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Matillion is a data integration and transformation platform designed to help organizations manage
and process their data in the cloud. It is specifically focused on simplifying and accelerating the
process of extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from various sources into cloud-based
data warehouses, such as Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and more.

What is Matillion ETL

Matillion ETL is a cloud-native data integration and transformation platform, designed for simplifying
and accelerating ETL processes in the cloud. It provides users with a visual interface to extract data
from diverse sources, perform transformations, and load it into cloud-based data warehouses or
data lakes, all while leveraging the scalability and flexibility of major cloud platforms. With pre-built
components, security features, scalability, and a user-friendly interface, Matillion ETL empowers
organizations to efficiently manage, unify, and process data from various sources for analytics and
business intelligence, making it an ideal choice for modern data-driven enterprises.

Matillion Key Features

Key features and aspects of Matillion include:

Cloud-Native: Matillion is designed to work seamlessly with major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure,
and Google Cloud. It takes advantage of the scalability and flexibility of these platforms to process
data efficiently.

ETL Capabilities: Matillion provides a visual ETL development environment where users can design
and schedule data transformation workflows. It offers a wide range of connectors to various data
sources, making it easier to ingest data from databases, applications, APIs, and more.

Transformation and Orchestration: Matillion allows users to perform data transformations, including
data cleaning, enrichment, aggregation, and more, using a drag-and-drop interface. It also enables
users to orchestrate complex data workflows.

Data Integration: It supports data integration from various sources, including relational databases,
NoSQL databases, cloud storage, and more. Users can combine data from different sources into a
unified view.

Pre-built Components: Matillion provides a library of pre-built components, often called “blocks” or
“operators,” that simplify the development of common ETL tasks. These components can be
customized to meet specific requirements.

Security and Governance: Matillion includes security features to ensure that data remains secure
during the ETL process. It also provides auditing and monitoring capabilities for compliance and

Scalability: With its cloud-native architecture, Matillion can scale dynamically to handle large
volumes of data processing when needed, which is essential for big data and analytics workloads.
User-Friendly: One of Matillion’s strengths is its user-friendly, graphical interface. Users with varying
levels of technical expertise can design and manage ETL processes without extensive coding.

Collaboration: Matillion supports collaboration among team members, allowing multiple users to
work on ETL projects simultaneously.

Matillion is a popular choice for organizations that are migrating to the cloud and want to modernize
their data integration and ETL processes. It provides a platform that can adapt to the evolving needs
of data-driven businesses while leveraging the power and scalability of cloud computing.

While we refer to the product as Matillion ETL since “ETL” is more commonly known, Matillion is
actually an ELT product. Following an ELT approach Matillion loads source data directly into your
database allowing you to transform and prepare data for analytics using the power of your cloud
data architecture.


Matillion ETL Matillion Data Loader

Role-based permissions Yes, to a granular level Yes

Automation Sophisticated flow logic to handle data and Matillion API to trigger jobs. No

Data Stage Stage data in your own cloud environment Leave the complexity to us. Choose
what region your data is staged in.

Matillion is a data integration platform that not only integrates with data sources to ingest data into
cloud platforms (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP and Snowflake), but also transforms data into an analytics-
ready state which then can be used by analytics and BI tools (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI, and Sigma)

What are the data types in Matillion?


Type Description

Text Any text string.

Numeric Any number, with or without decimals (Matillion ETL for Redshift also allows Real
and Double Precision types in some features).

DateTime Date and time values in the following formats yyyy-MM-dd , yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm ,
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS , or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS.SSS .
Matillion offers its users over 100 connectors for the ETL product, while the Data Loader product has
more than 41 connectors. Source connectors feature various SaaS applications, streaming services,
cloud storage, and databases.

Snowflake users: Matillion ETL for Snowflake executes each query within an SQL Script component
using a connection from a connections pool, meaning that each query may be executed by a
different connection.

