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CONTENT Physics Part-I 1, Units and Measurements. 2, Motion in a Straight Line. 3 Motion ina Plane... 4 Law of Motion. 5. Work, Energy, Power and Collisions 6. System of Particles and Rotational Motion 7. Gravitation . No. of MCQs Units AND MEASUREMENTS Past Years NEET Trend 0 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013, 2012 Investigation Report TARGET EXAM | PREDICTED NO. OF MCQs CRITICAL CONCEPTS NEET 12 + Slunits, Dimensional Analysis, Errors Perfect Practice Plan Topicwise Questions Learning Plus Multiconcept MCQs NEET Past 10 Years Questions Total MCQs 59. 26 ul 19 us: PHYSICAL QUANTITIES AM! quantities that can be measured are called. phy aquamines. eg length, mass, force, work dane. ete-In phy ‘we study about piysical quantities and the inter relationship, There are two types of physical quantities (0) Fundamental quantities (u) Denwved quantities Fundamental Quantity: Physical quantities which cannot be expressed in erm of any othe physical quantities are called fundamental physical quantities Eg length, mas, time, temperature etc. Derived Quantity: Physical Quantities which are derived from fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. Eg Area density force ete ‘MEASUREMENT Measurement is the comparison of a physical quantity with a standard ofthe same physical quanti: Different countries followed different standards. Units of Measurement: Afixed measurement chosen as standard of measurement 10 measure a physical quantity is called a Unit ‘Tomeasurea physical quantity means to determine the number oft its standard unit is contained in that physical quantity. Astandard Unit is necessary forthe sake of (9 Accuracy, (i) Convenience, (ii) Uniformity and (tv) Equal justice toa The standard unit chosen should have the following characteristics (0 Consistency (1) nvariailty (Gi) Availability (or) reproducibility (ii) Imperishabilty (Permanency) (iv) Convenience and acceptability. The numerical value obtained on measuring 2 physical quantity is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the unit chosen. Where my, and, are the numerical values U, and U, are the units of same physical quantity in diferent systems. Fundamental unit: The unit used to measure the fundamental quantity is called fundamental unit. €.8+, Metre for length, kilogram for mass etc. Derived unit: The unit used to measure the derived quantity is called derived uit. e<8~m? for area, gm em’ for density ee. Systems of Units: There are four systems of units FPS cGs MKS SI FPS or British Engineering system: In this system I mass and time are token as fundamental quantities and (MKS system: In ths system also the fundamental qui are length, mass and time but their fundamental ‘metre (m), kilogram (kg) and second (3) respectively. Unit of some fundamental physical quantities in different ye physical Quantity ne System Chiu) Length [Mass fe Time Fundamental Internationalsystem (SI) ofunits: Thissystem is modifict over the MKS system. Besides the three base units of system four fundamental and two supplementary units are ‘eluded inthis system. 3 Based on SI there are three categories of physical quantities 7 fundamental quantities 2 supplementary quantities and derived quantities SET OF FUNDAMENTAL QUANTITIES A set of physical quantities which are completely independ of each other and all other physical quantities can b expressed in terms of these physical quantities is called Set of Fundamental Quantities. i Fundamental Quantities and Their S.1. Units ‘There are seven fundamental quantities and two supplementary quantities in $1. system. The names and units with symbols axe given below: i ‘SI Base Quantities and Their Units ®@ Physical quanti Tan 1_ [Length Metre 2_ [Mass Kilogram 3. [Time Second 5 4 [Temperature Kelvin 5__|Electriccurent [Ampere [A 6 [Luminous Imensity [Candela [ed 7 [Amount of substance [Mole mol Drorrex NEET Plane angle Radian 2. | Solid angle Steradian st Some Special Units for Length: angstrom (A) = 10°! m= 10% em nanometre (nm) = 10-? m= 10 A Fermi = 10-5 m Micron = 10° m Xray unit = 10° m 1 AU. = Distance between sun & earth = 1.496x10" m Light year = 9.46 = 10!5 m Par see= 3.26 light years = 30.84 » 105 m Bohr radius = 0.5 x 10-! m Mile = 1.6 km Some Special Units for Mass: Quintal = 100g Metric ton = 1000 kg ‘Atomic mass u (a.m.u) = 1.67 « 107 kg. Some Special Units for Time: One day = 86400 second Shake = 10° second One light year is distance travelled by light in one year in ‘vacuum or air. This unit is used in astronomy. Astronomical unit is the mean distance of the earth from the sun, This unit is used in astronomy. DIMENSIONS AND DIMENSIONAL FORMULA All the physical quantities of interest can be derived from the base quantities. “The power (exponent) of base quantity, that enters into the expression of a physical quantity is called the dimension of the quantity in that base. To make it clear, the physical quantity force Force = mass x acceleration >, Jengthitime time mass = mass * length x (time)? So the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length and -2 in time. Thus [Force] = MLT? ‘Similarly energy has dimensional formula given by [Energy ]= ML? . energy has dimensions, 1 in mass, 2 in length and -2 in time. Such an expression for a physical quantity in terms of base {quantities is called dimensional formula, Physical quantity can be further of four types : Dimension less constant ic. 1,2,3, 7 et. 2. Dimension less variable 4. angle 0 ete 3.Dimensional constant ic. Gh ete. 4, Dimensional variable ic. Fv, ete. Dimension Dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental units are to be raised to obtain one unit of that quantity DIMENSIONAL EQUATION Whenever the dimension of a physical quantity is equated with its dimensional formula, we get a dimensional equation Dimensional Formula ‘An expression showing the powers to which the fundamental units are to be raised to obtain one unit of the derived quantity is called Dimensional formula of that quantity. In general the dimensional formula of a quantity can be written as [MYT], Here x12 are dimensions. Dimensional Constants ‘The physical quantities which have dimensions and have a fixed value are called dimensional constants. Eg: Gravitational Constant (G), Planck's Constant (h), Universal gas constant (R), Velocity of light in vacuum (c) etc, Dimensionless Quantities Dimensionless quantities are those which do not have dimensions but have a fixed value. (a) Dimensionless quantities without units. Eg: Pure numbers, etc. (6) Dimensionless quantities with units Eg: Angular displacement-radian, constant joulelcalorieetc., PRINCIPLE OF HOMOGENEITY ‘The magnitude of a physical quantity may be added or subtracted from each other only if they have the same dimension, also the dimension on both sides of an equation rust be same. This is called as principle of homogeneity. Dimensional Variables Dimensional variables are those physical quantities which have dimensions and do not have fixed value. angle Joule’s Eg: velocity, acceleration, force, work, power... ete. Dimensionless Variables Dimensionless variables are those physical quantities which do not have dimensions and do not have fixed value. Eg: Specific gravity, reftactive index, Coefficient of friction, Poisson's Ratio et Units avo Measurenexts——______@)_______—_——@ USES OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS (0) To check the dimensional correctness of a given physica relation It is based on principle of homogeneity, which states that a given physical relations dimensionally correct if the dimensions of the various terms on cither side ofthe relation are the same, i KEY NOTE + Powers are dimensionless *+ sin 0, e9,c05 0, log 0 gives dimensionless value and in above expression 0 is dimensionless + Wecan add or subtract quantity having same dimensions. == TRAIN YOURBRAIN == Q The poston of » paticle at time fis given by the equation a(0)= ™ (1) wheres constant and > 0.The dimensions of vy & a ae respectively @ Mut ET! (MUT ST COMLTET MILT gir ‘Sol. (c) fv] = [2] [a] = M°L'T & [a] [e] = APL®T? = (a]=MUT! simple pendulum using dimensional analysis Sol, The dimensions of LHS = the dimension of The dimensions of pris =| Smmofleneth im.of dimensionless const.) Lye (4A) er Ge) ** (i To establish a relation between different physical quar Ive know the various factors on which a physical quantity depends, then we ean finda relation among different factrs by using principle of homogeneity (Gi To convert units of a physical quantity from one system of unis fo another Itis based on the fat that, = (MT!) ‘Numerical value « unit= constant So on changing wnit, numerical value will also get changed, I'm, and n, are the numerical values of a given physical quanity and u, and uy be the units espectvely in two diffrent systems of units, then == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN Q. Convert | newton (SI unit of forse) into dyne (CGS unit of force) aga—__a rors Neer Sol. The dimensional