present in the test sample. Where
there is an evident bubble observed, there is a catalase present. We cannot
control the solutions with two reactions since it depends on how the test sample
reacts to them. Also, control set up is the main baseline to compare the different
experiments. No bubbles mean there is an absence of catalase.
3. How does lower temperature affect the activity of salivary amylase?
4. How does a higher temperature affect the activity of salivary amylase?
5. How does an acid affect catalase?
6. How does an alkaline affect catalase?
7. What is the purpose of control set up in both table 1 and table 2?
 To ensure that the results of test samples are valid and accurate. It will be also
the baseline to compare the different experiment process held.
8. Which tt sample (from control set up) shows the most bubbles, what does it indicate?
 Test sample 1 (Raw fish) shows the most bubbles. It indicates that there is high
presence or active catalase.
9. Which tt sample (from Acid set up) shows the least to no bubbles, what does it indicate?
 The Test Sample 2 and 4 shows the least bubbles. It indicates there is a low
presence of catalase.
10. Which tt sample (from Alkaline set up) shows the least to no bubbles, what does it
 Test sample 1 and 2 shows the least of bubbles. It indicates that there is low
presence of catalase.
11. What is a catalase? Which sample/s was/ were it present?
 Catalase is an enzyme that brings about (catalyzes) the reaction by which
hydrogen peroxide is decomposed to water and oxygen. Found extensively in
organisms that live in the presence of oxygen. Catalase is Present in Test Sample
1, 2, 4 and 5.
12. What are the color results in table 1?
 The color results in Table 1 are Deep Blue (Control Set-up), Violet (Ice), and
Light Yellow/Dark brown (50 degrees celsius)
13. What is the use of Iodine in the activity 1 (skyflakes)?
14. What is the use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Activity 2?
15. What are the factors affecting enzymatic activity?


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