Matillion ETL is a cloud-native, Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) solution that simplifies the process of
collecting, preparing, and loading data for analysis. ETL is a crucial component of data management,
especially in the context of data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytics.

Understanding Matillion ETL

In the ever-evolving landscape of data integration and transformation, Matillion has emerged as a
powerful tool, specifically Matillion ETL, that is changing the game for businesses of all sizes. In
this blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Matillion ETL, demystifying its functionalities and
how it can benefit your organization. So, let’s dive right in and understand what Matillion ETL is
and how it works!

What is Matillion ETL?

Matillion ETL is a cloud-native, Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) solution that simplifies the
process of collecting, preparing, and loading data for analysis. ETL is a crucial component of data
management, especially in the context of data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytics.
Matillion ETL is designed to streamline this process and make it more accessible to users,
regardless of their technical expertise.

Key Features of Matillion ETL

1. Cloud-Native Approach
Matillion ETL is built natively for popular cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
This means it seamlessly integrates with your existing cloud infrastructure, eliminating the need
for on-premises hardware and reducing operational overhead.

2. User-Friendly Interface
Matillion ETL boasts an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create ETL
workflows with ease. This user-friendly design ensures that even non-technical staff can perform
data transformations and integrations.

3. Scalability
Matillion ETL is highly scalable, enabling organizations to handle data volumes of all sizes.
Whether you’re dealing with a few gigabytes or petabytes of data, Matillion ETL can
accommodate your needs.
4. Pre-Built Connectors
Matillion ETL offers a wide range of pre-built connectors for various data sources and
destinations, simplifying the process of connecting to your data. This extensive library of
connectors includes popular databases, cloud-based services, and applications.

Matillion Data Loader: Simplifying Data Loading

In addition to Matillion ETL, Matillion provides Matillion Data Loader, a specialized
tool focused on the data loading aspect of the ETL process. It simplifies the task of efficiently
moving and loading data into your data warehouse or target destination, further enhancing your
data integration workflow.

Matillion Hub: Centralized Management and Monitoring

To complement Matillion ETL, we have Matillion Hub, a centralized platform for managing,
scheduling, and monitoring your ETL workflows. It serves as a control center for overseeing the
entire ETL operation, ensuring data is collected, transformed, and loaded according to your
desired timeline.

How Matillion ETL Works

Matillion ETL operates on a simple, yet effective, ETL workflow model. Here’s a step-by-step
overview of how Matillion ETL works:
1. Data Extraction:
Matillion ETL connects to your data sources, whether they are databases, cloud services, or files,
and extracts the necessary data.
2. Data Transformation:
Using its drag-and-drop interface, you define the data transformations required to prepare your
data for analysis. Matillion ETL provides a variety of transformation components for this
3. Data Loading:
Matillion ETL loads the transformed data into your data warehouse or target destination, ready
for analysis.
4. Orchestration and Scheduling:
Matillion ETL enables you to schedule and orchestrate your ETL processes, ensuring data is
collected, transformed, and loaded according to your desired timeline.

Benefits of Matillion ETL

1. Reduced Complexity:
Matillion ETL simplifies ETL processes, making them accessible to a broader range of users
within your organization.
2. Cost-Efficiency:
By leveraging cloud-native architecture, Matillion ETL eliminates the need for expensive on-
premises hardware and software licenses.
3. Rapid Deployment:
Its user-friendly interface and pre-built connectors enable quick deployment and faster time-to-
4. Scalability:
Matillion ETL grows with your data needs, ensuring you can handle increased data volumes
without significant adjustments.
5. Enhanced Data Quality:
With powerful transformation capabilities, Matillion ETL helps ensure data quality and

In conclusion, Matillion ETL is a user-friendly, cloud-native ETL solution designed to simplify
and streamline data integration and transformation processes. By embracing Matillion ETL,
organizations can unlock the full potential of their data, gaining valuable insights that drive
informed decision-making.

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