equation of force is (A= Bt l'T] Therefore ifn, my and, unit respectively, then tleeley x1000%100x1 = 10° corresponds to SI & gy = nh > kel mys elon = 10° Dyne=1N. Q. Letus find an expression for the time period t of a simp] pendulum. The time period t may possibly depend (i) mass m of the bob of the pendulum, (ii) length 1 pendulum, (iii) acceleration due to gravity g at the pla where the pendulum is suspended. Sol. Let (i) 12 me (ii) € (iil) 0g ‘Combining all the three factors, we get = tml or 1=Kmelige z Where Kis dimensionless constant of proportionait Writing down the dimensions on ether side of equation, wegel In)= peer y= [sent * 74] Comparing dimensions we can get “= K J Q. A calorie is unit of heat or energy and it equals about 42 J, where 13 = 1 kg mS? Suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals & kg, the unit of length equals B metre, the unit of time is y second, Show that calorie has a magnitude 4.2 0-1-2? in terms ofthe new units Sol. cal =4.2 kg m's SI New system Ti=1s Ty=ysecond Dimensional formula of energy is [L272] mane [fal om | == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == ‘Thus, [a] = length = L | Q. The distance covered by a particle in time ss given by x Wo=2, or fo)= ur = a+ br+ ct? + dP; find the dimensions of a, b,c and d. [et=L, or [ee zr? Sol. The equation contains five terms. All of them should and |d®|=Lor — [d]=LT? have the same dimensions. Since [x] = length, each of four must have the dimension of length. ‘The Following Is the list of some Physical Quantities with their Formula and Dimensional Formula Physical Quantity eon oct Dern red ining Distance, Displacement, Wave Length, 1. [Radius of gyration, Circumference, went |m Perimeter, Light year, Parsee. 2, [Mass ET] [ke total time 3. | Periodofoscillation, Time,timeconstant| | No.of oscillations verry — |s T= Capacity * Resistance 107-4 4. | Frequency See es pd L187) | Herz (tz) 5. [Area [A= length » breadth weer [wm 6. |Volume V=Length breadth «height [M2979] |? Mass 1. |Densi a 3 Jensity ee (89 79) | kgm _ Mass Ae 7 . | Linear density = (479) | kgm 9. | Speed, Velocity veury |mst 10, | Acceleration wenra) [mst 11, [Linear Momentum P= mass * velocity (AL Ty_[ kgms-! 12, | Impulse I= Force * time urury [Ns 13.__[ Force F= Mass * acceleration wer) [N IW Force * displacement 1 1 14, |Work,Energy.PE,KE, Strain Energy |PE=mehsKE= Sav? SE=> Jia y2 ray | s(or)Nam » Stress « Strain x Volume Work 15. | Power = WET [5s (or) watt Untts AND Measunesexts NW Tay iene eM AMMO Nn our a Te S) DneancnE aXe Doi SME MA TOUS a Se in pressure = FOB Pressure Stress, Modulus of Elasticity TS an * 6 ley y < Sts (tLtT] | Nav? (or) Stain Change in dimension 1 | Sui —— pL? it i Original dimensions bee) Nema 18, | Strain enetgy density WAL) mw? 19. | Angular displacement Weer) rad 20, | Angular Velocity = Maulardisplacement weer} [rads time 21, | Angular acceleration a = Changeinangulrvelecity | 49 yo Ty) rads? time 22, [Angular momentum L=Linearmomentumxam — |[IMET) [Js 23, | Panel's constant wery [is 24, | Torque wery [Nm Acceleration due 10 gravity(g) 35 [2 sraitatonl field strength DALT?| [msec 26, | Universal gravitational Constant One ry im? kg? [Moment of nena WET [kom 28, | Velocity gradient weeny lst = tangential stress uciry [paseo 29. | Coeficientof Viscosity Wad pellet LA ty |Pas (or) Ns mr 30. _| Heat energy sd UEP [roule 31 [Temperature e BAL P.0} | Kelvin (Ky eatenergy 32. | Specific heat Capacity SlorC= pan (PL T2074] [IKgt Kt 33. | Water Equivalent W= MC (4° 7) kg ‘34. Coeficient of Thermal expansion | a or Boryask (o") Kt 272 9 38. | Univesal gas consi 7 (BO sot Ko oF mmol") a—$ _|_ a bore weer TMM RU ee een neem Dimensional ere Explanation or Formulae pa Saini R Le 2 rt ot 6. Gas constant ( for | gram) _ Ike Kt : d Mol.wt mol} 37. | Boltzman constant (for ! Molecule) k= _ [M2 720-4 |JK+ molecule! : ‘AvagadroNo. : w 010 38. | Mechanica equivalent of heat a re oe is} m! K+ (or 39. | CoetTof Thermal Conductivity utero |? K+ (en Wmt kK! dQ _ heatenergy 40, | Entropy T temperature (re roy [aK 1 Js! m? K+ (or) 41. | Stefan's Constant War? K+ [af 1° 7 04) 42, | Thermal resistance Lie? Paty [Ks Change in temp _ dO 43, | Temperature gradient Tength a (OL Km! Change in pressure _ dp : ‘44. | Pressure gradient a 7 (IME Pascal m- 45._ | Enbalpy Heat WET [loule ‘AMf= 21 m= pole strength * length of 46. | Magnetic Moment papel Leeray |Am a |wecens $= BxA = Qognetic induction «| 9 g2 72-1) | wo aes) 4 _ Magnetic lus _F aacry [Tesla (or) Wom? 48. | Magnetic induction field strength Bats => ML T? A ec int . $_Moeeicte Fi ton Nat! 49, | Magnetic permeability of free space oe [M'L'T? A] | Hmt many 50. __ | Electric current 7 [MLPA] [A SI. | Charge = Current * time [M°L'T.A] c ‘52,_| Electric dipole moment P= Charge = distance [M’L°T.A] [Cm Etec ld stength (on) Elstree) |p. fore Vo 53. | intensity Charge MILT AY INC 4. | Electrical ux (0,) Electrical Intensity * area IMB T3 a7] [Nm Usrts ano Measuneneurs —__@-____________@ The Following is the list of Some Physical Quant ities with thelr Formula and Dimensional Formula DRTC lanation or Formulae SNe Physical Quantity Doak eae a Work > $8, _| Electric potent (r) Potential difference a MeTrsay {y Charge 86, | Execuncal resistance p= Poti IMT A] }O Current 1. | Electrical conductance a [M'L?T3 A?] | mho (or) siemen, R. Resistance Ks RA : $8, |sposiernsanesienRoisiny pe) | p= At [MET [Ohm m ye! Eletncal conductivity Resistivity BEL PAy $9, | Curent density (Cute per unit area of |= Electnel Intensity siemen m’ cro sstn) MPL? T?A] | Am? » Conductivity of (=) t 1 area 60. | Capacitance V Potential IML? TA] | F a ol _ Nohage time 61. | Self (or) Mutual Inductance (¢ Current [M'L?T?.A2] | H (or) Wh/amp — a 62, | Eletnal permits af fee space [ML TA) | faraam 63, _| Sutace charge density [MPL?T!A!) | Cm? G4,_| Fecal Power i DELI] |Dioptre focal length - Physical Quantities Having Same Dimensional Formulas: Distance, Displacement, radius, light year wavelength radius of gyration (L] Speed, Velocity, Velocity of ight 7") Acceleration, acceleration due to gravity, intensity of ravitational field centripetal acceleration (L7™] Impulse, Change in momentum (MLT"] Force, Weight, Tension, Thrus [MT] Work, Energy, Moment of force or Torque, Moment of couple (wry Force constant, Surface Tension, Spring constant, Energy pet unit area [MT] Angular momentum, Angular impulse, Planck's wry Angular velocity, Frequency, Velocity gradient, 1 constant, rate of disintegration [T~"] Stress, Pressure, Modulus of Elasticity, Energy iM Specific heat, Specific gas constant (L27-!0"1] ‘Thermal capacity, Entropy, Boltzmann constant, Mo thermal capacity, [ML?7"70"1] 4 MET 0 ‘constant and velocity gradient have same dimensi Beer] 2 Tessure, stress, coefficient of elasticity, energy density have ame dimensional formula [ML"'7"2] lectric field and potential gradient have same dimensional formula [MLT 24-1] urface tension, surface energy, force gradient and spring stant have same dimensional formula [LT] orce, weight and Energy gradient have same dimensions (MLT™2] ight year, wave length and radius of gyration have same jimensional formula [4PL7°] train, Poisson’s ratio, refractive index, dielectric constant, efficient of friction, relative permeability, Magnetic susceptibility, Electric susceptibility, angle, solid angle, rrigonometric ratios, exponential constant are all jimensionless. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. IPs the pressure of a gas and p is its density, then find the dimension of velocity @ PM%p-12 (© Pp? (@Method -1 [P= (77 [p]= (4) Dividing eq. (1) by (2) [Pe)= (277 S [LT] = [P!%p19 Method - 11 Vac Ppt V=kP* ph Ur = (Mp (sy ( Ply (@ PMp12 Sol. er) 2) Seip = IN= Pp") LIMITATIONS OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS METHOD: Dimensionless quantities cannot be determined by this method, Constant of proportionality cannot be determined by this method. This method is not applicable to trigonometric, logarthmic and exponential functions, In the case of physical quantities which are dependent ‘upon more than three physical quantities, this method will be difficut. In some cases, the constant of proportionality also possesses dimensions. In such cases we cannot use this system. Ifone side of equation contains addition or subtraction of physical quantities, we cannot use this method, We use certain special length units for short and large lengths. These are ho Definition and Conversion fermi f= 108 m TA= 10m. TAU = (average distance of the sum from the earth) = 1.496 10!" m T angstrom T astronomical unit Tight year Tly=946~ 10" m (Distance that light travels with velocity of 3 * 10%mv s) in 1 year T par see 3.08 * 10m Parsec is the distance at which average radius of earth's orbit subtends an angle of | are second Accuracy and Precision The numerical values obtained on measuring physical quantities depend upon the measuring instruments, methods of measurement. A unit of measurement of a physical quantity is the standard reference of the same phystcal quantity which is uscd for ‘comparison of the given physical quantity. Accuracy refers to how closely a measured value agrees with the true values. Precision refers to what limit or resolution the given physical ‘quantity can be measured ‘Accuracy refers to the closeness of observed values to its true value of the quantity while precision refers to closeness between the different observed values of the same quantity High precision does not mean high accuracy. The difference between accuracy and precision can be understand by the following example: Suppose three students are asked to find the length of a rod whose length 1s known to be 2.250em, The observations are given in the table. 2.27em, 2.250em 2.250em 2.2S0em Itis clear from the above table, that the observation taken by a student A are neither precise nor accurate. The observations of student B are more precise. The observations of student C are precise as will as accurate Types of Errors Uncertainty in measurement of a physical quantity is called the error in measurement. The difference between the measured value and true value as, per standard method without mistakes is called the error, Error = True value - Measured value Correction = — error ‘True value means, standard value free of mistakes, UNrTS AND MEASUREMENTS: a3 Errors are broadly classified nto 3 types. (i) Systematic errors (i) Random eros (int) Gross errors (i) Systematic Ervors/Controllable Errors ‘The eros due toa definite cause and which follow a particular rule are called systematic errors. They always occur in one directon Following are some systematic errs Constant Error Systematic errors with a constant magnitude are called constant ero. The constant ansed due to imperfect design, zero erro inthe instrument or any other such defects. These are also called instrumental erors. Zero Error: The error due to improper designing and construction. Exs Ifa sew gauge hasazero error of -head scale divisions, then every reading wll be 0.0m less than the true value. Environmental Error: The err ansed due to external conditions like changes in ‘environment, changes in temperature, pressure, humidity et. Ex: Due to mse temperature a scale gets expanded and this results n enor m measunng length Imperfection in Experimental Technique or Procedure: Treerrorduetoexperimentalarangement, procedure followed and experimental technique is called Imperfection errr. Ex: In ealonmetnic expenments, the loss of heat due to radiation, the effect on weighing dve to buoyancy of air annot be mowed Personal Errors or Observational Errors: ‘These eros are ently due to personal peculariies tke indivulual bus, lack of proper settings of the aparatus, catelessness in taking observations. Probable enor x | _ 10, of readings Ex: Palla enor (ii) Random Errors They are due to uncontrolled disturbances which influence the physica quantity and the instrument. These errors ate estimated by statistical methods —— no. of observations Ex: The errors due toline voltage changes and backlash ertor Random error = Backlash errors are due to screw and nut aS ee $§ oorren. Neer (iii) Gross Errors ‘The cause for gross eros ae improper recording, negl the sources of the ero, reading the instrument incor sheer carelessness placed exactly in the magnetic meridian and eare shoul taken to see that no other magnetic material are present vicinity ‘No correction can be applied to these gross errors. ‘When the errors are minimized, the accuracy increases. The systematic errs can be estimated and observations be conected, Random errors are compensating type. A physical quant measured numberof times and these values lie on either sid ‘of mean value-with random errors. These errors are esti by statistical methods and accuracy is achieved. 4 KEY NOTE + Personal errors like parallax error can be avoi taking proper care a + The instrumental errors are avoided by calibrating th instrument with a standard value and by applying pr comrections. True value and Errors True Value In the measurement of a physical quantity the arith ‘mean of all readings which is found to be very close to the most accurate reading is to be taken as True value of the’ quantities. Ia, dy. 4. ate readings then true value measurement is called absolute error. [True value - measured values men 4) The absolute error is always positive. Mean Absolute Error The arithmetic mean of all the absolute errors is considered as the mean absolute error or final absolute error of the value of — the physical concemed. a [3a : Man 2 al ‘The mean absolute error is always positive. Relative Error |The relauve error of a measured physical quantity isthe ratio |of the mean absolute error to the mean value of the quantity | measured Relative erro nis a pure number having no units Percentage Error a [Sse KEY NOTE Relative error and percentage error give a measure of accuracy i.e, percentage error increases accuracy decreases Combination of Errors «+ Error due to addition MZ=A+B AZ= AA + AB (Max. Possible error) Z4AZ= (A+ AA)+ (B+ AB) AA+aR A+B M+aB A+B «+ Error due to subtraction 'z=A-B AZ~= MA + AB (Max. Possible error) Z40Z=(A2MA)~(B + AB) Relative error Percentage error 100 Relative error = S4*88 4-8 Percentage error = 4+ 3 , 199 4-8 + Whether it is addition or subtraction, absolute error is same, More admissible error AU = +(x) +( + In subtraction the percentage error increases. «+ Error due to Multiplication 1Z= AB then 2 . M4, AB za SB az Fs called factional ero or relative enor, AZ 100 Z Percentage erro =(S00) (32-100) 4 B «+ Here Percentage error is the sum of individual percentage errors « Error due to Division: 4 B ‘Maximum possible relative error AZ _M OB ZA 8 Max. Percentage error in division 22 - 4. Zz slE + Breer duets Feue: ifZ=A" az 4 Zz A ‘+ In more general form Art rz then maximum fractional error in Z is AZ_ AA AB. AC = tq ar Se Ze ec As we check for maximum error a+ ve sign is to be taken, ac for the term r= forthe term r= Maximum Percentage error in az a as ac 22M s100= pM x100+9 92 x100+r4C «100 Z Ae Ge = TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. Inan experiment, two capacities measured are (1.30.1), nF and (2.4 + 0.2) uF. Calculate the total capacity if the {two capacitors are connected in parallel with percentage error Sol, Here, C, = (1.3 0.1) uF and C, In parallel, C, (2420.2) pF. C+ C= 13+ 24 = 37 oF + (0.1 + 0.2)= £03 % eror Hence, C, = (3.7 + 0.3) wF = 3.7 uF + 8.1% Significant Figures: A significant figure is defined asthe figure, which is considered reasonably, rust worthy in number. Eg: x= 3.141592654 (upto 10 digits) = 3.14 (with 3 figures ) = 3.1416 (upto 5 digits ) Usrs xo Measunenesns- —___@ ———_______________@ # KEY NOTE The significant figures indicate the extent 19 which the readings ae reliable Rules for Determining the Number of Significant Figures: «+ All the non-zero digits ina given number are significant ‘witoutanyregardto the location ofthe decimal pointif any Ex: 194.52 has five significant digits 1945.2 or 194 52 all have the same number of significant digisahat is S + All zeros accruing between two non zero digits are significant without any regard to the location of decimal point sfany: Ex: 107008 has sx significant digits. 107 008 or 1.07008 has also got six significant digits. + Ifthe number is less than one, all the zeros to the right of the decimal point but tothe first non-zero digit are not sigoificant, Ex: 0.000408 Inthis example all zeros before 3 are non-significant. (0 All zer0s to the night of a decimal point are significant ifthey are not followed by a non-zero digit. Ex: 40 00 has 4 significant digits (i) All zer0s to the right ofthe last non-zero digit after the decimal point are significant Ex: 0.05700 has 4 significant digits + Allzeros o the ight ofthe last non-zero digit in a number having no decimal point are not significant. Ex: 4030 has 3 significant digits Rounding off Numbers The process of omitting the non significant digits and retaining only the desired number of significant digits, incorporating the required modifications tothe last significant digtis called rounding off the number. Rules for Rounding off Numbers: + The preceding digit is raised by 1 if the immediate insignificant digit to the dropped is more than S. Ex: 4727 isrounded off to three significant figures as 4730. + The preceding digitis tobe let unchanged ifthe immediate insignificant digit to be dropped is less than 5. Ex: 4722 i rounded off to three significant figures as 4720 + Ifthe immediate insignificant digit to be dropped is $ then there wil be two different cases (a) Ifthe preceding digit is even, itis tobe unchanged and 51s dropped Ex: 4.7252 isto be rounded off to two decimal places. The digit to be dropped here is $ (along with 3) and the preceding digit 2 is even and hence to be retained as two only 4.7252= 4.72 (b) Ihe preceding digit is odd itis to be raised by 1 Ex: 447153 isto be rounded of to two decimal places, Asthe preceding digit 1 is odd, itis to be raised by | as? 47183 =4.72 Rules for Arithmetic Operations with Significant, Figures: In multiplication or division, the final result should retain only that many significant figures as are thee in the original number withthe least numberof significant figures. Ex: But the result should be limited to the least number of significant digits-that is two digits only. So final answer is 9.9, In addition or subtraction the final result should retain only that many decimal places as ae there in the number with the least decimal places. Ex:2.2+4008+3,12+6.38=15.78.Finally weshouldhave only, ‘one decimal place and hence 15.78 isto be rounded off as 15.8, VERNIER CALIPERS Wis a device used for accurate measurement. There are two scales inthe verier calipers, veri scale and main scale. The main scale is fixed whereas the vemier scale is movable along the main scale, Determination of Least Count (Vernier Constant) Note the value ofthe main scale division and count the number 1n of vemier sale divisions. Slide the movable jaw till the zero of verier scale coincides with any ofthe mark of the mai scale and find the number of divisions (a ~ 1) on the main, scale coinciding with n divisions of vemier scale. Then nS D.=(n-1) MSD. or VSD.= MS. &) 7 1 or VC. =I MSD.~1VSD. +( )wsp-2 sp Determination of Zero error and Zero Correction For this purpose, movable jaw B is brought in contact with, fixed jaw A. One ofthe following situations will arise (0 Zero of Vernice scale coincides with zero of main scale (see figure) = Put MH ALUM In this case, zero error and zero conection, both are nil. ‘Actual length = observed (measured) length. (a) Zero of vernier scale lies on the right of zero of main seale (see figure) 8 16 Drorrrx NEET \ gpm ffi TTT sv td Here 5* vernier scale division is coinciding with any main sale division Hence, N=0,n=5,L.C. = 0.01 em. Zero error N=n (LC) =0+5%001=+0.05 em Zero correction = — 0.05 em. ‘Actual length will be 0,05 em less than the observed (measured) length. (iii) 2er0 of the vernier scale lies left of the main scale. Poff TTT 214% 9. The respective number of significant figure for the ‘number 23.023, 0,0003 and 2.1 * 10° are: (a) 5.1.2 S15 (0 5,3,2 (4.4.2 Sol. (a) 23.023 — 5, 0.0003 = 1, 2.1 «103 10. The dimensions of coefficient of viscosity and self inductance are @MUITY MET Py @PELITY IME TP] (MET IMT Py OMUT.IM LEP) Sol. (2) n= —F __ dimensions of force A(AV/AL) ~ D.of areaxD. of velocity gradient [MLT*] a Fp TMT" cir 1 dimensions of € MUTI") (0 (@) 1.12 kgm? D. of I/dimension of (/T] so 4.692%3 =MerP ol. (a) p f= ee ' Ed 43:14x(10.01) «10 M 5, =U+4a(20-1) is: pet) p= 1.12% 10 kg im? (2) Only numerically correct — (8) Only dimensionally corect iy (6) Both numerically and dimensionally correct aay ee (d) Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct aoe Sol. (d) S, = distance traveled, U = velocity so, it is not Beane dimensionally correct. ee Go ‘Drorrer NET 8 12, What are dimensions of E/B? (a) (Ut) (b) (LT? ] (© (MT) (@ (MET) E_MLT’A ft Sok (0) 5 r 2nd solutions Ratio E/B is the speed of EM wave. : Dimension of E/B is the dimension of speed. 13. A physical quanty is given by X = [ML'T], p, percentage ero in measurements of M, Land Tareq 4 Then the maximum % error in the quantity X ig: (@) cas iptcy () a+ B—cy © Sabee (A) None of these apy Sol. (@) X = M'LT® MM yi X M LT Basaropeey 14, In dimension of critical velocity, of liquid flowi through a tube are expressed as vx {n'p'r] where np and rare the coeficient of viscosity of liquid, density gf liquid and radius of the tube respectively, then the Value of x,y and z are given by: @ Lit - Sol. (6) v,x[n'p'r*] [er [wer] ee] LT [er Jefe oe prs] ‘Taking comparison on both size xty=0,-x-3y42= 1x pye-hze-l 15, The absolute error in density ofa sphere of radius 1001 ‘mand mass 4.692 kg is: (@ 359 kgm? 1, (d) -1,-1,-1 a (8) 4,692 kg mr? eee (Sg 0 "(4692 To = 3.59 kg/m? 16, The dimension of Planck's constant equals to that of: Jersraato! (a) Energy (b) Momentum, (©) Angular momentum (a) Power Sol. (c) Dimensions of Planck's constant,h = —ESt8Y_ Frequency MUT* ir =[MUT"] Dimensions of angular momentum L = Moment of inertia x Angular velocity = (ML2T!] = [MLET] 17. Inthefollowingdimensionallyconstantequations,wehave + = for limensi Tincar densny * Y Where F= fore. Thedimensional formula of X are Y are: @ IMLT?), MeL Ty (6) [MPL°T?], [MLT?] © MET), peLeTy (@ None of these Sol. (6) [F]= [Sim 2 Y= (F]= (MT (mer=)- Jox [eur] 18, Dimensions of resistance in an electrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass M, length L, time T and current 1, would be: (@ [MUT?] ® MET (9 IMT) @ MUTT Sol. (¢) According to Ohm's law, v v lor R=— 7 Dimensions of V = R]= = IfA=(1.0m+02)gmand B=(2.040.2)m,then JAB is: (@) L4m204m “() Lal m£0.15 m (© L4m203m (d) 14m£02m Sol. (a) == NAB = VI-0%20 = 1.414 m Rounding off x = 1.4m S14 at), 1(92 02) 478)" 10" 20 -[Mer] = 0.2 m (round figure) VaB =(14202)m Unmis anp MEASUREMENTS: ————__ @>—________—_—__—__—_—-@ Topicwise Questions ' DIMENSIONS &t DIMENSIONAL FORMULA cowern! & Ar 1, The dimensions of magnetic moment are: @L Lal () LA (d) GAS 2, The velocity “V" of a particle is given in terms of net ee = jo Me LTT Cheri luke fee #4 The dimensions of a, b, C are: T (a) UML, T? () LP SUT OI LT (LIS 3. Which ofthe following paurs of physical quantities does otha same dimensional formula? ; Soke Aat Work andtorque =) My -2 L got ih Aagulr moment hd Planck's constant) Y (0) Tension and surface tension Be Impulse and near momentum sans oa nnn 4. The equation of a wart’ phen By! z& 21 x ram(tt) po Bea ‘where isthe angular velocity and visthe linear velocity. The dimension of kis: (ut Wat Tt @Tr S$. Aunitless quantity: (a) May have a non-zero dimension {b) Always has a non-zero dimension (gRever asa non-zero dimension “d) Does not exist 6, Young's modulus of steel is 1.9 « 10" Nim?, When 7 expressed in CGS units of dyne’eme it will be equal. to (IN= 108 dyne, I m?= 10%em) (@) 1910 (6) 1910! (0) 19108 (A 19108 7. A dimensionless quantity: (a) Mayhave aunt (6) Abwayshas unit (8) Never has a unit (a) Doesn’texist 8, The postion x ofa particle a time “Y”is given by- I-e*) a Where v, is a constant and a> 0. ‘The dimensions of v, and are: (@) MLT! and () MPL T°and (©) M°LTand LT? (a) LT! and 9. Surface tension has the same dimensions as that (a) Coefficient of viscosity (6) Impulse (0 Spring constant 10, The dimensions of RC, where R is resistance and ¢ capacitance ae same as that of: (0) Time (6) Squate of time (@ Square root of time 11, Dimensions of gravitational constant are: (@) MT? (6) M7 (© MET? (er, 12, The dimensional formula of magnetic flux is: (6) MILT2A2 Mery 13, Photon is quantum of radiation with energy E = fy, ‘where v is frequency and h is Planck’s constant, Te dimensions of hare the same as that of: (a) Linear impulse (b) Angular impulse (6) Linear momentum (d) Angular velocity 14. The pair having the same dimensions are: (a) Angular momentum, work (8) Work torque () Potential energy, linear momentum, (a) Kinetic energy, velocity 15, [MLT"Q"lis dimensions of: (8) Conductivity (d) None of these 16, IF R and L represents respectively resistance and inductance, which ofthe following combinations has dimensions of frequency? (€) Momentum (a) Inverse time (a) Resistivity (6) Resistance 17. The dimensions of emf in MKS system of unit () ML'T7Q? (6) MUT?Q? (© MLT#Q! (a MUT2Q" : 18. The physical quantities not having same dimensions. (@) Speed and (1) (8) Torque and work (©) Momentum and Planck's constant (d) Stress and Young's modulus @ B Droprer NEI Ih. The dimensions of Physical quantity X in the equation x ' force = Teory is iven by: (a) MILT? () eLaT (© ML? @ Mer 20. The dimension of —+— is that of Vets (a) Velocity (©) Capacitance (6) Time (d) Distance 21. Given that V is speed, r is the radius and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following is dimensionless? (@) Vig (Vlg (© Voir @ Vg 22. Which of the following is not a unit of time? | @ Second (6) Minute (©) Year 4d) Light year 123. The dimensions formula for latent heat is: ore (@ [IMLET] (& [MLT?] (© IMT] @ [MET] 24. If V= = + then dimensions of y are: (@ [IM°LT) © [MOLT] © IML) (@ (ML'TY] 25, Inthe relation: y=asin (ot-kx), the dimensional formula for kis: (@) (M°LT] © LAT © DeLry @ [LIT] 26. Suppose refractive index is given as: B aarh Bead Where A and B are constants and 2. is the wavelength, then dimensions of B are same as that of: (@) Wavelength ® Volume (©) Pressure @) Ara 27. The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally equivalent to: (a) Strain (©) Force (© Stress (@) Coelicient of viscosity 28, In the relation: & 2asin(@t+4,),» the dimensional formula for (at + 64) is: (@) [MLT] (6) [MLT) (©) [ML°T) @ [MLT?] Unris AND MEASUREMENTS 29, Dimensions of Stefan’s constant are: (@ [IMLT?] (6) [ML? T7704] (© [MT 04] (d) [ML°T?] 30. With usual notation, amongst the following, the one which does not represent the dimensions of time is: off (©) [vic] (6) [RC] of 31, The dimensions of “K” in equation W (@ IMLoT) (© MILT) (6) (WLIT] (d (MILOT'] 32, 1 isthe dimension of: 2e (a) Velocity (6) Momentum (©) Energy (d) Angular momentum APPLICATIONS OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS. 33, Ina particular system, the unit of length, mass and time are chosen to be 10em, 10g and 0.1 sec respectively. The unit of force in this system will be equivalent to: (@) OIN (IN (© 10N (d) 100N 34. If momentum (p), area (A) and time (T) are taken to be fundamental quantities, then energy has the dimensional formula: (a) pA“T! (6) pAT (© pA?T (@) pal7rt 35. If units of length, mass and force are chosen as fundamental units, the dimensions of time would be: (a) MI27L-12 FI (M2 LI pe (© M2 L12 p12 (@) MILA2 2 36. If speed of light (c), acceleration due to gravity (g) and pressure (P) are taken as fundamental units, the dimensions of gravitational constant (G) are: (@) PgR (b) Pg P? (© grt @ eer? 37. If energy (E), velocity (V) and force (F) be taken as fundamental quantity, then what are the dimensions of (@ Ev (6) EV? (© Fvt (d) FV? 38. If area (A), velocity (V) and density (p) are taken as fundamental units, what is the dimensional formula for force? (@) [AV?p] (b) [A°Vp] (©) [AVp*) (d) [AV] 39, Astudent wnites the escape velocity as: The equation is (a) Dimensionally incorrect (4) Dimensionally correct (d) Both (a) and (e) ERRORS & MEASUREMENT, SIGNIFICANT FIGURES 40. The number of significant figures in 0.06900 is: (as (4 2 (3 AL. Athe length of rod is 325 + 0,01em and that of rod B 184.19 £ 0 01cm. then the rod B 1s longer than rod A by: (2) 0942 000em (6) 0.94 + 0.01 cm (6) 0942 002em (a) 0.94 = 0.005 em (c) Numencally correct 42. The sum of the numbers 436.32, 227.2 and 0.301 in appropriate significant figures is: (0) 663.821 (8) 664 (0) 6638 (a) 663.82 43. A physical quantity A is related to four observations ab! a,b.canddas follows, A = 2 The percentage errors of measurement in a, b, € and d are 1%, and 2o respectively, What is the percentage error in the measurement of quantity A? (a) 12% (7% © (a 14% 44. The numbers 2745 and 2.735 on rounding off to 3 significant figures will give: (a) 2.75 and 274 (6) 2.74 and 2.73, (€) 28 and 2.73 (@) 2.74 and 2.74 48. Eror inthe measurement of radius of a sphere is 1%. The eror m the calculated value ofits volume is: (0) 1% (0) 3% (©) 3% O% 46. Measure of two quantities along with the precision of respective measuring instrument is: A= 2S ms! 205 ms!,B=0.10s 001s. The value of AB will be (a) (025 = 008)m (6) 025 + 005)m (6) (0.25 +05) m (2) (0.25 £0.135) m Aware has a mass (0.3 + 0.003) g, radius (0.5 + 0.005) mm and length (6 + 0.06) cm. The maximum percentage «ror inthe measurement of denity is wt (2 3 ws a 48. The values of two resistors are R, = (6 + 0.3) KQ ang (10 £0.2)KQ. The percentage error in the equivaleng resistance when they are connected in parallel is: (a) 5.12 (2% (©) 3.125 (d) 10.125% 49, Which ofthe following measurement is most precise? (@)$ (6) 5:00.em (©)5.00m (d) 5.00 km 50, If x =a" then fractional error SX is equal to: x @ (2) ® (2) a a (©) tnlog (@) snlog®® a a 51. If volage V = (100 + 5)V and current I = (10 + 0.2) Ate percentage error in resistance Ris: (@) 5.2% (b) 25% am (@ 10% 52. The mean length of an object is 5 cm. Which of the following measurements is most accurate? (a) 49cm (6) 4.805 em (6) 525m (d S4em MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 53. In an experiment, it is required to measure the distance between two points which are between 0.7 m to 0.8 m apart Which of the following instruments should be used so thatthe distance can be measured to within an accuracy of 0.001 m? (a) Ametre rule and a pair of vernier calipers (6) Ahalfsmetre rule (©) Ametre rule (@) Aten-metre measuring tape - In a vernier calipers, one main scale di isx ‘em and n division of the vernier scale coincide with (n-1) divisions of the main scale. The least count (in cm) of the calipers is ) =) oer @ ( )s oO @ (3) 2 55. A student measure the diameter of a thick wire using a serew gauge of least count 0.001 cm. The main scale Teading is 2 mm and zero of circular scale division coincides with 50 division above the reference level. If the screw gauge has a zero error of 0.002 cm, the correct diameter of the thick wire is: (a) 0248 (6) 0428 (c) 0.521 (@) 0,224 54. oe ‘Drorren NEET 86. In a vernier caliper, ten smallest divisions ofthe vernier scale are equal to nine smallest division on the main scale. If the smallest division on the main scale is half millimeter, then the verniet constant is (@) 05mm (6) 0.1 mm (©) 0.05 mm (4) 0.005 mm ‘57. A vernier caliper having 1 main scale division = 0.1 cm is designed to have a least count of 0.02 em. If'n be the ‘number of divisions on vernier scale and m be the length of vernier scale, then (@ n=10,m=05em (6) n=9,m=0.4em (©) n=10,m=08em —(d) n=10,m=0.2cm 58, The pitch of a screw gauge is 0.5 mm and there are 100 divisions on it circular scale, The instrument reads +2 divisions when nothing is put in-between its jaws. In Learning Plus 1. The time dependence of a physical quantity Pis given by =P, exp (-at?), where a isa constant and tis time. The constant a is: (@) Dimensionless (6) Has dimensions T? (©) Has dimension of P__(d) Has dimensions T? 2, Which of the following sets cannot enter into the list of fundamental quantities in any system of units? (@) Length, time and velocity (B) Length, mass and velocity (©) Mass, time and velocity (@) Length, 3. Dimensions of ‘ohm’ are same as (where h is planck’s constant and ¢ is charge): ime and mass @* we e 2 ok oe © e ELV 4. The quantity X="*—; ey is the permtivity of free space, L is length, V is potential difference and tis time. The dimensions of X are same as that of: (6) Charge (d) Current @ Resistance (0) Voltage 5. If force (F), length (1) and Current (1) and time (T) are taken as bases then the dimensions of a @ FUPT| OFLPT] (9 [LAPP] (0 [FUT] measuring the diameter of a wire, there are 8 divisions (on the main scale and 83rd division coincides with the reference line. Then the diameter of the wire is (@) 4.05 mm (a) 4.405 mm (©) 3.05 mm (1.25 mm '59. The pitch of a screw gauge having $0 divisions on its, circular scale is 1 mm. When the two jaws of the screw gauge are in contact with each other, the zer0 of the Circular scale lies 6 division below the line of graduation. When a wire is placed between the jaws, 3 linear scale divisions are clearly visible while 31st division on the circular scale coincide with the reference line. The diameter of the wire is : (a) 362mm (0) 3.5mm (6) 350mm (d) 3.74 mm 6. If Planck's constant (h) and speed of light in vaccum (c) are taken as two fundamental quantities, which one of the following should not, in addition, be taken to express length, mass and time in terms of the three chosen fundamental quantities? (8) Mass of electron (m,) (Gi) Universal gravitational constant (G) (iii) Charge of electron (e) (Gv) Mass of proton (m,) (a) (i ii), (6) (i.(i (©) (i), and (ii) (A) only (i) 7. The SI unit of energy is J = kg m? s-? that of speed v is rms“! and of acceleration a is ms"?. Which of the formula for kinetic energy (K) given below can you rule out on the basic of dimensional arguments (m stands for the ‘mass of the body). 1 Kemi? tiv) ILK=(12) m2 IV.K = 3/16) mv? MLK=ma (@) Vand It (0) Mand tv (6) Only It (@) 1, Mand V cD quantity which brings in the maximum percentage error inPis: @A (HB wc @pD Unis axo Measunenexrs —___@)____________@ 9. Abbody travels uniformly a distance of (13 8+ 0.2)m ma tume (40 + 0.3)sce. The velocity ofthe body within error Aims is: (a) BAS + 0.2}m/sec (c) GAS + 0.4)m/see (b) (3.45 + 0.3)m’sec (d) GAS + 05)misec 10.9. and axisabslueemorinthe mesuement of X, Ay is absolute error in the measurement of Y, then absolute error AQ in Q is: @ 19x{s4+m2) y M1, The length of a rod is (11.05 + 0105)em. What is the length of two rods? (a) (22.12005)em (4) (22.1 20.2)em (©) (22.102 003)em (a) (22.10£0.10) em 12, A uniform wire of length L, diameter D and density 1 is stretched under a tension T. The correct relation between its fundamental frequency f, the length L and the diameter D is i \ th fx iD Ont 1 1 tad a © fea fe 13, IFE= energy, G= gravitational constant, = Impulse and M= mas hen dimensions of SAE are sameashatof (a) Time (e) Length (6) Mass (@) Force cea electric charge, electric permittivity, Planck's constant and velocity of ight in vacuum respectively (a) (NLT () IMLT] (© (Lr) (a) [NLT] 1S, A gas bubble formed from an explosion under water ‘oscillates witha period T proportional top dE, where P is pressure, dis the density of water and E isthe total ‘energy of explosion, The values of a bande are (@a=1b=1e=2 (a= 1,b=2, (das 14, The dimension of + where e, ty, hand ser Whe 6 fy hand ¢ are (a= 1 3 16, A normal human eye can see an object making an of 1.8 at the eye. What is the approximate heigh object which can be seen by an eye placed at a dis of 1m from the object? yp (@) xem (© 4xom (6) 2xcm (d) 3xem. 17, Inthe relation p= ¢°% Pis pressure, Z is the distan K is Bolzmann’s constant and 0 is the temperature. The dimensional formula of a will be: : (@ [MLIT?] ® MT] (© IML} @ (MET) at 18, Consider the equation (fF B) whe F = force, $= displacement, t = time and P= momentum, The dimensional formula of A will be : (a) MOLT? (® ML? (9 LT (@ Mur! 19. If P,Q R are physical quantities, having. diffe dimensions, which of the following combinations never bea meaningful quantity? @ co () PQ-R (PR-@") oR PQ © Ty 20. Given that the displacement of an oscillating. parti is given by y = A sin(Bx + Ct + D). The dimensi formula for (ABCD) is: (@) [M'L"TY) (© LT) eer) (@ (LT) —— | oe find the dimensions of a: @ wr] © POL?) © perry @ orn 22, Fregueny isthe funtion of density (p), length (a) and : surface tension (1). The value i ia ite ) o*e orF i oe (d) None ofthese 23. A liquid of coefficient of viscosit through a capillary tube of radius V is volume of liquid flowing per second, the pressure difference “P” at the end of tube is given by: 24, The mass and volume of a body are 4.237 g and 2.5 cem?, respectively. The density ofthe material ofthe body in correct significant figures is: (a) 1.6088 g em? (9 17 gem? (0) 1.69 gem (d) 1.695 gem? 25. The length and breadth of a rectangular shect are (162 £ 0.1) cm and (10.1 + 0.1) em, respectively. The area of the sheet in appropriate significant figures and (@) 16443 cm? (0) 163.6 + 2.6 cm? (6) 163.624 2.6m? (d) 163.62 + 3 em? 26, Onthe basis of dimensions, decide which ofthe following relations for the displacement of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion is not correct? (@) y= asin 2x 0T to) y=4sin(*) () y (1) y-a6i{ sn? -cos2t) CRUEL EL IE EO ESED EMDR hoe EEE 1. The relative density of a metal may be found by hanging a block of the metal from a spring balance and not that in air, the balance reads (5.00 + 0.05)N while in water, it reads (4.00 + 0.05)N. The relative density would be quoted as: (a) 5.00 0.05 (©) 5:00+0.10 (b) 5.00 11% (a) 5.00: 6% 2. Theposition oftheparticle movingalongY-axisisgivenas y = At ~ BO, where y is measured in metre and t in second. Then, the dimensions of B are @ (Lr?) (6 Lt] © LP) (@ (Mr) 3. A physical quantity x is given by. x= percentage error in the measurements of k, I, m and n are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively. The value of x is uncertain by (a) 8% (6) 10% (© 12% (d) None of these 4, Itis known that the time of revolution T of a satellite around the earth depends on the universal gravitational constant G, the mass of the earth M, and the radius of the circular orbit R. Obtain an expression for T using dimensional analysis. R R® (@ 2m ® oN R © on (@) None of these | Multiconcept MCQs 5. A uniform wire of length L and mass M is stretched between two fixed points, Keeping a tension F. A sound of frequency 41 is impressed on it. Then the maximum vibrational energy is existing in the wire when p= ML FL ONE Om EM UGE ) 2 aie (9) 2x O oe 6. Given: Force = ;. What are the dimensions ofa, p? density +B" (2) MLAT?,ML19 (8) MPLAT? M19 Lt (2 L777, IML) (@) MPLA T?, MLS 7. IFE,m, and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, the quantity 2 (3) has the dimensions of: mG (a) Mass (6) Length (© Time (@) Angle 8. Ifthe units of length , velocity and force are half, then the Units of Power will be : (@) Doubled (6) Halved © th (@ Remain unaffected 9. Suppose mass, velocity & time were fundamental physical quamtties then find the dimensional formula of pressure (@ (MIVITyy (9 IMVeT] (® M'V'T?) (@ (very Ustrs ano Measutesrs —@}—_______@ b Nesp dU Fp Qo con n 2A screw gauge gives the following readings when used ISHau Ht A311 ena cont ea to measure the diameter ofa wire enn (4% 20 (1% : Main scale reading : 0 mm Ta Mite ee 16% oe) (™% 4 Circular scale reading 5 p-o lp) & Theangleof 1 aon radians nearly egal Given that_1 mm on main scale comes 0 100°)’ O-00/¢74 re. | . divisions on the circular scale. The diameter of the wire (@) 483104 rad cLy eet cae a (6) 480% 10rd lk “82 BD pe Sextet fae (6) 0.26 em (6) 1.75107 rad 291 y ool \o.052 cm (d) 052em a sf if force fF, aceleraton [A] and ime (T] are chosen as -L) 422. the fundamental physical quantities. Find the dimensions | %!9 an experiment, the percentage of error occur} MLT SLT of energy. Ze MLE BLT? en in the measurement of physical quantities A, B, ¢| —= le + and D are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively. Then th Th wationr) Omar maximum prenage of enor inthe measurement of (oO FFILAY @ (FIA alt me a where x= AB itt be Get fs + BX cay 4. A screw gauge has least count of 0.01 mm and there are Op ft SO divisions inits circular scale. Lec= fi tela +4'O = thee CD 3 The pitch ofthe screw gauge is: ann @ § 6 16% (2) 025 mm YH) 05 mm 017 PE ® SO i (© Lomm (0001 mm (© - 10% (cd) 10% 8 10, Acconding to Newton the viscous force acting between AV liguid layers of area (A) and velocity gradient (3) is give by Feona, where 1 is constant called coefficient of viscosity The dimensional formula of ns (@) [ML2T?] (6) [L°T) i'r} 1, IPE and G respectively denote energy and gravitational constant, then E,G has the dimensions of; eon, BML) cb EMT) PLAINLY §. Taking into account ofthe significant figures, whats the NEET Past 10 Years Questions 11, Given that f V2ax-x consunt. using dimensional analysis, the Value of ny, (a) i (6) 1 ¢ oo (d) None of the above 7. The intervals measured by a clock given the follow readings: c x s 128 s, 1.24 s, 127s, 1.21 s and 1.28's. What pefeentage relative error is the obsery 10, A student measured the diameter of a small steel bal using a screw gauge of least count 0.001 cm. The value 0f 9.9 m— 0.0099 m? 2020) = 4 scale reading is $ mm and zero of circular scale division UaF998m +95 | 9 ()9980m bincides with 25 divisions above the reference level I (© 99m -0- Le (4) 9.9801 m Screw gauge has a zero error of -0.004 em, the comet 6. Dimensions ofsues are: 2020) See te elle oe pers puny (@) 0.053 em (b) 0.525 em Amery (a [Lr] (6) 0521 em {8.529 em B IEEE aye 21) sascerck Neat bheCe 6” = 60 39 roy 3 2 mb xm BT 7 11. A physical quantity of the dimensions of length that can be formed out of ¢, G and is eis velocity o ight, MEN 37 G is universal constant of aviation als charge}: cr i + 1 orn y re mie T Salat) = ies] nc, cL dre, 12, A student performs an experiment of measuring the thickness of slab with a verier caliper whose 50 divisions of the main scale, He noted that zero of the vernier scale is between 7.00 em and 7.05 em mark of the main scale and 23" division of the vemier scale exactly coincides with the main scale. The measured value of the thickness of the given slab using the caliper will be: e017, (@) 7.73m () 723 em (9) 7.023 em (@) 7.073 em 13, Planck's constant (h), speed of light in vacuum (c) and Newton’sgravitationalonstant(G)arethree fundamental constants. Which of the following combinations of these has the dimension of length 2016-1) ne ca) fhe Oy . ONGs: ie Sunt aq? ez y mer? ur! 7 Td 14, If energy (E), velocity (V) and time (T) are chosen as the fundamental quantities, the dimensional formula of 7 ye wit surface tension will be: any Tires | (@) {Ev-'T) ArEVT] at OLEVIT ye a (EVT] 4 EAM 15. Ifdimension of Scat velocity of liquid flowi ing hough tube are expressed as v.. displacement] = 4m Also distance covered, 1 = [73] + [BC] + |CD| im Here displacement < Distance ‘Average Velocity Theaverge velocity 7, isthe ratio ofthe total displace JF and total ime (1) taken to complete that displ It should be noted that V,~ is independent of p; displacement is independent of path. > wy Pog = oat Unit for Vis the meter per second (mvs). The aver 2.2) ar ‘velocity V,, always has the same sign as the displacement j Average Speed Totadistance travelled ‘Average spetd= “Tttimeinteral Af Itisa scalar and always has positive sign. # KEY NOTE Magnitude of displacement would be equal to distance. travelled if there is no change in direction during the: motion. In general, Displacement] < [Distance] [Average Velocity] < |Average speed} == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN Q. Four persons ,8,C and D initially at the comers off square of side length “. If every person starts With same speed v such that each one faces the person diagonally opposite to him always, the will meet after time we w 24 v v d d od Og D, d c Sol. (4) d| . ld z= B 40=80=co=o = “24 7 2 a ‘Drorrer NEE pls tinea tet hence Total time taken will be distance velocity d Ta Instantaneous Velocity Instantaneous Velocity is defined as the value approached by the average velocity when the time interval for measurement becomes closer and closer to zero, ie. Af» 0, Mathematically ra = lim = Oe ey ar ‘Thus instantaneous velocity function is the derivative with respect to time of the displacement function. v(t) = so Instantaneous Speed Itis the measure of how fast a particle or a body is moving at a particular instant. It is the magnitude of instantaneous velocity. Thus particle moving with instantaneous velocity [== TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. A body starts from rest and travels a distance $ with uniform acceleration, then moves uniformly a distance 2 and finally comes to rest after moving, furher 5S under uniform retardation Find the ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity (a) (6) © @d wis ais a 7 2 Sol. (a) 1 AV path OF = 3 Vou 5 ts Total time of + Sms and another moving with -Sm/s will have same instantaneous speed of 5 m/s. yp __ S425455 for 8S. 4 oe TS pT! Yas KEY NOTE Vine * Venus + Vas Vrs ‘The speedometer in a car measure the instantaneous speed (or) not the instantaneous velocity, because it cannot determine a Vn sett Bee cm . “and reatardaton | velocity ‘Average Acceleration a i a The direction of average acceleration vector i the direction of| the change in velocity vector. Instantaneous Acceleration The Instantaneous Acceleration (or simply acceleration) is the derivative ofthe velocity with respect to time, a aed de In another words, the acceleration ofa particle at any instant is the second derivative ofits postion vector with respect to time. ‘Acceleration has both magni another vector quantity). ide and direction (it is yet Vyyy 2(S+5S)+25 14 7 4 KEY NOTE For motion on a straight line its algebraic sign represents its direction on an axis just as for displacement and velocity; that is, acceleration with a positive value is in the positive direction of an axis, and acceleration with a negative value is in the negative direction, Uniform acceleration: A body is said to have uniform acceleration if magnitude and direction of the acceleration remains constant during particle motion. ‘Non-uniform acceleration: A body is said to have non-uniform acceleration, if magnitude or direction or both, change during motion. == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. Acarstars fromrestand travels with uniform acceleration « for some time and then with uniform retardation and. comes to rest. Ifthe total time of travel of the car is“, the maximum velocity attained by itis given by Moron wn a Steatcut Lrve ——____@3—__________@ ie op (a) cep op © on ‘Sol. (a) maximum velocity ¥ (ap) Pap (asp) DERIVATION OF FIRST EQUATION OF MOTION For the derivation, let us considera body moving ina straight line with uniform acceleration. Then, let the initial veloc be u, acceleration is denoted as a, time period is denoted as t velocity is denoted as and the distance travelled is denoted ass. Derivation of First Equation of Motion by Algebraic Method We know that the aeceleration ofthe body is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Mathematically, acceleration s represented as follows vou ‘where Vis the final velocity and u isthe initial velocity. Rearranging the above equation, we arrive atthe first equation of motions fllows: veutat Derivation of First Equation of Motion by Graphical Method ‘The first equation of motion can be derived using a velocity- time graph for a moving object with an initial velocity of u, final velocity v, and acceleration a. Derivation of first equation of motion by graphical method In the above graph, ‘The velocity of the body changes from A to B in time tat a uniform rate BC is the final velocity and OC is the total time t [A perpendicular is drawn from B to OC, a paral drawn from Ato D, and another perpendicular is B to OE (represented by dotted lines). Following details are obtained from the graph above; — ‘The initial velocity ofthe body, u= OA 4 The final velocity ofthe body, v= BC From the graph, we know that BC=BD+DC ‘Therefore, v= BD + DC v=BD+0A (since DC = OA) Finally, v= BD + u(since OA=) i Now, since the slope of a velocity-time graph is equa | acceleration a $0, ‘a= slope ofline AB a=BDIAD Since AD = AC =, the above equation becomes: BD=at | Now, combining Equation 1 & 2, the following is obtained, veusat Derivation of First Equation of Motion by Calculus Methog Since acceleration is the rte of change of velocity, it can mathematically writen as: aw ‘ a Rearranging the above equation, we get adt=dv Integrating both theses, we get ffsar-f'ar aey-w Rearranging, we get veutat Derivation of Second Equation of Motion For the derivation of the second equation of motion, consider the same variables that were used for derivation of the fist «equation of mation. Derivation of Second Equation of Motion by Algebraic Method ‘Velocity is defined asthe rate of change of displacement. This is mathematically represented as: @D ‘Drorrer NEET Ieee displacement time Rearranging, we get velocity = Displacement = Velocity x Time Ifthe velocity is not constant then in the above equation we can use average velocity in the place of velocity and rewrite the equation as follows: Cor +( ‘velocity + final velocity ). i 2 Substituting the above equations with the notations used in the derivation of the first equation of motion, we get uty Bete From the first equation of motion, we know that v = u + at Putting this value of v in the above equation, we get u+(u+at) s= xt 1 -fvrtar}a . ( +3") On further simplification, the equation becomes: Lie s=uttcat 2 DERIVATION OF SECOND EQUATION OF MOTION BY GRAPHICAL METHOD Derivation of second equation of motion by graphical method Velocity 0) ° Tine) = ae From the graph above, we can say that Distance travelled (s) = Area of figure OABC = Area of rectangle OADC + Area of triangle ABD s=(Japxn0)-(onx00) Since BD = EA, the above equation becomes s= (Janse) (uss) AS EA = at, the equation becomes sedeaxteut 2 ‘On further simplification, the equation becomes Lae s=ut+cat’ 2 Derivation of Second Equation of Motion by Calculus Method Velocity is the rate of change of displacement. Mathematically, this is expressed as ds a Rearranging the equation, we get ds=vdt ‘Substituting the first equation of motion in the above equation, we get ds=(u+atyst ds = (u + atydt= (ude + td) On further simplification, the equation becomes: [fase fade fan DERIVATION OF THIRD EQUATION OF MOTION Derivation of Third Equation of Motion by Algebraic Method We know that, displacement isthe rate of change of position of an object. Mathematically, this can be represented as: Stlacemen = (Hie +l eee Substituting the standard notations, the above equation becomes (CE) 2 From the first equation of motion, we know that veurat Rearranging the above formula, we get peta a ‘Substituting the value of tin the displacement formula, we get «oftiu) oa) 2 a Moniow wv a Steatcrr Live ——__@)-_______________@ das Rearranging, we get + 2as DERIVATION OF THIRD EQUATION OF MOTION BY GRAPHICAL METHOD ™~o From the graph, we ean say that The total distance travelled, sis given by the Area of trapezium. OaBC Hence, ‘Sum of Parallel Sides) » Height S=(OA+CB) «OC Since, OA =u, CB = v, and OC =t The above equation becomes s-Hutyxt Now, since t= (v-u)/a The above equation can be written as: S=1(ury*(v-ua Rearranging the equation, we get w(t uy(w-uya Third equation of motion is obtained by solving the above equation: us 2aS DERIVATION OF THIRD EQUATION OF MOTION BY CALCULUS METHOD We know that acceleration isthe rte of change of velocity and can be represented as a () Wealsoknow that velocity isthe rate of change of displacement and can be represented as: 8 36 ee) Cross multiplying (1) and (2), we get a ds aé at uP +2as RECTILINEAR OR ONE DIMENSIONAL MOTION © To study it we can choose an axis so that it coincides with the — Path ofthe object. We may divide this topic in the following different situations, (Motion with constant velocity (ii) Motion with variable velocity but acceleration (ii) Motion with variable acceleration. constant Motion with constant velocity or uniform motion or zero acceleration Since velocity is constant, it comes out of the integration» — bell =ola, X~x,= utile, displacement Ax=1t Motion with variable velocity but constant acceleration Basie formula dy a= dv de_ dv ae dt From formula (i) (i) a= (By chain ule) a is constant soitcomes outof the integration Vous ar sveutat & cyst a “(i ss Doreen NET de=udt+ at dt on further integrating, fac = fs afd ° 2 (twee Lia gon ct utedar 1 a henutt 5 at Ail) From formula (ii) vi=ul+2a(Ax) iti) Taking ==" from equation (i) and putting it in equation (ii), we get‘ Avou)a c= we} - i ou-(*24) i Equation (i), (i) & (ii) are the three basic equations of uniformly accelerated motion. = TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. Apersonisrunningathis maximum speed of4 m/stocatch atrain, Whenheis6m fromthedoor ofthe compartmentthe train stars oleave the station ata constant acceleration of 1 mvs? Find how long it takes him to catch up the train (2) 2sec (b) 3see (6) 40 (4) None Sol. (a) 4¢= Gear 1 oats 6rbeixe 2 Se-8+12=0 > (t-9(1-2)=0 31-26 Hence, after 2 see man will catch th train Displacement in st” second 5 —_*+___, Su So Displacement in second = Displacement in n sec. ~ Dis- placement in (n-1) sec. 5,-S, ye =lulmys fan = fuin— y+ bolo] i ¥ Sees ZQQn-I ) ws5Qn-0, == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN Q. Abody travels 200cm in the first two seconds and 220m in the next 4 seconds with deceleration. The velocity of the body at the end of the 7* second 1s (a) 20cm's (0) 10.cmis (b) 1S emis (d) Ocms Sol. (c) Let initial velocity and intial acceleration are’ and “a respectively According to question, 200=ux2+ Lax?! 2 2002204200) (200 +220)=ux 24) +4xax(2+4)" > 420 + 18a nn ii) Solving eq, (i) and (ii) we get u= 11S ems a=-15em/s (- ve sign shows deaccelaration) Now, veutat 3 veNS+(-15)*7 lems KEY NOTE + If a body stars from rest and moves with uniform acceleration then distance covered by the body in 1 sec is proportional to F (ie. 5%) + So we can say that the ratio of distance covered in 1 see, 2secand 3 secis 7:27: For 1:49. + If a body stans from rest and moves with uniform acceleration then distance covered by the body in n® sec is proportional to (2m ~ 1) (Le. s, (2n-1) + So we can say that the ratio of distance covered in I see, Il see and III sec is 1:3: 5 ‘+ Abody moving with a velocity uis stopped by application of brakes after covering a distance s. If the same body ‘moves with velocity nu and same braking force is applied fon it then it will come to rest after covering a distance of rs, Momios wv a Steatct Liye —___—_@____—@ as 3 0= 2 - + 5044 [since ais constant} + Sowecan say thatifu becomes times then s becomes 1 times that of previous valve. + Asks laa, + A panicle moving with uniform acceleration from 4 t0 B along a straight line has velocities v, and vat A and B respectively. ICs the mid-point between 4 and B then Velocity ofthe particle at Cis equal to Motion With Variable Acceleration Relations: (By chain rule) + Ratio of displacements in the 1s, 2s, 3%s.. ms #13: Ratio of displacements inthe first Is, frst 2s, fist 35 eae 124: Sie. + Moving with uniform acceleration, a body crosses a Point x" witha velocity “u’and another point ‘y" witha Velocity ‘v", Then it will eross the mid point of ‘x’ and +y' with velocity of fp? +H? ‘+ Ifa bullet looses (1/n)* ofits velocity while p through 2 plank, then the no. of such planks required 2 = + The velocity of a body becomes (4) of its initial n velocity after a displacement of then it will come to x rest after a furher displacement of = + Starting from rest a body travels with an acceleration “a for some time and then with deceleration °B° and finally comes to rest. Ifthe total time of journey then the maximum velocity displacement and average velocity are respectively oft (Ye Gap a © s=s0ep (iy average velocity + Ifa paicle stants from rest and moves wit accelaration ‘a’ such that it travels distances: Sn Sy (n=n) == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN . The velocity ofa particle moving in the p inthe m? and 1 seconds then of the Xeaxis varies as y7= YS where K isa constant. Draw 1’ graph. @" 0) ©" @"| Son B if Fale m : — and S=oK7? Ver 4 The J gphisa sight ine passing hough te origi, GRAPHS ‘Characteristics of S-t and V-t graphs ‘Slope of dsplacement-time graph gives velocity Slope of velocity-zime graph gives acceleration ‘Area under velociytime graph gives displacement ‘ea under aeclerationtime graph gives change in velocity ‘Drorrer. Graphs Jody at rest 4 Se a Iniform motion Ss a Uniformly accelerated motion w= 0 and $= 0 atr=0 4 a Uniformly accelerated with u O and S#0 at = 0 -——* Uniformly retarded motion til velocity becomes zero s 1 Uniformly retarded then accelerated V-t Graphs Uniform motion v Wrom?! V = Constant Motion IN A STRAIGHT LINE Uniformly accelerated motion, w= 0 (S=0)atr=0 . Vv Uniformly accelerated motion, u = u (! c Uniformly retarded motion tll velocity becomes zero NK Uniformly retarded then accelerated in opposite direction 7 N 4 = TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. For the velocity-time graphs shown in figure, the total distance covered by the particle in the last two seconds of its motion is what fraction of the total distance covered by it in all the seven seconds? 1 A 2 E1s Zo Bs 4 123 4 $67 Time (s}> @ 8 6 om @in Sol. (¢) Distance = area under V-t graph So, The distance covered in past two seconds is i sx be2ox(7-5 ae) @® 8 20m And, The total distance covered is 20=(3=1)+20*(5-3) +20 =20+ 40+ 20 = 80m Therefore, required ratio= MOTION UNDER GRAVITY Body projected vertically downwards and a freely falling body: For a body dropped from height h (initial velocity =0) Final velocity v= (eh) Time taken to fall = (2478) ‘When a body is projected vertically down then a = g: s = h, and the equation of motion can be written as follow: ies (a) v=ut gt (haus d gt (9 Y= =2gh (a) 5,=0+ £ Qn) In the presence of air resistance, the acceleration of a denser body is greater. A freely filing body passes through two points A and B in time intervals of 1, and f, from the stat, then the distance t fen ‘A freely falling body passes through two points A and B at dlistances and fom te start, then the time taken by it to move from 10 Bis between the two points and B (lei) ‘Twobodiesare dropped from heights h, and h, simultaneously. Then aftr any time the distance between them is equal to ih) A stone is dropped into a wel of depth“, then the sound of splash is heard afte atime of 1° ts VE Yond ‘A stone is dropped into a river from the bridge and after ‘x’ seconds another stone is projected down into the river from eE—$ eo? Drorrer NEET the same point witha velocity of’ If both the stone the water simultaneously then S,, 1 I Let eult-a)ete(e~ Ser =alt-x)e a [= TRAIN YOUR BRAIN = Q. A parachutist after bailing out falls SOm without frict When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2mv/s?, py reaches the ground with a speed of 3nv/s. At what heig did he bail out’? = (a 9m (b) 182m (0) 293m (d) 1m fagx30 ( height at which he bails out = (50 +s) Sol. (€) Body Projected Vertically up: ‘ h Inial velocity =u) { ‘Maximum height reached h = u?(2g) Time token o reach maximum height = wg Time taken to fll back down distance h = wg Acceleration (a) = ~g and the equation of motion can be ‘written as follow (a) v=u-gr ()s= wader gh os, ‘Angle between velocity vector and acceleration vector is 180% ‘until the body reaches the highest point. 2 ‘At maximum height, v= Oand a=g a Has ( ¥- ~§ emt = Hyg ©1° (Independent of mass of the body) 2e 2 In the absence of air resistance, time of ascent and time of descent are equal. (1,= 1.) 2 mu aia 1g = AaT Ht, 4ly 8 x Inthe presence of irresistance, the time of ascent is less than the time of descent. ‘At any point of the joumey, a body possess the same speed ‘while moving up and while moving down, Inespectve of velocity of projection, all the bodies pass through a height 7 inthe last second of ascent. ‘The change (downwards) velocity over the complete journey is ‘2a aici i KEY NOTE Ifa vertically projected body rises through a height ‘in second, then in (n-1)* second it will rise through a height (it) and in (n+ 1)'s it wil rise through height (H-2)- If velocity of body in n second is *y" then in (n1)* second it is (+ g) and that in (+1) itis (v— g) while ascending — == TRAIN YOUR BRAIN == Q. A person sitting on the top of a tall building is dropping balls at regular intervals of one second. When the 6th ball is being dropped, the positions of the 3rd, 4th, Sth balls from the top of the building are respectively (a) 4.9m, 19.6m, 4.1m (6) 4.9m, 14.7m, 24.5m (c) 4.1m, 19.6m, 4.9m (A) 24.5m, 14.7m, 4.9m. Sol. (¢) Hint: = ze Q. A stone projected vertically up from the ground reaches a height y in its path at 4, seconds and after further t, seconds reaches the ground. The height y is equal to @ te(n+4) © Sen) © att, Distance. Time y > 4 yt2e 3 xo z yex SSH 1 Now, y+x=042, » 22 1 (anny “e('34) From (i) and (ii) yotent A body projected vertically up crosses a point Pat a height “A” above the ground at time ‘,” seconds and at time *," seconds, to same point while coming down. Then total time ofits fight, (a) Height of Pis fy fet (6) Maximum height reached above the ground H=deln ony (6) Magnitude of velocity while crossing Pis acs) 4) A body is projected vertically up with velocity 1, and after ‘r seconds another body is projected vertically up with a velocity 1, (a) If u, > u,, the time after which both the bodies will ade meet with each other is "728" for the first Camm) body. (0) thu, = m= m4 the time after which they meet is ( ) for he st body and (#2) for we g 2 g 2 ‘second body. A rocket moves up with a resultant acceleration a. If its fuel ‘exhausts completely aftertime'r'seconds,the maximum height reached by the rocket above the ground is f= A body is projected vertically up with a velocity of ‘u* from ground in the presence of constant air resistance *R’. If it reaches the ground with a velocity *V”, then (q) Height of ascent = Height of descent (0) Time of ascent 4, = —™ mg +R 5 mV (c) Time of descent ty mg-R @ <4, Vv fo u \mg+R © Veu) For a body projected vertically up under air resistance, retardation during motion is > g () If air resistance is considered, time of ascent decreases and time of descent increases = t,> 1, ‘An elevator is accelerating upwards with an acceleration a. If a person inside the elevator throws a particle vertically up with 2u gta In the above case if elevator accelerates down, time of flight 2u a velocity 1 relative to the elevator, time of flight is, Moron In a Straicut Line 8

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